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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Bubba's sister is pregnant and has a bad car accident, which caused her to fall into a deep coma. After nearly six months, she awakens and sees that she is no longer pregnant. Frantically, she asks the doctor about her baby. The doctor replies, "Ma'am, you had twins - a boy and a girl. The babies are fine. Your brother came in and named them." The woman thinks to herself, "Oh, no! Not Bubba; he's an idiot!" Expecting the worst, she asks the doctor, "Well, what's the girl's name?" "Denise," the doctor answers. The new mother thinks, "Wow! That's a beautiful name. Maybe I was wrong about my brother. I really like the name Denise!!" "What's the boy's name?" The doctor replies, "Denephew."
  2. I think it also depends on the family situation. Many parents are single parents, that either get child support, are on some sort of aide, or don't even GET child support. So, it really depends on the individual's situation (the one that has custody of the kids). Heck, the Family Dinamic has been drastcially changing for the last 50 yrs!
  3. Yay!! I was wondering what was going on, til Froggy told me she couldn't get on either. I was worried about my computer there for a while!! LOL
  4. I've been getting a lot of yard work done, along with hubby. I've also created some really pretty jewelry lately! I'm nervous about tomorrow.
  5. Or it can be hard to decipher: anhnruhnhnrvgnrvnhhvbn jbhnnnhju vbjluobnhtpijm3ew When one is cumming!!
  6. DADT, you crack me up!!! But, with your wit, there's a lot of wisdom. I can honestly say, that, even though I like rough sex at times, if my hubby ever slapped my pussy the way I've seen on porns, I'd hand him his dick.......in my teeth!
  7. Darlin' what you've said hasn't fallen on any deaf ears, from what I've read. You've gotten some fantastic POVs, which is, in fact, what you asked for. I will say that, in the relationships where I was "The Other Woman", only one was a success as far as the man not cheating on me in our relationship. Now, I've only been The Other Woman twice. My ex husband was the guy I told you about that I gave the ultimatum too. This situation happened when we were in high school. I stopped seeing him for about 10 yrs before we got back together, and I thought he'd changed. He didn't. Where some people will say "once a cheater, always a cheater" is true for many people, I believe that, once you've found THE one for you, you can, in fact, change your spots, so to speak. Finding true love CAN change a person, man or woman. I know I've cheated in past relationships (when I was in high school), but I matured and grew out of it. But, even back then, when I was sleeping with one person, that's all I was sleeping with (I did make out with other guys when I was in a non-sexual relationship). Where I don't think that helping someone cheat is a good thing, if YOU are comfortable with it, that's all you need to be then. However, and please understand that I mean this in a nice, kind way, if/when your FWB finds THE one that he falls in love with, he will probably divulge that you and he had slept together at one time or another. You know, when you're in a new relationship, and you want to be closer to someone, you talk......And, in doing so, this other woman that will be HIS ONE may be uncomfortable with you around. This can KILL a friendship. Please be aware of this possibility. OR if the girl he's with now, finds out, she will be, most likely, scarred once she finds out it's YOU he's been cheating on her with. She won't trust any other guy's "girlfriends that are just friends", which can make future relationships harder. She can also make both your lives hell by spreading all sorts of bad things about the 2 of you, which, you already know how hard it is to escape THAT. If he is still sleeping in the same room as this girl he supposedly told that their relationship is more like roommates, then he is BSing YOU. Let's face it, men are men. If they're sleeping in the same bed with someone they've had sex with, more than likely, their going to go with their lust, and sleep with them again. You asked for people's opinions, and of course there are going to be different ones. YOU just need to do what YOU are most comfortable with and are SAFE in doing. *MUAH*
  8. That's fantastic DADT. After all, how do you think sex toys are invented? With creativity, ingenuity, and whatever's laying around! I mean, just Google "History Of Sex Toys", and I bet you'll be surprised on what use to be used!!!!
  9. YW, I hope that clears it up a bit. It can get confusing when people have such different experiences with one toy! Especially after Mike's great review!
  10. I can personally recommend the Vibrating Velvet Harness. I have this one, and it's the one we use the most often!
  11. It all goes to POV, which is why I love having a couple of reviews per toy. One person can have fantastic results, the other not so good. The first review is mostly from my hubby's POV as the holder, as me as the holder, it was ok. Though I'm not sure how much we will use it, it's worth keeping & experimenting with. Hubby told me today that he thinks part of the reason he didn't care for it, is the shorter straps, with his long arms.
