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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Yes, I too love to watch women get it on. Seeing Dick with Dick does nothing for me. I too think it's an appreciation for a female's body. And, how else to learn a bit, but by watching 2 women doing what they KNOW to be the right thing?
  2. OMG!! HEET hand jobs?? You can always make me giggle, Howard!!! Anyway, I think it was briefly touched on, that cinnamon sexual enhancers are made for the delicate tissues *down there*, where as cinnamon candies, breath mints and so on, are not. I wouldn't think that breath sprays would be overly good down there after spritzing your mouth either. But some people may like that. It's trial and error. Small amounts of anything not made for oral sex is probably best. Especially if you want your SO to still LIKE you!!!
  3. OK, Chickenmom, you've acknowledged the fact that you yourself use toys (fake dicks?), so why would this be any different? I'm not trying to sound rude, but it's hypocritical for you to say that you would not like him using one of those, like it's cheating, IMO. It's not like a REAL pussy, attatched a REAL woman! That WOULD be cheating. Toys, for men or women are for ENHANCEMENT, FUN, ADVENTURE, and VARIETY with your lover. Not replacements, no matter what gender uses what toy. Let's all keep this in mind when your SO wants to add something fun to your sexual romps!! Plus, a male masturbator can't do what YOU can do either, just like your toys can't do what your husband does to you. After all, who says you couldn't use the fake pussy on him AND yourself? Kind of like a partial 3-some? Or when you're just not in the mood for sex, but he is, instead of a hand job, break out his palming lover? Or plan a Toy night~no sex, just Toy fun!! Fantasizing and fun are what makes us cuming back for more!!!
  4. I'm so sorry for the loss of your son! I can't even comprehend the saddness you must be feeling. After a death, I don't know if it's possible to take things TOO personally.. Take your time, grieve, heal, rant, whatever YOU need to do to go thru your grieving. We're here when you need us!! Many Bright Blessings to you and your family. Many cyber hugs!!
  5. On women, do you like long nails, or short ones? On me, and other women, I like medium length nails. Maybe like half an inch from the fingertip. Prettily painted, and still functional as well. I think that is one of the "girlie" things that I love spending time on. Other than that, I consider myself low-mantainance!! I love french manicures on other women. On me, I think they look funny.
  6. So, has a friend or even relative of your SO (past or present) hit on you? What did you do? My ex's brother hit on me constantly. He always flirted with me. Very suave too. Had a sexy voice. Anyway, he hinted several times that he liked me other than a "sisterly way". Always complimented my ass, clothes, breasts, playing with my hair. Even on his wedding day (of course I was dressed up nicely), he came up behind me and said he could just eat me up. I knew this guy since he was like, 11, so it was kinda weird. Flattering too, but weird. My BF (at the time) knew how his brother felt, but trusted me enough to know that I don't go from brother to brother, or friend to friend for that matter. So, I never had to come out and tell him. I didn't want to stir up trouble either, by telling him what his brother said. No harm, no foul I guess.
  7. Well, this may not count, but my FWB one evening fingered me on the couch, with our other roommate in her room reading a book, and then she came out to do the dishes which was right behind the couch (there was a tall bar hiding us), and I had to be quiet, which made it even more exciting.
  8. What was your sexiest Halloween costume, and when? I'm usually a cat for Halloween. One year, 1997 I believe, I was Elvira, and I was a waitress. Let's just say my tips were REALLY good that night!!! Then, the following year, I dressed in a full body leotard (I was very slim at the time), painted stitches on it, and went as Michele Pfifer's version of Catwoman. I even had the bullwhip on my side. I think that was my favorite one. Tips were EXCELLENT that night!!! Meow!
  9. Thought that get y'alls attention!!!!! Pervs!! Anyway, I live in EAST Texas to be a bit more specific than my personal blurb, and yes, I am getting RAINED on, lots and lots of rain.....Noah? Is that you? Anyway, we live at a really high part of the area, so even though my driveway is a small river, we have no real danger of flooding. My biggest concern is loosing my internet connection! How pathetic am I?
  10. I couldn't agree more. I've begun to feel very close to a lot of the people on the board here. I have recommended this site to all of my friends, and even some family!! I love the fact that this is a "safe" site, where you are pretty safe from people hitting on you (you can't control everyone), and still talk freely about sex, toys, and fantasies/desires.
  11. Welcome PinkVixen!! I'm glad you've found us, and have enjoyed reading the topics. I love this site, only being here about 7 mos now, after lots of searching, this is one of the best adult "for real" sites I've come across (no, they don't pay me for saying that). It can be a revelation and relief to know that sex isn't all the same. Different strokes and all of that!! Virgin or not, I think I can speak for everyone at least on this, we all want people to know that sex is fun!! And is a 2 person effort (unless you play the tease that night ). There are all sorts of games, suggestions, and TOYS that can ENHANCE the sexual aspect of life!! I hope you read on, and continue to post. I love seeing fresh thoughts, views, and experiences!! It's never too late to learn something new!
  12. I would check out our Sex Toy Review section. That also has DVD reviews in it as well. As far as "woman friendly" are you talking fairly mellow, no hardcore stuff, like S&M, porn with plots? What do you think your GF would like? There are also adult films that are more about people in relationships, in an educational format too. I've seen a few films directed by Paul Thomas, and he does Porn-With-Plots very well (at least, that's what I call it ). Some people like it, others want more action. He incorporates plots in his movies, and tries to have scenes inbetween the sex scenes for plot catch up and additions. There are several adult films to choose from in the DVD section, just go to the product search box, and type in DVD, and you'll have a huge assortment to choose from. Click on a certain title, and you'll get a description, and hopefully a personal review as well. Good luck and happy hunting!
