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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. OK, so I've been here a while, but for any "newbies" or curious members, HI!! I've been here since March of 2006. I was introduced to this forum by a friend of mine. She'd gotten an online offer for a free vibrator, and I took advantage of that, discovered the forum, and became a Product Reviewer in Semtember of 2006. I'm a SAHM of one little girl. I love animals. And we have plenty of those: 5 cats, 4 dogs, 3 horses, and one rabbit. I live in East TX, and I love love love Texas!! I was born and raised in Maine, though. I have many hobbies, including photography, reading, writing, computers (duh), and doing things outside. I try to be fair, and open-minded, but when something gets to me, I just speak my mind. I've always tried to be honest, but am blunt too, so sometimes what I say or write is taken wrong. I've also got a quirky sense of humor!! I've been married almost 5 yrs now, to my wonderful cowboy hubby. I am no expert in being married, but I think, that for us, and the personalities we are, that this length of time is amazing!! LOL I guess my other posts will speak for themselves. And, of course, if you have any questions to ask, ask here or PM me.
  2. Sometimes the basics (with BLING, of course!) is all you really need.
  3. Sex should never ever hurt, unless you're going for that anyway! There could be several reasons, mostly medical, so I would HIGHLY suggest you go to your GYN and get a check up. Tell your doctor ALL of what's going on. TRUST ME when I say that they've pretty much heard it all, so won't embarrass easily (or shouldn't), and will handle your questions like you're discussing a new car, or the weather~as matter of factly as possible. I won't scare you into all of the speculations as to what it can be. Most likely it's something that medication can clear up. Which, if you're having troubles with something *down there*, it may have spread to your clit area, or, you could've hit your clit/hood so hard there may be some slight nerve damage there? That usually goes away after a while. But, again I HIGHLY suggest you go to your GYN to discuss it. Best wishes~
  4. We luv 'em Da RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRidges!!!! I love the satiny soft feel of silicone too. Woo-hoo!! Great review!
  5. I totally agree with the other posters. It's unfortunate that the man you chose to loose your virginity to, no matter what his age, was, but what you said, a jerk only looking to score a virgin. Sleeping with a friend or coworker never can go back to the way it was before. Telling him that you both made a mistake that won't be repeated is a great way to start mending. And then, at work, maintaining a professional relationship only is the best thing to do. If he ever makes any suggestive remarks, or something that may be taken wrong (which may happen), needs to be nipped in the butt as soon as it happens. However, don't try and take everything he says as such either. Live and learn. So long as you learn from your mistakes, and everyone makes mistakes, then you are truly growing up.
  6. Wow, well, here is a good example as to things that are inferred and are taken wrong, just by a couple of comments here and there. First, I hope you don't leave. Asking questions is hard to do, and I commend you for trying to help your mother out. I reread Howard's posts, to see where he said that your mother was an illegal immigrant, and didn't see it. He DID say "no matter what your mother's immigration status is". Which, to me, sounded like he was saying whether she is or isn't an American citizen, the way of her thinking is probably due to how she was raised in Mexico, and a lifetime of that sort of thinking is hard to do, just because you may become a citizen somewhere else. I will say that I have a few Mexican friends, some being born here, others that crossed the border and got their citizenship. They are all proud to be Hispanic Americans. And rightfully so. I have personally dealt with racism, and even reverse racism, so I know where you're coming from to a degree, and lots of people get super-defensive over something that wasn't intended to be insulting in the first place. Trust me, knowing Howard as much as I can via the internet, I have no doubt that if he wanted to be insulting, he would do so very directly. Yes, all of this got blown out of proportion, and tempers tend to flare. I can understand both sides of this. Agreeing and disagreeing with both on certain things. That said, let's remember, we're adults, everyone having a different POV. Our main goal here is to try and help people with sexual issues and such, if possible. When posting a question, again, please don't assume that a respondor will know exactly what you're talking about, or will read between the lines. If there is a specific question, then it needs to be asked to the best of your ability. Giving as many details as you feel comfortable with is the best thing to do. If you don't get the answers you are truly looking for, try rewording the question. Comments and suggestions are made by what someone READS and COMPREHENDS from the poster, not what they "Infer" for the most part. Plus our life experiences of what we've been thru, taught, and have come to realize over time. Wrong or right, that's the way people work. Also, several of us read several posts a day, and respond accordingly. Please don't assume we will remember who said what and when when posting a question. Be as specific as possible. Repeating yourself, especially in a new post/forum isn't a bad thing. Several of us have lots of things going on between work, home, and then our internet time, and keeping everything straight all of the time is pretty difficult to do. I hope you decide to stay. But, of course, it's your decision. I wish you the very best.
