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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I LOVE the Glass Ruby!! I hope you report back to us after you use it! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Congrats on your first glass purchase!!
  2. I would post this question in either Beginners, or General Sex Toy Discussions, so it can get the attention it deserves. Welcome to the site!! I hope that you have fun here, and gain lots of insight!!
  3. Whoa, wait a minute.....if he's a friend, and intimidated by you, then there's a problem. He may say he wants things to "be right" for the 2 of you to hook up, but, if he really wanted something to happen, then he wouldn't go "sex up some other females". He may like flirting with you, and have you flirt with him, cuz, let's face it, when you flirt, and get flirted with, it feels GOOD!! It's affirmation that you're attractive. And, with a friend, who knows a lot more about you than someone off the street, and they flirt with you regardless, it really really feels good!! If he's a really good friend, you may want to rethink the whole FWB thing. Take it from someone that's been there, done that: once you cross that line, it's NEVER the same. It DOES change a friendship, no matter how agreeable the situation is. Even if you both agree to move on, keep it casual, you can't really ever shake the whole "we slept together" aspect. Plus, if you have someone new in your life, it's just awkward. He may not be intimidated by YOU per say, but the thought of messing up the friendship, that may be holding him back. The question now is, are you willing to risk the friendship for casual sex, or do you want to keep the friendship, and just move on.
  4. It's great advise to talk with your doctor, to find out what is best for YOUR needs. Hell, I just learned by reading the previous post about Paraguard!! That almost sounds better for my needs (and I'll be off to find the info on their website). But it's up to you to find out what is your preferred method for BC, so you can learn all of the side-effects as WELL as the benefits. Best wishes!
  5. Try Googling it. Or, if you know of the name of the company that makes it, Google that, you may be able to order directly from the company.
  6. I hope you don't have sex with your "friend" again then. Just because it may be an STD doesn't mean pennicillin will cure it. Besides, if he takes pennicillin that he hasn't seen a doctor about, he will become more resistant to it and then he will be harder to treat for whatever he may get. But that's on HIM, not YOU, so he can obviously do what he want, and you told him, so don't give it another thought.
  7. For some women, this is a risky thing. Just like soaking in a tub with bubble bath for too long, the heat and chemicals in a hottub can promote bacteria inside the vagina and/or uretha, and for those of us that may be a bit on the "sensitive" side, may develop a bladder or yeast infection if too much time is spent in the hottub, with or without sex. Sex will push the chemicals up inside more, but many women do this, and have no troubles. I would say it depends on the woman.
  8. I know this may come as a shock to y'all, but I have a tiger tattoo on my right upper thigh. LOL
  9. I guess the only "good" part about her situation, is that she has endometriosis, which keeps coming back. So, her insurance company may have to cover her, if she's been with them all the long, so they won't claim "pre-exsisting condition". And, your OB/GYN may be able to write up a statement as to why it happened, and then consult with a couple of other OB/GYNs to the cause, if it was caused by the first doctor, then s/he'd be held accountable, as rightly that they should! But I would definitely take Howard's advise and seek out a lawyer. Even if you have a tight budget, many states offer free and/or discounted lawyer services.
  10. I'm sorry you went thru all of that. And, of course, we always encourage people to post what they're comfortable with, but your follow up post was a LOT more helpful, and direct as to WHY you hate your labia and vagina. The more specific you can get in a question, and your explanations as to WHY you feel like that, the better we can try and advise. Best wishes to you!!
  11. Where I have never had "Trick", that I am aware of (I did have some sort of vaginal bacterial infection when I was younger, that both me and my partner had, so it very well have been that), I DO have genital herpes. So, I know what you are feeling. Let me just say that you should be thankful that what you contracted something easily cured. STD's are not things that pick and choose people that are gay or promiscuous. This is a common misconception. People that are either in committed relationships, or have very few lovers think that they are safe from STDs, because, well, they won't get anything. Their lovers look healthy. Even though though that may sound silly, even in the back of one's mind, those thoughts lurk, and give us some protective comfort. But STDs infect at random, so please don't be down on yourself for that at all. I felt lower than low when I first realized that I had herpes. I felt dirty. I beat myself up cuz I got this "nasty" thing in my body that will always be in me now, and I felt undesirable. But, my older sister has it as well, so I had already had a wealth of knowledge about what she had (she told me a lot about it before I got it), and now what I have as well, and I also knew what kind of person my sister is, and what sort of person I am as well, so I was able to get over that part rather quickly. I've done a lot of research on it as well. It's always best to research what is going on with your body, even if it is curable. It's hard telling who you got it from. Sometimes, symptoms take a long time to show up, sometimes it even takes years (depending on which STD you contract. If you are in contact with your ex, I would call him up, and let him know that you're being treated for an STD, which one, and suggest that he goes and gets tested. If he is smart, he will, and he will tell his live-in too, cuz, more than likely, she will get it too. But it's up to you. Many states now have some laws on the books that state that if you are AWARE that you have an STD, you are legally obligated and responsible for telling anyone that you are going to have sex with in the future. But, you are under no obligation to tell past lovers. If you've been treated and cured of one, well, that's in the past, and nobody's business. So you don't have to disclose on that (if you're cured). Condoms are the #1 defense against STDs, but they aren't always a 100% guarantee. I had my past lovers wear condoms, and the guy that I think infected me, well, we had one condom slip off one night. There's always a chance of leakage and breakage as well. Use condoms, wash with fresh, clean washcloths afterwards, be aware of what's going on with your body and just be careful. Best wishes!
