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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Thanks for the answers so far! This should be fun!
  2. So, Hubby is convinced (by foolishly comparing himself to porn stars), that he isn't "that big". So I thought I'd pose this question.... What would YOU consider big?
  3. A man, while playing on the front nine of a complicated golf course became confused as to where he was on the course. Looking around, he saw a lady playing ahead of him. He walked up to her, explained his confusion and asked her if she knew what hole he was playing. 'I'm on the 7th hole,' she replied, 'and you are a hole behind me. So you must be on the 6th hole.' He thanked her and went back to his golf. On the back nine, the same thing happened and he approached her again with the same request. 'I'm on number 14, and you're still a hole behind, so you must be on the 13th hole.' Once again he thanked her and returned to his play. He finished his round and went to the clubhouse where he saw the same lady sitting at the end of the bar. He asked the bartender if he knew the lady. The bartender said that she was a sales lady and played the course often. He approached her and said, 'Let me buy you a drink in appreciation for your help. I understand that you're in the sales profession. I'm in sales also. What do you sell?' 'I'll tell you, but you're going to laugh,' she replied. 'No, I won't.' 'Well, if you must know,' she answered, 'I work for Tampax.' With that, he laughed so hard he lost his balance and fell off the bar stool. 'See,' she said. 'I knew you'd laugh!' 'That's not what I'm laughing at,' he replied, 'I'm a salesman for Preparation H, so I'm still a hole behind you."
  4. AS I LIE AWAKE I lie awake waiting for you. As I lie on my bed, thinking about you, I feel this strong urge to grab you and squeeze you, because I can't forget last night. You came to me unexpectedly during the balmy and calm night, and what happened in my bed still leaves a tingling sensation in me. You appeared from nowhere and shamelessly, without any reservations, you lay on my naked body. You sensed my indifference, so you applied your hungry mouth to me without any guilt or humiliation, and you nearly drove me crazy while you drained me. Finally I went to sleep. Today when I woke up, you were gone. I searched for you but to no avail, only the sheets bore witness to last night's events. My body still bears faint marks of your enthusiastic ravishing's, making it harder to forget you. Tonight I will remain awake waiting for you... ....you fucking mosquito
  5. It depends on how hard & pointy the nubbies are for me to like them. Though, I do like nubbies on glass too (but those are usually very smooth). Some people love nubbies, while others don't. One of our Reviewers, Valntyn, usually doesn't like nubbies, but she's found 1 or 2 toys with them that she's actually liked. It's all trial and discovery, really. But, it's always fun trying!!
  6. As others have suggested, I would start off with a small toy. Bullets are good for many sorts of sexual fun, but because most of them are on thin wires, unless they have handles or rings on them, or are specially designed for anal, I wouldn't recommend those (in case they come off the wire and stuck). There are a variety of small anal toys available. I'd recommend that you have her shop around, looking at different ones, to see what she's like to try. I simply LOVE my E-Glass Petite Plug! It's pretty, small, and GLASS!
  7. Well, you CAN pay for it!! LMAO *hugs* Is it going to rain again today?
  8. It's very very hard to permanently "stretch" out the anus. The point of using small anal plugs, at first, is not only for pleasure, but to get your anus use to something "UP" there. The natural thing for your anus to do, is push stuff OUT, not hold it UP inside of it. So, teaching your muscles to relax is key to enjoying anal sex. If you wear an anal plug up inside of you for a while, I don't really see the harm. I would think it's like a woman wearing a "butterfly" harness with an insertable part to it. It's not like that is going to stretch her out permanently, right? Exactly. It won't. Those areas are meant to clench and stretch, so if you like it, enjoy it, and get off to the plug being up there, then, ENJOY!
