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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. So, is there a company that you prefer over others when buying adult toys? Does one company seem to have a better product in your opinion? If so, what & and why?
  2. Well, you may want to ask him what his bad experience was, and hopefully, can explain it, and why that's not going to happen with YOU. After all, he's with YOU and not the one he had a bad experience with. Being a good lover means a willingness to please, and listen/be taught. Not just "getting your O" and to hell with your partner. We all sometimes try, or even do things that we may not overly be thrilled about. But it's all about pleasing the one you love, for BOTH partners. I have to agree, if your hubby doesn't want to give you oral, then he shouldn't get any either. Some people may think that's selfish, but if he's being unreasonable, or jusing that as an excuse with no explanations, then, IMO, he's being lazy. That's just me though. You can always find yourself a vibe designed to imitate oral sex, and have him "catch" you with it one day too. And if he asks what you're doing, tell him "See what you're missing?"
  3. Tyger


    Well, Howard is right on for most of the advise, but, as for a re-beginner into anal again, I would suggest using PLENTY of lube. The more, the better!! Just going to town on your man then inserting his penis into your anus may be a bit uncomfortable without a lot of lube, IMO. But, if you read some of my newer posts as far as me and my hubby's experimentation into anal, you will find that just talking about it can get people's curiosity up and going! For me and my hubby, we've found that deep breathing (that suggestion DID come from Howard in the past), really DOES help relax your muscles. Read a lot of Anal Avenue, and also Mikayla's article in the Sex Education tab, if you haven't done so. I hope you find some more useful info!
  4. Congrats on such a long marriage, all the kids & grandkids, and now a growingly successful sex-life!!! And welcome to the forum!
  5. One of those inflatable pool toy animals!!
  6. CGEM: Here's the link to the review to the toy we used. E-Glass Anal Fun
  7. So, we’re opening up to the wonderful sensations of anal sex, and I get the E-Glass Petite Anal Plug from Adam & Eve. I was so excited to have my first beginner anal toys, and couldn’t wait to have hubby try it out on me! Plus, this toy comes with a small red velvet pouch to put the toy in for protection in storage, and discretion as well. Very nice! This item is clear hand-blown E-Glass, with 3 graduating beads along the shaft, not only giving it a comfortable, pleasurable fit, but also makes this item look very pretty. I love glass toys because of how they look, feel, ease of cleaning, and care as well. With E-glass you also don’t need to worry about which lube is safe to use with it, because it doesn’t matter. Silicone or water-based lubes are great with E-Glass! So, it was MY night to revisit anal sex, since hubby's been the recipient lately. Hubby started off by giving me some tender oral lovin’ to get me ready, hot, & bothered. That worked! I had gotten the plug out of the package and washed beforehand, and also had the small sample of lube that came with the E-Glass Plug ready for use too. Breathing deeply, relaxing myself, hubby applied the lube generously to the toy and to my anus slowly started easing the toy inside my anus. The lube was very slick, and very nice. Still being new to the anal world, it was a bit uncomfortable, feeling that going UP inside of me, when my body said, um, no, it’s suppose to go OUT. But relaxing as much as I was able too, I concentrated on how it felt. Between the glass and lots of lube, there was no friction, and no pain! Even better! The plug was nestled all the way inside me, and hubby loved seeing just the base of the toy outside of me. When I was comfortable enough, hubby slowly entered me, and it felt GREAT for both of us to feel each bead of the anal toy. Plus, having both orifices filled, I felt a wonderful fullness like none other! Oh yeah! It didn’t take us long to cum at all! This toy will be a part of my anal experience for years to come! I may (I said MAY) even let hubby share the pleasure & feeling of E-Glass….. Experience E-Glass Anal