  12. Tyger

    Need Sex

    "I don't believe that kids should be given Priority over your spouse. Sorry, but without both parents, the kids aren't there, and can't survive on their own. And it does take two parents to raise kids. So, any parent that says he/she is giving priority to children over his/her spouse, is wrong, and heading for a divorce lawyer's office, if it doesn't change." "Giving a spouse priority when you have the responsibility of babies, and infants requires a lot of communication and work scheduling time to be together. But its worth it. People make excuses that they can't afford a babysitter to get out for an evening. B.S.!!! Where I do agree that America is really on a downward spiral, as far as families go, I think that the wording here is incorrect. I don't think that "prioritizing" one's children over spouses is really the appropriate wording. I think the phrase that should be used is "slotting your time to include some kid-free time for you & your SO". Having kids AND A successful relationship definitely takes time and effort to continue! In a lot of the "Real World" now, there are many people that honestly can't afford OR don't trust the circle of people that they have TO babysit! A lot of Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck, in debt, and, for those really young parents whom either have left where they live to try and start anew, and can't get out other than to work, they don't have that family/friends network that can be trusted to babysit. In the cases of young couples, if you have kids, and your friends don't, well, you get left out of the loop very quickly. It is getting a lot harder to actually FIND a babysitter that will be responsible enough to watch your children & is reasonable in price. It's a BIG trust issue to allow someone no matter who they are, to watch your children. Now, I am NOT saying that it's not possible, but not overly realistic in many cases. It can be very dicouraging to find someone to watch your child, an then, add another child, or it be a baby, then it can get harder. Many sitters have an "age limit" to how young they want to "deal" with when they babysit. Many people that haven't had kids at all, or have "kids" that are now around my age (34), forget how hard it really can be to do so. And, I am NOT saying that couples should just resign themselves to staying home 24/7. Can't afford a sitter or dinner once a week? What about a walk as a family? Or, have a late-night dinner AFTER the kids are in bed. TV off, and just a nice meal between the 2 of you. Or, no sitter, but you want to have someone else prepare? Take-out anyone? Sometimes it's nice to bring home a bunch of Chinese food, and have your own buffet! When our daughter was first born, I was on WIC, and do you know what? 5 yrs ago I found one of my now best friends at a "seminar" WIC was trying to establish. I wanted to meet other mothers going thru what I was too. We connected almost instantaniously!! We both were pleasantly surprised at how well and strongly we connected, thus developing a wonderful friendship. Before I moved way down here, our kids played together a lot. Unforutately, with the way our husband's shifts ran, we never got to do the whole "kid switching", but, we both knew that if we needed/wanted too, we could. You DO need to make an effort to get out there, and TRY to find ways to reconnect, even if you have to steal those moments. Like, say you take your kids to the zoo; why not hold hands, or put a hand on the small of your partner's back? How sexy is it for a man to caress, or hold the hand of the mother of his kids? Hubba hubba!! Or, trying to make some time after the kids are in bed. While you're winding down, rest your head in his lap, or have him rest his in yours. It may or may not lead to something. Reconnecting as a couple is what's important here. If you're not connected as a couple, the sex life will suffer. Just showing affection for one another is a very important part of being a couple. "Any guy who is complaining about not wanting another baby, has two healthy kids, but won't wear a condom is being a total jerk." I TOTALLY AGREE WITH THIS STATEMENT!!! "There is NO guy who is really being hurt by wearing a condom. They even have large sized condoms for truly big men. He needs to find another excuse. That one is so lame, it would get him laughed out of any locker room." I don't know about being laughed at, since most guys prefer the feel of real to wrapped, but, I think that this is a ridiculous and selfish statement. My hubby wants more kids but I don't. However, he wears the condoms (and needs the Magnums, and they fit him just fine), AND I use foam. This may not be overly spontaneous, but the head on the shoulders needs to be in charge of the head in the groan, if no more kids are desired. If he truly doesn't want ANY more kids, then he should bite the bullet and get the big V. It's a lot easier, and less intrusive than having a woman get her