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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. OMG Katt!! I would definitely check with the School Board higher up, maybe with the Superintendant or even higher than that. DHS may know as well. I hope your daughter's lip heals up soon! I'd have been all over them like white on rice!! You don't mess with my lil' cub!! Helllllll nawwwwwwwww *said with a southern drawl there*!!! And, if there is no laws for that, I'd see what you could do about getting that changed (take pics of your daughter's injuries), have meetings, PTA, and so on, and HIGHLY suggest to the school that, unless they can afford to get the proper equipment for those contact type sports, or ones with sticks, then they shouldn't HAVE the sports in the school!
  2. Cirque Disolay? I have to agree with Synnr, I'd never leave the house either!! I think I need to go stretch out now......
  3. Color me amused at the new twist on the name for a cock ring!! LOL
  4. "Swallowing" is a better term. Depending on if your male or female, swallowing your lover's cum can be as hard or easy as you make it. Though, with a man, you get more cum, shot in your mouth, at once, where a man can lap up his lover's cum easier. Although there have been "squirters", where the woman literally ejaculates. There are several posts here in the Oral Discussion Forum on swallowing, how to's and so on. I would recommend that you look at that and if you have more specific questions, by all means, we'll be happy to help.
  5. Timing is everything. I hope you get a DVD player soon!!
  6. I hope the kiddos get better soon! Thurisas is right, as are the other posters. It may seem SOOO obvious now, in hindsight, however again, the chances of having 2 kids having earaches at the same time are low. And, the 6 yr old was sleeping, which, every pediatrician will tell you that sleep is the best medicine for a sick child. From what you said, she was already sick, trying to get better, and resting. As a mother, you were doing what you thought was best, and the nurse was out of line to say something like that. Maybe the doctor was trying to be funny, but he shouldn't have said that either. There are always times where we will say "I should've done that" with our kids. Don't beat yourself up. You're human. I hope everyone gets better and gets lots of rest!!
  7. Good for you Synnr. Hey, if you find something that works for you, then, by all means, GO WITH IT!! LOL iha!!
  8. OK, never ONCE did *I* say that it was a rush of oxygen or lack thereof, that causes fainting. Nor did I specifically SAY that YES you WILL pass out when you orgasm. I said that IT IS POSSIBLE. Howard just can't seem to understand THAT. Hell, I don't want girls thinking that they need to be scared when they orgasm, and it's insulting that you even think that I do, TYVM. I specifically said that it is RARE for this to happen. Sex can be as, if not more, strenuous than exercising, and we all know that many people have passed out due to that, whether it be poor breathing techniques, dehydration, or something else. I took a lot of time before I answered this one, and did a bunch of research on it before I even posted. And, dear Howard, more than ONE site said the same thing: that if you breathe in too much, or in short gasps, you CAN hyperventalate and faint because of it. NEVER in my post did I say that it WOULD happen!!! It's RARE. It's RARE. It's RARE. I don't know how much clearer I can get on that. As many of you (hopefully) know, or will come to know, that I don't usually just shoot my mouth (or in this case, fingers) off without thinking about what I want to say, first. Choose to disagree with me, everyone has that right. However, saying that I am "spreading wive's tales" like they are true, when there is SOME basis to it (even a nurse friend of mine who is current in all her education) agreed with me on the whole passing out issue. So, you can balk all you want, you are wrong on this Howard. And, it is my right to defend myself to what I KNOW to be true. Unfortunately, due to some reasons, Howard thinks that most doctors are full of, well, something other than knowledge. At least that's how I see it, so he is going to argue that pretty much every medical journal/professional is somehow wrong in one way or another. Whatever. I'm done arguing my point. I've made it. I do NOT wish to scare ANYONE. The majority of women don't ever pass out from an orgasm. But, I would hate to think that, if someone did, and was reading this forum, that there was something totally WRONG with them if they ever did.
