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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I hope everyone's OK!!! This week has been rainy and blustery. Some small tornadoes have been touching down rather close, though not overly destructive. Just a few trees down here and there. Tonight, again, is windy & rainy.
  2. I hope everyone's OK!!! This week has been rainy and blustery. Some small tornadoes have been touching down rather close, though not overly destructive. Just a few trees down here and there. Tonight, again, is windy & rainy.
  3. No matter WHERE your SO is, I think that military spouses should be afforded the same considerations. I can understand where there may be a bit more support, with SO's overseas. Maybe some emotional support and such. But, as a wife, whos hubby is gone half the year (every other week, no holidays off, at a rig), I know what it's like to be alone. Thankfully, I get some great support from neighbors, and my hubby isn't in the military. I don't think that there should be any special treatment, but reality is, that there is, and it's up to individuals in your situation, to bring that to light, in a positive, constructive way. Best wishes to you and your spouse, and please thank him (and you) for all of the hardwork here on the homefront too!!!
  4. First, a background pre-story. My mother directs bridge games at a facility. More often than not, the players are elderly. She's been at this particular place for about 2 years now, and is one of their regular and requested directors. They had a Lost & Found box there, but nobody ever claimed anything, so, the decided (all of the people in charge of taking care of the place) to get rid of the box. They gave people 8 months of warning, that, in December (08) they were going to get rid of the box. Each time they had a game, they reminded people. That's about 5 times per month! LOL Reminded people that if they even THOUGHT they were missing something, to go and check it out. Nobody did!! So, at the end of December, all of the directors went thru this rather large box full of stuff, taking what they wanted. Mom got a few sweatshirts, sweaters, even a top. Then she came across this little tupperware box, with a broken bracelet in it. She took that, after offering it to the others, who passed it up. She asked how long it'd been there, and one person said that it'd been there as long as they could remember! She couldn't tell if they were diamonds, or CZs, she honestly thought that it was like just glass or something. Took it home, and sauldered it together (she does glass & has the tools to put together glass using lead sauldering). Then she looked on the clasp, that read 14K. Oops. So, she told me that she had this bracelet, and she was going to give it to me. If I wanted, I could get it fixed right, since it was 14K & worth fixing right. Cool. So, she brings me this bracelet. The links are like boxes on the bottom. I thought it was a CZ bracelet, cuz the stones were TOO clear, and TOO sparkly! I couldn't believe someone would loose something of that high of value if it was REAL. We stopped at a pawn shop, mom bought a GPS system, and I asked them if they had a diamond tester. Yep. Would they be willing to test it for me? Absolutely. So, I bring it in, and OMG!!! The thing is REAL!!!!!!! I took it to a jeweler, cost me $43 to get the lead out, literally, and to have it fixed correctly. I asked the guy how much he thought it was worth, and he said that he thought it was at least 2, maybe 2.5 CW, and worth about $1500-2000!!!!!!! When I got it back it was sooooooooo pretty and sparkly!! They did a GREAT job fixing it!!!! So, I invested $43 in a really expensive bracelet I got for FREE!!!!
  5. Tyger


    Web MD infor on Bacterial Vaginosis I looked it up on Web MD for you. Please NEVER substitute medical help for web advice, but I do recommend researching medical issues on several sites, so you can get more info. "Bacterial Vaginosis - What Increases Your Risk Factors that increase your risk of getting bacterial vaginosis include: Starting sexual activity at a young age. Having multiple sex partners. Having a female sex partner.5 Smoking. Douching. Although bacterial vaginosis can be triggered by or get worse from sexual activity, it does not appear to be an infection that is passed from man to woman. Therefore, experts do not consider bacterial vaginosis to be a male-female sexually transmitted disease. It is possible but not proven that bacterial vaginosis is passed from woman to woman during sexual contact." This means it's not passed on during sexual contact, making it an STD, however, I've always been told by my doctors that, when experiencing any sort of infection *down there*, to abstain.
  6. Tyger


    Most men won't have symptoms, especially like what we do. However, like a yeast infection, it's better to abstain from any sexual activity (unless you just give him a BJ). No fingering, petting, actual sex, or masturbation for the woman. Yeast infections have also been known to be passed back & forth too. With any sort of "womanly" infection, it's usually recommended NOT to participate in any sexual activities until you are done your medications AND symptom free. If your doctor isn't filling you in completely, and researching WHY you need a second round of medications, I'd seriously consider switching to a better, more informing doctor, but that's my honest opinion. I'd call your doctor's office NOW, BTW.