tubes tied. I'm assuming that you went on the IUD you talked about? If so, then there should be no more worries about pregnancy anyway. THe whole "he doesn't want to do it infront of his daughter" excuse is a bit lame, but I can see his point. Even though it sounds silly, it feels wierd. I didn't like doing it in our room when our daughter slept in our room too. But, we'd go to the living room while she slept, or the bathroom, or the other bedroom. Somewhere where we didn't see her. Though, I did understand that, even at 14 mos, kids don't KNOW what exactly you're doing. So, even if caught, don't feel like you've traumatized them. LOL I think the point that you're not married yet was lost, however, you seriously need to talk with your fiance' and find out what his issues are. Non-confrontational as possible, but still getting your point across. If he gives the same old responses of "I dunno" or "I'm just too tired", ask him HOW he thinks that this can be fixed. Sometimes "I don't know" is an honest answer, but it's not one that should be allowed to continue. And it's also sometimes used to dismiss the issue (which I know pisses me off when my DH does it). Get him to think about his answers, without attacking him. Maybe go to a church you belong to, and talk with the minister there? They would rather counsel couples before they get married, then see divorces happen (at least good ones should). Let me also say that, 12 yrs between the 2 of you doesn't SOUND like a big difference, but, and please don't take this the wrong way, the age differences in maturity levels are probably a factor too. I did NOT have the same feelings/maturity level I did at age 21. I know what you mean about the stretch markes and whatnot. But, there are things you can control/fix, and others you just can't. Get some lotion specially designed for scars and/or stretch marks to try and lighten them. I used Palmer's for stretch marks (while pregnant), and it worked well. If there's some extra weight, then go for walks, do some extra leg lifts in the house while doing dishes. Exercise with your baby. There are ways to do this. Again, with effort. To "look" sexy, you need to FEEL sexy, inside! Once a month sex is not acceptable, no matter what your age, so long as you're both healthy, and are together! I will admit that I have some health issues that prevent us from having sex as often as we'd like too, but, we do try. I also encourage him to masturbate, and sometimes I help him with that too. So, BEFORE you get married, these things really need to be resolved. Because they WON'T get better when you ARE married. It's not like the ring will magically make it all disappear, that's for sure. Why did I drag this out so long? Well, for that I do apologize. I wanted to let you know that you are NOT alone, and that there are many many of us that do understand your situation & have BTDT. Best wishes darlin'.
  13. Howdy, and welcome!! Have fun here!
  14. I have only used GC's or my debit card on here, and yes, it just says Atlantic Innovations on the statement. So long as your debit card has the Visa or MasterCard logo on it, it can be used on here just like a credit card.
  15. These 2 boys are brothers, and they either sleep snuggled up to each other, or, like in this one, mirror-positioned.
  16. Um, no thanks (say the girl from Texas). LOL
  17. Thanks all, and yes, all the babies (horses) are all better now! Happy, healthy, and shedding like crazy!!
  18. I may be "carbon-dating" myself, but when I saw "Shane's World" I started saying 'Party on dude. Righteous. And I'm not worthy". I know, the one I'm thinking of is "Wayne's World", but ya gotta admit, it fits!!
  19. Thank you Thur, you big softie you (not meant as an insult, since, apparently, you keep Val satisfied LOL). I don't think a hug or kiss from me would be overly exciting for you though......... Hey Ginger! I hear the suggestion of a Shiver Shot??? *woot!!* I am SO there!!!
  20. Welcome to the site and the forum! I love this place! It's the only one of its kind, that I've found, which is refreshing, as well as rare, on the growing WWW! So, I hope you enjoy the info, toys, and learn something new everyday!
  21. Is it the Julie Ashton's Anal Starter Kit? If so, we have this one, and it comes with some wonderful Doc Johnson's Anal Lube, which I can personally attest to being one of the best anal lubes we've tried!! It lasts, safe, and very helpful!! Use the plugs as you feel you want too. There is no set time limit, or a limit/goal as to when you should use what. If something is feeling really good, and you're adventurous, try a larger size. Go slow, relax, and just try and really really relax your anal muscles. Yes, it SOUNDS easy to do, but it sometimes can take a little to actually DO it. Breathe, relax, and LUBE!! Good luck!
  22. Tyger


    I just looooove the satiny feeling ones. Even though they're hard, they FEEL soft!!
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