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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Ok, you WANT him to watch porn with you, and to watch you masturbate, and to use toys with you, which is GREAT, BTW, but, if he does this stuff on his own, it's BAD? I can see why some people, including your husband, are confused. If you open up the door to watching porn, and having that OK, you can't be surprised that he wants to view it, even if it may be alone as well as with you. Men are visual, and LOVE to watch others having sex. It's not a replacement for you (hopefully), so what's the big deal? So long as the viewing doesn't involve illegal activities, then what's the issue? Why does it make you feel bad, or sad, if it's ok for you to do it? Now, his behavior unto itself, is suspicious. I mean, he acts as though he feels guilty for doing it. If he thinks it's BAD for YOU to do all these things, yet, you've opened the door, making it known it's ok for him to do this, then he may still mentally have issues with it, and think that you're replacing him. Which, is, usually absurd, however, some people do do that when they are lonely. Let him know that you viewing porn & using toys is meant as an enhancement for your love life, not a replacement. I don't know how many times I've had to stress this with my husband. Not so much now, cuz he's getting into using the toys (and just recently told me I just "lost" another dildo to his anal sex fun), and sees them more & more as "fun", and enhancements. You first should set some ground rules. Such as NOT viewing porn with the chance that the child in the house can't walk in on you and see what he's viewing. Let him know that there has to be some limits to this. Maybe rearrange where the computer is, so that the back of the monitor faces where you walks into the room? Wait until the child is asleep, or at school/at a friend's house. Let him know that, you know men masturbate, and sometimes can it can be frequently. If he feels the need to do so, you are OK with that (and you should be), and that if he wants a "helping hand", you are very willing to help out, or even just watch. Let him know it's OK, reassure him, so he doesn't feel so bad. One question I have though, if you catch him doing this, and he is startled, do you think he's trying to cover up because you startled him, and that he was trying to hide it, in case it was your child coming in the room, or was he feeling guilty? If you're not sure, ask him. Just some food for thought.
  2. I have an extensive e-mailing list!!
  3. A woman takes a lover home during the day while her husband is at work. Her 9-year old son comes home unexpectedly, sees them and hides in the bedroom closet to watch. The woman's husband also comes home. She puts her lover in the closet, not realizing that the little boy is in there already. The little boy says, 'Dark in here..' The man says, 'Yes, it is.' Boy: 'I have a baseball.' Man: 'That's nice' Boy: 'Want to buy it?' Man: 'No, thanks.' Boy: 'My Dad's out side.' Man: 'OK, how much?' Boy: '$250' In the next few weeks, it happens again that the boy and the lover are in the closet together. Boy: 'Dark in here.' Man: 'Yes, it is.' Boy: 'I have a baseball glove.' The lover, remembering the last time, asks the boy, 'How much?' boy: '$750' Man: 'Sold.' A few days later, the Dad says to the boy, 'Grab your glove, let's go outside and have a game of catch.' The boy says, 'I can't, I sold my baseball and my glove.' The Dad asks, 'How much did you sell them for?' Boy: '$1,000' The Dad says, 'That's terrible to over charge your friends like that...that is way more than those two things cost. I'm taking you to church, to confession.' They go to the church and the Dad makes the little boy sit in the confessional booth and closes the door. The boy says, 'Dark in here.' The priest says, 'Don't start that shit again; you're in my closet now.'
  4. I forgot to add, that, in the case of mentioning it to her, that's a personal call. Hearing "You taste bad right before you cum" can make a woman put her guard up, & make it harder for her to actually cum (for women it's more of a mental thing, to be able to cum). So, first, IMO, I would really watch & learn what she consumes, drinks, takes for meds. Plus, the WAY you say it is key. If my man told me "you taste funny/bad right before you cum" it would probably hurt my feelings. If you see her drinking a lot of coffee, for instance, you could say something like, "I can really taste the coffee you drink in your cum". If you're not a big coffee fan (or insert offending smell/taste), this may hint to her that you don't care for that much, and she may lay off of it.
  5. There are many threads on this, but usually it's the taste of a man's cum that's the topic. However, yes, it can be her diet that causes the bad taste. If she smokes, that can also change the taste of her natural flavor. Drinking, medications, lifestyle, if she drinks a lot of coffee and/or soda. Even a vegetarian diet can be reflected in their cum's taste. Some veggies like onions can create the taste to be bitter. Brocolli & spinach can also be a strong, bitter taste. Drinking lots of water should help flush some of these issues away, but, if there's a problem with it, and it's a health concern, she should bring it up with her gynecologist.
