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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Welcome to the wonderful world of working with other people. No matter what or where you work, there will ALWAYS be drama! The best thing to do is not stir any pots gossip wise, and just keep your opinions to yourself with the other co-workers. That said, if this is a large pet store chain, you do have some options! Get the names of the people she phased out if you know them, call corporate. Many places, especially chain stores, have places you can call to report abuse, most of the time anonamously. If it isn't something that can be kept anonamously, then ask them if you can please try to stay out of it as much as possible. They will do an investigation, and see the schedulling issues. If you are full time, and are guarenteed a certain amount of hours per week, you can also call corporate and let them know that you are NOT getting your schedulled hours. If you are part time, there's not much you can do as far as that goes. Cuz you will hear the familiar phrase "Schedulling to the needs of the store", and, right after the holidays, is NOT a high hourly schedulled area. The full timers usually get the hours first, as they should. Good luck.
  2. I would say that WAY TO GO was in order, first off! You're here! Searching for answers to questions that have probably bugged you all of your adult life! That is a HUGE first step! Here's the thing, and please don't take me as prejudice against any religious beliefs, cuz I'm all for freedom of religion, but, in my experience, respectfully, the Catholic faith does a disservices to all of their people. It's a male dominated religion (brought up with mostly Catholics around me), and it's the man's job to procreate, but the woman must pop out babies and like it. Birth control was frowned upon (not sure if it still is for I have removed myself from keeping track of all of that), and if you had an independant thought, you were gonna go to hell. Forget about masturbation, for that was self-serving, and, again, you'd go to hell. Here's a question I pose to a lot of people that can be thought of as extreme religious people: if God didn't want you to feel pleasure, as a woman, why did He make you feel anything? Why did He put a clitoris on you? How bad could it be if He designed us in His image, to feel with something He put on you & other women? Why is it OK for the man to have all the pleasure, and the woman none? How is a couple suppose to have a successful life/relationship/marriage with that sort of, sorry to say, bullshit?? To have any sort of successful adult/couple relationship, you MUST have honest & open communication! Which also moves into the *gasp* bedroom! If one partner, man or woman, is unsatisfied sexually, it can, and WILL spill over into other aspects of the marriage. You are finding this (or found this) out. Here's my thing/take on it: masturabation is your FRIEND. To learn how to please YOURSELF is the BEST way to find out what you like in the bedroom. Once you play with yourself, become comfortable enough to do so (which is one of the hardest hurdles, trust me), and RELAX enough to do so, the orgasm will come. However, don't TRY too hard. If you don't cum the first few times, that's ok too. It may take a few YEARS, but, in the meantime, you can try new things, positions, toys, even films if you like them. Go get some books on the female orgasm, and how some women get there. If you don't know your body, and what it likes, then you won't be able to cum. There's nothing wrong with learning at any age. If it embarrasses you to go to a bookstore, order some from here, or other sites. I get a lot of stuff from Amazon.com. You can search for practically anything, and you can get them shipped right to your door. If you're interested, I can look at the titles I've learned from, and you can PM me if you want the names of the books I have. When back in the dating world, you will find that many men now appreciate a woman who knows what she wants. I would try and date away from your town you live in. That way, they don't know you, or how others know you, and have any pre-conceived notions on how you will/should act. MASTURBATE!!! If you don't know how to please yourself, a man can't help get you there. Just saying, "whatever you like to do" isn't going to cut it. For example, some women like their breasts tugged on, some hard, some not so hard.....what if the man you're with is use to tugging really hard, and you don't like it? There is NOTHING wrong with saying, nicely, "I don't care for that, let's try this......" I wish you much happiness, and self-exploration! Looking forward to more questions or discoveries you decide to post about!
  3. I heard that y'alt a good amount of snow! We had snow a couple weeks ago here too. Nothing substantial, but it stuck for a few hours at least! Merry Christmas!