  12. I've updated my review to include our latest romp, so you can see another POV. OH!! Ok, ladylove. Great follow-up question! No, I don't think it's for less flexible people only. Where hubby wasn't comfortable with the whole "out of control" feeling with this toy. He had to lean too far back, and concentrate more on not falling, which he felt like he could do at any time. We did try using it standing up, before I used it on him, and he still felt like he was going to fall back. Now, if you have wrist, or hand issues (like carpal-tunnel) you may have a problem if you're the one holding the loops, since, to get a good thrust going, you need to grasp the loops firmly, like holding onto heavy shopping bag handles. I would say that if this toy had larger loops for the straps, and slightly longer straps, this would be a great toy!!!
  13. So long as the wearer can bend over, and the person grabbing the straps is able to grasp, you should be fine with it. It's not like you have to contort into a bunch of positions! LOL If you can do it doggie style, then you should be able to use the strap.
  14. BTW, the only concern with the envelopes they come in, if you feel the package, you know it's a DVD. But, unless you have x-ray vision, you can't tell WHAT kind of DVD is in it. For all anyone could tell is you've bought a DVD on Amazon or eBay, something like that. They're padded manilla envelopes, so please don't worry. I've had several shipped & have never had a problem.
  15. iha brought up some great questions, and I'll be interested to see the poster's answers. With those, we'll be able to give better advise.
  16. Living, Loving, & Having an STD There's the link to my story.
  17. After reading the older reviews for this item, I thought I'd like to give it a go too! After all, I LOVE doggie style, and if you can get something to make it that much more enjoyable, I'm all for it! Plus it comes with a free blindfold, and it's part of Pipedream's Fetish Fantasy Series. I have a few of their toys, and have really enjoyed them with hubby. So, I had high hopes for this black harness. It's not really a harness, more like a thick strap. It' has the thick part of the strap covered in some sort of soft material claiming to be velvety soft. Not "velvety" like I thought it'd be, but still soft. It's suppose to "cradle your lover, giving you the grip you desire with the durable handles." From one end to the other, there's the nylon straps, giving the harness more stability, durability, & comfort. The straps have the adjusting buckles, so you can make the loops for your hands a comfortable fit. When I took it out and was examining it, I was rather disappointed with how short the straps on either end really were. Hubby has large hands, and the loops that we had to make took up almost all of the straps. Also, we are both tall (me 5'10", him 6'), long legged, have long arms, & I have a long waist & "child-bearing" (aka wide) hips. We start having some fun the other night. I flip over, and up onto my knees, grabbing the harness. Hubby helps pull it around me, grabbing the loops, and we start to use the strap. Now, it DOES help lift the hips, a tad. BUT, we found that we were just too tall and the harness too short for us. We tried to use it for about 15 minutes, and hubby threw it down saying "OK, not so hot review for THAT one!". So, from HIS POV, this toy is a failure. While aware that this toy is suppose to bring the wearer's hips up & closer to their lover, it also has to be comfortable and maneuverable for the one holding onto the straps comfortably as well, and hubby was unimpressed on both counts. This item may be better for shorter people, but we were both very disappointed in this item, with me having it wrapped around me. I'll give it one Tyger Paw (out of 4) up for the thought, and the free blindfold. Do You Wanna Do It Doggie? UPDATE 3-31-2009 Well, we decided that I would be the one using the strap this time, on him, while I used my harness on him, giving it to him up the ass. I found that I did like it, to a degree. I was able to lean comfortably back and thrust into him well. This is great for those of us that may have less than stellar beds. Though, usually, I like to also play with myself while thrusting into him, using the bullet in the pocket of my harness, and using a dildo of some sort on myself. So, he had to reach around and do that for me. But, I really did like the anchoring possibility with this toy. It's a different feeling, as a woman, being the one behind her lover, so this did help for ME. I asked him if he had tried leaning back a bit when he used this toy on me, like I did, and he said he did, but he didn't feel as "in control" that way, and felt as if he'd fall backwards, so he still wasn't comfortable using it on me. So, I will revamp my rating to at least 2.5 Tyger Paws up.