  6. Welcome to the board! I hope you find us interesting!!
  7. Today, the majority of the day was unseasonably hot & humid. Then, about 4:30 pm, we got a northerly wind, and it dropped like 20 degrees in 15 min!! It's crazy. Now it's pretty cold.
  8. Wow Firefighter. That IS ridiculous. In a business such as that, and with high mall rent, they should be a bit more willing to accomodate their customers. Plus, they can sew a strap back on, and mark it down $5 (if it's not done by a woman that knows how to sew well), and still make a profit. I don't blame you for walking out.
  9. A woman meets a man in a bar. They talk; they connect; they end up leaving together. They get back to his place, and as he shows her around his apartment. She notices that one wall of his bedroom is completely filled with soft, sweet, cuddly teddy bears. There are three shelves in the bedroom, with hundreds and hundreds of cute, cuddly teddy bears carefully placed in rows, covering the entire wall! It was obvious that he had taken quite some time to lovingly arrange them and she was immediately touched by the amount of thought he had put into organizing the display. There were small bears all along the bottom shelf, medium-sized bears covering the length of the middle shelf, and huge, enormous bears running all the way along the top shelf. She found it strange for an obviously masculine guy to have such a large collection of Teddy Bears, She is quite impressed by his sensitive side. but doesn't mention this to him. They share a bottle of wine and continue talking and, after awhile, she finds herself thinking, 'Oh my God! Maybe, this guy could be the one! Maybe he could be the future father of my children?' She turns to him and kisses him lightly on the lips He responds warmly. They continue to kiss, the passion builds, and he romantically lifts her in his arms and carries her into his bedroom where they rip off each other's clothes and make hot, steamy love. She is so overwhelmed that she responds with more passion, more creativity, more heat than she has ever known. After an intense, explosive night of raw passion with this sensitive guy, they are lying there together in the afterglow. The woman rolls over, gently strokes his chest and asks coyly, 'Well, how was it?' The guy gently smiles at her, strokes her cheek, looks deeply into her eyes, and says: 'Help yourself to any prize from the middle shelf'
  10. Doctors' Opinion of Financial Bail Out Package The Allergists voted to scratch it, and the Dermatologists advised not to make any rash moves. The Gastroenterologists had sort of a gut feeling about it, but the Neurologists thought the Administration had a lot of nerve, and the Obstetricians felt they were all laboring under a misconception. The Ophthalmologists considered the idea shortsighted; the Pathologists yelled, 'Over my dead body!' while the Pediatricians said, 'Oh, Grow up!' The Psychiatrists thought the whole idea was madness, the Radiologists could see right through it, and the Surgeons decided to wash their hands of the whole thing. The Internists thought it was a bitter pill to swallow, and the Plastic Surgeons said, 'This puts a whole new face on the matter.' The Podiatrists thought it was a step forward, but the Urologists felt the scheme wouldn't hold water. The Anesthesiologists thought the whole idea was a gas, and the Cardiologists didn't have the heart to say no. In the end, the Proctologists left the decision up to some assholes in Washington. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. The night before New Year's Eve, my DD's friend spent the night, and WORE ME OUT!! 2 5 yr old girs, what the hell was I thinking????? They stayed up too late. So, last night, I went to bed at 11:30!! LMAO I've also been sick with a cold too, so it didn't take much. We did shoot of a few fireworks, and then DD said she had had enough! LOL So we went out to supper with MIL before we settled in to stay in, watch movies, and chill out. I had some Pina Colada stuff, and I didn't even drink it!
  12. Please remember that Cyberskin and it's other brand names (UR3, RealSkin), are, in fact, silicone based toys, and to NOT use silicone based lubes with them. They will get "mushy" if you do. Trust me! LOL The only other real step with cyberskin toys opposed to other types of toys, is that, to keep it feeling real, you should use talc power on them, to give them that soft feel to them. However, I went 2 yrs with one toy, not using talc, and it was fine, though didn't feel as "realistic" as it did the first couple of uses. You really should keep all of your toys in their own packaging, or, at the very least, maybe a zip baggie of some sort, to keep them seperate. Some materials will dent or warp, if pressed against anything, like another sex toy, or even the drawer/box itself. Plus, if your toys have batteries, you should remove the batteries after using. It may be another step, but, even with waterproof toys, I've had some batteries corrode inside the toy (which I don't think the TT guarantee would cover), and ruin a couple. Some I've been able to clean, but others, not so lucky. Sex toys not only for your pleasure, but, once you get a collection going, they are also an investment....in your pleasure! There are some pretty expensive toys out there, and they should be treated with care for them to last as long as possible! I don't really have a preference, as far as material goes. Mostly, I prefer GLASS over anything. But, I have some cyberskin toys that I like, hard plastic ones, jelly (though the jelly smell is a bit over-powering at times), hard silicone, and....did I mention GLASS?!