  9. Oh, Gawd! Well, let me start off with the best parts first! *He makes me laugh. *He defends me to anyone & everyone, even if I may be in the wrong. He won't let people talk shit about me and get away with it. *He is willing to try new things in the bedroom. *He has a quirky sense of humor. *he puts thought into all his gifts. *He helps out people. *We have our daughter together. *He's been willing (and insistent), that I be at home with our daughter, as much as possible), until she's school age. *We have basically the same views & morals on most things. What would I CHANGE? How big can I make this thread? *He gets uber pissed uber fast, and gets mad at me when I blow up back (duh). *he is a tad racist. *2 words: Road Rage *he is LOUSY with money! And has no realistic views on reality, financial wize, especially with a house, family, horses, and assorted critters. *He goes and buys expensive shit, for him, without telling me. *he doesn't LISTEN. I have to MAKE him acknowlege me, so I know he's heard me. *He will tell EVERYONE else something important, yet will forget to tell me, then SWEARS he didn't!!! That's my #1!! *I have to keep him from opening his mouth a lot when my Mom's here (he lacks tact and kindness when talking with her & doesn't truly understand the whole OCD thing). *He smokes, and WAAAAY too much. *he watches TOO much TV.
  10. Oh My GAWD!!!!! Nice of them to wait til he got THEIR dirty work done, before they let him go. I hope he can get severant's pay and unemployment until he can find other work. I've BTDT before, so I understand his shock!! Major hugs to you!!! And even to your hubby! If you feel the need, call me sometime!
  11. I always love trying new crèmes and things, to see if they really work. I’m usually skeptical of them, though, because sometimes they just plain fail! So, I decided to buy Cleopatra’s Secret feminine arousal crème, in cherry vanilla, to try out a new one. Since I love cherries, and love vanilla, this combination was almost too good to be true! Made with: water, mineral oil, glycerin, cetyl alcohol, glyceryl stearate, PEG-100 stearate, flavor (aroma), steareth-21, menthol (key ingredient in most feminine arousal products), carbomer, triethanolamine, methylparaben, propylparaben, disodium EDTA, sodium saccharin, yellow 5, and red 40, this product is also not tested on animals, which is very important to me. The 1 fl. oz. jar is very pretty, and reminds me of a really pale Kama Sutra product, with a similar logo, & black lid (which my jar looks different than this pic here). However, this stuff really will stand out all by itself! Unscrewing the lid, I was pleased to see that they had it sealed, to maintain freshness and optimum scent retention. Taking off the seal, I was pleasantly surprised at the strong scent, and the orange color. It really is a great mix of cherry and vanilla scents. Though the jar doesn’t say if it’s edible, I did taste it, and the crème has an odd texture on the tongue, and you can taste some sort of flavor, but it’s not cherry, or vanilla, and there is a menthol tang to it. After a small lick of a small amount, there was an after-taste, and almost gritty feel in my mouth. So, I would suggest not eating/licking it. A couple of sips of water, and I was back to trying it out elsewhere. So, I just put a small dab on my finger, it felt very smooth, and immediately feel the crème working its magic on that, so, getting excited, I put some lovingly on my clit and lips. OMG! This stuff works really fast! And boy does it work WELL!! A little bit goes a long way, so even with just an ounce in the jar, this stuff should last you quite a few sessions! I could feel the crème stimulating my clit with the use of the menthol, and I was quickly aroused and wet. Hubby watched as I grew more & more excited, using a favorite dildo, and I felt a warm, yet cool excitement creep thru me, starting from my clit, up. We quickly changed it up, so that he was inside of me, and still, I felt the wonderful crème doing its best to keep up, and keep up it did. It lasted a long time for us. Suffice it to say, that this is one of Cleopatra’s Secrets that I’m glad she shared! This stuff gets 4 out of 4 Tyger Paws waaaaaaaaaaaaaay up, and the claws out, and a loud purring too! No pyramids needed for this secret!
