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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I think that he chose his words poorly. Because it almost sounded like he may have been saying that Colorado is full of "illiterate peasants", meaning residents as well. That could be why he was dismissed. Even if taken out of context, it was very rude of him to say. I've been in TX for a while, and, I can understand this man's, as well as other's, annoyance at this. Some people say that migrant workers get the jobs that Americans wouldn't do. Ever watch Dirty Jobs? If people willingly work in those sorts of jobs, I'm sure that Americans would be willing to work on farms in the sun & heat. The problem is that Americans need more money to survive. Many migrant workers live with SEVERAL family members, and can afford to take a $5 an hour pay cut, since there are more people in the household that will chip in with cost of living. Why are they getting jobs with pay so low? Cuz people don't want to pay a lot of money for "hired help". It's a vicious cycle. My husband's lost out on a few great jobs, because, as a professional welder, he knows his work is worth AT LEAST $25 an hour as a welder. But, the companies hire men that may not have the qualifications that he does, cuz they're willing to get paid $15 an hour.
  2. I LOLed at the "forget the Tickle Me Elmo" too!! I was glad to read that the nubbies were soft, cuz on the pic, they look like some sort of torture device! LOL
  3. I hope everyone has a GREAT Earth Day!!! What's everyone doing today to try and be more Earth friendly? I'm trying not to use much electricity today. Plus, where my daughter's sick, and not going to school, I don't plan on using any gas today either.
  4. Masturbation may help prevent prostate cancer Saw this article on Yahoo news and thought I'd share.
  5. I love the look of the bulbous head. Seems as though something that big, and hard, would make finding that spot a bit easier. Were the vibes really strong, or moderate?
  6. I think I'm going to change it so it makes a bit more sense. It'll be a 4 paw rating system. Since tigers only have 4 paws. Bonuses can be either a back arch, tail flick, or all of the above!! LOL
  7. Mobsters Ball Let me tell you about this new here DVD I got, produced by Wicked Pictures, see...but we hafta keep this on the down-low, ‘cuz if The Family found out I was talkin’ to ya, well, I’d end up swimmin’ with da fishes, if yous know what I means! See, we got these hit-men, but it’s actually a team of 3, 2 dolls and a guy. They know how to get the job done. And they love to reward themselves after a job well-done by getting down in some back alley, if ya’s know what I mean *wink wink*. They just loves to reward themselves with a good ole fashioned 3-some. Gives new meaning to “pistol whippin’” You may like to see them cummin’, but it’ll be the last thing that ya sees. Bank Robbin’ is still an art here in the 30’s. And it’s all about finesse. Ya gotta have your own style to really get noticed & respected around these parts. The 2 girls that are still at “large” really have some great style, and leave the bank manager wishin’ there were more of these kinds of robbers, if ya know what I mean! Of course, bein’ in the Mob, livin’ the life, and getting what you want, well, that means sometimes going to the broad that does the Money Laundering. And, boy does she have some style. Not to mention nice tits, and a really voluptuous figure to boot! Her hired muscle really knows how to do more than one job too. When she wants somethin’ done, she can count on him to take care of business…even if the business that needs takin’ care of is HER! Then you have to go to The Cotton Club. There you can experience the night-life. Complete with thugs, dames, music, and one helluva lounge singer, she can hit those high notes, if yous get my drift. Watch her and the patrons really get it on in one great show of an orgy! As always, Moonshine’s in high demand. Fuck prohibition! You gotta have hooch if you’re gonna be a thug! And this couple really knows how to brew some great hooch, as well as some hot lovin’ in the sun. After a long day of illegal activities, relax at the Clubhouse with a few of your thugs and their dames. Play some pool, cards, and oh, watch the couples have at it too. It’s always nice to see people place more than their bets. He he he. As you well know, being a thug means that sometimes the Feds will catch up to you, since you’re on all the Wanted posters. Watch one dame blow her way out of trouble in the jail cell, as 2 guards get the time of their life. She is one smart one, she is. Leaving them limp and well-loved as she leaves them in the cell as she is out on bail, so to speak. Set in the 1930’s, this DVD stays pretty much in that theme, even with the music, props, and dress. Seeing the cover it looks like a regular DVD, until you flip it over that is. Complete with several bonus features, this is one quality film. Great shots, scenes, and close ups, this film has a lot to offer with 3-somes, couple action, and a voyeuristic feel while watching 2 couples go at it. Although, as we watched it, you could basically call out what they were going to do next, sucking, spitting, and fucking, there really wasn’t a lot of creativity there, but I will give kudos to the director, Brad Armstrong, for keeping with the theme. I give it 3 out of 4 paws. Suckin' and Fuckin' Gangsters
  8. No, this never should've happened. I HATE it when women use the kids as pawns to get back at their exes, and all they do is expose the kids to neglect, abuse, and badmouthing of the other parent (which, IMHO is another form of abuse). Of anyone in the world, your kids should always be able to trust the parents. I am sorry. I would have your BF follow iha's advise. Plus, if messages are left on the answering machine and/or cell phone, KEEP THEM. DO not erase them, no matter how vile they may be. These will be handy. If you have caller ID, save the record. Get a record from the phone company on all incoming calls, to prove harassment, and to show the courts what you're having to deal with. Get a restraining order if you have too. Good luck, best wishes!! I hope that little girl doesn't have to go thru too much more to be happy.
