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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Pulling out this slightly femininely shaped torso plastic lotion bottle, I was slightly amused and curious to see how well this product worked, with such an interestingly marketed lotion! I got cherry flavor, which happens to be one of my favorite flavors in lotions such as these, since it’s so sweet. My preference has also made me fairly picky when it comes to these, since some cherry flavored lotions can taste almost like cough medicine. This is a lotion, not a lube, so please don’t think of it or use it as such. The first ingredient is Glycerin and there’s is also sodium saccharin in it. The other night, I blindfolded the hubby, and decided to have some fun. I unscrewed the cap, poked a hole in the safety sealant at the top, and dabbed some of this fairly runny lotion on my fingers, then on his nipples, cock, and testicles. I felt it warm up on my fingers almost immediately, and he felt it warm up on him too. Great! I gently blow on where I had applied the lotion, and he was definitely noticing something going on! ;P So, here comes the taste test…..YUM!!! This stuff tastes great (and less filling), warms up the way it says it will, and is very slick. So rubbing it all over would definitely be easy to do. If you’re in the market for a fun lube that does what it boasts, then Body Heat will definitely turn up the heat in your bedroom! Wanna Feel The Heat?
  2. Basically, cock rings are to help restrict the flow of blood to the cock, enabling it to feel harder. Some cock rings are also meant to be put around the testicles too, which is suppose to be restricting cumming as quickly. Though, these items, as a general rule, aren't meant to be on the cock/balls for more than 20 minutes. As far as restricting cumming as a general rule, no, that's up to the man to learn self-control to not cum so quickly. Cock rings are basically to give pleasure & a harder cock. Some have vibrators and clit stimulators for the women, which can be an added bonus, but you have to find the right one. It's a personal prefernce thing. My hubby has told me that the vibes really don't do a lot for HIM, but knowing that I'm getting turned on by them, gives him pleasure.
  3. Hello, and welcome to the forum!! Well, I'll speak in general, since, obviously I haven't heard your wife's side of the story. Her masturbating ever, may be a rare case, but absolutely possible. Many women have been brought up to believe that a man is the only way that they SHOULD get off, or they're "slutty". Masturbating isn't something a lot of families discuss or encourage. Then you have some churches nailing it into your head that you shouldn't have sex before marriage, and that sex is for procreation only. I think they try and instill this into women to keep women from "straying" in relationships. To me, this is very wrong. There is nothing wrong with touching yourself. And, with her being so far away, she's craving the physical feelings of sex. And the adult films have started helping her explore her body herself. Maybe she didn't really KNOW how to do it, and the films helped her show where she should touch to get started on self-pleasuring. Most porn is made to be catered to men, and quick clips here and there are usually what does it for them. It sounds as if she's overly shy about discussing this with you, and just tells you enough so she won't feel "guilty" for doing this. Some people think that masturbating is a form of cheating even! There are several adult films made by women for women, and it's a growing trend. These films are more "romantic" and visually appealing. We have several reviews on them in the Adult Film Review forum here on the site. I'd check them out and see if you see something she may like. Personally, I found The Quest 2, and Island Fever 4 to be great! As far as all woman on woman films, there are the "Where The Boys Aren't" series, and others too. Just look for the films that qualify. You can type in something like "lesbain" and a bunch of films will popl up. As far as her being possibly bisexual, well, that's something only she can answer. You need to talk with her about that. However, I will tell you that many women get turned on by watching women get it on, I being one of them, and I am married. However, I LOVE watching women have sex together, pleasure themselves, and use toys! I actually prefer porn that's mostly women in it, truth be told! Let's face it, the human body is a beautiful thing! Especially curvy ones! And, there's nothing wrong with that! It's totally natural to feel that way, and enjoy it, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. What turns women on is all a matter of personal preference. So, again, it's best to ask HER about what she liked about it, whether it be the oral action, or the women in general! Basically, in answer to your question, what this probably means is: Your wife misses physical contact. She's discovered that touching herself is a good thing. She's also discovered some porn that she really likes. I'd run with it, and have fun with it!! Best wishes!
