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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. So, that's a yes, the bullet IN the clit stimulator DOES vibrate too, even though it vibrates at the same time as the one in the shaft? 2 bullets going on at the same time. Ok, I'm not crazy. Great! Thanks for the info. Guess I got a defective one.
  2. LOL Pappy!! Yes, he is on 1 week on, 1 week off. They have some great living quarters. And, his rig's location is over 2 hrs away. Today, it got up to 64 degrees (F) with a cool northerly wind.
  3. LMAO Thur!! You are SOOOO busted! Let's see, I have a few: Firemen Cowboys Bartenders Cops I love smart men, men in uniforms, and fun-loving men. I guess it would have to depend on the man too. I mean, in each of mine, there are some ewwwwwwwww's out there too.
  4. Here comes another waterproof clit sucker and stimulator, in a fashionable purple color from Playgirl. When I took it out of the box, it was also sealed in a plastic bag, AND includes the 4 LR44 batteries that this item needs. We always love it when the batteries are included, don’t we? Taking this toy out, I noticed that it’s light. The suction part of it has little flowers on it too. Ah, the power of the flower. The bulb-pump is attached with the air tube, and has a heart-shaped pressure release at its base. No extra wires to get entangled everywhere. The batteries go at the end of the small bullet that is on the inside of the sucker, but the controller is on the outside. The cap/controller screws on & off, and the controller is a dial type. Inside, it has a plastic sleeve that you keep in there, and it tells you which direction the batteries go in. Put those in, screw on the cap, and turn it on. OK, after I did all this, I noticed right off that if I take my fingers off the cap/controller, it rattles quite a bit. But it DOES have a large range of power, and on the highest setting is rather strong. We like the strong vibes! Getting down to business, I lube up the bullet, and the edges of the sucker, to create a great seal. I discover that if the bullet is ON my clit, and I apply the suction, the bullet’s too long, and it hurts. So, if I put the bullet inside me (which barely goes inside me), the suction is a lot better, in fact can be too intense if you pump the bulb too much. Luckily, the heart-shaped release button works really well. The suction did make my clit engorge with blood, and the vibes felt nice, but, until I took this item off, and used another toy on myself to get off, it really didn’t do anything to get me off. A great tool to help create sensitivity, but, for me, this item missed the “Pleasing” part of its name. 2 Pump or not 2 Pump, you decide
  5. Question: was there a vibration IN the shaft, as well as a seperate vibration in the clit stimulator? It looks to me to have 2 bullets, and the one in the shaft of mine works, and IS strong, but the clit stim, which I see wires going too, doesn't vibe independantly. I was curious. I'm also going to contact Meg too. Please let me know. Thanks!!
  6. Know when to hold 'em, know when to walk away. Know when to RUN........ Sorry, couldn't resist!!
  7. Yeah, I know that everyone else is getting snow. It's just hell on my allergies and getting my family sick. DH just went back to the rig, after several nights of loving!! LOL He told me he had to go to work to get some sleep!! And, thankfully, there's only been frost on the ground, no snow.....so far (knock on wood). Hee hee, funny you mention them, I just got some new flannel pjs (red) this last week. I just wanted some nice pjs.
  8. Erotica (from the Greek Eros - "desire") — refers to works of art, including literature, photography, film, sculpture and painting, that deal substantively with erotically stimulating or arousing descriptions. Erotica is a modern word used to describe the portrayal of the human anatomy and sexuality with high-art aspirations, differentiating such work from commercial pornography. Definition brought to you by Wikipedia. I was thinking about my post, and a poster's request to have porn be referred to as erotica. I knew there was a difference, but couldn't really word it correctly.
  9. OK, how sweet, but now I'm cold AND lonely!! LOL Dh is on the rig this week!
  10. OK, I know most of y'all live where there's been nothing but snow and ice, so I'm not expecting sympathy here. LOL BUT, I really wish the weather down here in TX would make up it's damn mind what it's gonna do! Last week, I was working outside with jeans and a t-shirt or tank top. Today, it was like 27 degrees (F) when we got up. F'n BRRRR!!!! High got up to 46, which isn't too bad, but still!! Luckily, being born and raised in Maine, I can tolerate the cold, I don't LIKE it, but I can tolerate it better than most down here. But the crazy weather is wreeking havoc on my allergies, and getting everyone sick. OK, I think I'm done now.....
  11. LOL Pappy! Yes, there have been many people that I've known personally, as well as studies that have shown that women do tend to gain weight while on Depro-vera. And it's a harder weight to take off, but it's possible. I don't mind you repeating me at times, if the advice helps someone, that's what I put it out there for. I'm glad you find it worth repeating! Thank goodness that, even though I do feel fat, and don't fit into my clothes anymore (sorry Pappy, but I do, and no, it's not a game, BS, or a cry for attention), I know that I do need to exercise more, eat better, and try harder. So, that is what I am doing. I hate throwing up, so I won't become bullimic. I'm sorry your daughter went thru that, though it IS common for young girls to become that obsessed. Thankfully, I have age and wisdom on my side (as well as the EWWW factor about throwing up).
