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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Men & women: Do you like it? I put this here, because some people just have an obsession with breasts, others with toes..... I love titty fucking. Having my man thrust his hard cock in between my breasts, as I squeeze them together around his shaft, it gives me a sense of power and a thrill. Plus, giving a little lick here and there on the tip of his shaft really gets a reaction!!
  2. Well, the other night, after looking thru some of the anal posts here, I decided to try and get myself ready for another try at anal. My husband is at work one week at a time, so I can try and prepare for the surprise while he's gone. He teases me about wanting to do it, then play like he doesn't really want to do it. Yeah, right!!! So, what I did, was bring out my Infinite Pleasures Kit, and use the small vibrator, to get my body use to the idea. I had to keep remembering to relax, and also to get the Back Door use to something going IN, and not pushing it out. I used plenty of lube, DPed myself, as well as lots of clit stimulation (that kit has EVERYTHING!!), and BANG! One whopper of an O!!! It took a little longer since I was trying to relax, concentrate, and loosen up, all at the same time!! So, I guess I will be try to train my Back Door while hubby is away, then shock him one night!!
  3. Usually a doctor will tell you to abstain from having sex while having a yeast infection, just for that reason! Guess he'll listen to you now!! Same with any sort of bacterial infection in your vaginal area, or even a bladder infection. Just because those things are common in women, doesn't mean a man can't get them too. Especially if his partner is having one. Sometimes, you either have to go without, or try something different!
  4. My best advise is to do 2 things: FIRST: think about what feels best for you and causes you to orgasm. You said clit stimulation does it. OK, great. Then think about when your man's cock is inside of you, and how it feels best in, what area, position, and so on. Do you like a fuller feeling? SECOND: read the product reviews. To do a quicker search on products, just go to the top pink Product Search Box, and type in G-Spot. all of the products there have pics, and the ones that have been reviewed, will have reviews down at the bottom of the description of the item. Reviews are helpful, since they're written by real people who have really used it, their experiences, what they prefer, so on. I have a few G-Spot vibrators. Unfortunately, the one that is my favorite, I got at an adult store about 8 mos ago, before becoming a reviewer on here. I prefer a stronger vibration, both internally and on my clit too. This is a link to an item that is extremely close to what I have: http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=5146
  5. As far as raising a woman's hips, one of the best pillows I have ever found that raises me up really well are those tube shaped decorator pillows. They kinda look like hot dogs, usually used on couches and such. Or even try using a rolled up exercise mat (so long as it's not vinyl or plastic~brrr!!). As far as "fake pussies", well, that's a matter of preference. I'm not sure of any man that would choose a male masturbator over a real woman. Though, there may be some that would due to being hurt, fear of commitment, whatever. Male masturbators are like vibrators/dildos/clit stimulators for women. They enhance, not replace. Or help ease sexual frustration/desires. Great for those trips away from you significant other, instead of cheating, or just for fun. Added sexual pleasure can be added by calling your SO and telling him/her what you're doing, how it feels and so on. Get the point? I honestly think that that's the most often thought idea about sex toys. Mistaking enhancement as replacements. I hope this helps.
  6. My most recent Star Crush is David Caruso, from CSI Miami.
  7. I had tried anal sex a few years ago, but after a not-so-pleasant session that concluded with tearing and bleeding, I have yet to go for it again. Now that I have my little kit, maybe I shall try the anal sleeve, working myself up to it, and then suprising hubby next time he asks....
  8. OK, gotta agree with everyone, you are way too young to have to deal with that kinda crap. I'm assuming y'all live together now? When I was young, I too, found out that things will drastically change when you move in together. The daily grind can get to people, and make the "magic" go away rather quickly in a lot of cases. You really LEARN how a person is when you move in with them. That's why I agree with moving in together. Cuz if you can't get along when you move in together, how would marriage be any different? That's just me though. If that guy is only wanting you to pleasure him, and he doesn't care whether or not you're sexually satisfied, then he needs to hit the curb! If he NEEDS porn to get him excited enough to do anything for you, he's role playing, and that's sad. Porn is a great enhancement, but if one NEEDS it to get off with their partner, chances are they have lost interest. Or he could be addicted to porn. I guess it depends on how much he watches it, alone or with you. To ease into a conversation, I would ask him AWAY from the bedroom, and when you're not horny or mad at him neglecting you. As as non-confrontationally as you can. Try not to use words like "You never", "how come you don't". More like "I've noticed that you seem to" and so on. Talking is the key, as easy as it sounds, it's true. Communication in any sort of relationship, friendship, lovers, parental, whatever, communication as to how actions make you feel need to be told. Otherwise, they won't change, or help you find out why these things hurt you. Breaking up is hard, and not usually pretty, but, think of it this way, if you do decide to break up, then you've set each other free to pursue happiness on both ends. Because, right now, if you're staying together to avoid confrontation, or being single, then you're holding each other back.