  9. In medicine, hyperventilation (or overbreathing) is the state of breathing faster and/or deeper than necessary, thereby reducing the carbon dioxide concentration of the blood below normal.~Brought to you by Wikipedia So, yes, it IS possible to pass out taking short quick breaths. It's called hyperventilation. Though, I'm sure most women don't do this, it has, in fact happened. No, this is NOT a wives tale. I know of 3 friends who actually BRAGGED that, during their orgasm, they couldn't seem to control their breathing, and passed out, freaking their lovers out, but coming too with a HUGE smile on their face. Apparently, these women did it a bit too much. So, your recent post, Howard, when you spoke of hyperventilation, is a bit conflicting, IMO. You said yourself that you felt "heady" from holding your breath, but never passed out. And that you trained yourself, as a swimmer, to allow yourself to hold your breath. Well, good for you, but most everyday people don't do that. And it is a MEDICAL fact that irregular breathing can cause someone to pass out, not just get "heady". Sex is a PHYSICAL activity. So, therefore, your breathing is normally increased. All of which, can induce hyperventilating and even passing out. I think the key to the whole breathing thing, again, is control and relaxation. I've passed out, so I know what it feels like. Though mine wasn't from sex, though the softer surface would've been more appreciative than the cold floor I got laid on!! LOL I have used the deep breathing techniques (for years) that Howard has spoken about, and they DO work. But as an asthmatic, I have to be careful when and how long I have to do this. I've made the mistake of not paying attention to my breathing when having sex, and, having an asthma attack during it. NOT a wive's tale, it HAPPENED. Thankfully, I always have an inhaler on my bedside and purse, so, no matter where I am, I'm covered. Though I have to take a break (I do, however, make sure to stimulate my hubby when this happens, so he won't loose his mood, though he's usually more concerned about me than getting off at this point! LOL). I truly believe that each woman is different in how orgasms feel for them, as with men. I think Mikayla and other Sex Goddesses (aka women!!) out there will agree with me on this too. As with anything else, different women feel the same things different at times. For instance: tolerance for pain. Me? I don't have a high tolerance for physical pain. When I brought my friend with me for my tattoo on my back, I was laying in her lap, cringing and "ow"ing the entire time. She had one done, same area, and not a FLINCH!! I wanted to beat her!! LMAO Or taste buds. For instance: I LOVE guacamole. My mother thinks it's the most disgusting thing on the planet! LOL On orgasm is, for the most part, a physical reaction to stimuli, which, again, everyone reacts differently too, so saying that EVERY woman can do this, that, or the other and reacts the same way, is, WRONG. As for the original intention of this post, I believe that orgasms are extremely important in ANY adult's life! It feels good (nuttin' wrong with THAT!!), releases wonderful endorphins that can help relax, alieviate pain....the list goes on and on!
  10. Howard is correct, however, it seems as though you already have perused the shopping section. Toys that you're interested in, and that have been reviewed already have the review RIGHT with the shopping page of that particular item. So, we try to make it easy, so you don't have to go searching all over the place. This toy in particular has yet to be reviewed. With many of these "wearable" toys, I have found, that they're designed "wrong" for my particular "setup" down there. Sometimes I'll get some clit stimulation, but it's kinda off, position wise, KWIM? There was one that I reviewed a while ago, called Polly The Clit Diddler. This has a set of anal beads attached, but this REALLY worked well for me, and even better....IT'S ON CLEARANCE!!! WOOT!! Of course, if you don't go for anal sex, you can use this lil birdie without it too. But it seemed that this one was one of my most successful (so far). If you want hands-free stimulation while having sex, I would suggest something like a bullet, or even a vibrating cock ring. These are some of the most popular. I hope this is helpful.
  11. *trying to picture the whole elbow thing* I know that the improbability of being able to successfully do this is the whole point, however, it's funny to try and picture someone trying to put their elbow in their anus....