  4. This is rather funny, I met my hubby at a bar of all places!! I had been with "Junior" that night, and wasn't really looking for anything. But Junior told me that his sister really didn't approve of me cuz I was 8 yrs his senior, and that he was gonna go to her house for supper, and I was expressedly NOT invited. So, I was feeling a bit dejected at that point. So, I went to a country bar for some harmless flirting. His friend actually hit on me first, and I went on about 4 dates with him, then decided to stop seeing his friend, and told him that, and he (my DH) told me that if I stopped seeing his friend, then there was nothing preventing me from going out on a date with him, right? So, stunned I said, oh so eloquantly, "uhhhhh, sure?" I know, how intelligent I must've sounded, huh? Well, a little over a year later, we were married, and here I am!!
  5. I'm surprised that there's something like that out there, given how easy it would be to "trick" the system. As far as quality control, I'm guessing that the people checking in the discs probably are only checked to make sure it's the right disc, not scratched, and in one piece. Maybe wiped down if it looks dirty. So, I'm with GingerJ of that. I like my porn to be "new". Though I have rented adult films before, I made sure it looked clean before I handled it.
  6. I'm glad that you got your experience, and I will strongly say, and this is just my opinion, that you are foolish for not using condoms with any sexual partner. You can get a host of STDs with vaginal, anal, and yes, even oral sex. But, it's your life and your choice. Hope you get the blank one.
  7. Also keep in mind that everyone has a first time to give a blow job, and so your BF should know that you are faaaar from an expert. If he's as young as you are, chances are he's still learning how to give and recieve pleasure. So, I'm sure he won't expect his GF to be a Hoover vacuum starting out of the gate! LOL Most men are happy with their women actually giving them a BJ, so, don't worry, take your time, and most of all, have FUN!!
  8. I will second the fact that a piercing should be done for YOU, and only YOU. It's nice that your BF wants you to get it done, and would be supportive, but, those kinds of things are personal, and should be done because YOU want them to be. Just because HE wants you to get one, and you're not sure doesn't mean you should. It's an intense experience, not to mention a slight on the OWIE side, so, if he wants one so bad, and you're unsure, let HIM get one. LOL It's also like tattoos. I have both piercings & tattoos. They are personal, and an experience you should be 110% SURE of. Tattoos are permantent, where piercings aren't. Although, I would say that piercings require a bit more after-care than tattoos do. If you have a bit of a "pooch" of a belly, ask a reputable piercer if that would be safe to do. Pants, jeans, and even skirt hems can rub that area, and if it's rubbing too much, it can cause infections and irritations, and even scarring if you take out the piercing and it's infected. I had a tongue & navel piercing. I took out the tongue one years ago, though now I wish I hadn't. I still have my navel one, even with my baby pooch belly, and I LOVE it still, even though my hubby doesn't really care one way or the other. LOL
  9. I have never heard anything like NetFlix for porn movies. Howard is right, there's way too many liabilities as far as that goes, to be overly secure in their rentals. Many places, like Movie Gallery has their own adult section, usually way in the back, for you to rent adult films, however.
  10. OMG HOward!! The whole "telephone pole attached to a man's groin" thing made me LOL!! I am waaaaay too visual!! Thanks for that. Anyway, he's right, going slow and lots of lube is necassary for any sort of intercourse that's with a larger item (cock/toy) that you're use too. Especially if you're new to sex. With a cock that large, I would hold off on any sort of anal play until you're a bit more relaxed and use to that cock inside your vagina! Vaginal muscles are super stretchy, so long as you're relaxed and well lubricated. I've heard too many men say that a woman shouldn't need lube if they're excited enought. To that I say BULL SH*T! If the lady's uncomfortable, then grab some lube. After all, don't you want her to get her O on too? Lube is an aide & enhancement, not a replacement. So grab your favorite lube, and have some fun!
  11. Welcome Happen!! Yes, I saw that one with Katie, about the vibrators. She is a riot!! I loved it! It takes a lot to sound informative, dingy, and be nakid all at the same time!