  9. *breathing in deeply*.... Valntyn said it very well, and probably a helluva lot nicer than I could!! After reading your updated post, I couldn't believe it. Since Val covered pretty much what I would've said (great minds and all...)~All I am gonna add is, IMO: he is a selfish jackass. Oh, honey!! EVERY woman deserves to be loved and treated with RESPECT. Him pointing out what HE thinks are your flaws (bravo for being comfortable in your own skin~I wish I could be!), is not only disrespectful, but hurtful to boot. You are not wrong in feeling the way you do. 10 years is a long time to feel Less-Than. Kids or no kids, you deserve to be treated like the Goddess you are! And, in fact, being the mother of his children, he should put forth EXTRA attention, effort, and pleasure. OK, I am gonna stop before I ramble too much more!
  10. Welcome to TooTimid (aka TT)!! The question I have is, have you ever had an orgasm? You would know if you have!! Trust me on this one!! If you have in the past, and have troulbe now, then it probably IS the switching from Mommy Mode to Wife Mode. It is hard to get the To-Do lists out of your head long enough to concentrate on yourself. Wives and mothers are more giving and less selfish then (sorry guys) men are. Women tend to worry about everything else. We are geared to make lists, get things done, take care of the kids. Most men live in the moment, and only worry a bit, then move on. At least that's what I've found. Gawd!! I wish I could be more like a guy!! The trick is to get all of that out of your head. Try thinking how life was (if you can) without kids, or when they were so young and FAST ASLEEP!! Keep telling yourself that it is OK to be a bit selfish sometimes. Everyone needs attention, including Mommies!! Your body DOES change when you have kids. Hormones do odd things to a woman's body, before, during, and even after the baby comes! You may have to try some self-exploration to see what turns you on now, and what doesn't. Try not to worry about it, because, if you start being intimate, and worry about it, then the big O won't happen. Just relax, enjoy the feelings, listen to some calming music, and let his fingers and tongue work their magic. Toys are another great enhancer tool in anyone's lovemaking. TT offers a great variety of toys, and a lot of them have some pretty detailed reviews on what they do, how they work, simplicity, and so on. Good luck and happy posting and exploring!!
  11. Great advise Mikayla, as always! I would also love to give kuddos to you for caring about HER needs too!! She's a lucky gal!! I would also suggest a clit stimulator. I need LOTS of clit stimulation, sometimes JUST that sends me over the edge. Clit stimulators are small, and non-phallic looking. And, for that added bonus, can be used solo or during sex too (so can the bullets/eggs too), and with other toys. This link is what I pulled up when typing in Clit Stimulators. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...mulators&Page=1 This is one of my personal faves: http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=4680
  12. No, you're definitely NOT wrong for feeling that way. You SHOULD be treated the way you have always wanted to be treated. That said, everyone DOES have their own limitations to what they physically and emotionally will do and can handle during sex. And boundries need to be set and respected. However, if you are feeling more adventurous, try doing things with him and to him without asking~slowly, as surprises. Now, I'm not saying just do what you want, and to hell with what he likes and doesn't. If he's expressed a hatred for, let's say toe sucking, then don't do that. Maybe you could just massage his feet. But, if he's never said anything about being blindfolded, grab a sash from one of your negligees, and come towards him, slowly covering his eyes, and have your way with him. He may just need cues as to what you want him to do. Most men will tell you that they're not mind readers. And you also need to use really tactful "verbage" when it comes to critiquing a man's sexual technique. Wording and also TONES are very important. Like I would rather hear: "Honey why don't we try using one of your toys tonight" than "Well, go get one of your toys then". The latter almost sounds like he believes I would rather use a toy than not, and is accussing me of liking them better. I hope this helps a little more.