  7. Well, each person is different, with pleasure points and preferences, so specifically saying this or that Dual Action vibe will be best, is hard to do, not knowing what you prefer. And Dual Actions have lots of options for the most finiky person! Let me recommend you checking out the Sex Toys Reviews. Lately there have been several Dual Action Vibes that have been reviewed. Most reviews have pics and a direct link to the product's description page right on them. And, of course, our honest opinions as to how they worked out, what they do, and how they felt. You can also go up to the Enter Product Search box, and type in Dual Action, and a page with pretty much all of the dual actions will pop up for you!! Things to keep in mind when purchasing, not only a Dual Action, but any sort of toy: *What areas do you want to target? Like heavy clit stimulation, or anal stimulation, or vaginal? *What type of materials do you prefer, silicone, rubber, hard plastic, glass...ect....what material will be best for your play, and the kind of care you can remember to use when cleaning and what lubes do you prefer? Again, remember no silicone lubes with any silicone toys. *Battery types~how easy the batteries are to find, and install? *How powerful a toy do you want? *Noise levels, are they important? *Do you get easily frustrated, or do you want to slowly take the time, and tease yourself? *Dual actions can get expensive. How much are you willing to invest in one? Asking yourself these questions will help narrow down what sort of toy will suit you.
  8. Well, to be totally honest, I am not really a huge Kink fan, or a Nina Hartley fan either. But, I got this DVD to view, and, well, it’s a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it. Plus, I am always open to new ideas. You never know what you might like until you try it! This video did offer quite the selection of different kinky, anal fetishes though. From foot worshipping, legs in stockings, Sub/Dom, medical settings, and even smoking cigars, this film will satisfy most people’s fantasies. I loved the costumes, and role-play in this film. A variety of scenes are also a great thing about this film. Girl-on-girl, 3-somes, lots of oral, man with woman, and of course, anal. You can go to a favorite scene with just a push of your DVD remote. Behind the scenes footage, website info, Bios, and a photo gallery will keep you entertained long after the 135 minute feature ends. But, unfortunately, this film doesn't rate as one of my favs. But, who knows? It may become one of yours! It’s all about attitude, confidence, creativity, and the adventurous streak in all of us. Are you Kinky enough?