  12. OK, I am WAAAY too visual!! So, you're saying the caveman clubbing the woman is backwards, that the WOMAN needs the club? LMAO!! And, I can just see Val at the door with a 4x6 (so you can't get away as fast).......
  13. I don't mean to sound disrespectful here AT ALL, so please don't take it as such. It's really an unfortunate belief, the "old school" kind of belief (and I don't mean just "older generations"), that if you're happy in your marriage/relationship, that you are not allowed or don't look at other people of the sex you're attracted too. It's unrealistic. Iha is totally correct in his POV of how human males are wired. It's biological. HOWEVER, how one chooses to handle these situations is PERSONAL. For instance, a man can casually look around, and appreciate a curvy woman, maybe even feel some heat down in his groin, as a natural, physical response. He can be discreet about it, and his SO may never know. Or, he could act like a "wolf", jaw drops, whistles, oggles, makes crude comments, and make the woman he's with feel insignificant. Of course, there are variences in between all this, but I think you may get the idea. I'm sorry, but any man that says he doesn't look, IMHO, is lying. Hell, I'd be lying if I said I NEVER looked at other men. Just because one is in a happy and proclaims to be in a fulfilling marriage does NOT mean that they've shut everything off. Yes, you can love someone with all your heart, but that doesn't mean that looking and appreciating a beautiful person is cheating, or that, deep down, you're unhappy. So, yes, men can look and still be happy in their marriage. I called my hubby out on this too. He's an "old schooler". Even though he's 34, he has the "deep south" mentality in a lot of things. When I called him out on looking at another girl, I was laughing. At first, he totally denied it. I told him NOT to lie to me, but I really didn't care if he looked and admired. It was the lying that bothered me. When I took the time and explained to him WHY this conversation was bugging me, it was totally different than what he thought and was use too. He was use to younger women getting all kindsa mad, pissed off, and almost hysterical, that he was looking at other women. I don't want the drama, never have. I'm upfront and pretty honest about that stuff. Sometimes I shock him, and he says that I should've been a man, but I have too nice a "rack" to be a man! LMAO Now, we watch and critique porn together, and he jokes about movie/TV stars that he thinks are hot. I laugh and give as good as I get with that! Think of it like this: Say you like your car, or your house, or, even your favorite sweater. Does that mean that you are unhappy with your car/house/sweater if/when you look at a different one that catches your eye? Of course not. This lady's issue, that she is claiming is that her hubby, for some reason lied to her. Whether or not he felt like he was doing a "bad" thing in his eyes, or if he thought SHE would consider it a bad thing is really something only he can answer. I can understand her hurt at more at being lied to, than having him look at another woman, even a bunch of 'em on the internet. Especially all the lame excuses he's been giving, and the blatant lies.
  14. After being married for 44 years, I took a careful look at my wife one day and said: "Honey, 40 years ago we had a cheap apartment, a cheap car, slept on a sofa bed and watched a 10-inch black and white TV, but I got to sleep every night with a hot 25-year-old gal. Now I have a $500K home, a $45K car, king-size bed and plasma screen TV, but I'm sleeping with a 65-year-old woman. It seems to me that you're not holding up your side of things." My wife is a very reasonable woman. She told me to go out and find a hot 25-year-old gal, and she would make sure that I would once again be living in a cheap apartment, driving a cheap car, sleeping on a sofa bed and watching a 10-inch black and white TV. Aren't older women great? They really know how to solve your mid-life crisis.
  15. I would also suggest that lube is used in great amounts! I'm glad you were able to get them out without the issue of an ER visit! Do you know what brand they were, and can you describe them (shape, color, size) please?
