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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. So, we all have those moments where we're reminiscing about our Glory Days. When you get there, is there a favorite CD (or tape, or even 8 track) that you just have to plug in and listen too? If so, share what it is!
  2. Well, this is kinda a double-edged sword. I think many women have been where you are now. I know I have! So, I will go with how *I* dealt with "being the Other Woman". I dealt. LOL I figured that, if the man truly LOVED & respected his woman he was living with, then, he wouldn't be with me. I NEVER went after men that were in relationships. THEY came after ME. I never betrayed a friend of MINE. It's not the O.W. job to make sure that the man keeps his promises to his woman, it's HIS. They weren't serious, for the most part. Only one was heading towards serious. Only once did I give a man an ultimatum, after about 3 mos of playing around. He'd kept telling me he was leaving his GF, and didn't. So, he couldn't make up his mind, and I made it for him, I cut it off, as in the relationship, you sickos!! LMAO Now, if the woman that your friend was with is a good friend to you, then I would throw a tomatoe at you, however, she's not, and it's not YOUR job to keep him in line. It's HIS. If you ARE feeling guilty, or bad about yourself, and what you're doing, then I would avoid situations where the 2 of you ware going to possibly be alone. Until he either re-commits to her, or breaks it off with her, then he's going to have his cake & eat it too. Good luck, Darlin!!!
  3. Wow, how did I miss this post? Anyway, welcome to the forums. By all means, if she is over the age of 18, invite her to take a gander here on the forums. There's a lot of helpful tips, articles, & advice on here. You say you're both young & inexperienced. So, the key here is for both of you to understand that you ARE inexperienced. The only way to get better, is to practice. Also, if something feels good, let your partner KNOW you like what they're doing. There are tactful ways of doing that. It sounds to me like she's a normal young adult, where she is still self-conscious about her body as well as her abilities. So, you can always just say "Mmmm, that's nice, I like that", or something like that. If you're not liking something, try moving her gently, or saying "oh, try this". Or, just kindly say, "No, I'm not liking that that much, let's try....." Nobody believes me when they meet & get to know me, but, I do have a PHYSICALLY small mouth. It took me a lot of time, patience, and practice, to get to the point where my teeth didn't scrape my lover's cock. It also gets uncomfortable for me after a while, so I have learned to switch it up, from oral, to hand, back to oral, and using my hand WITH my mouth too. I can also do amazing things with the tongue too, but that too, took a lot of practice. The more you practice with each other, and share your likes & dislikes, the better you'll be with each other, and the more enjoyable sex will be. BEST WISHES!
  4. I've got an extensive porn collection. I like to watch porn. If it's a porn I have as an assignment, I watch the whole thing, but, after that, it it bores me, I FF thru the parts I don't like. I've had many porns that I've gone YAWN too. Then there were those that I thought were going to suck, but ended up being some of my favorites, for whatever reason. The thing with porn, is to find the ones that you like. It could be the type of porn (like all girl, all vaginal sex, all anal sex, all blow jobs, directed by a certain director, ect.) that you have a problem with. You may not have found the kind you like. And, it may surprise you what you will like to watch. I never thought, years ago, that I'd like to watch all women porn, but now, that's my preference. Many people have a hard time getting past the cheezy acting. I'm one of those people too. Sometimes, me & hubby just sit their and laugh our asses off at how bad some of the porn 'stars' act, until they get down to business. There's one girl, I just can't stand. She looks to be all of 15, sounds like a cheerleader sucking helium, and I just feel dirty watching her do anything. LOL Even if she's with another woman. If you want to watch porn, change it up a bit, and try exploring what you like. Hell, it took me over 15 yrs worth of trying to find some great porn I want to watch again! Best wishes!
  5. For me, my old FWB was a man that I've known since I was 14 yrs old. Granted, we knew each other really well, and that was part of the problem. I knew that, if I got into a relationship with him, that I'd end up getting hurt. I knew him TOO well, as far as how he was like in relationships. He could never be faithful. And I didn't want to set myself up for heartbreak. Plus, we both valued (still do) our friendship, and didn't want to end up as exes and not speak to each other. We also have strong tempers, and I knew that, if we fought as a couple, we'd get too heated. We bickered a lot as roommates, and I knew that if I even mentioned having deeper feelings for him, he'd probably throw it in my face, or end up hating me for being "womanish". He'd voiced that he really hated how, if you slept with most women, they developed feelings for him, and that he liked having the FWB and no expectations. I broke it off by dating someone else. I knew I was really falling in love with my FWB, more deeply that just friendship. I know that, even to this day, if I ever needed him, he'd come to me and help, but, I knew that our relationship, in a sexual way, was really all I dared. Especially after we stopped sleeping together, it almost ripped me apart when he moved on to our roommate, whom he is now engaged too, so, everything worked out as well as it should. Although, sometimes I wonder........