  9. This is a wonderful addition!!! Not only for married couples, but for those who worry that being married=no life!! Seeing things that dating vs married couples going thru can be very enlightening!! *WOOT!*
  10. So, I get this vibe, and the first thing that comes to mind is Odd. GK Toys comes out with some unique shapes, and this one is VERY different! It’s a hot pink vibrator with nubbies everywhere! We love the nubbies! Reading the package, I see it has 7 vibe settings to go to the 3, yes 3 bullets in it!. Well, time to take this out wash it carefully, since it’s not waterproof, and there was barely any smell to it, and it wasn’t sticky at all, but satiny-soft. I love satin-soft vibes. 4 AA (not incl) later, I turn on the vibes. I LOVE strong vibes, and setting 3 will do it for me for sure. But the other 6 settings were nice too. Although, the only powerful bullet to me, seemed to be the smallest (middle) one. I try the rotations of the head, and am curious to see how this is going to work. I notice that this is not a quiet toy either. So, I settle in, lube up my toy, and go for it. The clit stimulator and the small G-spot stimulator feel really good against my clit. I put the bigger one on the top, and put the smaller one on my clit, and had a couple of smaller orgasms. Alright!! We show promise! Excited at the new prospect, it's time to see what this baby can do on the inside! The head went in easily, and I was getting excited at the thought of the g-spot bullet caressing it’s target. But, well, since the g-spot stimulator is bendable, I had to help guide it in properly. Then it stayed bent towards the outside, even with thrusting. Hrmmm. I turned on the rotations, and it felt really good, all those nubbies caressing, rubbing, and vibing. I was able to cum, but there was no g-spot orgasm for me. Color me disappointed. For me, I prefer a firmer g-spot toy to hit that spot. This toy just didn’t do it for me. The smaller stimulator just had way too much bend to it, and not enough room to get in there and then hit the spot properly. Plus, getting it inside of me was a bit of a trick too. It worked in all of the other areas, but just didn’t do what it claimed to be: a G-Spot vibe. But, what doesn’t work for one, may work for another….. Think Nubbies
  11. This item looks and sounds incredibly exciting!!! Were the buttons easy to use? How many settings? How strong were the thrusts? Great Review, thanks!!!
  12. Well, some men like pain, as, as mentioned before, I'm assuming he didn't want you to draw blood? I've never heard of a man liking the head bit, least of all, hard! But, again, it takes all kinds, and everyone likes different things. However, MOST men don't like biting on their penis. Nibbling, maybe, but, it's a sensitive area, and should be handled with care. It's unfortunate that your first BJ wasn't as normal, as far as BJ's go. It does take time and practice for anyone to learn how to give good head, tongue action, as well as sucking, licking, nibbling without pinching, ect. If you're serious about this guy, next time, tell him that it kinda weirded you out, and that you want to take things a bit slower. Not straight into pain infliction, even if you're the one inflicting. He won't know you're uncomfortable unless you tell him. Good lovers are not only good teachers, they're also patient, and most importantly, good listeners too.
  13. I've always LOVED Hot Stuff lotions and such. Yay for the oil!! Did it leave an after-taste? Was there any sticky film afterwards?
  14. What Howard said is very true, and he brought up some great cultural and religous reasons as to why she may think the way that she does. Also, one reason that your mother may be uncomfortable about sex, is, the overlooked aspect of her attempted rapes and possible molestation. Without talking it out, understanding that what happened is not the victim's fault, and trying to at least find a way to live with those facts, can also be making it a bit hard for her to enjoy sex, or even WANT it. She may or may not have truly liked sex way back when, with your step-father. Who's to say? Lots of cultures make it mandatory, at least by appearances, that the woman appear to be happy with whatever the man wants. Her culture is one of them. What a woman wants isn't as important as making the man feel like a man, and appear to be The Man to friends and family too. She may not even realize this, not due to ignorance, but just how she was raised. This will be a hard thing for her to try and rewire in her way of thinking, though not impossible. You're right, everyone can find SOMEONE. But they have to make the effort, and put themselves out there to try. She may just need the right man to want to please HER, for her to really come out of her shell. Where, I do believe that it's mosty true, you can't be pleasured unless you know how to pleasure yourself, there are cases, IMO only, that if someone has been raised with such strict views (or lack of info) on sex, that a man willing to take time and teach her how to enjoy herself fully, is just what's needed. I hope that makes sense...
  15. Just saying that you want to spice up your sex life, is a good start, but, like the others have said, we need specifics. Great lovers are taught, not born. What you may like, someone else may not. What your BF may like, another guy may not. Ideas are great! But we need a little more to go on. I would also recommend the Sex Education articles, of course. But also, try looking at the sex toys with or without your BF. A lot of the toys have personal experience reviews, from real people, using real words, not promotional hype. Sometimes, cruising & looking at toys is just as fun as using them! The thing to remember about sex, is that it's adult playtime!!