  13. What was the worst pick up line you've ever had flung at you? Have you used a lousy line? Did it work? The worst line I've ever heard, well, as cliche' as it was, was "are your legs tired? Cuz you've been running thru my fantasies all day". I told him to go take a cold shower, then a nap. I hate cheezy lines!! But, I will admit, ashamed as I am, that I used one. I was very drunk, and went out with 2 girlfriends, saw this CUTE guy at a comedy club, and I said "Heeeeeey there baby...." I walked off cuz I was that I actually SAID that!!! I didn't stick around to see if it worked either. It probably wouldn't have anyway.
  14. What was the most assertive move you've made on someone that interested you? I think with almost every man I've been interested in, I've let them know in one way or another that I was very interested. Although, I found that "southern men" don't like aggressive females (they want to feel like *the MAN*). When I was a teen, just starting to really "Date", I thought one guy was really cute, and very tall. We were at the local skating rink, and he was 6 feet tall at age 16, and I looked up at him, and sexily said, "Hey there shorty". He liked it so much, we dated for 2 years!! Not bad for a chick that was kind of reserved at the time. Another ballsy move I made, was when I was freshly single, I really thought one guy that was helping me get parts for my car at the local auto parts store was VERY cute!! Tall, dark, funny, not too skinny. I wrote my cell number on my business card, handed it to him, and flirtily said, "If you're single, call me". He did. There are a few more, but I will keep those to myself for now......
  15. "...never had to finish Stars And Stripes Forever" That made me laugh so hard!!! I've caught myself humming "Dora the Explorer" while giving my hubby a BJ!!
  16. Vibrating eggs or bullets, as they're also known as, are a great addition to ANY adult toy collection!! Fun, versitile, easy to clean, and can also be used for *undercover* pleasure out in public!! Escpecially the wireless ones. I'm glad you found out the pleasures of the egg/bullet!!!
  17. See subject! My signature oral sex move is the figure 8 around the shaft with my tongue. Plus I have a (physically, not vocally) small mouth. I've had lots of compiments on that!
  18. Thanks for the compliment Val, and thanks for getting that song stuck in my head!!!!
  19. You're asking for a DOLL to provide you affection honey. That just ain't gonna fly! If you need more affection than what he's giving, and he refuses to give it to you, maybe get a puppy!! If your husband loves you, and you him, maybe a trip to the doctor first (to see if he has allergies to anything). Or you could cut down on perfumes, candles, makeup/powders, or even household cleaners (you can use more natural cleaners like vinegar), to see if he's allergic to that. Of course, if he's allergic to stuff, the puppy won't help. There is an absence of such toys because there are somethings that cannot replace true affection and love. And, I for one, wouldn't want there to be such things out there. Human interaction is very important in many many ways. There ARE male dolls that are a lot like manneqiuns (sp), ones you can pick what they look like, shapes of their penises and so on, but they don't do anything but lay there (they don't even giggle!! LOL ). I saw those on an adult channel, and was pleasantly surprised and also laughed cuz it was so new, and I have a sick sense of humor on top of that.... Anyway, you can't buy a toy or doll that will substitute true love and affection, which is what kissing and hugging is. Some talking is definitely needed here.
  20. So, how old were you when you had your first REAL kiss? Was it everything you expected? I was 14, and it was with the guy that would become my FIRST ex husband (he had the honor of being first of many things ). And, I will grudgingly admit, he was a great first-kiss!!
  21. Well, let's see, I noticed that you're 40, is your husband around the same age? It could be a couple of things. One of which could be erectile disfunction, to which he needs to see a doctor to be sure. There are a lot of things that can cause ED, and his doctor or uriologist I believe, could help him. He could know that his erection will be slow, if ever, in coming that time, so he may not want to do the "full" sex regime for him. A lot of men, even knowing how common it is, are ashamed of their performance, or lack thereof, and just want to do the deed, if they can, and be done with it. So, you've been together 11 years? Is he bored? Are you bored? You said that you have the best sex when you surprise him. Try to get more creative in the bedroom. Sex isn't suppose to be a "duty or chore", it's suppose to be fun! When asking him about it, do it AWAY from the bedroom, in a non-sexual activity. Just watching some TV, bring home some take-out food (probably not a good idea to broach this in a public setting for his sake). Check out the Toy Review forum, and keep reading the posts and articles. Ask questions!! As you can see this site gets a lot of questions, and hopefully, helpful advise!! Good luck!
