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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Well, welcome to the forum!! We're glad you're here. Asking questions is how you learn in life, same goes for your sex life. Have you ever masturbated yourself to orgasm? If not, you really need to try. Try to relax, and just touch yourself, seeing what pleases you. It may take some time and practice, but that's the whole fun in it!! I would suggest that you sit down, in a neutral place (away from the bedroom) and ask him what he wants you to for him in your sex lives. Be prepared for him asking you the same questions too. Be as open & honest as you can be. If you don't know what you want, tell him that. I am assuming he knows how your ex was, so that you weren't able to express or experiment sexually. If not, you should really tell him so. If you don't tell him honestly, how you have been treated in the past, and so you're not sure what you like, but want to find out, he will never know. Having sex is adult play. Just because a woman has a vagina, or a man has a dick, doesn't mean they KNOW how to make love. Each person likes different things. And thus, each new lover must be taught how to please you. Any ideas as to why you don't like to perform oral sex on your man? You should explore why you don't like it, and be honest with him as to why you don't like to do it. He can help you get over it, if it's something you want to try to do for him. It's a wonderful thing, being able to pleasure him in such an intimate way. And, no, you don't have to swallow if you don't want too. Be open to new ideas. Now, if something just goes against everything you believe in, tell him that. Don't feel forced into doing something that is totally against your beliefs, but DO try to be open to new ideas he may have, or even some you come out with on your own!! Feel free to fantasize!!! Maybe have him dress up as a cowboy for instance, or you, the maid, and have his way with you. Spontanaity is fun too. Feeling frisky? Do it in a dressing room at a store (it can be done), or in the car, elevator, ect..... Of course, adult toys are a great ENHANCING tool in your sex life. There's nothing like a good vibrator, or clit stimulator to spice things up a bit. going to an adult store is lots of fun, and a good way to see the stuff in real life. You can see the different options out there, videos, and so on. Of course, I prefer to get stuff on TooTimid, just because of the great products and one year guarantee they have on all of their items. No adult toy shop I've ever seen offers that. But you can look either here or there, and find something to spice things up. Even if you start out with body warming lotion.....that's what started my adult toy collection! :P
  2. I totally agree with Mikayla here. You are not the first man to start lagging in participation in a marriage. It's great that you're making an effort to change. I will tell you that it will take a lot of time for your wife to truly believe that you're going to continue to get back on track. Most of us have experienced this, and the man will do his best to shape up~for a while, then it falls back into the same ole routine. BUT in no way does this make what your wife did justifiable. She wants to be there with you? She needs to prove it by not communicating with that Vegas guy. She is continuing to disrespect you by doing it now. She is blatantly flaunting it infront of your face now. Which I am sure brings you down even further, self-esteem wise. My ex-husband cheated on me via the internet. Everyone wanted to know why I didn't heave the computer out the window. There are 2 reasons why: 1-a cheat is a cheat. He would've found a way to cheat with or without the internet. Same with your wife. There are phones & letters to do that too. 2-a computer is a TOOL. It's not the computer's fault that he used it to cheat on me. If you can't trust your partner with the tools available, then there truly is no relationship. Also, she says she has fantasies. Well, everyone does. 3-somes really aren't recommended for a married couple. It takes an extremely strong marriage to withstand that, and frankly, right now, you barely even have a marriage. Fantasies can be played out in other ways, with the use of costumes, toys, and a big imagination!! Her first step in proving she wants to be there is to stop talking to that guy. A final communication, with you right there over her shoulder, telling him that it's over, no more, don't talk to her anymore, is a great start. Then, an open door to where the computer is, so you can see what she's doing at all times while on it, and her not getting mad if you come up behind her, and watch what she's doing on the computer, IMO helps prove that she's staying true to you, computer wise. If she gets mad at the "invasion of privacy" then that's something to consider. It wouldn't be neccassary if she had been true to you in the first place. So what if it's just sexual? Mikayla is right. Woman rarely seperate sex with an emotional bond of some sort. I'm sure that's hard to hear, but it's true. If you feel that you cannot trust your wife, but that it can be repaired, then definitely go to a MARRIAGE counselor. I'm all for counselling, but when marriages are sinking, then a trained professional is needed, specializing in marriage issues. Everyone makes mistakes. It's part of being human. You didn't force her to cheat. That was her decision to do. The 2 important things to remember is to learn from your mistakes, and take ownership of them. Otherwise, they're bound to be repeated. Best wishes to you.