  9. It's just for fun darlin'. Don't read too much into it. Besides, some of those questions on that quiz.....make me glad I'm as "pure" as I am!!!
  10. I guess it would depend on what kind of material that the balls were made of, and if you cleaned them thoroughly enough with warm soap and water. Even the smallest amount of bodily fluid left on the balls or the cord, can cause an odor, and, you were correct to throw them away. You said it exactly, better to be safe than sorry. Yes, the balls inside of the outter balls are in there to create an almost gentle "bumping" sensation for added stimulation. And, there will be times where the balls shift, so you won't really feel them. Remember, women have nerve endings only about 4" up inside. After that, it's really not much as far as sensations go. You can "feel", but not pleasureably so. To get the balls to move around a bit, and to use those muscles, do Kegels to try and get the balls to move so you can feel them better. As far as your question, there is another thread on this, as you mentioned, and I would refer to that thread for the answer. Some people like one type, some another. It all depends on the person. And, with my experience with only 3 different kinds, the one set that I did like, caught me a bit off guard when it came to the orgasm. It was like BANG!! My recommendation would be to check out the product reviews, and find one that sounds like your kind of fit for what you prefer. Good luck!!
  11. I may get flamed for this, but I agree with this poster's response. It's not like you're in a new relationship. Your hubby expressed a desire to have sex with you when he got home, and you know that if he's so drunk that he's going to pass out, then it won't happen. It's not like you're roommates, or trying to get him drunk so he WILL sleep with you. Most everyone's had sex with their SO's while drunk. Your original question was if you should try something new when he's drunk because he'll be more receptive. This would depend on the amount of "difference" there would be. It's not like you're trying to introduce something as dramatic as going from regular sex to anal sex. This is a cock ring. Though, if he's expressed an absolute NO into trying it before, then I wouldn't do it. If he's said HELL NO, and you do it anyway, then that would be a form of trust violation. But, if he hasn't really said either way, and you know that he's more receptive, well, I don't see this as a huge deal. Especially if you both know that when he drinks, he's more receptive to stuff, and he's probably aware that you do the "try a new thing" when he has been drinking. I also agree with iha in that, your husband may have a bit more of a gender issue than you may realize, and that this is stuff you should consider. Because if he's as confused as the culmination of your posts suggest, also adding trust issues may be something you don't want to do. Only you know how he's going to react after he sobers up.
  12. How porned out are you? I am 67% "Pornofied" LOL!!!
  13. There may be a few financial changes, and my first marriage, but, everything that I have done made me who I am today....
  14. What great shots!! Blow the view outside your window up, and put it in your bedroom, as a reminder!! That's wonderful that you had a great time, and I'm glad you're back, safe and sound (and maybe even a bit more tan!!). Oh, BTW I hate you.... ...(that was jealousy speaking....you know I love ya!!!).
  15. I'm 41% pure......I'm surprised it's that high (that sounded bad....).
  16. I guess it would depend on the situation. Now if my husband had an accident, and could no longer perform sexually, then yes, I could live without the real thing. If it was due to lack of interest, caring, or desire, after going thru all of the medical stuff and emotional stuff, then yes, I would leave.
  17. I would also be willing to be a Mod for the area as well. I'm on here often, and also am an Admin on another board. We have about 3 Admins on our board, 2 regulars, just to be sure that someone is usually there to see what's going on on a regular basis.
