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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I guess THEY were the ones getting flashed!!!!
  2. I know that MANY schools around the country use these trailers, instead of building onto old buildings (usually made of brick). In reality, the rennovations to the older buildings are more expensive than getting those trailers. So, they get them as additional classrooms. But, they should be lasting a little longer, IMO. Where I think that the sale on e-Bay is a bit ridiculous, since they could probably sell them locally, and have a better idea of what they're really going to get for them. But, whoever did the selling, is responsible for the mistake. The sale is legal, and, if it was me, I'd keep the trailer, and say "Live and learn". That's why they recommend that you double and triple check everything before submitting.
  3. I agree, I would go with something that has a few settings available. The California Exotics brand has an "i10" series, which has low to high vibes, with varying strengths and pulsation functions. Look for toys that are encased in jelly too. Jelly has an insulating effect on toys. It softens the vibe strength a lot of times, and also quiets the sounds of the vibes too. Good luck, and let us know how you decide.
  4. Even when I order something, all the way down here in Texas, it gets here on the earliest date that I'm quoted usually. I've never had a problem with the time, packaging, or the service. I've found that, even though they may be comparable to a lot of sex toy stores, the 1 yr. guarantee definitely makes up for the shipping costs!!! Plus, since I've known this company for several years now, I trust them & where they get their products a lot more than many sex toy shops.
  5. EAST STROUDSBURG, Pa. – Officials in one eastern Pennsylvania school district are red-faced after a costly mistake on eBay. The East Stroudsburg School District was attempting to sell seven used classroom trailers, but an error in its ad on the online auction site allowed someone to bid and buy one trailer for only a dollar. The district had purchased the trailers three years ago for about $46,000 each. With transportation and setup costs, the total came to around $60,000. Officials say they were expecting to get around $5,000 to $10,000 per trailer on eBay. District superintendent Rachel Heath says officials tried to back out of the eBay sale but couldn't. Heath says the remaining trailers won't be sold on eBay. ___ Information from: WNEP-TV, http://www.wnep.com
  6. They do have something similar to this one on TooTimid: It's called The Anal Twister
  7. I will never look at a bag of M&M's the same way again!! Thank you for that!!! LOL
  8. Loverly twins!!! And one even has a beauty mark (to stand out from her sister)!!!
  9. I'm really glad you liked this review! Thanks!! Let us know how you like it. Members can also feel free to add their own personal reviews and experiences with the toys that they purchase as well, so I'll look forward to reading all about it!!
  10. That toy that Sun recommended is wonderful!!! I have it and love it. The first toy to ever give me a g-spot orgasm, is, are ya ready? GLASS! But, it's a lot smaller that the one you said you have. It's called The Blue Swirl And this thing WORKS & is well worth it!! The key to a good g-spot toy, at least for ME, is that the toy has to be curved up, yes, but, it also has to be hard. Like glass, or hard plastic. Too much flexibility doesn't stimulate my g-spot enough for me. I hope this helps.
  11. So, here's the story. . . Tired of constantly being broke & stuck in an unhappy marriage, a young husband decided to solve both problems by taking out a large insurance policy on his wife with himself as the beneficiary, and then arranging to have her killed. A 'friend of a friend' put him in touch with a nefarious dark-side underworld figure who went by the name of 'Artie.' Artie then explained to the husband that his going price for snuffing out a spouse was $5,000. The husband said he was willing to pay that amount, but that he wouldn't have any cash on hand until he could collect his wife's insurance money. Artie insisted on being paid at least something up front, so the man opened his wallet, displaying the single dollar bill that rested inside. Artie sighed, rolled his eyes, & reluctantly agreed to accept the dollar as down payment for the dirty deed. A few days later, Artie followed the man's wife to the local Super Wal-Mart store. There, he surprised her in the produce department & proceeded to strangle her with his gloved hands & as the poor unsuspecting woman drew her last breath & slumped to the floor...... . The manager of the produce department stumbled unexpectedly onto the murder scene. Unwilling to leave any living witnesses behind, ol' Artie had no choice but to strangle the produce manager as well. However, unknown to Artie, the entire proceedings were captured by the hidden security cameras & observed by the store's security guard, who immediately called the police. Artie was caught & arrested before he could even leave the store. Under intense questioning at the police station, Artie revealed the whole sordid plan, including his unusual financial arrangements with the hapless husband who was also quickly arrested. -- OY! The next day in the newspaper, the headline declared . (You're going to hate me for this . ) 'ARTIE CHOKES 2 for $1.00 AT WAL-MART!' Oh, quit groaning! I don't write this stuff, I receive it from my warped friends and then send it on to you.