  8. Hubby suggested that we go out on Friday night, asking his father to watch our 4 yr old daughter. This is a rare thing for us to do. First off, cuz we are usually busy with the barn, house stuff, and helping others will all their stuff too. Plus, I know that my ex-SIL used my FIL A LOT when it came to watching her kids, even just to go play BINGO (while complaining she worked so much, she never saw her kids), so I don't like putting them out, even though they love to do it. We had a great time last night! We went to one adult store on the outskirts of Houston, then ate dinner, then to another adult store, then back to the first one. Hubby has really shocked me with how much he is willing to try to open up our sexual relationship again! I am so proud of him, and am sure to tell him too. We also had some great, stress-free converstaions. With his weird shift (one week here, one week at work), we usually play catch-up, and talk about the basics, and that's it. It's been kind of depressing for both of us lately. Down here, the adult stores are pretty well set up, not like the "seedy head shops" you may find. Most of the stores also try very hard to cater to the exotic dancers that are in the big cities, so they have large selections of lingerie/costumes & shoes that look like you'd break your leg if you fell in them! They are so highly regulated down here it isn't funny. For instance, with anal toys, they literally have to black out the word ANAL on anything. And, here in TX, it is illegal to sell anything that is realistic looking as far as dildos are concerned. Not sure about fake pussies, but that's probably true too. The only realistic thing I saw were a pair of fake breasts molded of Jenna Jameson. Of course, hubby LIKED those! We bought 3 things for anal play, that one of our members have recommended before. We have the medium thickness one here, but we got the SLIM one, which is blue & I haven't seen here yet. But here is the link & pic to the one carried here: FeelDoe~OH YEAH!! Hubby was the one to see it, and he actually insisted we go back and get it! This is from a man, that, only a few months ago was like "AW HELL NO!" when it came to even the thought of anal play (on him). Anyway, we also got a small, rubbery anal toy, 6" and very slim. It's this one, but we got ours in a pinky color. He liked this one to start with. I tried telling him we had that here, but he wanted something for THAT night, so we got it. He said that one felt really good, and even though it was bendy, he was able to get it inside of him, and it felt really good. Plus some Astroglide Shooters (anal lube with applicators) to make things even easier. All 3 items were a GREAT success and we had a lot of fun when we got home!! I was SO proud of myself too. I even helped this woman out, who, obviously has had a lot of toys, but was looking for something new, and I recommended a few things to her. She was truly interested in a glass model, but not sure of what to get. She had complained that a lot of the things that she gets, with any sort of battery in it, shorts out after some time. I almost felt like a salesperson at this point, even though I was sure to tell her that I am not. I gave her the web addie for this site, and told her of the 1 year guarantee. She was instantly impressed with that. I hope she comes to the site, even to lurk, and find some stuff that will satisfy her! I saw several things at these stores that are carried here, and they are comparable, if not a bit less here, but I still say, that even if they're the same price, the guarantee that is offered here is a GREAT incentive to buy here!! We were a bit later getting home, cuz hubby wanted me to take the toys out of their packages and read "directions", even though I told him that very few actually HAVE directions (unless you're talking battery insertion, and even then is if-y). He got so distracted & excited that he missed 2 of our exits! I was proud of him for asking questions, and he was even more comfortable handling the toys HE picked out! Anyway, we had a GREAT night of many O's when we got home, loved all of our purchases, and even better, that we renewed some of our bonds again. It was very nice. I wanted to share, so some of you that I've seen are in similar situations, will know that partners can surprise us at anytime, and talking and sharing are the only ways to really let them know how you're feeling, and how you like things!
