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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Unfortunately, the only thing I can think of, is that, after each gushing, you wipe the cockring off so the bullet will stay in. Unfortunatly, unless the cockring has a POCKET to go in, and not a hole, once any sort of smooth toy like jelly/rubber gets wet, it looses its grip. Cockrings are only recommended to be worn for about 20 min at a time. So, you could use the cockring once, and after your gush, take it off, wipe it down, let it dry while you go for another round, then use it again once it's dry. You know, switch it up a bit. Good luck!!
  2. This is actually kinda funny. A friend of mine, whom I "knew" from a mother message board I belonged too, told me about a place she found free sex toys on, and gave me the link. I actually got 2 freebies from here (a Pocket Rocket and a Doc Johnson bullet thing), and looked over the site. I joined the forum that same day I placed the order!! The woman that directed me here isn't a member of the forums, though I have tried (she's very busy with 5 kids of various ages). But, I have shared with her some reviews and stuff. It was about 6 mos later that Rob posted a message that they were looking for new Review Team Members, and I was one of the "old schoolers" so to speak, where I didn't fill out stuff online. Rob called me and told me what it all entailed, and I got my first toy that I did a review on for TooTimid, and I was HOOKED! LOL Yes, on the product page, that's me, "Meaghan from Houston, TX". LOL Yes, my name the same as & is spelled just the same as our very own Meaghan (who rocks!). So, you can blame a Canadian woman named Debbie for my presense, and Rob for my addiction to sex toys!!! LMAO
  3. This is a great point for everyone. I don't think there's something "wront" with your body, you just have reactions to stuff, and haven't figured out what ingredient(s) do it to you yet. If you have sensitive skin with other things, than yes, some lubes can definitely have a reaction to your skin. If you know what lubes you've used, check the ingredients, and see which ones have the same ingredients. It's probably just one or 2 possibilities. Or it could the the silicone itself. I have read that l'arginine sometimes gives some people with issues *down there* (like those with HPV or herpes) troubles. Though, and this is just MY personal experience, it doesn't bother me....I've known I have had herpes since 2002. It all depends on the person's chemistry. I always recommend, for anyone really, see if you can get small samples of the lubes first, before investing in the big bottles, to see if you have any sort of reaction. Personally, we prefer the Astroglide Anal Shooters to anything else we've tried so far. Although, the Doc Johnson lube that came with the Juli Ashton's anal kit is AWESOME too, but, I haven't been able to find it sold seperately.
  4. Thanks Rob. I got online late in the day, so I figured you had a lot of reports about him. It's really sad & frustrating that people feel they have to do that!!!
  5. It's things like this that make me wonder how some people can call themselves parents. Abusers should have the same things done to them, just so they can see how it feels.
  6. This is my hubby's blue heeler, Boots. She has it sooo ruff!!! My blue heeler Little Lou. On her other side, she has a heart shaped patch of black. It's so cute!!! Here's one of my 4 cats. This is BooBow. Yes, he is sleeping IN the trash can. I am SOOO proud!!! This is my daughter, and her "new to her" dog Patches. Patches is a Boston Terrier, Shitzu mix. And, you know how people are coming up with silly combination breed names? Well, I have decided that Patches is a "Boszu". LOL A tisket, a tasket, my cat's 3 kittens in a basket!! I think one's saying "HEEEEY!!! Why the hell did you wake me up???" And, one of our horses. This gelding is mine. His name is Wrangler, and he's a papered American Quarter Horse.