  12. Tyger

    Help Big Dick.

    Hi there. I don't think that the people here are calling anyone, directly, a liar. However, we have many years of experiences combined, with different medications AND other remedies, and have YET to see proof of anything in pill/herb form to work, actually improving physical penis size. There are temporary ways of doing so, like with the use of penis pumps, but the size increase isn't substantial, or overly obvious. I'm guessing that he was rather gifted in the size department while you were with him before? Plus, most of us has also experienced men and/or exes bragging about how much better they are NOW, than they were in the past, and how much sexually they've grown. So, I think what it boils down to, is that we're saying just keep an open mind. Cialis is used for erectile dysfunction, and maybe he meant that he FELT like his cock was a foot long when he used it? All Cialis does is increase blood flow to the penis (like Viagra). It can't make skin grow, or muscles grow larger down there. I guess for you, seeing should be believing. If, for some reason, he seems larger, the afore mentioned advice is correct. There is NO vagina that is 10" long. However, it's extremely elastic, and very stretchy. After all, it's designed to give birth to a child, right? Anyway, make sure that, when you're with him, that you're well stimulated/excited. And have LUBE handy! There is nothing wrong with having to use lubes to make sex much more comfortable and pleasurable for everyone.
  13. Oh GAWD!!! I have worked retail, AND have been a waitress. When I was waitressing, I felt SOOOO more open to being able to laugh out loud at people. It helped that we got the drunk crowd too. Let's see, one of the funniest? Let's dig down deep into the recesses of my mind (don't mind the cobwebs).......... OK, this lady came into the restaurant I worked at, and she was totally absolutely drunk off her ass. She was a "hoochie", and always came in with a different man every night (sometimes 3x per week). This time, I was soooo lucky to wait on her, since she had given the other waitress a hard time (we were both prettier than the customer, and the customer knew it, so sent the other waitress away and then saw me and groaned out load). Oh yeah, made for a pleasant experience. The way this restaurant worked, the stuff is friend in lard, and served as soon as it's ready, so it'll be crunchy when you get it. This woman KNEW that. I get their order, get it in, and get their drinks ready. She's practically fucking her guy-friend on the booth. Thankfully, our boss always backed us up, so didn't care if we said something to customers. So, I told her to please stop doing that in the restaurant, and they could wait til they got home to do whatever. That pissed her off. Then, I served her food first, since hers was ready first. She got PISSED, and INSISTED her boyfriend of the night get his food too. I told her that she knew how this place worked, and that it'd be out as soon as it was ready, especially since her booth was the only one in my area at the time. She called me a bitch. I told her that may be, but her man's food wasn't ready, and it'd be a bit soggy if I brought it out to him right then. The guy was ok with it all, but she called me everything but white, and INSISTED that she get another waitress. I told her that, if I could, I would be SOOOO happy to oblige, but since it was either me, or the other one she chased off, she was SOL (and yes, I said it all the way too). She's got a thought....let's stand up on heels, totally wasted and try to get in my face. THAT will make the food come out faster. LOL So, here's this 5'2" snockered woman, with a really out of date beret, trying to get in my face,or more like my boobs, cuz that's as far as she made it, and here she is, yelling UP at me....... well I laughed right in her face, and everyone else in the restaurant did too. My boss came out, with his handy "Out Of Control Customer" bat out, and was behind me, tapping the bat in his hand, and told her that "we don't need your business. Get the fuck out of my restaurant". The look on her face was PRICELESS!!!! Oh, and they did pay, left, and when we locked up, we found their plates dumped in the parking lot. We LOLed HARD, cuz, since it was seafood combo meals at about $15 per plate, plus their drinks, they wasted about $35
  14. Tyger


    Welcome! Congrats on your self-discovery and your new relationship. I hope you enjoy all of the info, jokes, experiences, and advice here! Glad to have you aboard the board!!