  16. What some people don't know, is that when a woman is sexually aroused, the uterus retracks a bit, just for more room in the vaginal canal (via my OB/GYN). There may have not been enough time for your uterus to retract as much as need be, so your BF may have hit some sensitive part, causing some slight bruising. I'm glad you're doing better today. My advise, is make sure you're good and excited before he penetrates you.
  17. Hi All, Just wondering, does anyone customise her/his toys? You know, in a true "Pimp My Vibe" spirit - rhinestones, custom painting, furry handles, silvery initials, tuned-up motors etc? Regards This post was in another thread, and thought it'd be a great addition for here instead. So, does anyone do this? Like, adding your initials, doing something more creative, to your exisiting sex toys? I will say that I don't. Mosty because I think that functionality is key for a sex toy. Plus, if I add something, say like a fake set of rhinestons, and they get lost....where do you think they'd go? Plus, I don't see explaining to my 4 yr old daughter why Mommy is glueing something onto her fake penis'. Especially if any of you have dealt with a 4 yr old, they tell EVERYTHING they see, to anyone they can!!! Now, my toy box, I plan on doing something too, just to kind of distract from the fact that it's one of those clear-ish totes (for now). Although, when you look in on the side, you can't see anything, cuz I have stuff in pouches and baskets, so you can't see them. I will, however, admit to doing the "Tim The Toolman Taylor" grunt when hearing a strong vibrator motor!! But, knowing my luck, if I tried to spruce one up a bit, I'd electrocute some parts I don't want to be shocked like that!!
  18. What a great idea for a topic!!! I will repost this in the General Sex Toys Forum for ya!!
  19. Well, you didn't give us any health updates, such as, are you due to be on your period? Is there a possibility of pregnancy? Is there any gas, or is it just localized to your vaginal/uterine area? Assuming it's the latter, you may have bruised something while doing that. You said that you loved rough play once in a while, so I am, again, assuming that y'all played a little rough? If so, then again, bruising comes to mind. I've had situations where, after lots of rough play, I'd cramp up a bit too, just because we played rough. But then I thought about it, and when that happened, we kinda just dove right in. Even though I was excited enough, my body wasn't fully "stretched out" or warmed up enough yet, for that. Maybe this is the case for you, I'm not really sure though. If it doesn't pass in a day or so, I would go see your doctor.
  20. Who doesn’t like BLING? C’mon ladies! We like BLING with everything! Clothes, hair accessories, when we get a manicure, our cell phones, and, of course, jewelry. So, why can’t we have a little BLING with our sex toys? Well, Doc Johnson has come up with just the thing for us that like BLING! Their Radiant Gems collection of sex toys that are sparkly, scented, latex-free, anti-bacterial, and made with a new SilAGel material. I urge you to remember, is do not use silicone lubes with ANY silicone toy. My 8” fuchsia dildo looked so pretty, with the silvery metallic swirl all through it. It’s your basic dildo, with a small suction cup molded into the base (which didn’t stick well at all). Great for toy beginners for several reasons: It’s sort of slender (1.5” dia. at the thickest part), with a slight hourglass figure to it, gently waves molded into it, and with a slight ribbed penis head molded at the top, bendy, yet firm, this item has potential! I was able to smell the fruity smell to it, but both hubby & I think that the rubbery smell overwhelmed it, even after washing. But, that's no biggie for us!! Functionality is more important to us! My hubby was pretty excited to use something basic, yet still fun looking. And he LOVES to see toys go in and out of me, so we were both pretty excited! We’d been doing a lot of oral, getting each other very excited, and he starts putting in my Gem, and BOY! Did that feel good. Though, I wish the ribs at the head were a bit more pronounced, they still scratched my itch for me! And the shape of it, well, it filled me up a lot more than I thought it would! I was impressed, and so was my hubby too! It went in easy, and satisfied my need to feel full, as well as hubby’s need to give me orgasms in rapid succession!! It didn't have the bend to it that some of the other Radiant Gem collection pieces seemed to have, which was great! I was very happy with this one! This is a great toy! We will be using this Gem a lot more! A new Gem for YOUR toy box!