  4. I totally understand what you're going thru. I had desensitation during my pregnancy too. I also came down with some sort of condition, where, literally, I had a dry "spot" up inside my vagina. Just a spot. And it would get sore & irritated each time we had sex, and for a few months after I had our daughter (via c-section). The OB/GY?N prescribed me some Estrace cream to apply once or twice a day (I can't remember), and it cleared it up. I can't remember the name of the condition, but it's prevelant mostly in young, white women.
  5. I didn't get to read or respond to the original post. Must've missed it. However, going by the responses, I would say that, even if you're straight, being curious as to what another womans breasts would feel like, is totally normal. I love looking at a curvacious woman. I think everyone wonders what it's like to be with someone of the same sex, so for reference to others that may have these curiosities, I don't think it's a big deal, or anything to worry about.
  6. I'm with Mikayla, we need a bit more information here. However, I will say that if you are just "trying to push it out", like it's a thing to be forced, then it won't happen. The other 2 are absolutely correct, you have to relax. The harder you try to orgasm, the harder it will be to do so. It's not something you can just tell your body to DO. Another thing, and, this is just from my experience, as well as some of the others I've talked too, and, of course, no offense to Koopa in the least, but, it's very rare, that you orgasm with your first few sexual experiences. You're soooo worried about how YOU'RE doing, that you don't give your body a chance to fully orgasm. Trust me, it's not a YOU thing, it's a NORMAL female thing. It CAN happen, just let your body go with the flow, relax, listen to your body, and have FUN!
  7. I got this new deodorant today. The instructions said remove cap and push up bottom I can barely walk, but whenever I fart the room smells awesome!
  8. Sorry, I haven't tried that one. It looks interesting though!
  9. This is a pic from a well-known, children's snack. Yogurt in a sleeve. I won't mention the brand due to copyright blah blah blah. However, after all the hooplah with all the "Bad Disney" suggestive stuff, the Camel that tries to lure kids in.....does anyone else see the problem here? Or am I just a perve?
  10. If I didn't know better, I would've sworn that he read my post. LOL The last couple of days, he's been more helpful, and I did TRY to take a nap, but DD came in twice, so I couldn't get back to sleep. He's helped more with the dishes, and has been sorta picking up after himself. He spent a lot of quality time with DD yesterday, even though I didn't go anywhere, it was nice that he did that too. Without being asked at all! In answer to your question, Square, I kill my own spiders LOL! At the school I work at, there was a HUGE wolf spider, and, instead of making a big icky spot on my shoe/floor, I was able to catch it safely, took it away from the school, & let it go. Even been known to kill black widows (at the barn), and a couple of copperheads too. I have to kill the bees/wasps cuz I'm not allergic and he is! I DO need more alone time though.
  11. I happen to be, at this time, a "Too Tired Spouse". Yes, me. Hubby did a semi- easy project in the kitchen, but left me scrambling to have to clean almost everything in the house (he's a messy worker). On top of that, we had Thankgiving. I took down all the Fall/Thanksgiving stuff, as well as cleaned up 99% of the dishes, all of the kitchen, while still finding homes for everything. On top of that, of course, I go to work. Daughter goes to karate. He never takes her by himself. Never goes grocery shopping (I won't let him, he isn't careful with the $$). I do the laundry. I rarely ever get naps. He complains (yes really) when I tell DD to ask Daddy. He just lets me putter like mad, then gets pissed off when I just can't muster the energy to have sex. I want too, I really do, I just am super-exhausted & burned out. Sometimes, when I suggest he take her with him to the barn to feed the horses, or even to go to the store, he makes every excuse in the book NOT to take her (mostly because I have a rule that he can't smoke with her in his truck. Too bad), so he rarely ever does that too. DD is on such a good schedule, she doesn't sleep in. She goes to bed at the same time every night, and she wakes up, on her own, about the same time every morning (around 6 a.m.). He won't say "Oh, you stay here, I'll get up with her." Never, not once. Even when I tell him the night before he needs to get up with her, cuz I'm dead tired. It's not like he refuses, he just sleeps right thru it. I try waking him up, and he gets pissy. Gee, thanks. Here's a clue, to which I have repeatedly told him: give us a break! Take the kiddo without having to be told, suggest the over-worked spouse go take a nap. Do the dishes. Some of us can't rest very well when we know that there's too much to do in the house. HELP OUT without having to be asked! I've told him that I can't do this all myself, and nor should I have too. Lately, he has helped a tad more with DD, but again, I have to ask him too, then I get the sigh, or eye roll from him. NOT helping. I've talked, ranted, raved, bitched, reasoned, even cried (I hate crying). There have been a few Sundays where, I look at him and say "I NEED to go grocery shopping BY MYSELF. Have fun" and leave. It's only for about 2 hours, and IF he doesn't call (only been once that he hasn't), I feel recharged. Everyone needs a break, everyone. Even the best & most devoted mothers. Trust me, if you take the initiative, help out without being asked, the rewards will be well-worth it!