  3. I would also recommend the Remote Dual Action Vibe. The ears of the bunny are long, and do the job right!! I love a lot of clit stimulation, and this one made me go THUMP THUMP THUMP!!! I did a review on it: http://forums.tootimid.com/index.php?showtopic=2160
  4. I gotta agree with ReadyAndWaiting....if you don't know where the boundries are, if there ARE any, you need to ask her. Maybe ask her what her fantasy for a No Holds Bar Night Of Wild Sex means to her, what SHE wants to have happen. Go from there!! Have fun!!!!!! You won't know, until you ask her.
  5. We had nookie again 2 nights ago, and hubby asked if I wanted to use any toys that night. But, to make him not be intimidated by the toys, I passed. But again, I was proud of him for asking!! Slow & steady progress.
  6. I don't have this one, but have had a few toys that haven't come with battery insertion directions. Try different combos, like one positive end up, one positive end down, if that doesn't work, switch sides. That's usually how the batteries go, one + end up, one + down. If that still doesn't work, and you got the item here, there's the one year guarantee, so you can exchange it for another one. Just call Meaghan!
  7. Welcome to the forum, and to the wonderful world of vibrators!! What a great friend to get you that!! Anyway, a few suggestions from a woman's POV: Ask yourself a few questions when looking for a new adult toy: *Dildo (non vibrating phallis toy), or vibrator? Or even something else, like a clit stimulator? *When you're having sex, do you like to feel full? How big is "too big" for your comfort level? *realistic looking, or not? *material toy is made of (some people like a more realistic feeling toy, like Real-Skin toys) *shape of vibrator~G-Spot, straight, bumpy, ridges, slim, fat, bullet... *How much are you willing to spend? These questions will help narrow down what you want, when choosing another toy for yourself. I would also suggest possibly going to an adult toy shop, physically seeing what a toy looks like. Price comparisons never hurt anyone. Though, this site has the one year guarantee, so you'd be better off getting something here, IMO. And no, I don't get paid to say that!! LOL But TT has a great selection, and I'm sure you can find what you may want to try here too. Myself, I love clit stimulators!! I have a g-spot vibrator that is kind of bulbous at the top, but slender at the base, and when used with a clit stimulator, sends me over the edge every time!! If you're looking for versitility, I would suggest getting a toy that has more than one item on it, like the dual bullet, or even a kit, like these: Vibrator Kits I have the Infinite Pleasures Kit (with a GREAT clit tickler with it), and the Ultimate G-Spot kit. They're both fabulous!! And relatively in your range, over by a few dollars, but definitely worth the investment!!! I've also heard good things about the Vibro Plus Pleasure Trio Kit. Kits offer great variety in what pleases you, and you can try different combos! Sometimes, when you use more than one toy, the results can be explosive (in a good way LOL)!!!! I hope this helps!
  8. Hi there. This is actually done already. If you look up at the top tabs, it's the third one from the left, Toy Reviews. That way, you can see which items have been reviewed. Thanks for the confidence boost!!
  9. I like my men to have a little hair on their neck, maybe right before the shoulders. I love love long hair, but neatness counts!! I was with this one guy for 4 yrs, and he had long black hair, and boy did I think that was sexy!! Every so often, he would cut it short, for a change, but always ended up growing it out. On a woman, I guess it depends on the woman. I usually love seeing women with stylish long hair (I have long hair too). Although, I have seen some cuties with short hair too.