  12. Oooooooooooo!! And it's our favorite color too!! YAY!!! Love da nubbies!
  13. Just remember, with any sort of medication to help with ADD, it will take a little bit to get your mind balanced out with help of the meds. Seeing results won't be immediate, and you may need a different sort of medication, if this doesn't seem to help. Keep in touch with your doctor to make sure you're getting the best medication for YOUR specific needs. And, don't worry, we ALL do silly stuff like that. My husband SWEARS that he tells me stuff, important stuff, and he doesn't. He tells EVERYONE else, and just assumes that he's told me. I've also done silly things like, when his knee is hurting, I'll ask him to come up and see something I've done with photos, or see some funny pic someone's sent me. DUH! I think when you get so comfortable with someone, you, unconsciously, may start taking them for granted. When I do stupid stuff like that, I apologize. Hubby on the other hand, will dig in his heels and SWEAR he told me. I told him once that he REALLY needs to pay attention to WHO he tells WHAT too, cuz for a while, he was making me question my memory too, and with a history of a great-aunt with alziemher', I really worry about it. Then I asked a friend if a question had been asked that hubby SWORE he'd asked me, and she said, not infront of her (which he said it was). I gave him hell for it.
  14. I LOVE seeing a woman in a pair of thigh high boots. I dunno, they just seem uber sexy to me.
  15. I've heard of these, but I don't know if I would. I would seriously think about it if DH wanted to do so......It's a fantasy of mine.
  16. I like many sorts of porn. I like plot-porn, down and dirty porn, clips, girl on girl.... I don't care for porn that is the "amatuer style" with the intros in them. I'm a "get to it already" kinda gal! Now, if the plot violent, bloody, showing murder, suicide, realistic rape scenes, or maiming, no, I don't like that at all. So far, there only have been 2 DVDs that I found ultimately disturbing enough for me to get rid of them.
  17. Glad this was a lot of fun for you both!
  18. I've noticed this with my hubby too. When we were first together, we'd go at it fast & furious. Nobody had a lot of TIME to loose much of anything except breath! Now, I have asked him about that, and he's given the same response pretty much, that he's concentrate on my pleasure, that he gets gets a lot of pleasure doing it, but he doesn't get a raging hard on, but not like super hard. Due to concentration. So, I guess it's normal!
  19. You mean off and "busting out"? LMAO Great pic!!!
  20. For me, this is a touchy subject. Not because I'm undecided, because I ONLY WANTED ONE, we have one, and I am DONE. I don't want anymore children. Period, nada, zip, ziltch. I am done. I've pretty much always felt that way. I wasn't even sure that I wanted a child until I met my DH. Now, DH wants to try for a boy, or at least have one more. I don't. In fact, when we decided to try for one, I had told him that IF we had one, the chances of me wanting another one would probably be very small. He thought that I'd want more after having one. I had some slight complications during the pregnancy. I had to have suppressive therapy for bladder infections, plus I had a herpes outbreak every single month, causing me to have to have a c-section. I had to sleep upright in a recliner for 6 weeks before I could lay down and get up without pain in my incision area, to which I believe I tore a bit when I got up for the first time after surgery. Hubby had to work nights, and so it was up to ME and ME only to take care of an infant, breast feed and keep her quiet so he could sleep so he'd be safe at work. SOOOO, maybe it's selfish of me, but I am done. Physically, I'd have to endure all that again, including healing from major surgery. Emotionally, I just KNOW I am not up to it. Now, he's gone a week at a time, and I KNOW I couldn't handle it alone like that. I don't have the patiences and I want to go back to work. I'm now able to go and do things more "active" with our DD, and the horses, dogs, cats, and whatever, without hauling 100lbs of baby gear! LOL DH thinks I'm being "too selfish", though I had warned him ahead of time that IF we were to have kids, this was how it would be. Go figure. Many people down here think I'm crazy for not wanting a baseball team as a family. Sorry, just not I think that you KNOW, deep down in your mind, when you're done. How much you can endure, how much the family can take, and how hard another baby will affect the finances, will all weigh in on all of that. Deep down, or in some cases, not so deeply, you'll know.