  21. Where does the time go? Guess it flies when you're having fun!
  22. Where I do believe in following one's dreams, I have to agree with Howard. She sexually assaulted you. It was a violation of your privacy for her to just walk in there, buck naked, and start rubbing and sucking on you. Dreams are a good thing. But, as far as trying to sleep with someone, married or not, there needs to be some sort of communication of reciprication! I also agree with him, that charges should be brought up on her. What she did was just plain wrong, and violating! Not to mention disrespectful for everyone in that house that night, trying to help out a new mother!!
  23. Well, ok then! Mikayla said almost everything I wanted to say everything very eloquently. She is right on point with the MIL and your possible sex addiction. Yes, feeling attractive to the opposite sex, even when it isn't your husband, is thrilling. A little flirting? Pretty harmless, since almost everyone flirts in one way or another. However, you've taken all of it to a whole new level, and, to me, it seems like you're trying to place blame on the MIL, instead of the one person who's fault it really is~yours. You chose to start touching and being touched by someone else that wasn't your husband. Things have gotten way out of control. You have some serious personal choices that must be made ASAP. First, you need to be fair to your hubby and yourself. If you want to choose to stay in the marriage, then you need to stop having sex, petting, or any other sort of intimacy, with other men. If you aren't sure you want to stop, then you may need to leave the marriage, if only to be fair to your husband. If you don't think you can stop, even though you want too, I would suggest heavy counselling, with someone that specializes in things such as sex addiction. On the STD note, condoms are a great thing, and usually pretty reliable. But, I am living proof that, even if you use condoms, you can get an STD. I have one, not AIDS thankfully, but still incurable, and can be a PITA. I'm married, and got it before I got together with my hubby. If we ever split, before I sleep with anyone else, BY LAW I have to disclose that I have it, or I can be liable not only for his condition, but any medications and procedures caused by this STD in his future! And, if you give an STD to your husband, don't you think he'd *kinda* wonder where it came from? You can't BS an STD. You cannot get them from toilet seats, hand shakes, or by someone coughing on you. It's hard living with the fact that you have an STD. Emotionally and physically. I have moments of feeling really bad about myself, just because of the stigmas that go with them. And, you can't tell I have one just by looking at me. I am a SAHM & housewife. I drive a station wagon type car. I'm responsible. And, it happened to me, even with the use of a condom! I agree, you don't sound like you're totally guiltless here, looking for others like you. Almost sounding like you want confirmation that there are others out there like you. There are other women (and men too) that are out there, that do what you do. I'm trying hard not to judge you. It's hard, since I've been cheated on by most of my BF's in the past, and I know how your husband is going to feel if he finds out. It's hard for others not to judge too, especially if they've been cheated on, and also depending on their situations. However, I am not going to condone what you're doing, or give you the excuse that "Yes, you are not alone, so it's OK". Just some things to think about. Good luck to you.
  24. I realize one can wash a sex toy, I promote the use of antibacterial soap too. Though, I don't recommend washing toys in the dishwasher each and everytime you need to clean your toys, because most sex toys aren't made to withstand that kind of heat, and over time, it breaks down the materials of the toy. And, yes, I know that STDs need a warm, moist environment to stay "alive", so to speak, so I know that's not really a concern either. I guess it's just the *thought* of someone else using a toy with my partner, then with me. I know that my husband has had other lovers in the past, naturally, but I don't want him to have reason to think of someone else while making love with me. Make sense? That doesn't make me insecure, but I want him focussing on me, not some other person in his past. At least not with visual aides. If he fantasizes, well, there's not much I can do about that. IMO, that man that was travelling with the vibrator, should have just given it to the first lady that tried it out, then gone to a sex shop, loosen up his tight-wad ways, and bought another one. After all, it's not only the toy, but the person's personal preference. And, as we've proven here time and time again, what works for one person, may not work for another.
  25. Here is what I found when I typed in "thrusting" in the product search box. I hope it helps, and you find the one you're talking about: Thrusting Toys Finds
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