  10. I too, have checked out that site, and I must say, women really DO vary *down there* as well as everywhere else on their bodies. Everyone is different! And, in one way or another, everyone is beautiful. I personally, have never heard of a man screaming out of a lady's bed, because her labia was too big. Yes, some adult models and porn stars have larger labia, but that's usually due to either genetics, or lots and lots and lots of usage! Let's face it, men are VISUAL creatures. They LOVE to see everything!! And, those models in magazines that have larger labias are a great subject for photographers to focus on!! Hell, I love looking at beautiful women too. So, please don't worry. Just try and accept how your body is created as it is (easier said than done, I know). Allow a man to worship your body the way he wants too, and the way that pleasures you too. A confident woman is a SEXY woman!!
  11. Do you think the gap in between the pieces is a defect, or probably just how the pieces are apt to fit togethter? I've seen many varieties of the personal massagers in other catalogs (that sell other things more than sex toys), and wondered how well they really worked!! Thanks for the info!
  12. I loved the suction cup dildo on the top of a car idea!! And replacing the borrowed late toy with a new, better one!! I'm glad you did the pawn tickets idea. What fun!!! :lol:
  13. Security measures are already in place. Video survelance, alarms system on The Big Box, and it's...........BOOBY TRAPPED!!!!
  14. I haven't tried that one, but have tried the Remote Bunny Vibrator, which seems to be very similar to that one, and did a review on it: Remote Bunny Vibrator I hope that helps a bit.
  15. Well, last night, my husband made it VERY clear he wanted to "get him some", so we took a long, hot shower together. Since I was sore from my fall, and from being sick, I decided to lay back and enjoy, with minimal effort, and he seemed to be all for that! So, after a while, with lots of petting and oral, we go into the bedroom, I lay down, he eats me out a bit more, then gets into my little vanity top drawer, where I keep my fav small toys and the condoms. He asks where all the other toys are like the "big momma one" (I had discussed my remote bunny one the other night with a friend, and I guess I piqued his interest!!). I told him the Big Box (under the vanity). So, he digs it out, and I find the remote. He plays with me with that for a while, stirring my juices, then I get a great idea! We put the bunny away, and I get out my Glass Swirl dildo. I love that thing!! And I also get out the clit tickler on a bullet, that came with one of my sets. He brought me to orgasm with my glass dildo. I loved the cold feel of the dildo when it went in, and loved to feel how it slowly warmed up to me. It was great!! He loved seeing it, and hearing my juices flowing! Then, I grabbed his Pocket Pal, and after naming her Sandra (he loves Sandra Bullock), lubed her up, and pumped away on his hard cock. At first, he was a bit apprehensive, since I'd never done that to him before~he wouldn't let me~and that he didn't want to not be able to have sex with me later. I told him not to worry, that I had the utmost confidence in him. We brought each other to orgasm. I love being a woman, cuz I got mine twice!! Then, I told him to play with me with the dildo, while he rested, and got excited again. I also brought out the clit tickler, and made myself cum for him twice. I wanted to show him how I excited myself, and he seemed to really like that show! Needless to say, we were also able to make love as well, and it was wonderfull!!!! I had to brag, since, as most of you remember, he is very shy when it comes to toys. Plus he is of the thinking that we shouldn't NEED toys (which I calmly explain to him how they ENHANCE, not REPLACE sex with him) He knows I get them, use them, and review them. But he's still kinda shy. I was very proud of him for going to the Big Box all by himself, and choosing what he wanted to use on me first. I was exceptionally proud of him for allowing me to use Sandra on him as well. It was just a very satisfying night all around!!!
  16. Well, I must say, you made my day!! I laughed so hard at that!! So, the Toy Police, would they have a flashing vibrator on the roof of the car? And the siren a loud BUZZING sound? Cuff me and take me away!!! Maybe you should make it like a public library, with cards he should fill out to borrow a toy? Or maybe a pawn ticket? He takes something of yours, you get something in return? Could be lots of fun!!