  13. All the advise is great here. I have to agree, Poon is going thru a bitter divorce, so his comments may be a bit more negative than usual. But he's speaking thru his experience as he knows it. So, we can't penilize him for that, but try to be understanding where he's coming from. Most women enjoy sex just as much as men. Some men AND women just don't like it. Though, I think it's pretty rare (unless there was some traumatic experience). Life in general, stress, fairness of chores/household responsibilities, her energy level, medications, maybe she isn't taking her vitamins? Is she fearful of getting pregnant again? For me, at this point, THAT is what's killing my sex drive. I don't want anymore, and DH has made it known that he would LOVE to have another---try for a boy. Maybe she's done having kids, but the issue of possibly having more hasn't really come up? Or, there could be an issue of menopause, where her hormones are completely out of whack. Some women have gone thru menopause as early as in their mid 30's! So, yes, it's possible. If she is honest with you AND herself, and seriously can't figure out why she's not horny much, then she should speak with her OB/GYN and have some tests done.
  14. I'm bi-curious and an avid adult film watcher........so I hope my opinion is welcomed. I love looking at a shaved woman's pussy. Trimmed can be nice, depending on the care and how it's trimmed, but I prefer to see (and be) shaved.
  15. Quote of the day: 'Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit.
  16. Rules for the Non-Military Dear Civilians, 'We know that the current state of affairs in our great nation has many civilians up in arms and excited to join the military. For those of you who can't join, you can still lend a hand. Here are a few of the areas where we would like your assistance: 1. The next time you see any adults talking (or wearing a hat) during the playing of the National Anthem - kick their ass. 2. When you witness, firsthand, someone burning the American Flag in protest - kick their ass. 3. Regardless of the rank they held while they served, pay the highest amount of respect to all veterans. If you see anyone doing otherwise, quietly pull them aside and explain how these veterans fought for the very freedom they bask in every second. Enlighten them on the many sacrifices these veterans made to make this Nation great. Then hold them down while a disabled veteran kicks their ass. 4. (GUYS) If you were never in the military, DO NOT pretend that you were. Wearing battle dress uniforms (BDUs) or Jungle Fatigues, telling others that you used to be 'Special Forces,' and collecting GI Joe memorabilia, might have been okay when you were seven years old. Now, it will only make you look stupid and get your ass kicked. 5. Next time you come across an Air Force member, do not ask them, 'Do you fly a jet?' Not everyone in the Air Force is a pilot. Such ignorance deserves an ass-kicking (children are exempt). 6. If you witness someone calling the US Coast Guard 'non-military', inform them of their mistake - and kick their ass. 7. Next time Old Glory (the US flag) prances by during a parade, get on your damn feet and pay homage to her by placing your hand over your heart. Quietly thank the military member or veteran lucky enough to be carrying her - of course, failure to do either of those could earn you a severe ass-kicking. 8. Don't try to discuss politics with a military member or a veteran. We are Americans, and we all bleed the same, regardless of our party affiliation. Our Chain of Command is to include our Commander-In-Chief (CinC). The President (for those who didn't know) is our CinC regardless of political party. We have no inside track on what happens inside those big important buildings where all those representatives meet; all we know is that when those civilian representatives screw up the situation, they call upon the military to go straighten it out.. If you keep asking us the same stupid questions repeatedly, you will get your ass kicked! 9. 'Your mama wears combat boots.' never made sense to me - stop saying It! If she did, she would most likely be a vet and therefore could kick your ass! 10. bin Laden and the Taliban are not Communists, so stop saying 'Let's go kill those Commies!' And stop asking us where he is! Crystal balls are not standard issue in the military. That reminds me - if you see anyone calling those damn psychic phone numbers, let me know, so I can go kick their ass! 11. 'Flyboy' (Air Force), 'Jarhead' (Marines), 'Grunt' (Army), 'Squid' (Navy), 'Puddle Jumpers' (Coast Guard), etc., are terms of endearment we use describing each other. Unless you are a service member or vet, you have not earned the right to use them. Using them could get your ass kicked. 12. Last, but not least, whether or not you become a member of the military, support our troops and their families . Every Thanksgiving and religious holiday that you enjoy with family and friends, please remember that there are literally thousands of soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen far from home wishing they could be with their families. Thank God for our military and the sacrifices they make every day. Without them, our country would get it's 'ass kicked.' 'It's the Veteran, not the reporter, who has given us the freedom of the press.' 'It's the Veteran, not the campus organizer, who gives us the freedom to demonstrate.' 'It's the Military who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.' One more: 13. If you ever see anyone either standing for or singing the national anthem in Spanish - KICK THEIR ASS.