  9. OK, I will conceed to the fact that you're young, and inexperienced, but, no offense intended, you're not sounding like a "good lover" to me. GOOD LOVERS ask questions to their lover, care about giving THEM pleasure, and want to please, as well as be pleased. Maybe I got that wrong, but if so, I am sorry for that. If she's not "loud" as the other girls you've been with, honey, each girl is different. And, I am assuming that she isn't sexually experienced much either. It can sometimes take YEARS to dixcover what someone likes & dislikes. And also what they are comfortable with. Not everyone is loud in bed, for whatever reason. If you're going by pornos, and how the girls act on porn, well, they are, for the most part, acting. Sometimes sex can be like that, but in real life, probably not. A lot of porn stars that are extremely loud, are being loud because they are faking, and they do that to take attention off of that fact, so you look at their face, and not what their body is doing. As far as anal, just wanting to "stick it in, and go to work" is one of the most selfish statements I've read so far. I'm really not trying to be insulting, and I am keeping your age and experience in mind. I just wanted to point that out to you. Howard is right, the anus doesn't naturally lubricate itself for sex. If you want to get overly technical, it's not designed for it either. Using lots of lubrication (like K-Y, Astroglide, or any other personal lubricant that is SPECIALLY MADE FOR INTERNAL USAGE~not like Vaseline or hand creams) is key in pleasant & pleasurable anal sex. That is TOTALLY normal, and NECASSARY. Now, she is small, and if she's tensing up cuz she is nervous, well, nothing is going to happen anally except lots of pain for her. It takes relaxation, patience (which it doesn't sound like you have yet), and a willingness to listen to your partner. You may need to switch condom brands. Not many men find them overly comfortable, and usually can tell they're wearing one, but if it's to the point of pain, then I would say switch brands or type you are using. You may be rolling it on too far too. There is a resevoir tip on the end of condoms to catch sperm, that you should pinch and twist a bit before rolling the condom on, so you know not to go too far with it. Never do I NOT recommend NO condoms! Just for your info, and for hers as well, "pulling out" is in NO WAY a good form of birth control, because the penis leaks seminal fluid pretty much thru-out the sexual encounter. And in that seminal fluid is some sperm (it only takes ONE), and can carry diseases, as well as allow diseases in, as well. With the possible discomfort of doggie style sex, are you just kissing all over her then stripping her down, and "going to town" on her, or are you actually spending time with FOREPLAY? Kissing her a couple of times doesn't constitute FOREPLAY, neither does tweaking her nipples. It's a time where you spend exciting her, getting HER ready for sex, mentally and physically. From my experience, most 18 yr old guys don't have that down yet. I will say that posting your questions here are a GREAT start in learning how to please your lover. Asking questions is very important if you don't know. And I do hope that our information has helped. Oh, and BTW, you are average sized. Women are designed to stretch and expand *down there*, so, even if a woman is small, there can be stretching. I would suggest that you try to use different sorts of lubricants (read the labes so that you know the lubes you're using are safe with your condoms as far as structurally, for instance Vaseline, which should NEVER be used internally, breaks down condoms, allowing them to tear and rip very easily). Please remember, that having sex is not only a responsibility, it can also be fun, but it should be fun for BOTH people involved, not just for the guy to get his nut off. Take the time to ask her questions, LISTEN to her, and then have her ask you questions. Sharing info, exploring what you may not know, willingness to please, and to teach, and above all RESPECT, are all very important to having some really great SEX!!!
  10. I had a wild step-sister that nobody could control when it came to sex. She slept with everything with a dick. I was only 9 mos older than she, so she thought I was being bossy. But I just told her to be careful, don't go off with someone she didn't trust (although if she met them for 5 min, she KNEW them), and use condoms. I even went so far to take handfuls of them each time I went to family planning. They use to pass them out for free. Unfortunately, all you can do is voice your concerns. I would tell him not to use your computer for such interaction. If he wants to do that bad enough, he can use his laptop for it. Just tell him you want to be safe, get condoms, and make sure that he has his cell phone on him, and ask him to call you when he gets there with an address, and maybe even the morning after. That's about all you really can do, since he's an adult.
  11. First rule of the g-spot is: A G-SPot toy does not a G-Spot orgasm make.....in other words, just because you USE a G-spot toy, doesn't guarantee you a g-spot O. Each person has different things that work for them. It may be that the toys that you are using aren't the "right" ones for you. Everyone is different. Some just need a slight rubbing on their g-spot to have the G.O. Others, need a stronger rubbing to achieve the same thing. The spot doesn't move. It's a patch of spongy muscle inside your vagina. Anatomy is basically the same, but some patches of the spongy area can be bigger than others on different people. You can actually feel it if you insert your finger inside you (middle finger), and slowly feel around, up (navel side up, not the anus). It's about 3-4 inches inside. Most people will feel a gushing feeling when the g-spot O happens. Some people even squirt. Everyone is different, so results will vary. Mikayla has written an article on it, so I would recommend that you check that out. Here's the link: Mikayla's G-Spot article
  12. Well, we change it up every year. So there's really not "one" specific thing that we do for either birthday. The only thing that I do try and do, is either buy a personalized cake, or make one for his b-day. When we were first together, hubby told me that he hadn't had a birthday cake since he was about 18 yrs old. He usually just had a party, but cake wasn't involved. Crazy, right? So, the first b-day of his, I got this HUGE cake of his favorite flavors, from a grocer's bakery, and had 2 Jeeps on it (we were into 4-wheelin' with our Jeeps), with his name and HAPPY BIRTHDAY on it. He LOVED it. It showed a personal touch. So, if I can't afford the $25 or so for a cake, I make sure to bake one for him.