  12. Yes, I too feel like I bought a ticket on the Fatty Express, so don't beat yourself up too much over it, cuz you're not alone. I'm resolved to get back into my jeans this year, so I have started dieting, and exercising once again. I have asthma too, and the cold air really does me in. Today, even on the computer, I have music going, have gotten up several times to boogie (I love to dance), clean, and move around. I also stretch out on the floor as much as I can. So, not only am I helping myself with all this stuff, the house is cleaner, and I'm in a better mood. There are ALWAYS ways to loose weight if you're healthy enough (thyroid working properly and such), you just have to look for them. PM me if you feel like it. *HUGS*
  13. Here kitty, kitty, kitty! Who loves the kitty? I love the kitty! This dual action vibe, has completely adjustable pulsations, vibes, and rotations all over the place! The cock-looking part has a purple tipped head, clear veined shaft where you can see the 4 rows of metal beats spinning and rubbing. The base of the shaft is silver, and sticking up from that is my silver & purple cat (which looks more like a panther to me) looks as if it’s stretching to touch my clit, paws fully extended. Oh, let me add that the pads of the cat are nubbied, for extra grip for catching its prey, aka my clit! As you all know, I love da nubbies!! All of the moving parts are covered in a nice, rubbery material, that feels great to the touch, and has a very light “new toy smell” to it, which dissipates when washed. All of which can be adjusted separately, with the 5 buttons on the controller at the base of this vibe. There are 4 rubberized buttons with arrows on them, 2 with ups, 2 downs. The right side arrows controls the shaft’s beads, the left arrows the clit. LED lights tell you which level you’re on, and blinks with the intensity of the function. The down arrows brings it back down, step by step, then shutting it off. The last button is on the left hand side, and it has 2 arrows that look like the recycle arrows. This reverses the levels. A lot to keep track of, but it’s well worth it. And, just a hint, that if you just one or the other, you get more intensity than if you use both shaft rotating and vibe at the same time. When you turn on the rotating beads, the head of the cock does a turning-spinning dance. The vibe takes 4 AA batteries, not included, and the cover for that slides down, the battery’s places are marked which way up INSIDE the compartment, and you have to make sure that they snap in right for the back to slide back on. This toy is NOT waterproof either, so be careful when washing. Make sure that everything’s all dry before putting the batteries in, and, of course, no water/tub play. Is the kitty trained? Does it like to do tricks? You bet it does! A little rub here, and a rub there, and I was ready for the whole thing, insertion was nice & easy. I got that wondefully full feeling I just love with its 6" of insertable length & about 1.5" diameter. Getting the 3.5" long kitty to where I wanted her, right on my clit, was easy and the perfect length. I turned up the vibes, and MEEE-OWWW! Those nubbied paws really feel so good. The “arms” are just firm enough to keep them right where you want them, and still are able to easily place them where you want them. Cranking up the shaft, the rotating beads caressing my walls, as well as the head spinning, rubbing, caressing, well, it was soon that I was howling like a cat in heat. Yep, afterward the clean up, I stretched out contentedly, and took myself a catnap! Puuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Your review was A-peeling, as well as full of monkey business! Thanks for the laugh!!
  15. Welcome welcome!! I'm sorry your past husbands were of the "it's all for me" mindset. But, now that you know pleasure, if you find another lover, then you can teach HIM what you like!! Life's too short to deal with selfish lovers. Go for it girlfriend!!!
  16. Welcome to the site, and I hope you love the info here, and give us some input, eh? LOL (I lived on a "border town" in Maine and had a lot of Canada experiences, so I couldn't resist!!)
  17. Ever have to go thru your toy box/drawer to find the toy that is your personal favorite? Do you hate having to guess or fumble around looking for the controller switch(es) to your toys? Well, look & fumble no more, because California Exotics has made the search so much easier with this new Instant Activation Vibe. This toy is not for those that have inquisitive children or roommates that have easy access to your space, because this vibe can attach to a nightstand, wall, bed frame, or any other private area easily with either double-sided tape that’s already on the bracket, or small mounting screws (not incl). Although it would make a pretty cool pretend magic wand…..but I digress. Easy to get going, all you do is unscrew the base of the vibe, and slide out the battery insert, put in your 2 AA batteries in the plastic insert, put that back in, turn the dial, and turn it on! Why do they call it “Instant Activation”? Well, that’s because when you remove the vibe from the bracket, it automatically goes ON. It shuts off automatically when placed back in the bracket too. It also can be turned on & off with the dial switch on the bottom. The sleek simple design of this shiny white vibe is great for new-to-toy users and to experienced toy users alike! The vibe needs to be ON for the pressure button at the very bottom of the cap for the vibe to automatically go ON and shut off in the bracket. No more fumbling for the ON switch when desperately seeking Orgasm! When this toy is on, it’s fairly loud, and very strong. With its 6” insertable length, this smooth plastic vibe is so easy to play with, slide all over my body, and insertion, well, very slick! Nowhere on the box does this toy say that it’s waterproof, so to be safe, no water playing with this vibe. I didn’t get that highly desired “full” feeling I love so much, since this is a bit too narrow for my usual tastes, however, the vibes were wonderful, and it was big enough to feel it, and with a little added clit stimulation, I was off in Instant O Land! I was pleasantly shocked and rewarded for my trial run though, so, I am happy to say that this toy really works. Ready, Set, Go Instantly January 2008 Freebie
  18. For "Toy Newbies" it's always a great idea to start off with a bullet of some sort. There are TONS of different bullets out there!! Check them out, see which ones look interesting for YOUR OWN personal tastes, since you know what will get you off. Glas toys are great too! Pretty, easy to care for, no specific lubes required, versatile, no batteries needed, AND pretty, these items WORK!!! Have fun shopping!