  12. Dildos are always a favorite of mine, so I was thrilled to see another one for us to try out. Looking very real, this 6” stud takes 3 AAA batteries (not incl.), is waterproof, and it BENDS (as the name suggests) for a more personal reach. Taking this toy out, I was thrilled with the look & feel of this toy! It, well, it looks & feels REAL! If the dildo had been a tad warmer, and I blindfolded, I would’ve sworn I was holding a real cock in my hands! Soft, pliable, and having “veins and wrinkles”, it also has realistic feeling balls too. Inside the vibe, where you put the batteries, there are directions as to which end needs to go up. Make sure the cap snaps back down so that the prongs make contact with the batteries (which I did have some trouble with), and turn on the variety of not overly loud vibes, ranging from low to high. The vibe is in the base, but it was still strong enough for this picky vibe user! The packaging says to only use rubber compatible lube, so I would suggest staying with water-based lubes. It also recommends that you put talc on it after usage, to maintain the material too. As for its success: Oh yeah baby! It may only be 6” long, but it’s wide enough to give that wonderfully full feeling many of us love! And making it have more of a curve was also more realistic to me too. I loved using my EZ Bend on myself, and how “he” helped make me feel, which was O-O-O sooo good! I’d recommend this toy for more experienced toy users due to the care of the item and that it IS so realistic feeling and looking. I know many new toy users may be slightly intimidated by something that looks and feels the way that this one does. Bend it, Shape it, any way you want it!
  13. So, we women all love things that stimulate our clit, right? How about an item that not only stimulates your clit, but also your nipples too, oh, and all at the same time? Yes, it’s possible with this waterproof, purple toy! What is the purpose of such a toy? Well, like penis pumps, this toy is made to engorge your nipples & clit with blood, making them bigger and more sensitive. The vibes are to help bring you to your O quicker too. Each little vibrator bullet takes 3 watch batteries, which, thankfully, come with it! Inside the bullets tell you which way the batteries go, always helpful. Each bullet slides in & out of the rings/sleeve, so you can also use them individually as well. The vibes have different strengths, and are strong enough to please me. The pump easily pushes onto the tubing, and are similar to the ones found on blood pressure cuffs, and just as powerful. On the pump, there is also a pressure release button, for easy depressurizing. Also found in the box are samples of some personal lube & toy cleaner too! Gotta love the freebies. I will warn you, that, for the first time, I would be in control of the pump yourself, because it IS a powerful sucker, and it will suck up your nipples & clit rather hard and quick. I found this out the hard way, but more on that in a bit. If you’re not into pain, or aren’t sure about how much, or how it will feel, go slow, and get use to the sensations. I was pretty skeptical at first, even though I’ve always wanted to try one of these. It looks like something out of a sci-fi film, or a farm to milk cows with! I used the sample lube, which worked pretty well, to moisten the insides of the 3 cups for better suctioning, and my hubby had the pump. Well, he’s strong, and immediately I was flapping my arms saying, “ow ow ow ow” after only 3 good pumps of that pump!. I wasn’t ready for such a powerful suction! It felt like a pinching sensation, almost like being pierced! Pressing the Quick Release button, and I was “uncupped”, but still in slight pain. We laugh that off, but decide to try something else that night. Go forward to 2 nights later, and I think that I will try this sucker again, solo. So, I grab the lube, moisten the cups again, and, with some difficulty, but the 3 cups on myself. No easy task, but using my legs to grip the clit one, one hand on the left nipple cup, my right hand on the right nipple cup and also clutching the pump bulb, and I start to pump. After the initial pump, they stay by themselves, and I turn on the vibes. OK, rather pleasant, but after a few relaxing minutes, I pump it up some more, to give a more intense feeling. Hmmmm. OK, well, let’s see how this goes. I remove all of the cups, grab my clit stimulator, and a dildo, and OMG!!! I was soooooo much more sensitive!!!! I came in less than minute, grinding and moaning like a wild beast! I couldn’t believe how much more intense that was! WOW!! So, for any of you that may have trouble achieving orgasm, even with clit stimulation, I recommend this Suck-Her to increase blood flow and sensitivity!! I sure wasn’t disappointed, and I don’t think you will be either! Wanna Suck?