  13. Cockrings can be so much fun, and so we set out to have some with our newest cockring from Penthouse, the Utopia Love Ring. This extra stretchy pink erection ring is triple action! It has a water-resistant wireless bullet, which has one setting, HIGH! And that setting is kind of loud. It takes 3 watch batteries, and it came with 6. We love extra batteries. Then it has the ring that goes over the penis. Third, we have the Ring that goes around the testicles. Very interesting! To get the bullet into the cockring, I had to use some lube on the bullet and inside the sleeve. The sleeve also has nubbies all over it, for ultimate clit stimulation! Always a good thing, in my book! After he gets his condom on, I help him get the cockring on him, with him almost wincing when I gently strapped in his testicles. *insert evil laughter here* But he said that it was kind of a nice feeling around his testicles, so we were good to go. He turns on the vibes, which he said were very nice, but kinda loud, and slowly he entered me. He made sure to rub the nubbie sleeve on my clit a lot. Good man, good man!! I loved the feelings of that, and was able to cum between the vibes and his manhood buried deep inside me, giving me my beloved full feeling. However, I will say that the “extra stretchy-ness” was a problem. Since it has a lot of stretch to it, and even with my guy’s generous size, it still had a tendency to slip down off to the sides. The pink little thing just wouldn’t stay upright! It got to be a bit on the frustrating side. Hubby also said that the ring around his cock just wasn’t as tight as he would’ve liked it to be. We didn’t notice any extra firmness of his cock. The biggest plus of the ring was the strong vibes I prefer, and the nubbies of the sleeve. This cockring was rather disappointing, in our book. But it never hurts to try new things, and it may work for someone else. I may use the bullet & sleeve for some clit stimulating fun. Wanna go to the Utopia of this Ring?
  14. I LOVE dual action toys! This one looks really cute! Thanks for the info!
  15. I hope all of our members & your families are doing ok with all of the storms going across the nation. We had some severe thunder/lightning storms, lots of rain and tornado watches. Where I am in Texas, which is considered the Gulf Coast Region, we didn't get tornadoes. Well, if we did, they were small and didn't do any damage. I hate tornadoes! I considered building an ark..... Anyway, I hope everyone is well.
  16. I had participated in anal sex a handful of times, with a couple other lovers, usually with toys only. The only penis/anus sex I had, was almost 6 yrs ago, hurt like a MoFo (no lube, large penis, over-active guy), and I hadn't tried it with anyone else. I had tried it solo a couple of times, but I seem to like it better with a man helping and reaping the benefits. So, a couple of weeks ago, my hubby had said that he would "try" anal sex, since he wants to do new things with me. Not having a big selection of anal toys, I used 2 of the toys that I do have on hand for that (and have expanded my preferences as a reviewer too). But, what I did have, he liked well enough. But he was most comfortable with my finger massaging his prostate gland internally. Thankfully, I had done that several times before, and was able to instruct him on breathing, relaxing and how it would feel for him. I LOLed and told him I felt like I was trying to seduce a virgin! But he liked it a lot. So much that I blew his mind!! So much so that he was unable to get "Mr Happy" back up for me to have my own intercourse, after a half hour of trying, so I had to take care of myself..... Last night, I broke open a new toy, to be reviewed in a day or so, and he put it in me. Let me just say, that anal sex will most likely become regular in our lovemaking!!