  12. That, and you may not hear from them 'til at the very earliest, on Monday. Labs are usually off on the weekend (at least their office staff anyway). *hugs*
  13. Welcome!! Love your avatar, BTW. I hope you enjoy the site!!!
  14. <_<I have to agree with the other posters here. Something doesn't sound right. If you had been satisfying her all through the relationship, unless you've changed your style, or what you do to the extreme, I don't see how she can say that it's all your fault. Many women go around thinking that it's their duty to make their man feel all big & studly, even if he sucks in bed. I'm not saying you do suck, I'm just saying that maybe she wasn't being entirely truthful. Faking orgasms is, unfortunately, very common. Once in a long-term relationship, the woman either has to try and change how the lovemaking progresses, keep on faking, or live with having poor sex with her SO. It's up to HER, as a loving participant in your sex life, to make sure you know how to please HER, as well as listening to you when you tell her what you do/don't like. Nobody can read your mind, nor can they always successfully read body language. Most men will tell you to be direct when telling them what they need to do, and women should absolutely do the same. Does she orgasm? Has there been an increase in stress? Has she been getting enough exercise? Does she have the "I'm fat" body-issue? Is she taking any medicines, including antidepressants? All, or just one of these things could be a reason why she doesn't feel satisfied anymore (if ever). BOTH of you will have to be serious and WANT this to work out. If only one of you makes a serious effort, it won't work. It' has to be a joint effort....just like marriage. ~Best Wishes!
  15. *HUGS* It's totally scary being pregnant to begin with, and I'm sure that didn't help. After all, everyone wants a healthy baby....hence why I did the c-section. Nothing was more important to me than my child's well-being. A scar I can deal with. I have a friend that has a son with S.B., and, the boy has cathaders in both orrifices, but, the boy does karate, walks, and has pretty good mobility. He has some health issues, but they make do, deal with it, and he's pretty happy, and normal otherwise. I've asked her a lot of questions cuz I was curious, and she actually thanked me for that, since I was being direct, and asking, instead of assumming. I'm glad everything is fine, and instead of going off on them (however, I would definitely bring it to their attention), just remember, you're pregnant, and your emotions may get the best of you, and then nothing would be accomplished towards a positive outcome. Write them a letter, telling them how much their error has given you stress, anxiety, and panic, and for a pregnant lady, that's not good, and they really need to be more careful with their date inputting. *HUGS*
  16. I don't like porn stars that sound like they're kids. The whole high-pitched voices that sound like an 8th grader, yet talking like a sailor on vacation (like Jenna Haze, she annoys the hell outta me!!!). I also don't like the whole cumming in the mouth, then spitting/drooling it all out. That is just gross to me.