  19. Tyger


    Well, they're still at it, so it's not them trying to keep the spores down, that's for sure. Actually, I don't know what area of Texas you lived in Pappy, but I found Texans to be, for the most part, extremely friendly, and courteous as far as thank you, please, and that sort of thing. Except maybe in Houston (those people are crazy!!). I mean, even the thuggiest looking guy here says "thank you ma'am/sir, yes/no ma'am/sir". Hats get tipped, and doors are held open, it's sooooo refreshing. But, as far as construction goes, this time of year, even here in Texas, is cold. Not as cold as the northern states, or my native Maine, but, today was about 37 degrees at 10 am. I know, not overly cold, but for here, kinda cold. I can tolerate it more than most down here though. Construction goes on no matter what the temp, 20 or 110 degrees, it doesn't matter. However, I swear that some sort of notice could be given out. SINCE we're way out in the middle of nowhere, ordinances aren't really high priority, nor overly enforcable since there's only one state trooper, and the Sheriff's office that covers way out here. The joys of living in the country. It's just a couple of days, but still...... Geez, I called the Sheriff about 5 mos ago, cuz I heard a gunshot a couple houses down, and, well, excuse me if that makes me nervous even in the woods, and they said there weren't any ordinances against firing a gun on your own property here in this county, so long as you're careful. "CAREFUL??" I said, "Have you SEEN some of the people that live here?? Are you kidding me? My definition of careful is faaaar different from theirs:if I can't see it, I can't hit it" thinking!! He came out anyway, but there's nothing he could do about that. And don't even GET me started on barking & unleashed dogs!! The people that are having their house torn down has a dog, outside 24/7, and it BARKS ALL NIGHT LONG. I'm not one for animal murder.....but this dog really tempts my trigger finger............
  20. What I'm wondering is why, after reading the evidence here, and probably on other sites, magazines, and what have you, why you would question that it can and DOES happen? I mean, that, to me, is questioning the actuallity of a man's ejaculation, or Million Dollar Point. It happens! Just like men, some women have a harder time than others to do this. Due to having a hard to reach one (g-spot), one that may not have the correct nerve endings, or as simple as not being able to get in the "mindset" of being able to relax and get past the "gotta pee" feeling, most women should be able to do this. But there are always special circumstances. If a woman can reach up inside her vaginal area, do the come-hither motion, and up towards the direction of her naval, can feel a spongy type patch, that's the spot, and that's where she needs to be stimulated. Think anatomy class, not science! It's not a science, but a talent that few men and women try to obtain (though it's growing!).
  21. I've done it, and that's proof enough for me! Actually, you can Google "having a g-spot orgasm", and pull up many sites, both educational, and more erotic ones. Not only did Mikayla, our Sex Educator on the site, do a most informative article, but I did find several that have GYNs that have done tests and other researchers. It's out there if you go looking for it. DoctorG variety of articles Netdoctor.com Seduction Insider
  22. Tyger


    OK, I live out in the "boonies". Quiet, wooded subdivision, with neighbors that pretty much keep to themselves, and, are for the most part, quiet. Especially in the early mornings and evenings. Well, I got woken up 6 AM!!! Now, I rarely get to "sleep in" between dogs, cats, and kiddo, so this was feelin' really good, til it sounded like something was coming to destroy the neighborhood!!! My dogs were going crazy cuz they couldn't see what the noise was/coming from. 2 houses down/behind me, had been condemned due to black mold (big problem here in TX). These people get Medicaide, SS, and all other kinds of bennies, and so their house is being replaced with another one, from the government. They're having to knock down the first one, and dispose of it all quickly. But, I really don't see the need for them to do this at 6 AM (unless they're doing this to minimize the airborn mold during "peak times"). The people doing the construction, or the owners themselves, should've at least sent notices out to those of us in the block, forwarning us about this, or letting us know, after all, we all know who's who, and where everyone lives, so a slip of paper in the mailbox letting us know would've been a bit of courtesy I'd appreciated. I guess it's too much to expect people nowadays to be polite and courteous.
  23. This topic would be better posted in the Anal Avenue forum. But, in answer to your question, no, it's not weird. Many men are enjoying the pleasures of anal sex. However, having sex with your GF's sister isn't a good idea. Not only are you cheating on your GF, but you and her sister are betraying a trust that can really never be fully healed. Words of advice: don't ever cheat with someone from your SO's family. It just causes an ever-lasting heartache later when the person being cheated on finds out. Trust me, I know.
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