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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. LMFAO!!! Well, he found one, but I don't think that the howl was to say "Here it is!!" More like "Here I cum!!"
  2. Let me just add to the other fantastic reviews, that, although some reviewers got super-excited and probably a bit impatient, if the directions on a toy instruct that you do something a certain way, like with this one, charging for at least 12 hours, then you follow the directions, to ensure that you get the best results possible. That way, not only are you sure that you did everything you were suppose to, if there's an issue, and you need to return an item, it's because it's defective, not because directions weren't followed properly.
  3. I think my biggest boo-boo was turning in the first rental last week. I'm going to see if the shop will release my car to me, after I get the release form from the insurance company. As soon as I get the form, I'm going to call the guy that owns the store. Trust me, I've been making a barrage of calls! LOL I've called Valero, which the station has signs of, called the insurance agency, waited for a claim number, then had to wait for the insurance adjuster to get back from Port Arthur assessing Ike damage. Everyone I talk too, I'm direct, to the point, and "almost" rude. I make my point, and let them know I am NOT going to just go easy does it. This is very very hard for me to do. LOL The hurricane aftermath is what's really slowing a lot of this down, IMO. The hurricane is the ONLY reason I've been as "nice" as I've been, however, I've been sick with a headache and not eating well at all. When I eat, my stomach gets upset. I know I've been an uber bitch too. *sigh*
  4. He hasn't asked or mentioned it lately. With all the stress I'm under with this whole car shit, he knows better. I may use the football analogy, but that's a lot to remember!! LMAO I've tried being snotty about it, but he knows that he's the one making the big bucks, so I couldn't follow thru with that threat, and I don't make threats I can't/won't keep! LMAO
  5. So, after a week long "stress test" on behalf of the bullshit, I finally heard a good word! I've been playing phone tag with agencies, underwriters, middlemen, and all that crap. I heard from the underwriting policy holder and they've agreed to accept responsibility for this whole mess, and pay out claims. Well, now I'm waiting on the stupid "release form", via e-mail, to have signed infront of a notary, get sent to them (gonna overnight it), and then probably had to wait 2 more fuckin' weeks!! Ugh! They can't "approve" another round of car rental.....which kinda makes me mad, cuz I can't NOT have a vehicle. Any ideas on how to go about that? We can pay for one for a few days, but I don't know if I should get the insurance agency's direct number, explain the situation, and see what they WILL approve, since they're stating that since my car is READY now, it's not THEIR problem that I don't have the $$ to get it. Or if I should call the guy that wrote the "we are responsible for all expenses due to the bad gas issue" at their station.
  6. Nobody sees Howard's post because he is no longer a member of the board.
  7. Claiming to be the first waterproof, rechargeable, 7” massager that has INFRARED heat, this toy from California Exotics is sleek! Not to mention a racy red color! I take this out of the box, and notice that the shaft’s very smooth. You can feel the seam where the infrared tip joins the shaft, and you can see the gasket sealing them as well. We will see if this is problematic later. It comes with the charger AND the rechargeable batteries! I took out the unassuming, generic looking black plug, take the wire tie off it, took the rubber plug out of the vibe, put the electric plug in the vibe, & plugged it into the wall. Hmmm, I noticed a red light flicker on the base of the vibe, underneath the (( )) symbol, but it went out. Then I wiggled the plug in the vibe a bit, and viola! We have a light. There’s 3 push-buttons on the bottom, one to turn the vibes on/off, one to change the vibe settings, and the other is to turn the heat on/off. If you don’t have the vibes on, the heat won’t go on. Unfortunately, this doesn’t come with any instructions as to what means what on the vibe, but there are only 2 symbols to worry about. The 1 I mentioned is to show if it’s charging, & the wavy looking one is the heat. OK, so my plug’s a bit tricky, no matter, I settled the vibe in a safe place (as non-flammable as you can, since most things that recharge get warm/hot when charging), and let it charge for the recommended 12 hours. If you don’t charge it the full amount, you may get less power, & shorter vibe strength. You should be able to use this item for an hour or a little more on a full charge. I did notice that the screw on base of the vibe did get warm during charging, as did the plug, but not HOT, so that’s good. After it was all charged, I took charge of IT and took it to the bedroom. I turned on the vibes first. There are 2 settings, low & high. Both of which are strong, but loud. I’ve found most hard plastic vibes to be loud anyway, so I wasn’t surprised. Using the vibe on me, I rubbed it all over my lips and clit, enjoying the high vibes, & then I turned on the heat, literally. I prefer a higher-powered vibe, but, insertion was easy, & I didn’t feel where the infrared section attaches to the vibe much at all. The infrared heat was nice. Not too hot, not too cool. It does take a bit for it to warm up with the heat on, but, if you wait, you won’t have to worry about that “cold toy” shock that sometimes happens when you first touch yourself with one. With a little clit stimulation, I was feeling warm & tingly inside, the orgasm washed over me. Feel The HEAT
  8. During the service, the pastor asked if anyone in the congregation would like to express praise for prayers which had been answered. A lady stood up and came forward. She said, "I have a reason to thank the Lord. Two months ago, my husband, Jim, had a terrible bicycle wreck and his scrotum was completely crushed. The pain was excruciating and the doctors didn't know if they could help him." You could hear an audible gasp from the men in the congregation as they imagined the pain that poor Jim experienced. She continued, "Jim was unable to hold me or the children and every move caused him terrible pain. We prayed as the doctors performed a delicate operation. They were able to piece together the crushed remnants of Jim's scrotum and wrap wire around it to hold it in place." Again, the men in the Congregation squirmed uncomfortably as they imagined the horrible surgery performed on Jim. She continued, "Now, Jim is out of the hospital and the doctors say, with time, his scrotum should recover completely." All the men sighed with relief. The pastor rose and tentatively asked if any one else had anything to say. A man rose and walked slowly to the podium. He said, "I'm Jim and I would like to tell my wife, the word is "sternum"!