  17. Thanks for the correction!! Even better deal!!! WOOT!!
  18. I am ALL for those that are enjoying their motorcycles, don't get me wrong. I know and love several biker friends of mine, including a Houston Metro Police Officer. However, that said, those small few idiots that think that because they're on a motorcycle, they don't need to obey the rules, like how/when to change lanes, or speeding between vehicles on the white dotted line, hell no!! Today, while going into town, with my daughter in the car, 2 motorcyclists were coming up on me FAST, (at least they had helmets on), and they fly past me, and one changes lanes right infront of me. I bet he could've tapped my blinker with his foot if he'd twitched! I blared me oh-so-intimidating Subaru horn (it goes MEEEEP MEEEEEEEEEEEP, striking terror in al that hear it!! LMAO), but he KNEW why I did that, and the asshole just waves. But if I had hit HIM, I'd bet he'd say how this mother of one, in a 4 cylander, was speeding like a maniac!!! If you're a biker, PLEASE follow the laws, common courtesy, and common sense when driving. It's NOT all about YOU. Cuz, I am here to tell you, if you hit ME, or cause ME to wreck, especially with my daugher in the car, grizzly bear mothers got NOTHING on my protectiveness when it comes to her.
  19. Three men - a Canadian farmer, Osama bin Laden and a KENTUCKY GENTLEMAN are all working together one day. They come across a lantern and a Genie pops out of it. 'I will give each of you one wish, which is three wishes in total', says the Genie. The Canadian says, 'I am a farmer and my son will also farm. I want the land to be forever fertile in Canada ' POOF! With the blink of the Genie's eye, the land in Canada was forever fertile for farming. Osama was amazed, so he said, 'I want a wall around Afghanistan , Palestine , Iraq and Iran so that no infidels, Americans or Canadians can come into our precious land.' POOF! Again, with the blink of the Genie's eye, there was a huge wall around those countries. The Kentuckian says, 'I am very curious. Please tell me more about this wall.' The Genie explains, 'Well, it's about 5,000 feet high, 5oo feet thick and completely surrounds the country. Nothing can get in or out; it's virtually impenetrable.' The Kentuckian sits down on his Harley , cracks a beer, lites a cigar, smiles and says, 'Fill it with water.'
  20. I am in NO way racist, or prejedice, but let me say that if you're a parent, and you're trying to speak to a teacher, aide, or other school employee, try to keep your ebonics out of the conversation. I'm sooooo anal when it comes to being grammatically correct when speaking, I will take what they say literally, & even correct them. Parents, grandparents, AND students. It's absolutely ridiculous sounding at times!
  21. Suzy, I am not at all shocked, nor disappointed in you. What people choose to do is their own personal business. Hell, before I got married the second time, I'd lost some weight, and had a new sexual freedom feeling too, &, with a friend, I submitted a few pix to adult magazines, and even won a contest too doing that. The only thing that I had to do, which I didn't think of until my new BF at the time (now my hubby), that I'd done that. I admitted to it cuz he said his father was a porn afficiando, and I sure as hell didn't want to hear his father say "Wow, I recognize you, I think. Wasn't that you with.................You look better without clothes."!! LOL Just remember people, it's your choice, but once on the internet, even if it's on a cam, people can save, print, and reuse that stuff, for YEARS to come, so think of it as permanent, just like mine is. LOL
  22. I've been shaving since I was 19. Yes, you do get use to the "after-shave" itch, it does go away after your skin "toughens up", just as it did when you first started shaving your legs. I've used Coochie Cream, and I LOVED it. Although, I DO shave with Tresemme Conditioner with aloe in it, & have had close to the same results. No dry skin, and a nice soft feeling afterwards. I use a 4+ razor when shaving. That gives you a better, closer shave. Never use a dull or cheap razor, because that WILL give you the itches no matter how long you've been shaving. I LOVE The Venus razors, especially the vibrating ones. I just wish the refills weren't so pricey. But, I guess that's better than having the prices of electrolosis/waxing.....
  23. Many of those toys take the same batteries as many small toys/electronics. Just take one in with you, to a retail store that sells batteries and/or watches, a toy store, or even an adult toy store (though in an adult toy store, you'll probably pay 3x what they would normally be). Don't need to go into detail as to what the batteries are for, could be for a toy, watch, ect., and ask if they have that size. I always remove my batteries from my toys after playing, and I also have a bunch of batteries from other sex toys too. Some bullets that take those sizes wear out faster, so, I usually have some of those batteries on hand. Good luck!!
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