  17. Thurasis has a very good point. Most men LOVE just KNOWING that they can get their woman off. Almost like a power trip, but a good one!! Ask him. If he's telling you that he's having fun and loves your lovemaking, accept that. That doesn't mean that you can't introduce new things into your lovemaking. Such as, of course, toys & videos, erotica, costumes, role playing, more flirting, and so on. Also, some men are concentrating on all of the feelings & pleasure when they are making love, that they may not think to verbalize anything, or show much of anything. They're into the moment. If you want some verbal cues from him, try talking dirty to him, ask naughty questions, or ask him "do you like that?"
  18. I know that there are all sorts of different likes out there, but those, to me, sound EWWWWWWWWW!!!
  19. Yes, it does look like when you open the cap, it'd just be the mouth of the bottle, but the plastic plug is like the ones on salad dressings, so, though it can come out quickly, you do have a bit more control over it. I wish it had said on the bottle whether it was silicone or water based, since most of us aren't fluent in chemical compounds! But thanks to Mikayla and Google, I was able to find out that it is, indeed, silicone-based. Glad you liked it!
  20. Yeah, I can also see why the big turn off. Thank you for such an honest, yet kind review.
  21. So long as you both can handle the "aftermath" of a 3-some, then I'm glad you both were able to fulfill your fantasies! Please let us know how things go a bit further down the line.
  22. I LOVE LOVE LOVE lubes, and I love having a variety of quality lubes on hand. And Doc Johnson has created another awesome product with this lube! Made in the USA, this lube is very simple, with only 4 ingredients to its formula, two of which are silicone based. So I would consider this a silicone lube. Always remember, keep silicone lubes away from silicone toys for a longer toy life. The bottle reminds me of old tonic/medicine bottles, and the labeling kinda goes with that theme too. The cap is screw on, with a clear safety seal on the bottom, which kind of confused me, cuz I just couldn’t SEE it (I have bad eyesight). I finally peeled it off, unscrewed the cap, took off the safety paper on the bottle, and was happy to see that it had a plastic insert with a small hole in it, for an easier, less messy way to pour it out. Smelling the lube, I was pleasantly surprised that it really DOES smell like candied cherries and not like cough syrup, like a lot of cherry scented things tend to do. I love most fruit smells, and this one is wonderful! The first time I used this lube, I was doing some solo play with a large rubbery toy, and I applied it directly onto the toy, up & down its shaft. And, I found out a little goes a long way with this lube. Plus, I could smell the cherry scent well, but not overpowering. Insertion was a breeze, thanks to the lube. And it stayed rather slick for me for quite a while. I was impressed with its staying power! The next time we used the lube together, and it was on a toy & me. Hubby said that he liked the cherry scent, and that it made everything nice and slick, so we had a winner! We really liked this lube a lot, and will be using this often! Click here to go Doc Johnson Cherry!
  23. Tyger

    The V Game

    Jurassic Vagina (ew) The Nutty Vagina Walk the Vagina Vagina Bounce Moulan Vagina Babe in the Big Vagina (LOL) The Vagina of Notra Dame Sleeping Vagina Interview with a Vagina Bad Vaginas Memoirs of a Vagina
  24. Tyger


    The doctor told a man that masturbating before sex often helped men last longer during the act. The man decided, "What the heck, I'll try it." He spent the rest of the day thinking about where to do it. He couldn't do it in his office. He thought about the restroom, but that was too open. He considered an alley, but figured that was too unsafe. Finally, he realized his solution. On the way home from work, he pulled his truck over on the side of the highway. He got out and crawled underneath as if examining the truck. Satisfied with the privacy, he undid his pants and started to masturbate. He closed his eyes and thought of his lover. As he grew closer to orgasm, he felt a quick tug at his pant leg. Not wanting to lose his mental fantasy or the orgasm, he kept his eyes shut and replied, "What?" He heard, "This is the police. What in the hell are you doing?" The man replied, "I'm checking out the rear axle, it's busted." The cop says, "Well, you better check your brakes too, because your truck rolled down the hill 5 minutes ago."
  25. Tyger


    Yes, thank you SO much! I loved the Coochy Cream, and can't wait for hubby to get home so I can try the other items!! And it did come rather quickly! I was so happy!!
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