  15. I totally agree. A little sympathy would be appropriate. As Eminatic has stated, those that haven't been around a lot of children, or have kids themselves, don't really know how to appropriately handle kids and their frail bodies. I too have seen many parents picking up their kids, and hefting them way off their feet, by the arm/hand. Though many people KNOW they're not suppose to do this, they still do, and then others think it's OK, cuz they've seen others doing so. Most kids are ok with this sort of action, every once in a while. But, a slight twist, or wiggle to throw their bodies off balance, can do a lot of harm. Let your friend know that, though you don't expect her to pay your daughter's medical bills (she may be trying to down-play it, so she won't feel any responsibility for it), you hold her responsible, since she did this, even if it was accidentally. And that you expect an apology at the very least, to your daughter given by her. If not, and she continues to act like it's no big deal, again, I would re-evaluate how important this person is to you. You CAN pick your friends, you know. Any person you can't trust around your child (that's physically capable of taking care of her, not like elderly people), shouldn't be around your kids to begin with.
  16. I'm sorry your child was hurt, and I hope she can get all fixed up soon! This is a tough call. The child was in your house, and your friend was at your computer. However, the child was trying to get up in their lap, even after being told no. Normally, no, you don't catch a child by the hand, if you can help it. But, it could be argued that they grabbed her wherever they could to try and save her from immenent danger (meaning right before or when she hit her mouth, and trying to help her NOT get hurt). You don't usually aim for where you try and save someone, you just grab, and that sounds like it may be the case. Before any confrontation is done, however, I would ask her to write up a statement, so that you can't be charged for any sort of child abuse, because, let's face it, allegations fly quite a bit, and the doctor's are under obligation to report any sort of possible abuse. It sounds to me like your friend that did the damage, probably accidentally, doesn't have kids, so can't truly sympathize/empathize as easily. I know that, before I had kids, it was impossible for me to truly understand what my parent-friends were going thru. If your friend is acting so blasee' about the whole thing, even when confronted with the truth, you may want to stress how upset you are, and demand that she apologize to you and your daughter. If she refuses to do that, and is so callous about it all, I would seriously reconsider the friendship. As far as doctor bills go, since I am doubting that she did this on purpose/malliciously, and it was like a "knee-jerk" reaction, and in your home, with you there, then, and I'm no lawyer, but I don't think that you can recoup anything from her financially unless she offers to help. Again, I'm no legal-eagle, but I think that the medical bills would fall under normal parental responsibilities. Best Wishes and Bright Blessings!!!
  17. I am totally EXHAUSTED!!! LMAO
  18. I wish it'd make up it's mind!!! The last 2 days were nice, warm, and partly sunny. Today, sunny, yet WINDY, and COLD!!!!! No rain or snow, thankfully, but good lordy!! I'd like to know whether or not the AC is needed, or the heater.....
  19. I totally agree with this response. Korn, you may think Chuck is out of line, and that is fine, but you insulting him because you don't like his response to you seems to be a common occurance with you, I have noticed. You ask advice, and, when people give you their HONEST opinions/life experiences, you get all bent out of shape, make excuses, then insult them, and sulk. This shows your level of maturity is very low, which is WHAT people are trying to tell you. It's like turning around and saying "I know you are, but what am I?" And sticking your tongue out for more effect. Yes, you will take saying "you're immature" personally. It's hard not too. However, it's a FACT. Not an insult. It's like saying "wow, you have big feet", in a nice, observing tone, to a man with a size 17 shoe. You are making an obvious statement, and if they get offended by your sincere statement, that's your problem. Or, meeting me, at, at 5'10" tall, I'm tall for a girl, and saying "wow, you're tall". If I got offended by that, it'd be on ME. The thread started out with a sincere question from you. Knowing you the way you have presented yourself, people are going to respond. It's not THEIR fault that you don't like your spade being called a spade. Responding members are going by what you've put forth, how you've answered other posts, and questions/concerns you've posted. It's not their fault that everything that's said is taken personally by you. That's on YOU hon. I am not being disrespectful or rude here, but you really do need to grow up a bit more, find yourself as a person, and figure out what you want to do. As far as your original question, if you're looking for a RELATIONSHIP with this older lady, I'd discourage it. I'm sure she gets enough drama with her kids and GRANDKIDS. If you're looking for a fling, and she's willing, well, there's nothing wrong with that, if done safely. I will warn you, that, if you do try and get into a relationship with her, she would probably end up mothering you, just due to your age, and your level of life experience/maturity level. And who REALLY wants to have sex with their mother? BTW, my FIL is a retired Marine, was IN Vietnam, and has shrapnel in his BACK and scars up and down his body. My little sister is in the Navy too. Showing such disrespect to ANY member of the military (or a police officer) is TOTALLY uncalled for, and, until your butt gets into cammo, sacrifices yourself and personal safety, and hefts a gun for your country, then keep your "ten huts", and "at ease" statements where they belong.....in the latrine!!!
