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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. LOL Gives new meaning to "blue balls"!! LOL
  2. LMAO Thurisas, do I have to strike up "The South will rise again?" Ha ha ha.....I can say that, I was born and raised in Maine!! So, welcome welcome!!
  3. Living, Loving, & Having an STD After Mikayla wrote her article on STDs, I thought I would write something a bit more personal for those people that have other questions, & are also carriers of STDs. The STD I have is genital herpes. There are 2 types of herpes simplex viruses (HSV): HSV-1 can cause genital herpes, but more commonly causes infections of the mouth and lips, a.k.a. "fever blisters". HSV-1 infection of the genitals can be caused by oral-genital or genital-genital contact with a person who has HSV-1 infection. Genital HSV-1 outbreaks aren't as common as genital HSV-2 outbreaks. Genital HSV-2 infection is more common in women (approx. 1 out of 4) than in men (almost 1 out of 8). This may be due to male-to-female transmission being more likely than female-to-male transmission for some reason. HSV-1 and HSV-2 can be found in and released from the sores caused by the virus, but they can also be released between outbreaks from skin that doesn't show any visible signs of a sore, also known as "shedding". If infected, whether you know it or not, you can pass herpes on to others even when you don't have any signs of any sores. Yes, it is possible to have this & NOT know you have it. Some people can carry herpes up to 8 years before any outbreak occurs, which is rare. & can pass it on to other lovers unwittingly. And, though, in extremely rare cases, it's been documented that herpes can lay dormant up to 25 years before showing up! I discovered that I had herpes at the beginning of October 2001. I woke up one morning, about 3 a.m., with a burning, itching sensation around my labia that I'd never felt before. I'd had yeast infections, bladder infections, heck, I even had an allergic reaction to some sort of detergent before, & NOTHING felt like this did! I used the restroom, &, well, do you know that cartoon of the cat that gets scared & screeches up to the ceiling, holding on to it with his claws & shaking? That is exactly how I felt each time I urinated. I called in sick from work, & thought that maybe it was some sort of new allergic reaction, but somehow, I knew deep down, that this probably wasn't the case. My sister also has genital herpes, since 1991, & had told me what she gets for sores, & what she felt like with her first outbreak. So, I just "knew" that this is what I had. The first outbreak is always the worst it will ever get, &, by the second day, I was screaming into a towel with each visit to the restroom. I call my doctor, & tell her I need an emergency appointment. She was able to squeeze me in the next (my third) day. Calling in sick, again, I go to my early morning appointment, alone. I had wanted to go alone. I had a Jeep at the time, & I recall bouncing along to the appointment, wishing I had a smoother riding vehicle, because I felt each & every crack, bump, & pebble in the road. I get to the doctor's, she gets me in rather quickly, & asks me some questions with her wonderfully thick Irish accent. I answer all of them, in a fog. Then, came the exam. I strip down, get the gown on, & she came back in, talking very calmly while she got her gloves on, getting me to lay down, put my feet in the stirrups, & adjust the little light. I remember her clearly saying, "Yes, that is looking like da herpes virus right there. I will have to do a scraping to test it, but I would say that you have genital herpes." The scraping was, to say the least, unpleasant. Scrapings have to be done on active sores, to be diagnosed accurately, and it hurts! I get dressed, still in a fog. She gives me a prescription for Valtrex, & gives me some information in the form of a pamphlet about herpes. She also lets me know what agency will be sending me my test results. Then she sits & explains to me how I am now legally responsible for informing current & future lovers that I have this disease, & if I do NOT, that I can be held legally responsible for any future claims that they may have, due to complications caused by herpes. My head was spinning. I kept thinking, "Where did I get this from? Who's the bastard that infected me? WHEN did it happen? Did he even know? Did he care? Did I do something so wrong/bad to deserve this?" I called my boyfriend to let him know that my fears were confirmed. I told him that I could be out of his place by day's end, if he chose to break up with me, & I wouldn't hold it against him, & wouldn't blame him