  17. Well, I fell in the New Year, literally!! Last night we all decided to go to the roping area to do some horseback riding. Don't misunderstand, please, I am such a newbie when it comes to horseback riding. I can saddle a horse (pretty much) and can tell the difference between the head and tail (yay me). But I am by NO means, and expert!! Well, I am still sick, and this cold has really knocked me on my ass. It also has made me not eat that much. I'd just eaten a little bit earlier in the day, so I probably should've not even TRIED to get on a horse. Plus it's cold, and I had mittens on. Yes, it gets cold down here in Texas! So, my friend tells me to get up on her horse (different type of saddle that I'm use to on that horse too, very slick). I get up, and then go over!! I fell, hitting my right hip first, and my husband said that my head bounced. But I honestly don't remember falling, so I am wondering if I blacked out getting up there so fast! Thankfully, since we were at a roping arena, the dirt was nice and soft. I lucked out at least. The poor horse didn't want me to try and get up on her again! She kept moving away from me, but I got back up on her, and rode for a bit. But this cold being in my chest, and my being an asthmatic, I was having difficulty breathing to begin with. Falling on my upper body didn't help much!! It was also the first time I'd been back on a horse in about 6 mos. I have a hard time even looking at my tack, after having my horse put down in October. But, boy am I sore today!! Thankfully, my husband rubbed my shoulders and back last night, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to move today I think! That's the first time I've fallen off a horse. I don't recommend it!! :P
  18. Being a child from the 80's, I love Monster Ballad music. I also like New Age, including nature sounds. And tribal/Native American soft music. I dunno, just gets the blood a pumpin'!
  19. I just received a PM from a "studhoss" (kinda similar in name as hogtied, IMO), saying "stop the sale of sex to minors". Anyone else get that too? Thankfully I haven't been the victim of any of the vulgarity, and am sorry to you for those who are. I guess we should'nt be overly shocked that this happens from time to time, considering the nature of the forum. Sets people off sometimes. Those who are close-minded, and think they are higher than anyone else, should really find a better cause to harass than this board, IMO. As far as stupid, foolish kids trying to play cool by posting BS topics, well, it's just sad. And they think that because this is the internet, and it's a "sex site" nobody will find them.
  20. She grew up in Las Vegas. She started having sex at the age of, I think it was 15, and KNEW that she was good at it, and wanted to do something in her life with sex. She got a fake ID and started stripping at age 16 (with braces), when she turned 17, she went to a strip called The Crazy Horse, and loved the power of it all. She actually had her brother pry off her braces to get in there, since the owner told her to come back when she had lost the braces!! She dated some tattoo guy who got her hooked into speed, then started smoking it. They broke up, and she moved to California (can't remember which big town it was), lived with Nikki Tyler (the nude model, not the other fashion model) as a couple. She got off of drugs after Nikki got married, and kicked her out, with the help of her father back in Las Vegas. Got into nude photos, then progressed into porn, all with the approval of her father. Her mother died when she was very young, also being a model (not sure of what sort though). Got married, and divorced, then married again, both to porn star men. Currently still married to the second one too. She became a very demanding porn star, and having a lot of clout and say so in her work. She was the first porn star to actually market herself, starting off with a Jenna Bobble-head!! LOL Oh, the irony!! She's an action figure, has her own line of adult toys by Doc Johnson, websites, clothing line...... It's a great autobiography. I'm sure if you Google Jenna Jameson, you will find her site.
  21. Have a wonderful, safe, and prosperous New Year everyone!! And a personal thank you to all of you who've made me feel very welcome thru the months!! This is a great site for adult conversations!!
  22. I'm fairly low-maintainance, believe it or not. Although, when I do my hair and nails just so, especially my nails, I just feel ultra-sexy!
  23. That was a good thing to bring up, about the PS2. It happens with some regular DVDs too. Their formats can't be read by a PS2. I believe the PS2 instructions even say that it may not play all DVDs, but MOST (for anyone that actually reads the instruction manuals LOL) So you're not alone.
  24. Love ya!! *Muah*

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