  16. OK, I've been thinking about some ideas. I came up with 3.....: The Reading Room~A section of erotica reading maybe? For those that like to read books & magazines, erotic or pornographic in nature. Leather & Lace~the lingerie bodiour forum. For those that like to dress for sex-cess!! LOL Romancing the Stone~for those that are trying to revamp the sex lives, how it's going type thing. I know, maybe the names can use work, but, they're just suggestions!! LOL
  17. This is quite a problem. My ex husband did the SAME thing, and told ME that if I did that, he'd consider it cheating. The whole hypocrasy is what pissed me off, that, and the lying, he tried denying it, but I caught him, um, red handed...... Men are visually turned on. He may not be "attracted to the women" per say, at least not enough to ask them out to dinner naturally, but, again, the way that men are wired, they get turned on by what they see! Like women usually get turned on by what they HEAR. If you truly don't have an issue with him looking, and, it is just the fact that it is the lies, you ABSOLUTELY have a right to be bothered by the lying. Successful relationships are built on trust. No matter what the issue, lying should NOT be an excuse. If you're really OK with it, then why does he really feel guilty about it? He's a guy, and he's not dead, so of course he's going to look. EVERYONE looks. It's the fact that he doesn't go elsewhere for his sexual gratification that's important. BTW, I would trust the LOGIN information on the site, and not, since, as with this site, a person's password is unique to his SCREEN NAME. Chances are, THAT log is a big more accurate. Not to sound disrespectful, but, he HAS lied to you about all this so far, and you probably have a "feeling" that he's not being overly truthful still, so this shouldn't really surprise you. You can also check your internet cookies on your computer, to see WHEN he logged into the site, if you know how to do that, and want to go that far. Best Wishes.
  18. I LOVED the Bridgestone commercial with Richard Simmons one too!! I was tempted to hit him too.....so I know where that driver was coming from!! LOL
  19. Is self conscious about HER taste, or does she not like your smell/taste? How long has this been going on? If it's her smell she's worried about, does she smell different to you? Or has there been some sort of change (weight gain, hormonal, diet)? Did she maybe quit smoking? Your sense of smell usually gets more sensitive once you stop smoking. I guess there needs to be more info here.
  20. Well, so far, I LOVE Lifewater's rendition of Thriller with Beyonce' (I think that was her) and the lizards. Or Pepsi's one with Justin Timberlake getting slid, smashed, smacked, and whacked. I'm an odd person, cuz it cracks me up to see people fall down. OMG!!! And the E*Trade one with the Baby and clown!!! That was a riot!!!
  21. I forget that a "whoopie pie" is usually something that only usually only us "Yankees" would know!!! LOL Um, it's almost like an overgrown Oreo Cookie. But, the black "parts" are actually similar to chocolate cake. They are SOOOOOOOOO good. Some people mess with the creamy center, ranging from the white frosting that's usually the traditional, to peanut butter, pumpkin, coffee flavor, butterscotch, butter rum, pretty much almost any sort of frosting flavors out there. If anyone would like to try one, I have a couple of recipes for them, and will send it to you. If you've seen those new "cookie cakes" that Nabisco's come out with, they do have an "Oreo" cookie cake, THOSE are actually, what us "Yankees" would call whoopie pies.
  22. I too can see why they may be confused. You said that YOU would CALL HIM if you wanted sex. I bet if you CALLED him, he'd talk with you. Saying something like that, puts the ball in YOUR court, and he's probably waiting to get a call, even if it IS just a booty call. Or, he may want MORE than just a FWB. If that's all you're willing to give now, and there's nothing wrong with that, and being upfront & honest about that, then by all means, call him. If he wants more, he'll either let you know, or make some sort of excuse not to hook up. But, if this guy is a friend, then, he also may be a bit hurt that you said something like that to him, being a friend. You kinda reduced him to a piece of meat. You can't just cuddle, kiss, hold hands, and then say you just want a FWB, then expect him to call. For a guy to cuddle and kiss, and hold hands, usually (but not always) signals a bit higher level than just FWB status. Giving out mixed signals (saying one thing, and doing another) can cause a guy to step back and wonder if you're a player in female form, or question what is really going on.
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