  6. Aw, thanks guys/gals!! I really appreciate all of the nice compliments y'all put forth. Sometimes, I get to wonder if what I say here even makes a difference, and then y'all go and be supportive of me, and I really do appreciate it more than you will probably ever know. Thank you for that.
  7. Well, Mikayla, this actually happened to me with my ex-husband. TWO, count 'em, TWO of my very good friends, that I was super close too, KNEW that my then-husband, was flirting/cheating via the internet, and physically, and didn't tell me until MONTHS AFTER I married him! They didn't think I'd believe them, even knowing that I was realistic with how he was, especially in the past. He (my now ex) cheated on his other GFs, and I was aware of that. In fact, with one GF, he cheated on her with ME. So, I knew that, and so did they! I was really close, like sisters in fact, with one of these friends. To this day, we're not nearly as close. Both friends expressed regret at not telling me, and I have really forgiven them, but they haven't forgiven themselves. They saw the aftermath of the death of that marriage, and, although it was emotionally traumatizing, they know I was still hurt by him, them, and also financially hurt as well.
  8. Thank you. That's just a few of my newest creations, some of my faves so far. I'm glad you like them. Ladylove, PM me if you need any help (for your daughter), I'd be glad to do so, whatever I can.
  9. I think I'd want to know. My hubby, on the other hand, has said that what he doesn't know wouldn't hurt him. So, if I cheated, and he didn't find out about it, he wouldn't have to care or worry. How ubuer-odd is that????
  10. I'm sleepy! But I'm excited for this afternoon. I'm going to a Passion Party!
  11. I have shut off the radio and tv, and am listening to the sound of crickets, frogs, the occasional owl & dogs. It's a lovely night out. I've done a bunch of folding (laundry), and really should get back at it....but I don't wanna!
  12. Thank you to all those that PMed me, and answered my post. Thankfully, it's 99% gone. Now I just look like I had a chemical burn on my skin. I guess technically, I did. Anyway, hoping it doesn't scar, but it's almost gone!!! YAY! Next weekend, I should be able to get back outside for a good length of time and do some yard work. And, I'm makin' DH do the mowing!! LOL
  13. Gotta love versatile toys!!! Thanks for the super-stimulating review!!
  14. I'm really glad you finally got it!! And, I forgot HOW to count when I used this toy!! LMAO
  15. Welcome to TooTimid! I hope you enjoy all the great topics here, check out the toys available, and read the reviews on toys that you're interested in. We're a pretty open & mature bunch of people here from all walks of life, so feel free to dive in and lend us your opinions, experiences, and ask questions!!
  16. I'm pleased that my daughter's had a bunch of playmates this week to keep her busy! It hasn't been an overly dull vacation for her afterall!!!
  17. My 3 year anniversary came earlier this month, so congrats on your TT anniversary too!!! To you and all those celebrating one! Please, don't anyone think that you have "silly" questions. Feel free to PM me, or anyone you feel comfortable doing so, with questions, comments, concerns, or even observations (humorus, serious, or otherwise). I'm always open to help anyone that asks for it, and it's also a great way to become a little closer to your TT friends!!!
  18. This was sooo popular, that I thought I'd start a new thread, since that one's getting soooo long!!! LOL So, what are your random thoughts?
  19. I totally missed this post, and I do appologize for that. Mostly I use the findings that you have to bend over the knots, that you put rings on to attach the clasps & stuff. They look like split tether balls (have the loop at the top), which you squeeze together over the knots, making a much cleaner looking attachment. I can't remember the name of them, but I will find out for you if she's still designing jewelry and having issues. Also, crimping beads can really add a better look to where you have to loop the strings over.
  20. Here's some more of the jewelry I've made. I'm still perfecting my techiques, but I think I'm getting the hang of it. Plus, I've gotten/created some better displays too!! I hope you like them. This set below is made of ceramic & glass beads: I had NO real plans for this particular set. I'd seen the wooden, oriental style beads, and just HAD to have them. I just picked a bunch of beads I had and started working on this. I had to take it apart about 3 times before it finally came together for me the way I wanted it. I'd made the earrings first, and used them as my inspiration. These are also ceramic & glass beads. I love them & may make a pair for myself. This set is made with shells and glass. It's very lightweight. I tend to create designs that go with more silver than anything, since silver is seemingly more popular, especially with younger people.