  7. I think that this is great!!! I know that we can get some sex toys, and other "novelties" at places like Spencer's. Some "erection enhancing" rings are available too, so I think that this is a great stride for all adults that enjoy toys!
  8. Tyger


    I'm surprised your doctor didn't tell you to abstain from any sexual activity (inlcluding masturbation) until this is cleared up. That's what my doctor told me when I had it. Also, if you HAVE had sex with your BF/SO, he should get some antibiotics too, because men can carry them, and pass it back to you.
  9. Though the spelling is poor (sorry, but it IS!! LOL), this is a great question from a few yrs. ago. Can anal sex cause pregnancy? YES! Any sort of sex that's near the vaginal opening can cause pregnancy! Some women have gotten pregnant by men cumming over their tummies & some of their cum dripping down south. Some women have definitely gotten pregnant with the "pulling out" method, when a man thinks that it's OK to pull their cocks out before they cum, so there's no sperm. This is also soooooo untrue!!! Even with a little bit of cum, like the drops of fluid that sort of oozes out of a hard cock during arousal, can contain sperm, and therefore get a woman pregnant. Sperm can't live too long outside the vagina/penis, however, the anus is body temperature, and if some of it leaked out, the sperm CAN & will swim! And if it gets anywhere near the labia, yes, they'll swim up! The labia/vaginal opening contains natural moisture, attractive to sperm, and they are designed to swim until they're dead. So, always wear condoms. If you're both STD free, been together a while, and are in a monogomous relationship and don't wear condoms anymore, use another form of birth control.
  10. I thought I'd bump up a few older posts, just to bring a fresh perspective to some people's concerns. I haven't seen this poster on here for a while, which is sad. Though I thought his topic was an interesting one. Personally, I don't think coming onto a site like THIS one is cheating. We're all mature adults, talking about sex, toys, and even our personal lives to an extent. We post what we're comfortable with. However, introducing your SO to a site like this, is tricky. Especially if you're trying to open your GF/wife to it. Women tend to be a bit more discreet about our sex lives (to strangers at least), and like to keep a lot of that private. So, telling your woman "hey I joined a sex-toy site" may not be the way to go into introducing them to it. How have YOU introduced YOUR SO to this site, or have you? Share with us your success stories in introducing your spouse to TooTimid! I'm sure it'd help some other posters who feel a bit "secretive".
  11. Tyger


    Yes, I've had it, and it's NOTHING to be embarrassed about. It happens. It's like getting a cold, or a bruise. If you're a woman, chances are, you will get some sort of UTI, yeast, and bacterial infection at least once in your life. So, no, it doesn't mean you don't take care of yourself. These things happen.
  12. No worries. It's fun to revisit old topics. I was going thru some of the forums the other day, and plan on "bumping up some old topics from a few years ago!
  13. Leslie gave some fantastic advice (and she's a GYN). I would also like to point out that, untreated yeast infections can sometimes cause slight bleeding, as can untreated bacterial infections. My other concern is that you haven't gone to the doctor sooner. You CAN, AND SHOULD make an emergency appointment. If you explain to a nurse what exactly is happening, they'll try to squeeze you in sooner. Your health is their #1 concern. PLUS, you say your doctor's English is not that good. Darlin', if you can't understand your doctor, ask him to clarify. If you can't understand him due to an accent, get him/her to get their nurse in there. Usually, people that work together can "translate" each other better, so the nurse can translate. Don't worry about offeding your doctor, they are, in fact, working FOR you, and your doctor should definitely be a person you understand completely. Plus, after all the medical school, and internships, they have pretty thick skins. LOL I hope you find some answers ASAP!
  14. I asked this question a while ago, and got some great responses! Ever Gotten Off Accidently?
  15. Classic sport/muscle cars. Yep, it's true. Also, music. Not just any music, but music with a good beat & excellent bass!!!