  13. Sometimes I get charlie horses in either one or both legs, or one of my feet cramp up. It can be very distracting!!
  14. In everything, communication is key. If you just joke around and say "lemme spank ya" and she says no, then she may not be taking you seriously. I noticed you are 55 yrs old. Is she about the same age? Was she brought up strict and/or sheltered? She may have never had a more adventurous guy? She may think of being spanked as abusive or demeaning. My mother is 62, and I know if I tell her about somethings she may not understand or believe in, I get the look of absolute "why the hell would ANYONE want to do that???" I don't talk to my mother about sexual stuff. That's just a part of my life, and hers, that is none of each other's business. Anyway!! Now, if she's not even willing to try anything new, just do the Deed because she has to, then she is being selfish. Not only to you, but to herself as well. Making love with your SO should be FUN! Not a chore. It should be understanding, wild, crazy, loving, adventurous, familar, different, and safe. Maybe not all at the same time, except the safe part. Now, if, for some reason, you are able to get her to try it, and she doesn't like it, then you must respect that. Everyone has different things they like. She's your wife, and so you should be willing tyo try new things for you (and possibly her pleasure) and respectful of her wishes, and as her husband, she should want to try and please you and respectful to her as well. Good luck.
  15. My mother had gastric bypass surgery about 5 yrs ago. Personally, I don't wanna even KNOW if she does that!! But I did a lot of research for it when she was going to get it done. Unfortunately, she doesn't follow the diet anymore, so she's gained weight back. Follow your diet! Your stomach is only capable of handling a certain amount of food & liquid, and I would assume that counts. Anything that you eat, even water, counts for your intake allowance with this type of surgery. I'm not sure how much an average man ejaculates. You don't want to stretch out your stomach, cuz that would not only defeat the purpose to the surgery, it can pop staples too. Which, I'm sure your surgeon has already told you. Though, swallowing cum probably would not be a cause for concern. But, your body will tell you if you have put too much in it. Just remember to follow your doctor's advise with everything concerning this. My mother hasn't, and she's not one of the success stories for sure!!
  16. I too went back and read some of your reviews and couldn't see what you were talking about. But, then again, we can't see any possible PM's either. I hope you don't go. I think you do great reviews as well. I love reading them. Everyone has a different style of writing and voicing opinions. Please don't let one person spoil it for you, since you obviously enjoy what you do and lots of people enjoy reading your posts. I hope you take Rob up on his offer to let him know what's going on. Best wishes whatever you decide to do.
  17. How about, the most creative/imaginitive thing that you did in the bedroom?
  18. I've tried several of the Kama Sutra "body treats" and I have yet to be disappointed!
  19. The whole CRS thing, I TOTALLY get!!! I had a GREAT memory before I became pregnant with our daughter. I think she took my memory.......
  20. Whisky is a LUCKY woman!! My husband and I talk on the phone almost everyday that he's gone. If not a long conversation, but still to touch base with me. And he calls right after he walks out the door from his shift. It makes me feel good knowing I'm his first thought as he walks out the door. We always say I Love You and Miss You to each other too. When I had to put my horse down, he took the time, the next day, to call and make sure I was OK, and comforted me as best he could via phonelines. My hubby isn't the most sensitive guy on the planet, but I thought that was a great thing for him to do. I was shocked and pleasantly surprised by the gesture. vtnympho, I would LOVE to have a Mommy Swap Day, but where I live, it's an old retirement community, slowly getting younger people in here, there aren't that many mothers around. And the ones that ARE, well, let's just say, I would't trust my DOG to them. I think this week though, I am going to try and get a couple of hours for myself, while hubby is home. Almost a month straight with NO break from the kiddo is getting on my nerves!! Tonight, I tried talking with hubby a little bit. He went to bed early (9 pm), since his body is still on work time, and he works 12+hour shifts, he's beat. He'll recoup in a couple days. We even plan on going to the Texas Renassance Festival (I KNOW I spelled that wrong!!) this weekend after he gets paid. I don't mind being alone that much. Not as much as I am, but I function and take care of our daughter just fine. I love spending time with her, teaching her, and playing with her, and also giving her the space she needs to learn to entertain herself. She has a great imagination, and can count up to 5 with the use of blocks, and 12 with a little help~since she likes to skip 4,5,6! I get lonely, but that's why I have a phone, books, stamps (yes I write letters), and internet!! I will agree though. I've seen a lot of parents that go out all the time, leaving their kids with a sitter after school, and then when they get home, time enough to pop in a microwave meal, and rush out again. I have to have some ME time, and would love some couple time. At night, I get some ME time. And when hubby is rested, we'll have some couple time.
  21. Thanks for all your kind words of support. I really appreciate it!
  22. I think it's a great, romantic, and sexy fantasy!! I've often wondered about DP strap ons, as in penetration for your partner AND you. For that, you could always get a strap on for her pleasure, plus, get a personal hands-free vibrator like a butterfly on you, then put the strap on harness OVER the straps of the butterfly. Get creative. As far as DP for your partner, they do have those here as well. Here's hoping all your fantasies come true! (Let us know if they do too!! ) Butterfly: http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=5045
  23. Be sure to check each package for warnings, usage, and the basic do's and don't's and have fun!! Happy slippin' & sliddin'!!
  24. So, what was the funniest thing that happened while you were doing the nasty? I think one of the funniest things that happened to me, was when I was with a long-time BF, and our dog, a husky shephard mix, stuck her nose on his balls while we were having sex. It was a good think he was on top, cuz he flew straight up and screamed like a bitch!! It ruined the moment, and I hadn't gotten mine yet, but it was SOOOO worth it!!
  25. Besides your best BOB/toy, what do you use to masturbate with? Like a magazine, adult film, or just fantasizing? I love to masturbate using a couple of toys, and adult films.
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