  7. I wanted to answer this before I read any other answers. First, let me say that it's GREAT that you stood up for yourself and refused to get a boob job, just because your ex wanted you too. He got together with you when you had little boobs, and if it bothered him so much, he shouldn't have. No woman should have to change herself like that for a MAN. Cosmetic surgery should be for medical reasons, or to make yourself feel better. It's something that should be done for YOU, not what your BF/GF wants you to do, even if they would be willing to pay for it!!!!! If the relationship didn't work out between you and your ex because of a simple thing as boobs, then, darlin', it wasn't much of a relationship to begin with. Strong sex is great, but, if you don't have mutual attraction, trust, and respect, well, there's not much point to it, is there? If he picked apart your body, and you got a boob job, he'd probably target some other body part to make you feel bad about, and that, my dear, is just plain shallow! If he knows what sort of body type he's attracted too, then he should find it already made. He shouldn't have to have it created to suit HIS needs/desires. After all, if you got a boob job, and went back to him, wouldn't you always wonder if it was YOU or your BOOBS he was with? And yes, there would be a difference! It's extremely hard to raise a child in a split home. There are very few people that wish that upon their kids, however, being miserable, insulted, and degraded with the other parent JUST so you can say you're with the "father of your child" isn't a healthy way to bring a child up. And, trust me, eventually, it would be known as to what the issues were, and so on. Do you want your child to learn that it's ok to stay with someone that degrades you, and wants you to change your appearance in such a drastic way? She may have seen you "click" with your ex better because there's a history there. Hell, some people say that a friend of mine, whom I've known for 14 yrs and I have a more "comfortable" relationship than me and my husband. Does that mean I want to be with my friend (who's a guy)? No, it just means that I've known my friend a lot longer. Your live-in BF is relatively "new", and so there's a low level of comfort, though it will grow. I'm not trying to insult your new friend, however, I would be wary of how much you open up to her. If she's changing her body to keep a man, that's HER choice to make. If she's truly comfortable with doing so (though I doubt she is), great. However, TRUE friends wouldn't encourage you to do ANYTHING that they know you feel strongly against doing. They would want YOU to be happy in ways that will make YOU happy. It sounds, to me, like she's just looking for another woman to share her surgeries & experiences with.
  8. Wow! Well, I'm glad you're getting help with your PTSD. I know that never goes away fully, but gets better with treatment, so that's great!! My FIL was in Vietnam, and still suffers from it! Anyway.....you are HUMAN dear. Desire is a part of human nature. It won't go away. It waxes and wanes, but, like the moon, even when you don't think you see it, it's still there! Don't feel bad, don't hate it. That has NOTHING to do with what happened to you, it doesn't make you a bad or dirty person. It's normal. In fact, I'd be worried if your desire totally shut down all together. Being "horny" doesn't make you a "drunk" aka someone with problem, sweetie. So, please don't ever think that. You're human, and your body is just acting as such.
  9. Some words have changed, but, for the most part, they still carry the negative connotations. Bitch is now broken down into "Babe In Total Control of Herself", and there are variences. But, still, if you're called a bitch, normally it's not meant in a good way. I call myself a Bitch all the time, meaning the Babe one. But, I'm also not one to tolerate stuff, I'm assertive, no-nonsense kinda gal, that won't be walked on anymore, I've been called a bitch, and I tell them if I am a bitch because of all that, then so be it, and I will wear the badge with pride!! LOL So, I turn it around on people. Froggy's the same way, and we call each other Bitch with affection in mind. I have another friend who calls me "The Old Bag (and she's 10 yrs older than I am), and I call her Water-Retaining Sea Cow. We mean it out of love. It's really all how you take & react to words. Same with stigmas. Once people learn that they're hurtful words don't bug you, they usually stop (just like with bullies!). Just because one uses such words to insult you, doesn't mean you have to take it as such. After all, the name-callers are just suffering from a poor imagination/creativity anyway. If people have to result to name calling, I feel bad for them.
  10. Oh yes, I live out in the country. I have neighbors, but only the front ones can see anything. LOL Other than that, we're good!!
  11. Well, y'all are welcome to come visit me.....of course, tops aren't allowed!! LOL
  12. I was sitting at the karate school, watching DD kick butt, and us "karate parents" were talking. My age popped up, and I said that I would be 36 in May. The guy sitting next to me (really nice, simple, yet homely) said "you can't be almost 36! I'm not tryin' to hit on you or nuthin', but I thought you were in your late 20's, early 30's at the most!". I told him I loved him!! LMAO It was very nice.
  13. My hubby has taken to shaving for me. If I was ever with a woman, I would probably like bald & beautiful!!
  14. I've been with 3 well-endowed men. Only one really wasn't that great. He thought because he had a really large cock, that's all that he needed! He didn't think that forplay, oral (for me), or lasting a while was what he needed to do....so he was cocky! In more ways than one!! LOL I'm still super-tight down there, thanks to doing my Kegel exercises.