  22. Paul Thomas and Vivid Interactive do it again in this adult film drama. A story of a love circle, a scheme to break up a wedding, sex, sex, and more sex will keep you entertained and excited through the whole film. Familiar faces grace your screen as you delve deeper into the storyline. Yes, that’s right, I said “storyline”! Paul Thomas is famous for storylines in his films, and he doesn’t disappoint in this one either. There’s something for everyone in a variety of age groups, in this film: 5 anal scenes, girl on girl, 3-somes, voyeurism, 40-somethings still enjoying great sex, humor, and a variety of body types as well. There’s a bunch of extras on this disc as well, including a blooper reel, and a Behind The Scenes chapter, where you can see how an adult film is made. Lola, a poor, pretty, country gal, who loves having sex, gets engaged to timid, skinny Manny, who won’t stand up to his control-freak mother, Claudia, and set a date, much to Lola’s disappointment. Claudia schemes to break them up by hiring Ramon, the hunky model, to hit on her. However, Claudia’s plan backfires and she ends up also falling for Ramon, loosing her husband, and the respect of her son once her plans all fall apart. This film definitely kept my interest throughout the whole film. I won’t give it all away, but let’s just say there’s nothing like keeping it in the family! http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=4134
  23. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=5128 I could almost hear the angels sing and see the sky clear as I opened up my package from TooTimid and pulled out the Infinite Pleasures Kit. The amount of exploration & pleasure in this box was almost too good to be true!! Let me tell you, not only does it have 5 pearly purple sleeves, but it also has a vibrating bullet, that has the vibrations that will rock your world! AND, yes, there’s another AND, it has Anal Climax Beads as well! It does have that “new toy” smell to it, but with some warm water, and antibacterial soap, the smell fades away to a bare minimum. You will need a total of 4 AA batteries (not included) to power up, and it’s ready to go! I was a bit disappointed in the 5” slim mini vibrator’s lack of strength. It only takes one of the AA batteries, so its vibes aren’t that strong, but with the 4 sleeves that can slip over the pearly pleaser fairly easily, possibilities outweigh power. One vibrator sleeve is the Smoothy Sleeve, for that slicker, fuller feeling. The Double Delight Sleeve, which gives the fuller feeling, as well as a clit tickler. Oh yes, and so it does. The Twirler Sleeve, which has nubs about 2” down that you can spin around for more intense sensations on wet, inner walls. This sleeve’s nubs were a bit too hard for me, but I’m willing to keep trying to use it. It may just take some getting use to. And then there’s the Anal Teaser Sleeve, 3 “ribs” are just right for anal play. I also tried it vaginally, and that was a nice full, and also textured feeling. But, I’ll bet you’re saying, “well, that’s 4, where’s the 5th sleeve?” Let me tell you, this little Clit Tickler Sleeve is worth its weight in GOLD!! It goes either on the very tip of the vibrator, but I found it works best on me on the vibrating bullet!! The sleeve is shaped almost like a mini tongue on a fingertip, and hits that sometimes-elusive tiny spot every time! And, oh my, does it deliver shocking, intense orgasms!! The Bullet is another gift! There are 2 plugs at the top, for possibly 2 bullets being attached to one pack. So the bullet isn’t permanently connected to it, for possibly usage with other attachments. And the cord is pretty long, so you or your partner have plenty of room to move around with this toy. It has 3 levels on the power pack. The intensity of the power pack amazed me! I prefer a more stronger vibration, especially around my clit, and this power pack should be renamed a Power House! Low is almost a normal vibrator’s High setting. High was amazingly strong, but at all not quiet. I started the Bullet with the Clit Tickler Sleeve on Low, and got myself worked up pretty quickly. When I hit High, I actually ejaculated! That was a first for me, and I was pretty proud of the results. Especially considering I need A LOT of clit stimulation! What I also liked about this kit, is that the vibrator and sleeves weren’t intimidating in size or appearance. All of the items are pretty. And since the mini vibrator doesn’t have a big, shocking variance of speeds, it’s a good beginner’s item. Yet also good for the person liking a bit of variety in their toy box. The bullet offers stronger vibes, even on the Low setting, which is great for the experienced toy users. But I don’t think that it will be intimidating for beginners since it’s a bullet, and so small. The name of the kit says it all: Infinite Pleasures!