  18. I've recieved several of the DVDs of the month, and I think it's worth it. Granted, you don't get to pick what you want, and they do send out random "types" of porn. It's not like they always send out "All Anal" DVDs, or "All Female on Females" DVDs, it's a variety. But, with a variety, you can find types that you like, and types that you don't. Are there bad ones? Of course, but it depends on your definition of BAD porn. I've seen a few that I didn't overly care for, yet others thought they were FANTASTIC. It's all about personal preference. I do think it's an inexpensive and discreet way of building up an Adult DVD collection. Adult DVDs can be expensive! I've paid over $30 for one, at an adult store, and it just SUCKED!! LOL You can't really find inexpensive porn in many places at all. And, of course, if you find that, after a few shipments, you don't like the program, you can always cancel. If you decide to sign up, please feel free to add your own personal reviews to the DVDs on the shopping site and/or on the forum. We always love hearing how people think on the items on here!
  19. You could always go for the freebie of the month every so often. All you do is pay S&H, AND the one year guarantee applies to the freebies too. Many of the freebies run on those small batteries (like watch batteries) and come with at least one set (sometimes even a spare set). Save your pocket change cuz it adds up fast. Good luck! Also, enter contests that they have on here. You can win toys or gift certificates to shop on here and get a toy for free (and using your GC to also pay for S&H). People have won some AMAZING toys here that way! Right now, there aren't any open contests, but I'm sure there will be one very soon. (Addded in after a lot of thought) I hope that your cries for someone sending you a toy, at no cost to you, was a joke, because TooTimid is not only a great place for adults talking with other adults about sexual issues, concerns, joys, and experiences with or without toys, but it's also a business, and they can't just randomly send toys to people that say they just don't have the money for them. If they did that, they'd go broke with all of the free stuff with no profit or expectations of future business. They do soooo much for their customers, including offering not only the freebies that you just pay S&H for, but they have the great DVD of the Month program, where you get a free DVD, but pay for the S&H. You can't expect them to eat up all of their profits. They're a business to inform, educate, and provide excellent adult toys, at reasonable prices (trust me, I surf the web, and go into adult stores, and not only are they comparable, but, their guarantee offsets any slight differences I've found!! And I DON'T get paid to endorse them at all!!!) I'm not trying to be rude here, it's just the idea of someone saying "please someone send me a free toy, but I can't give out my address, and can't pay shipping" just kinda bothers me. And don't worry, you are experiencing normal sexual frustration. I'd suggest that you read the forums carefully. Go back several pages in each area of interest. There's a lot of "old info" that can still be helpful! Welcome!! Best wishes to you!
  20. I belong to 3 forums regularly. I belong to probably about 10 in total, but don't go to the other 7 much at all. That's not including my FaceBook or MySpace.
  21. Today was cooler than it has been, but got up to low 70's, sunny, and GORGEOUS!!! I actually got some yard work done (with NO bullnettle encounters!!).
  22. If you really think about it, "bi-curious" means that you've not experienced a same-sex sexual encounter yet. Because, if you HAD, you'd know what it was and therefore your curiousity would be more "confirmed", if you get my drift. Your curiousity means IMO, that you are unsure, but open to the possibility of it. Stating you're "Bi-sexual" means that you KNOW you're attracted to both sexes, and have had experiences with both. I've known many people that are bi-sexual that have chosen to be with one person or another. If they get married, it's not like the attraction goes away. They're not DEAD. LOL People CHOOSE to be married, and most people understand the consequences of such a union. After all, it's not the SEX of the person that you love, it's the PERSON inside.
  23. I think that this idea is a double-edged sword. Where it's great that you think ahead about your SO having debt, at the same time, there are sometimes things that either really couldn't be helped (like loosing a job, getting a divorce and getting stuck with bills). There are some things that companies put on your credit reports that have been taken care of, paid off, and it's sheer HELL getting them off! I had to go thru that. I lost my job (it was a GREAT paying job too), due to company restructuring. Bills piled up. I had a bill paid off thru a credit collection agency, and I paid it off in full, and still, the original bill from the original company had it on my report. After 6 mos of calling, verifying, coordinating with the collection agency (they were very willing to help me out, shockingly enough), the orignal bill was changed to PAID. I don't think something like that should be held against me as a person. Now, if you see a bunch of credit cards that haven't been paid off, or attempted to be, then that should be a red flag. But, if you insist on seeing someone's credit report, you should also be willing to hear any explinations as to WHY their reports are so bad too.
  24. I love thick hair (on the head people)! On men & women. I also love long, painted nails....
  25. Great review! I like how you mentioned the red color vs. not being able to see the color of your penis as your pumping. It's important to make sure that you're not unknowingly hurting yourself. But, it looks like a fun thing! I take it there wasn't a siren included?
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