  15. I would always be highly skeptical of anything that says it will tighten, stretch, or make things totally disappear. The tricky wording of these items, like the item you posted said "FDA Approved ingredients" is very deceptive. It means that one, or 2 ingredients has been approved by the FDA, probably in another, totally different sort of product, but, it makes it sound like this products has been approved by the FDA. The BEST way to tighten your vagina, is to do your Kegel exercises. They're FREE, effective, and you can do them anywhere, anytime, no mess, no fuss, no worries.
  16. OMG!! Today is almost 84, sun keeps playing hide and seek with some clouds, and there's a gorgeous, fantastic breeze!!!!
  17. Em has a point here. Women get the short end of the stick in a lot of instances. I'm not one for chanting "Women get screwed out of everything" kind of person, however, realistically, I know that there have been times that, because I have breasts, I've been treated like a total fuckin' idiot. This has been the case for thousands of years. Women with intelligence were rarely taken seriously. I got looked at like I was a freak, when, in my mid-20's, when asked when I was going to have children, I said, "Maybe never. I'm too selfish with my time." I wasn't insulting myself, or saying I didn't like kids, I just knew, at that point in my life, I wasn't ready for kids, or the responsibilities they entail. I was being realistic & honest. Many thought I was a freak because I didn't want to go forth and multiply!!! Even NOW, with one child, I get asked all the time "So, when are you going to have another". Never, thank you very much. I am perfectly happy with the ONE honestly. I told hubby when we contemplated having a baby, that, in all likelihood, it'd be just ONE, and if he wasn't ok with that, there was the door (we were engaged at the time). He said he was fine with it, thinking that, when our child turned 3, I'd get the itch to have another one. If anything, DD turning 6 made me realize I enjoy going out, spending time with her, and hubby, or one or the other, and not have to drag 1000lbs of baby gear around!! I love my daughter, and wouldn't trade her for the world, but I want to spend my time with HER, hubby, and our pets now. A few generations ago, I wouldn't have a choice. I'd be expected to have children, lots of them. My great-aunt loved kids, but never wanted them at all. So, to avoid having to go thru any of it, she chose to remain single, and died an "Old Maid". She was considered a crazy old lady, that just never found THE ONE. She CHOSE not too, and I loved her dearly!!
  18. Ditto to what Mikayla said. I'm also curious why you think that it's that after just one session of sex? I'd think it's a tear or something. Remember, sometimes, when you get a scratch, it itches when it heals....same as anal tears too. If you're really concerned/worried, go to your doctor (they've seen/heard it all, so don't be embarassed), and ask him/her.
  19. I was confused when I heard the word 'service' used with these agencies. Internal Revenue 'Service' U.S. Postal 'Service' Telephone 'Service' Cable TV 'Service' Civil 'Service' State, City, County & Public 'Service' Customer 'Service' This is not what I thought 'service' meant. But today, I overheard two Texas ranchers talking, and one of them said he had bought a bull to 'service' his cows. BAM!!! It all came into focus. Now I understand what all those agencies are doing to us.
  20. Jeez, hmmmm, well, I was with this one guy, for about 2 mos. I was head-over-heels in lust with him. He was gorgeous, sweet, kind, funny, witty, affectionate, tall, dark, and handsome. I spent the night over at his house, expecting magic. Instead, I got a guy that had a short, think penis, that felt like a pen, no oral or foreplay really, and, to top off the fantastic lack of skills, he squealed like a teenaged GIRL when he came!!! It was so sad, yet hilarious. I hugged him and tried not to laugh!! LMAO It didn't last long.....and neither did the relationship!!!!
  21. A new solution; HOW TO START EACH DAY WITH A POSITIVE OUTLOOK 1. Open a new file in your computer. 2. Name it 'Barack Obama'. 3. Send it to the Recycle Bin. 4. Empty the Recycle Bin. 5. Your PC will ask you: 'Do you really want to get rid of 'Barack Obama?' 6. Firmly Click 'Yes.' 7. Feel better? GOOD - Tomorrow we'll do Nancy Pelosi Too bad it wont work that easily
  22. Yes, yes I am. LOL It's all part of my "charm".
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