  14. Dating can be hell, there’s no doubt about that. Shyla has a hard time finding the right kind of guy, cuz every time she puts out, she gets screwed, in more ways than one. She fawns over these guys, showing off her sexy body, and making them feel so good, yet, she always gets high & dry! What’s a girl to do? Well, most girls would just brush it off, however, Shyla gets a bit violent, and starts a killing spree. Talk about a Black Widow Spider Gal! She gets her revenge on t hose that would think they could just use her and dump her out with the trash. At the end of this film, she’s awfully proud of the fact that her deeds are in all of the papers, and gets an evil glint in her eye, where you can just tell that she’s not going to stop. Personally, I didn’t care for this film. I don’t like death in my porn. There’s “blood”, and screaming, but they do a good job of “hiding” the violence, and strongly hinting around to it, but, again, that’s just not my style at all. The sex scenes were great, and the bodies gorgeous. Maybe cheezy dialogue, but hey, not overly shocking there. So, I will sadly give this film a thumbs down…..or should I say, I give this film the ax? DVD of the Month for December 2007 Killer Sex
  15. Dating can be hell, there’s no doubt about that. Shyla has a hard time finding the right kind of guy, cuz every time she puts out, she gets screwed, in more ways than one. She fawns over these guys, showing off her sexy body, and making them feel so good, yet, she always gets high & dry! What’s a girl to do? Well, most girls would just brush it off, however, Shyla gets a bit violent, and starts a killing spree. Talk about a Black Widow Spider Gal! She gets her revenge on t hose that would think they could just use her and dump her out with the trash. At the end of this film, she’s awfully proud of the fact that her deeds are in all of the papers, and gets an evil glint in her eye, where you can just tell that she’s not going to stop. Personally, I didn’t care for this film. I don’t like death in my porn. There’s “blood”, and screaming, but they do a good job of “hiding” the violence, and strongly hinting around to it, but, again, that’s just not my style at all. The sex scenes were great, and the bodies gorgeous. Maybe cheezy dialogue, but hey, not overly shocking there. So, I will sadly give this film a thumbs down…..or should I say, I give this film the ax? DVD of the Month for December 2007 Killer Sex
  16. Great question!! Sometimes it can. I would recommend bringing in a pair of small scissors, just in case. But, it doesn't happen very often for us.
  17. A grade school teacher in upstate New York asked her class how many of > them are Hillary fans. > > Not really knowing what a Hillary fan is, but wanting to be liked by the > teacher, all the kids raised their hands except one boy. > > The teacher asked Johnny why he has decided to be different. John ny > says, "I'm not a Hillary fan." > > The teacher says, "Why aren't you a Hillary fan?" > > Johnny says, "I'm a George Bush fan." > > The teacher asks why he's a George Bush fan. > > The boy says, "Well, my mom's a George Bush fan and my dad's a George > Bush fan, so I'm a George Bush fan!" > > The teacher asks, "If your mom was a moron and your dad was an idiot, > what would that make you?" > > So Johnny replies, "That would make me a Hillary fan."
  18. Tyger

    How Long?

    It was about 3 mos, when hubby tried to go out of state for another job, but missed us too much, so he came back to get me.