  21. I'm really starting to love Topco Sales toys. They're really coming out with some new, innovative, & exciting sex toys! They have a new line called "Night Moves", all made of cyberskin. This particular toy I recieved is called "Lust". If you are looking for a new dual stimulating vibrator, that isn't jelly or rubber, and is made of a higher quality material, you really should check out this toy! It's an "EZ Bender". Which means you can bend the shaft in all sorts of angles. Unfortunately, I found that it really doesn't STAY in the bent angle you try to put it in that well. However, don't be too discoraged, cuz I sure wasn't! It has other features that really set it apart! It's waterproof, which is always a great feature!! Please remember, that with any silicone toy, please use water-based lubes with it. Other sorts of lubes, like silicone based ones will deteriorate the silicone material of almost every silicone toy. So, better to be safe than sorry, I always recommend that everyone has a favorite water-based lube on hand. Also be sure to store it, if possible, in the packaging it came in to help keep your silicone toy safe from any sort of damage. This toy takes 3 AAA batteries (not incl.). The hard plastic, easy to grip ridged base/controller unscrews and the batteries go inside as labelled. Be sure to tighten the base really well. It actually SNAPS into place, which threw me off at first, since I thought I'd tightened it enough the first few times I tried. It has a PUSH FOR PLAY feature, meaning that you can easily push one of the 3 buttons (The F, for changing the patterns, - which is to lower it, and + to push it up higher) on it to turn it on, though you have to graduate down to shut it off. It has 7 patterns of vibrations. I'll tell ya, I'm one hard gal to please with vibes. Especially dual stimulating ones. This one, however, met AND exceeded my expectations!! The vibes ranged from a strong medium high, to almost a super-sonic high! And it really wasn't that loud. Probably can be heard from behind a closed door, if someone was standing right outside of it, but not so loud that'd it be heard one floor down, or with well insulated walls. The patterns of the vibes were also really cool and very different than many I've tried in the past. Each one really gave it all the power it could, and I was pleasantly surprised. I usually prefer a strong, steady vibe, but there's one setting on there that's like a really strong revving of a motorcyle, and, yes, Tyger wanted to RIDE!!! And RIDE I did!! The clit stimulator kinda reminds me of an earthworm. It's got ridges and a pointy head, which is PERFECT for my likes, cuz Tyger likes her clit directly stimulated. Oh yeah, uh huh! And, since this is made of silicone, the head can be moved around a bit (though it won't bend/stay) to hit the clit. The shaft of the toy is about 4.5" of insertable length, and also is rippled kind of like a thick worm, which is great for stimulation too. Though I was disappointed in how it didn't stay where I bent it, the power this vibe has sure made up for it!! I was able to tease and massage my clit and lips with the head, experimenting with the vibe strengths. Finding the setting I wanted, sliding the toy in, after applying some water-based lube, was easy and very niiiiiiiice! Thrusting it a bit, then really getting down to the business of also making sure my clit wasn't feeling neglected, I can really understand WHY they called this toy "LUST", cuz it made me LUST to use it more & more!! The orgasms came hard and fast, and I was really worn out by the time they subsided. This one is definitely a winner!! It gets all 4 (out of 4) Tyger Paws up in the air and a back arch rating!!!! Lust after Lust
  22. Hey, anything that is made by Penthouse, says it's a sex dyno-boost, called Black Label, AND has a woman in strappy high heels showing her coochie on the box HAS to be worth it, right? Uhhhh......... This lube has a lot going for it. You get 4 fl. oz (which is a lot), it's clear, water-based, no scent or flavor, and it doesn't stain. It contains L-Arginine, which can cause some irritation in some people with sensitivities. Also made with water, glycerin, hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (that's a mouthful! LOL), sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, chlorhexidine, digluconate, sodium hydroxide, gluconolactone, & methylparaben. It boasts that it will help give a stronger sex drive, & a higher level of sexual arousal. Make your sex hotter, and make your desire hotter. Well, as far as all that goes, they really should've stopped at maybe one claim. I was impressed with the packaging, the tube, which resembles some hand cream type tubes & is a clear plastic, so you can see the product inside, in it's clear state, which is always nice. The flip-top cap of the tube seals well, and is easy to pop off. The lube itself isn't overly runny, and has a nice, slick feel to it. Impressive, and excited to try it out, I settled down in to have some fun with some new additions to the collection. *Sniff sniff*, nope no smell. So far, so good! I start by applying some of the lube on my clit & labia. Give it a few minutes to do it's magic, while I play with myself & clit, to get myself warmed up, so to speak. Now, I was doing a really good job at stimulating myself, but the only sensation that I felt the lube give me was a bit of a cooler feeling down there. I played with myself for about 30 minutes. No need to reapply the lube, because it lasted a long time, and I was very slick still. I rubbed it on one of my toys, for added comfort and ease, and slid the toy inside me. Where I was already excited, I didn't feel the extra magical "sex dyno-boost" that the box said I'd get. I was thinking I was going to shoot myself to the stars by my raging sexual desire that this lube was going to give me, but, all it really provided me with is a good, long-lasting lubrication. So, it's a great lube, but not so great in the "libido lifting" department. As far as the product goes, I give it 3 Tyger Paws for lubrication. But, as to what it claims to do, I'd say only one Tyger Paw up for that part. (Out of 4 Tyger Paws) Boost Your Libido?
  23. Thank you for finding that!! I had just typed in Libido Lift and couldn't find it. Thanks for adding the link!!!
  24. Moved to original review.....
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