either. He was so sweet. I remember him saying, "This isn't the end of the world darlin'. It's unfortunate, but manageable. It's not fatal. We'll work through this." I cried right there in the store, alone, while waiting for the pharmacy to open. He came home early to take care of me. When I went back to work on the fourth day, everyone asked if I was ok. I just said I had some feminine issues that I needed to rest from. I don't like lying, so this was the best honest explanation I could give while still maintaining some privacy. My boyfriend was great. I finally healed after about 2 weeks. During that time, he babied me, took care of me, held me when I needed it, & gave me space when I wanted. He kept reassuring me that he was fine with all of that. In fact, the middle of the same month, he proposed to me, & I accepted. I told him that I wanted him to wear condoms again. We both got clean bills of health, other than my herpes. My boyfriend said that, hadn't used condoms for a while, & wasn't worried about it now. The chance of him being infected was already there. But it was HIS choice to make. The first 4 months I had an outbreak every month, though it was NEVER as bad as that first one. Each time, I felt this insanely itchy spot each time I was to have an outbreak. I learned, quickly, not to scratch the sores. This only prolongs the flare up, & can cause another sore. Some people get a twinge of pain, get a bit of an irritated feeling, or, like me, get itchy spots where an outbreak is about to surface. It really depends on the person. Even being freshly engaged, I fell into depression. All of the doubts, worries, concerns, & bad feelings kept haunting me. I didn't feel overly sexy anymore. Did I deserve to be happy, even with an STD? In talking with my sister, & more with my boyfriend, & even disclosing to a few close friends, I found that I was the same person I was before I found out I had herpes. It didn't make me a bad person. It was just a bad thing that happened to me. We decided to try for a baby after talking with my doctor. She told me the possible problems I could go through, & risks to the baby. The risks of transmitting herpes to a baby are extremely low, but the risk does increase if there's a vaginal birth, & the herpes is either shedding, or if a sore is present. We got pregnant of May 2002. The OB/GYN I had was great. She was very educated in the world of STDs, & talked at length with me about issues I may face. I had to stop taking Valtrex due to the side effects I experienced. I had a mild outbreak every month of my pregnancy. At my 9-month mark, I had my usual outbreak, &, being closely monitored by my doctor, she scheduled an induction right after my outbreak, for a vaginal delivery, with a possibility of a c-section. I get to the hospital on the appointed date, & wasn't overly sure if I was experiencing some sort of odd feelings on my labia due to labor, hormones, or if it was another outbreak. So, I had a c-section, & have a beautiful, healthy girl. People with STDs don't LOOK like they're sick. You just can't tell. The best defense, is a good offense. The guy that I think infected me, though I won't ever be sure, didn't look sick at all. In fact, he could've been a GQ model. I don't think he knew. At least, that's what I choose to believe. We had a condom slip off one time. He moved before I had a chance to inform him of the possibility of him infecting me, so I guess I'll never know for sure. My husband & I use condoms for part of our birth control methods for now. It also gives me piece of mind that he's safer than if he didn't use them, though he doesn't care if he contracts it or not. My outbreaks come once every 3 months or so, & aren't really that bad now, though they are inconvenient. They're not fun, & vary from place to place in my genital region, but I deal with it the best I can. I don't allow my husband to touch me down there when I even FEEL a twinge down there. He has yet to show any signs of contracting it. Now, almost 7 yrs after finding out I am part of an ever-growing statistic, I can say that I am NOT ashamed anymore. These things happen. I was as safe, & smart as I could be. I am not dirty, slutty, nasty, or a bad person just because I have an STD. It's been hard, but I've learned to deal with it, cope when I have too, and help others if I can, by educating them. I've read, researched, & talked with my doctors, to learn all I can about what is in my body. There is always something new to learn, and I hope that someday I will learn of a cure. But for now, I can deal with it , learn what I can, and cope the best way I know how. I live, I love, I have great sex, and I have genital herpes.