  17. As I said in my review, the only "fake" thing I saw were the acrylic nails. No implants.
  18. I recieve many packages from TooTimid. Now, it depends on the size of the envelope or box. If you have a small slot for your mail, it's up to the postal carrier. If you can get 8x10" envelopes in your mail slot, and if your mail slot is big enough (as in wide enough too), they may put it in there. When I get small freebies or even the DVDs, they just leave it in my standard sized mailbox out front. If the package is a larger one, it depends on if TT or I ensure it. Since I'm a Reviewer, I get some larger boxes that have a high $$ amount inside. Meaghan at TT insures it, and UPS brings it, to which I hafta sign for it. If it's a lesser $$ amount, usually under $50 or $75, my mail carrier will either leave a slip in my mailbox, or try and bring it to my door if I'm home. So, it depends on the size of the toy's packaging and the mailing packaging, & if you insured it, to see where it's gonna go, really.
  19. Well, they could've gotten you a pink case for it!
  20. Secret Suburban Sex Parties Wanna join the party? The Producer, Nick Orleans, really knows how to throw them! He throws 6 parties in a row: Panty Party, Bachelorette Party, Breakfast Party, Going Away Party, Lingerie Party, and, of course, a Birthday Party. Each party is rather long too. Combined, all 6 parties are over 100 minutes of party-time! They all consist of a group of women, sometimes 3, 4, or 5, and usually one guy. What I find almost intimate about all these parties, are that the man only has actual intercourse with only ONE girl. Sure, he pets, fondles, kisses, and plays with another or 2, but he has intercourse with only one. To me, this was more of a turn-on than watching a guy screw all the women in the room. It gave me a more voyeuristic feeling, and that was hot! Nick knows whom to invite too! Although, some of the names themselves were, well, different! People like: Envy Mi, Cherokee, Olivia Saint, May, Honey, Stefany May, Pat Myne, and more. (I couldn’t make those up if I tried! LOL) Yes, you can meet so many different & sexy people at Nick’s parties. He has all natural women to his parties. The only fake thing I saw on these ladies were acrylic nails! The girls were all hot, real, sexy, and curvy. You also got a variety of snatch-watching too. Some snatches were hairy, neatly trimmed, bald, as were the men’s genital areas too! Nothing like a variety of “snacks” at parties! The dress code was SEXY to scantily! And, some parties even provided toys! Although the music was ok, and some of the dialog was a bit dull, but the action, close ups, and overall “taboo” feeling was very sexy!! It gets a 3 out of 4 Tyger Paws rating. Your Invite
  21. DEC. 2008 TICK WARNING! I hate it when people forward bogus warnings, and I have even done it myself a couple times unintentionally... But this one is real, and it's important. So please send this warning to everyone on your e- mail list. If someone comes to your front door saying they are checking for ticks due to the warm weather and asks you to take your clothes off and spin around with your arms up, DO NOT DO IT!! THIS IS A SCAM!!They only want to see you naked. I wish I'd gotten this yesterday. I feel so stupid....
  22. I was gonna comment on the nice nails too! Safety first! Very cool! And pink!! Now, for me, those things would hafta be PURPLE!! LOL
  23. There's this stuff called DentaTemp (or something similar), comes in a mini little jar, found in the dental aisle almost anywhere, near the floss & floss picks. It's temporary filling. Follow the directions, and use on where you need to replace the filling as best you can. It's about $3.
  24. Spiders really CAN be creepy!!! MSN article worth the read.
  25. I think it also depends on the AGE of a man/woman, as far as their sex drives go. Younger men, like in their teens/early 20's, IMO are much hornier than many women of the same age. Many, not ALL. I was uber horny as a young adult, more so in my mid-to-late 20's, than I was in my teen years. But, I was more comfortable with myself too. I think that young men, especially those that hang in groups, tend to try and boost their "numbers" more. It's a double standard to be sure. The more men a woman sleeps with, she gets "sluttier", where as a man that's slept with a lot of women is a "stud". We don't like to think that we are so old fashioned in our thinking, but you hafta admit that it's still a common way of thinking. Great question!
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