  20. If you are a woman, and have ever been curious, even the least bit, what it's like to experience having a cock, then I would definitely recommend getting one of these!!! I have 4 different types of strap-ons/harnesses. The latest one is the Sportsheet velvet harness set. and that one, by far, is the most versatile and comfortable so far!! Honestly, iha, I doubt very much that you'd be laughing at the object of your desire wearing a strap-on, if you decided to participate in anal sex this way. My hubby, who had started to practice anal sex with me, and solo, thought I was super-duper hot with it too!! He can't wait to see me in one now!! I started to feel silly about it, the first time I got a harness (Double Delight Vibrating Harness Dildo Set), but that was an extremely comfortable, dually stimulating, and erotic sex toy I had up to that date!! I saw myself with a hard cock jutting out from my pubic region, and OMG!! I got dripping, literally, dripping wet just from the view!!! I was alone when I tried it on, and I had to fuck myself right then and there!! Oh yeah, that hot!!! And when I had sex with hubby with it, I was so wet and hot, that even with the smaller non-vibrating cock inside me, I was almost frantic with desire! There are a couple of key points to keep in mind when looking for a harness/strap-on set: First is to be ready for such a toy. The other is to find the one that works best for YOU, which may take a few tries, or just one, depending on what you get. You have to find the one that you feel comfortable IN, that works with you and the toys you want to use with it (if it doesn't have any attached to it), and how it moves with you. Some harnesses can be mega-$$$, but if they move wrong, while the wearer is thrusting, they're not worth 50 cents! Anyway, I would FULLY recommend that anyone that loves anal play with their lovers get a strap-on/harness. It can be a most exciting experience!!!
  21. The Alabama preacher said to his congregation: "Someone in this congregation has spread a rumor that I belong to the Ku Klux Klan. This is a horrible lie and one which a Christian community cannot tolerate. I am embarrassed and do not intend to accept this. Now, I want the party who did this to stand and ask forgiveness from God and this Christian family. No one moved. The preacher continued, "Do you have the nerve to face me and admit this is a falsehood? Remember, you will be forgiven and in your heart you will feel glory. Now stand and confess your transgression." Again all was quiet. Then slowly, a drop-dead gorgeous blonde with a body that would stop traffic . . . rose from the third pew. Her head was bowed and her voice quivered as she spoke, "Reverend, there has been a terrible misunderstanding. I never said you were a member of the Ku Klux Klan. I simply told a couple of my friends you were a wizard under the sheets." The preacher fainted, and the congregation roared.
  22. Don't even get me started on the whole "octuplet mom" thing. Someone that has all those kids before, and then goes and has MORE, on welfare, just disgusts me. BTW, chances are, she had those kids via c-section, so, her "vaginal area" is probably just as tight as a person that has never had kids. Multiple births like that usually end up via c-section, which is harder & longer to recoup from than a vaginal birth (I had our DD via c-section).
  23. You're sort of correct, it's not how many people have hit your profile, it's how many times your profile has been visited. So, if I visited Sun's profile today, and tomorrow, that would be 2 more views on her profile listed. I hope that helps clarify for ya! I got curious and looked at mine....wow. I am flattered y'all!!
  24. I MUST recommend Astroglide Anal Shooters!!! It's water-based, in tapered applicators, and one of our FAVORITE ANAL LUBES to date!!! Hubby tried the TT lube for anal play, but he said that it is absorbed WAY to quickly for his liking, and that he needed to use a lot for it. He has raved about the Astroglide however.
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