  21. No offense to your current interest, but, if she's cuddling around with you, and still with the "asshole", doesn't that make HER a "creeper" too? I mean, in a true relationship, there has to be trust & respect. Do you honestly think you could trust her if, on the offbeat chance, you did get back together with her? Do you think that she'd do the same thing with the other guy that she's doing now? Do you think she's respecting him by doing this, and respecting or caring about YOU? If she just wants to be friends, and knows how you feel, she really should be trying to back off a bit, to give you a direct message, and let you move on. She's not trying to help you out, she's being selfish by her actions (cuddling, and allowing you to have hope that there may be by her physical affection). She's actually a "Player/Creeper". She's got her BF, and she's got you as a fill-in for what she's not getting with her relationship, and has said that right out there. She doesn't know WHAT she wants. And/or she isn't ready for a real committed relationship. If she's not ready for one, and you are, then, darlin', it's time to head 'em up, and mooooooove 'em out! There's nothing wrong with her not wanting a serious relationship, however, she's not making that absolutely clear by words AND actions. Take a break from dating. Who says you hafta be in a relationship to feel like a normal person? Take some time to heal for yourself. Dating can be a lot of free-from-cares fun, that many people just don't get. Dating around doesn't mean sleeping around, or just jumping into an available bed. It's going out, movies, dinner, events, whatever, with someone of the opposite sex that you like, friend or not, and having a good time. Seeing what's out there for potential mates, and having some memories along the way. You could tell her about him trying to play around, but, her knowing you you feel about her may make it sound like you're trying to break them up for your own benefit. However, if you start dating, it may spur her on to what she may want, whether it's you, or not. Again, you really need to stop and think if she is REALLY what you want in a woman, and can you trust her when she's away from you? Will she use another man to get what she's not getting from you? Do you really want that? Anyway, I hope things work out for what's best for you!! Best Wishes!
  22. Well, some things can indeed make you less likely to care for them, if you blame yourself, such as your situation indicated a while ago. You went to counselling, which is great. Has that girl ever just told you that you were the cause of her "turning lesbain"? I doubt it. People don't just "turn" gay/bisexual. Thru counselling, I'm sure you've learned that. Maybe you haven't fully encompassed that in your mind, but you really should. Many gay people, as you said, do try to have a "normal" lifestyle. Whether it's to please others around them, or they're in self-denial. I had a guy I had been crazy for, tell me, right after a great date, that he didn't think he was gay, cuz he liked girls too much, but he thought he was bisexual. I had also been his first GF 3 yrs prior. We'd never slept together, but, I did stop seeing him. Hey, a 17 yr old's ego is a fragile thing. I was scared, but I didn't blame myself, for the most part. Whatever small blame (you can't help it to do so even a tad, though it makes no sense) I had, went away, once I learned more about bi/homosexuality. I regrettind dropping him so fast, and have since apologized to him for doing such. He told me he'd kinda expected it, but wanted to let me know then. Now, whether or not that you will ever get over that, is anyone's guess. You may not. If girl-on-girl just doesn't get you off at all, then what's the big deal? If you miss it a little bit, then you've got a mental block. But, not ALL "normal" guys like to see girl-on-girl. It doesn't mean you're odd. If you don't miss it at all, then there shouldn't be an issue, right? Not on a sexual nature, but one year, when I was a teen, I got super uber sick, and all I wanted to eat were Cocoa Puffs. Now, to this DAY, I can't even stomach smelling it! I have NO interest in most chocolate cereals now. Yes, I said it, a woman, there is some form of chocolate I just don't even want!! So yes, it happens IRL, in all areas, not just sexual. Best wishes to you!
  23. I think that most people flirt naturally, to a degree. It's human nature. I guess it depends on the level of flirting. I mean, my DH flirts with some women all the time. No biggie. However, if he allowed another woman to sit on his lap, kiss him, or grab his ass, then I may step in and tell her to get out of here.
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