  9. I think that once a man discovers the joys of anal stimulation, that they masturbate with anal stimulation a lot more. Now, many people still have the idea that you MUST be gay if you enjoy anal stimulation and are a MAN, so many men keep their pleasures secret. So, unless your man is honest with you, or you ask them, you may never know.
  10. DD- is Dear Daughter DH- can be Dear Husband, or, if one is in a pissy mood, DICK HEAD dear husband LOL!!!
  11. If my body were a car, this is the time I would be thinking about trading it in for a newer model. I've got bumps and dents and scratches in my finish and my paint job is getting a little dull .... but that's not the worst of it.My headlights are out of focus and it's especially hard to see things up close. My traction is not as graceful as it once was. I slip and slide and skid and bump into things even in the best of weather. My whitewalls are stained with varicose veins. It takes me hours to reach my maximum speed. My fuel rate burns inefficiently. But here's the worst of it -- Almost every time I sneeze, cough or sputter..... either my radiator leaks or my exhaust backfires!
  12. I LOVE dolphins!! The real kind and the toy kind!! Their beaks provide some fantastic direct stimulation!!! WOOT!!
  13. Welcome!! I can't wait to see your secrets of marriage success!!!! Congrats!!
  14. When people cut right infront of you to walk by and not say anything. I always say "excuse me", and make sure my DD knows to do this as well. I've been BITCH enough to say "Excuse YOU" when someone does that and walks off without a word. I have gotten a few dirty looks, but I make sure that DD knows they were rude. Sometimes, she says "They should've said 'excuse me' huh Momma?" And I tell her absolutely. Hey, I'm not the rude one here LOL!!!
  15. When I went tanning on a regular basis, I would clean the bed again myself, even though I smelled that the person before me had already cleaned it. You can never be too careful!
  16. You may have to send the collection's agency a copy of your birth certificate or driver's license/state ID, to prove that, at the time that this bill was created, you were a minor, and give them your mother's address, and tell them that SHE had custody of you, and she is the one they need to go after, and to have that moved off of YOUR credit report.
  17. All "crabs" are are the same sort of lice you get in your hair on your head. And, actually, the cleaner you are, hygenically speaking, the more likely it is that you will get them, cuz they like clean hairs!! And, if you even go to the bathroom soon after someone went that had them, they can live on surfaces for a long time, since they're alive and mobile. You may have gotten them with a lover, or sleeping on a bed that had someone in it that had the crabs, or going to the bathroom. It's really hard knowing that. Not that I'm saying "just go bareback", cuz I'm NOT!!! But, even with a condom, you can still get crabs, because they live in HAIR, not in fluids. If you notice your potential lover itching a lot, ask to see their pubes. You can actually SEE them as white dots that will move. So please don't think, no matter WHAT the STD is, that you're "nasty" or disgusting for getting one. It's a common, normal feeling, and it's hard to shake, due to the deep-rooted stigma that only "whores", sluts, pimps, and basically "nasty" people get STDs, when that's just not true at all.
  18. I don't think anyone can have enough bullets. And, bullets are a GREAT starter toy too, since they're usually very simple, relatively quiet, and non-threatening looking. Let's face it, starting off your collection can be quite daunting, not knowing what to try, with everything out there, and then OMG!! There are REALISTIC looking things too??? Wow, it can be quite an intimidating experience for the Toy Newbie!! I love it when TT gives away any sort of bullet. After all, how can paying just for shipping be all that much of a risk? PLUS the one year guarantee applies to the freebies too, so you got 2 bonuses right there!! And, if you find something that works for YOU, then you got a 3-fer!!! I was impressed with Hannah Harper's Lil' Wabbit Bullet. Cute, pink, fun, easy to use, and how can anyone be scared of a PINK RABBIT? LOL WTG TooTimid!!