  16. I love toys designed for stimulating for my g-spot. I also have a lot of faith in California Exotic Novelties. I've gotten some of my best toys made by this particular maker. This particular vibe was of special interest to me. "Why?" You ask? Because this particular toy is a lot thicker and longer than most of my g-spotters I already have. It's 7 inches long, & about 1.25" in diameter. This pink toy is THICK! Allergy sufferers beware, this toy does contain natural rubber latex, which can cause reactions. Also, there was a strong, rubbery odor when I first too this toy out, even after I washed it the rubbery smell was still there, though not as bad. This toy's also waterproof! So it's perfect in & out of water! 2AA batteries is all you need to power up this pink pleaser! Unscrew the bottom, slide the batteries in, replace the cap, twist the ridged cap's tip (which is the controller) & away you go! I'm a very tough vibe-customer, and these vibes impressed me. Ranging from a nice low to a strong high, this toy was pretty quiet too. It was more quiet when I held the base/cap of the toy. The tip of the toy is curved up, which catagorizes this as a g-spot toy. I've found some toys that their heads were only slightly tipped up, just so they could qualify as a g-spot toy, but failed miserably in their jobs. I loved the angle of this toy, because it was up enough where I thought it would do the job well. I loved the angle of this toy, because it was up enough where I thought it would do the job well. Also, the biggest thing to remember when using a toy on your g-spot, is not so much the thrusting, though that does help, but it's mostly the tilt/pushing. You have to make sure that the toy's rubbing your g-spot, so I always push the toy's base down towards the bed (if I'm laying on my back), so that the tip's pushing up towards my navel. Grabbing my favorite bullet, I raced to the bed to try & stimulate my g-spot. Most women will find that they need clit stimulation when going for, what I like to call, a "G-O" (g-spot orgasm), and I happen to be one of 'em. So, I start by teasing my clit, applying varying pressures to my clit, aaaaalmost getting to an orgasm, but not quite. Grabbing some water-based lube, I slick some onto the g-spot vibe, and slide it in. Turning on the knob, I find the perfect setting for the g-spot toy, which, for me was a medium high. Thrusting, tipping the toy up, and also paying attention to my beloved clit, I was feeling the vibes, feeling full, and I got that feeling that I knew I was going to be reaching the "G-O" soon! It came upon me faster than I thought, and I made quite the puddle on my bed. I give this toy a 3 out of 4 Tyger Paw rating! Latex Fun!
  17. I think it's great that you have the ambition to go and try to strike it out on your own. The Valley High Landscaping sounds, to me, like a high school project type thing, so I went with Green Cuts.
  18. I got a super-long nap today, and feelin' pretty good, so I am daring to dye my hair a darker brown. I've been watching too much Twilight I guess!! LOL
  19. I'm not a bondage junkie, and haven't done anything hardcore, however, hubby & I enjoy taking turns being tied up (with velcro cuffs so we can get loose if we really want too), and being blindfolded. I even have a small cat-o-nine tails that I enjoy tapping him with (gently).
  20. It depends on my mood too. I use to rollerskate a lot, so mostly stuff I heard at the rink. Ranging from Taylor Dayne to Def Leppard! LOL I've got A LOT of music! Yesterday, I listened to my Roxette (their first one) CD.
  21. Great information! Especially for those women who don't get an annual exam, which, every woman that's sexually active should definitely do!! Sometimes spotting can be normal, sometimes it can be something to worry about. If you're on the pill, had more stress, or don't have a regular cycle, spotting can be normal, and sometimes a side-effect of any medications, including birth control. It could be a sign of some stress to your vagina, (from rough sex, or too dry during some part during sex). If you're concerned, definitely go see your GYN & be safe!!! !!! Thanks again for the great "spot" of information
  22. Thanks Mikayla. I should've been more clear. I have a book that has erotic pics of women, and it's called 101 Fetishes. From Latex, to Smoking, to balloons, to Secretaries. It can be a thing that's visual, something worn, or just something you touch. I just want to know the array of "Fetishes" that y'all have seen, heard of, or experiences. It doesn't have to be something YOU, YOURSELF prefer. It could be something your friends have talked about, or something an old lover loved to see. For example, one of my exes friends LOVED pearls. The longer the strand, the more turned on he got, he didn't care if they were real, or fake, and this was back in the early 90's, when fake pearls were in. I forgot one day, and had a long strand that I could wrap around 3x. I was wearing them at work, when he came in. He'd been known for trying to seduce friend's GF, and he tried his best to sweet talk me, while trying to touch my "pearls". LOL I told him to shove off. Anyway, I hope that makes it more clear as to what I meant with my original question.
  23. It doesn't even hafta be one of yours. Just name a fetish, if you know the technical term and describe what it entails.......
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