  18. I was so excited to get the 7 ½” Bath-Time Bunny which is TT’s highest seller. I wanted to know what the hype was all about, and yes, I found out WHY: ‘Cuz this rabbit really works!! Coming in blue or hot pink, I got the hot pink bunny, and it’s a nice color. It also doesn’t have an obnoxious odor right out of the packaging. Taking 2 AA batteries (not incl), this toy is, of course, waterproof, hence the word “bath-time” in the name. LOL You can see the thick rubber gasket between the cap and the toy, which is a great comfort. The controller is a dial at the bottom, which goes from low to HIGH. I was impressed that such an inexpensive, simple toy had so much power with the twist of a dial! Normally, I am a bit disappointed in a dial-toy’s strength, but not this time! Plus, the vibe isn’t really overly loud. The tip looks similar to the head of a penis, except the smiley face below the head, and the “pearl necklace” which is slightly raised nubbies for added stimulation (which I barely felt at all). All great for function, yet not so intimidating for new toy users. Also, the insertable length is about 4", so it's not overly large, yet the diameter is 1.5", so what it lacks in length, it makes up for width-wise. The clit stimulator is the rabbit, and the ears are what really does this Rabbit its justice! Most women need clit stimulation to get off, & I’m one of them, so when I get a toy that has a clit stimulator, it’s always a big plus for me. The ears are firm, yet flexible, they’re just perfect for those of us that like a bit more direct/firm clit stimulation since they’re long enough to really reach the clit. I sometimes have a hard time finding a toy that has a stimulator that will reach me well while I have the other part inside of me. On HIGH, this rabbit really made my leg twitch. The vibes are strong enough thru the entire shaft, so you get the full benefits of this toy. It was also thick enough for me to get that full feeling that I do so love inside of me. Clit stimulation AND a full feeling! YES! Cute, inexpensive, fun, and it works! How can you go wrong? Hop To It To Get This Dual Action
  19. Along with all the GREAT advice already given, let me just add that, even though y'all have talked all this out, 2 days does not make a HUGE change. He may try for a bit, then slack off. We've all done it. It's hard not to! Communication is very important. Having the other person understand is also very important. Retaining and practicing the suggestion to make things better makes for the change a long-term success. So, make sure to talk, make sure he understands, and make sure he follows thru!! Oh, and just because you're learning what you like, and what gets you off doesn't make you a freak, it makes you a sexually knowlegable woman! Best wishes on the continued success!!
  20. I must commend you for looking at yourself from a different POV, and doing some research, and then taking the big step of going to counselling!! Many men can't or won't do that. And, when they do, then it takes a really long time for them to realize it. So, double kuddos for you today!! I would definitely date, if I were you. Go out, have fun. If you go back with your GF, it may be hard not to go back into that rut that you're trying to get out of. I'm not saying you WOULD, just that it would add a degree of difficulty. Not to sound like I'm "dissin'" you, but, if she's ready to date, it sounds like she just wants to get out there after being in such a constrictive & negative relationship. This is totally normal too. Hey, if it works out later on, GREAT. But, if there's any hope for that, she has to really SEE that you're trying. Cuz, if it's only been a week, a total change like you're trying to do, is all lip service right now. It takes a long time to see where your issues lay, and how you can change it, then going about to change it, and having it be seen. Again, I'm not trying to sound like I'm bashing you, cuz I really am not doing that. I wish you much success in your big change!!!
  21. OK, Mikayla's article on 3-somes is AWESOME!! I had to really think about what I wanted to say to you on this post, cuz, at first read, your BF's immature attitude really fried my ass. Him saying that you're "Making too much of this" is BS. OF COURSE you want to think about this sort of thing. Immature? Not hardly. Jealous? OK, this is a 6 month thing so far. If, at 6 months of dating seriously, my BF (at the time) told me he wanted to have a 3-some, and I was really liking this guy, & we were mongomous, then I too would be a bit insulted. I agree with the last post. If you're in this for just a "fling" or having fun, it may not be as big of a deal. However, whether you're in a long-term relationship or not, bringing someone else in the mix is a SERIOUS step, that can't be taken back once done. And, you should absolutely be choosy with whom you're going to sleep with. Every straight man, or at least the majority, has the fantasies of a 3-some, with 2 girls and him. However, what would he say if you wanted the 3-some to be 2 men and YOU? I bet he wouldn't like that at all. And, from my POV, if a man isn't willing to contemplate the 3-some as such, if you're willing to have one, then he is the one being selfish and immature. You are correct when you said that your relationship is too young to withstand this, given your thoughts and feelings on this. You sound like you're more into HIM. And, as it was mentioned, if you have to "buy" his affection by doing whatever he wants, and he doesn't care about how YOU feel, then it's time to step back, and really really see if this is the kind of guy you want. One that tries to guilt you into doing stuff you just don't want to do. Best wishes and good luck.
  22. There is no real "normal" appearance for the labia. Everyone is different down there, like facial features. Just because you've shaved it, doesn't mean your BF hasn't seen the actual shape of it (and felt it with his fingers & mouth), right? Now that the hair is gone, it's just more obviously out there. So, I wouldn't worry about it. Besides, you can't help how you're designed down there, so it's nothing to worry about. Check out that website that Mikayla recommended. It's pretty popular.
  23. You are simply gorgeous!!! Is that your hubby in your Avatar too?
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