  19. I'm with you Sun, I love ribs too (ribbed for HER pleasure!! LMAO)
  20. I've worked retail since 1991, are you sure you're ready for this? LOL: *Line jumpers. It's just rude. Wait your f'n turn, or go to another/shorter line. *Now, I have a 5 yr old, and she will throw a fit every once in a while if she wants something & I just can't get it for her (or won't), but I usually get her to calm down. There was only one time that I couldn't, and I hurried outta there as fast as I could, cutting my shopping trip down considerably. I was apologetic immensely, however, on the same subject, if you don't know the kids, they could be having a bad day, sick, tired, or something else. Now, if parents ignore a fit, one that everyone is enjoying, they should ask the front to watch their cart until they can get the kiddo to settle down.....out in the car! *I did bring my DD out in PJ's twice. Once was because she was SOOOO sick, and she wanted to stay in her PJ's, which was a matching set. Though I did insist she wear sneakers. I hate the ones that go out in PJ's AND slippers!! I mean, c'mon!!! The other time I took her out in PJ's was when her school had a "PJ Day". I had to go to the store to get a few fill-in things. I didn't really notice that much up North, but down here, PJ outtings are rampant. And it's the same people over & over, so I'm doubting their sick....... *People who expect everything for nothing. You buy something, the seller tells you (as does the box) that there's a 30 day warranty, with the store, then there's a warranty with the item for a certain amount of time. The customer goes home and 4 mos later comes back (usually without a reciept) and wants a FULL refund!! WTF??? Call the company!! I know it's a hassle, but jeez!!! If your dumb ass broke it, then deal with it, and buy a new one, being sure to take better care of it!!! Most retailers will refund the $$ for customer service, but, if you do this, don't don't don't bitch when the prices go up, because those items get thrown out, and the store doesn't get credit for it, so it's an out-of-pocket expense. Yes they make $$, but that's what they are THERE for!!! They have to make up the loss somewhere!!! DUH! *People on AFDC/TANF that get the cash off their cards first, then turn around & buy cigarrettes, booze, DVDs, music CDs, or stuff that those benefits are NOT for!!! Get a job if you want to support your habit or get the latest 50 Cent CD, not MY problem that you don't have the extra to get that shit. *I hate people talking on the cell phone while at the register. In store, I can understand, I do it, however I usually cut the conversation short cuz I hate shopping to begin with, and trying to handle a cell, kiddo, and cart, well, no thank you! But, if you're in line, unless it's important, I really don't need to hear about your neighbor blowing leaves in your lawn, or screwing so-n-so's husband, ok? TYVM *I'm with you poon! Those people that wait and wait and wait for that oh-so-close parking spot. If you're old or handicap, ok, but 9 times outta 10, it's just some fat ass person that is too damn lazy to walk another 50 feet. My mom is one of the waiters.....she gets pissed at me cuz I will park further on down, and told her that others are in worse shape than she, so it wouldn't kill her to walk off a few pounds by walking to the damn door. *People who will bitch about prices, yet are so wasteful with thier money. They're bitching about how expensive everything is, but, if you peek into their carts, they have junk food, video games, DVDs, lots of beauty supplies, clothes, or whatnot. I mean, have we forgotten how to BUDGET people? And that they HAVE to buy name-brand EVERYTHING. I save us about $40 each shopping trip by cutting down, buying the store brands, and shopping around the 3 major stores here for groceries. They're all within a mile of them all, so it's not like I'm saving on gas by going to just one. *Shoplifters!! They not only steal, but, again, in the end, it affects everyone because the store has to make up for the loss somewhere, which means higher prices for the consumer's to pay! *As far as the retail workers.......I hate it when you say that you found a bunch of stuff on a rack that was marked one thing, and they have to go check, acting like it's the BIGGEST inconvenience in the world! Excuse the hell outta me for wanting to have a price honored!! Not MY fault y'all forgot to take a sign down. And I tell that to them too. *Associates that would rather carry on a conversation with each other than help me or ring up my items. Talk on your own time. *Bashing the company you're working for while at work. I don't find this appropriate at all. I will warn you all, I will compliment you to a manager (I take the time to do this often) if you treat me with respect. If you're just there, you don't get recognized much. If you're rude, annoy, or piss me off, I will make time for that too, and complain about you. I look at name tags dear. *People that park right NEXT to the cart coral things, and leave their carts beside their cars, and drive off. I mean, really!! Is it that hard to turn the corner??? I will admit to not always getting the cart in there, because I had a small child, and didn't want to leave her for any amount of time. But I would try real hard to put the cart out of the way, or up on those little "islands" that they have in parking lots, so they won't be in the way as much. *People that empty out their cigarrette trays in the parking lots, or dump dirty diapers on the ground. WTF is up with THAT??? Most places have trash cans right near the cart coralls, or, if you feel the need to get rid of that stuff right THEN, drive up to the door, and get your ass outta the car, walk to the front door, where there's always a trash can. I don't wanna step in your nasty butts or shitty diapers! Thank you, but NO!!
  21. I always LOVE this joke!!! Thanks for the laugh!
  22. How beautiful!! Thanks for sharing. I had a 50 gal. one years ago, and LOVED it!! But that was before a kiddo and horses. Fish are an expensive hobby!
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