  24. Well, I know I am repeating all that's been said. But all of it bears repeating!! First, whether he loves you or not, which I have a hard time believing if he continues to disrespect you by writing her name on you, and bringing her up, he TOTALLY blew any care, consideration, and trust out the window, not only by the affair, which could be forgiven, but by bringing the woman to your house, infront of your son!!!!!??? Um, how does that prove he loves you? What is he doing to prove his love? Flowers, jewelry, cards, sucking up? That just proves that he doesn't want to loose you, in whatever capacity he thinks of you as. I can't say for what. True regret and wanting to be forgiven doesn't include writing HER name on YOU while you 2 are suppose to be intimate with each other. That's an emotional 3-some. A fling, or one night stand would probably be easier to forgive, since it was a brief thing (not that I am condoning that in anyway), and usually nameless, but not when it happened for an extended period of time, and AT YOUR HOUSE!!! There's more there than just sex, but emotional attatchment as well. Mikayla is right. If he did it once, especially for so long and under your nose, he will do it again. If he's not still doing it. You mentioned that you aren't even sure that he has stopped seeing her. Well honey, trust your insticts. And, as mentioned, if she is stalking you or your husband, maybe you should both get a restraining order. And tell him to talk to his boss. He can't get fired for asking his boss not to mention his name to that woman. It's a basic right legally and personally, and if he gets fired for that, he can sue his boss. Suicide is never the answer to personal problems. What would your son do? You are hurting, and that's understandable. Is suicide your way of thinking it would pay your husband back? It won't. It ends up hurting more people, and you not being around to see your son graduate high school, get married, have his own children.....do you want to miss out on that because your husband is a jerk? I doubt that. But, if you continue to hurt just by being where you are, and seeing your husband, kick his ass out, and tell him that you just can't handle his cheating ways anymore. Even if he has ended the sexual aspect of the affair, fantasizing about her by doing what he's doing, so openly, doesn't show he's ended it in his mind. Kicking HIM out, It's what would be best for you and your son. If you own your home, put it up for sale, tell your husband you will not live in the house anymore, and you want to sell it, too many bad reminders. Or, if he wants too, and you end up divorcing, then he can buy your half out. There are always solutions and help out there, but it won't come easily, but you need to search for the help and answers. You have to want to help yourself, before others can help you. And you have to ask for it. I believe that you coming on here, and telling your story is a way of reaching out. It's a start, and that's great. I'm sorry, Im sure I sound harsh. I have strong beliefs on cheating. Especially long-term cheating. Y'all have been together a long time, share a child, and that's hard to think of yourself away from him. But, honey, being single is better than being degraded, used, and feeling less than. I Hope you're able to find a solution that makes YOU happy!!
  25. We get a lot of these kinds of questions, so you are not alone!! I must agree with all the previous posters: *talking away from the bedroom is the best idea. If you decide to try and talk to her while trying to get it on, it may be taken as criticizing or complaining. *lots of us were raised that if we were adventurous in sex, we would be considered "slutty". *GENTLE persistancy is good. Now for a couple of my own (2 cents worth): *ask yourself, or her if you're not sure, was their any sexual trauma that happened to her in the past? *how was her upbringing (ie-the belief that masturbation is *bad*, or sex is just for reproduction)? *did she have past lovers? If so, were they just in it for their nut, and not her pleasure? *toys? do you have any? there are several G-Spot items available, that are fun, unintimidating, and pretty! Just go to the Enter Product Search Box, and type in G-Spot, there will be a HUGE assortment come up for your viewing and purchasing pleasure!!! What she has been use to, brought up with, past experiences, and her personal way of thinking are what you probably need to think about, and gentle ways of approaching these. Lifelong beliefs don't change overnight. I was so happy to read that you don't think of this as a "problem", but something that you would like to work with, to improve a good marriage already!! Read the suggested articles, maybe have her cruise the site. It's very friend, insightful, open, honest, and "safe", as in there aren't people here trying to "hook up". Happy posting, reading, and welcome!!
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