  19. Welcome to the forum, and looking forward to seeing your input!!
  20. L-l-l-l-lubes! What do you think when you see the name Astroglide? For me, I think of a quality, long-lasting, reputable lube. I’ve always loved regular Astroglide, and using Astroglide Shooters Anal Lubricant is just another reason for me to love Astroglide products! This box of anal lube contains 6 pre-filled, individually wrapped applicators with 5 ml per applicator, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but, trust me, it is! This lube is water based, so it’s great for all sorts of toy materials, water soluble, so it shouldn’t stain, and is condom compatible too! How much better can it get? It can get lots better! The applicators are unique because the tip is elongated for easier application to/in the anus! Just twist off the tip, apply the thick gel lube (but not like jelly. It’s not all gloppy), and you’re ready to go. I would recommend that you have a towel handy since this stuff is extremely slick! In fact, the instructions also recommend a towel too. This stuff is also long lasting, and you can reapply as needed, since you really don’t really need the entire applicator full all at once. As we all learn, anal play requires a lot of lube for easier insertion and more pleasure. I’m here to tell y’all, that this stuff really WORKS! There was no discomfort, or pain, and the experience with this stuff was ultimately pleasurable! Whether you’re an experienced anal player, or looking to try it, I would recommend this stuff for everyone!! Slip Sliddin' Away
  21. True to Mary Zion fashion, here comes another quality AVN nominated in for Best Continuing Series adult film, that has beautiful, watery scenery, new age type music, quality pictures, soft lighting, light makeup, gorgeous bodies, and great close ups!! Taylor Rain, Charlie Lane, Isabella Camille, and more all star in this film. Their gorgeous, natural bodies are more real than some of the other adult film stars. In other words, they don’t look like “dirty Barbies”, which may be appealing to many viewers Included in this 2 disc set, is the musical soundtrack from the film! Now, normally, you don’t think of an adult film having a soundtrack you’d actually want to play, but if you like a variety of music that includes New Age, then you will like this 60 min. CD as well! ` This film looks likes it’s almost a mystical fantasy land, with flowers, trees, water, and of course a platform or bed for you to watch a variety of poses and situations, such as masturbation scenes, girl with girl, girl and guy, toys, and of course, the posing they all do in Marty’s films. No dialogue either, unless you count the moaning and groaning. I would definitely recommend this film for those don’t care for the harsh and usual cheesy plots that many adult films try to carry off. It’s also a good film for those that may want to try viewing an adult film, for it has a more “romantic” feel to it too. Well worth the money, this film is all about the fantasy fuck, and it will leave you mystified! Get Mystified
  22. VIbrating Pen with sleeve So this would make a great gift for that lady, huh, Howard!!!
  23. A blonde and a brunette were taking the elevator to the lobby from the 25th floor. On the 23rd floor, a very handsome looking man with great hair but obvious dandruff gets into the elevator. The women exchange a look acknowledging just how good looking this man is. The man gets off the elevator on the 12th floor. The women watch him exit the elevator. Then the brunette turns to the blonde and says, "God was he good looking, but someone ought to give him some Head & Shoulders." To which the blonde replies, "How do you give Shoulders?"
  24. I'm glad that you found us and want to ask questions! Great! It's always a good thing to learn about one's body. Since you can get your O on with masturbation, then I would say, no, your BF isn't doing it right for you. He may or may not have had women that have been able to O before. If they're young, they may have just faked it, so he would feel good about his ego, or he may have done it right for THEM. Each woman is different. Each woman finds pleasure in a different way. The chances of you finding a lover that likes the same exact things a past lover did (all of them) are slim to none. There may be similarities, but it won't be 100%. He may be getting frustrated, but, he should have the willingness to learn what turns you on, and you should be willing to teach him thru many expiriments. Just because each of you has genitals doesn't mean that you know what to do all the time. Do what feels good, but also teaching how to please yourself to your lover is a great way to enhance not only the sex, but your relationship as well. Maybe have a masturbation night. Show him how you touch yourself, tell him what you're doing. Also, having HIM masturbate too, telling you what HE'S doing, each of you paying attention to what the other's saying and doing. Maybe take turns. Show him how good you can make yourself feel, and vice versa. Best wishes to you both!
  25. I believe why Howard recommended Kegel exercises for Neesha is to learn how to control those muscles, so if she ever WANTS to try a wider toy, then she has more control over, not only tightening, but relaxing those as well. Which is always a good idea. Kegels help control those muscles, allow for easier, and sometimes more intense orgasms, and also tones them up so if you ever want to have kids, there's more flexibility & strength in those muscles. I also fully agree with LoveGoddess. If you prefer a thinner toy, and that's what works for you, then why worry about what other's like and try to join in. I think that trying new things is always great, but, if you've tried a bunch of toys, and the thinner toys are your preference, again, that's why there are so many different shapes & sizes!
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