  4. Wow!! Lots going on for you here. I don't want to sound condescending, so please don't take it as such. You are young, and even though you have a baby, you're still pretty young and unsure of yourself. I've been where you are. When I was first "deflowered", and for a few years after that, I was scared to let myself go fully. I didn't know what to expect, and how my BF would react. I took cues from porn, which, BTW, is a baaaad idea (though I did get some GREAT tips and tricks from porn!). I was nervous & embarassed my my lack of knowing what exactly my body would do. I admit, I was, and still am, a control freak to an extent. Getting a bit more confidence in yourself, allowing yourself to let go is what is important. There is nothing sexier and feminine than a woman in the throes of her orgasm! It's nothing to be ashamed of. Trust me, he w on't be scared, appalled or offended! Plus, the clenching that a woman's vaginal muscles around a man's cock, from what I've been told, well, feels GREAT!!!! So, let loose and be free with the orgasms!!
  5. INSTALLING A HUSBAND Dear Tech support, Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a distinct slow down in overall system performance, particularly in the flower and jewelry applications, which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0. In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5 and then installed undesirable programs such as NBA 5.0, NFL 3.0 and Golf Clubs 4.1. Conversation 8.0 no longer runs, and Housecleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system. I've tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail. What can I do? Signed, Desperate. DEAR DESPERATE, First keep in mind, Boyfriend 5.0 is an Entertainment Package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating system. Please enter command: ithoughtyoulovedme.html and try to download Tears 6.2 and don't forget to install the Guilt 3.0 update. If that application works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewelry 2.0 and Flowers 3.5. But remember, overuse of the above application can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0 or Beer 6.1. Please note that Beer 6.1 is a very bad program that will download the Snoring Loudly Beta. Whatever you do, DO NOT install Mother-In-Law 1.0 (it runs a virus in the background that will eventually seize control of all your system resources.) Also do not attempt to reinstall Boyfriend 5.0 program. These are unsupported applications and will crash Husband 1.0. In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider buying additional software to improve memory and performance. We recommend Cooking 3.0 and Hot Lingerie 7.7. Good Luck, Tech Support
  6. Long ago when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft... Today, it's called golf.
  7. An older gentleman was on the operating table awaiting surgery and he insisted that his son, a Renowned surgeon, perform the operation. As he was about to get the anesthesia, he asked to speak to his son. "Yes, Dad, what is it? " "Don't be nervous, son; do your best and just remember, if it doesn't go well, if something happens to me, your mother is going to come and live with you and your wife...."
  8. *Trying to picture Val as oriental......* Nope, can't do it! LMAO MAYBE the long hair...... Let's not make this thread into something it isn't. It's suppose to be fun, not all "you're prejudice cuz you like people with accents/red hair/big boobs/blue eyes". It's all in good fun people.
  9. Darlin', I've been in your shoes! I was introduced to toys when I was about 19, by my BF at the time, and I will always be grateful to him for that. Move on to years later, and several lovers later, most of which loved the fact that I enjoyed using sex toys on myself, and with them. My now hubby was of the mind that one didn't NEED sex toys if you had a fulfilling sex life. Well, no, it's not like I'd die without them, but I REALLY ENJOY using them. They're fun. I told him I used them. He told me that he didn't care what I did with my "alone time", but he was adament about not even wanting to explore using them. We would go to adult shops, but he steered clear of the toys, and we just bought videos. He knew I had a bullet, and a vibrator, but he wouldn't try to use them on me. OK, so, now, 2 yrs ago, I find TooTimid, and become a Product Reviewer. When I told hubby about this, I told him that I would be using and reviewing sex toys. At first, came the appalled "aw hell naw". But, once a few boxes came in, he saw what was coming in, and he got curious. Then came a vibrator that had LIGHTS!!! OMG, you'd think that I was sent some new video game!!! Thankfully, my hubby has a great self-esteem in the bedroom, and is talented there too, and knows it. Though he joked about me finding one toy that would satisfy me more, I told him that no toy could possibly replace him as my lover, partner and friend, though it wouldn't argue with me or forget to put the toilet seat down in the dead of night..... He knew I was kidding, and, when put that way, he realized that his insecurity was a bit misplaced. Now he usually asks me "what did you get this time?" and goes digging thru my Toy Box for some new treasure! My personal recommendation would be to find a toy that has lights, doesn't look overly real (though if he has a light-up penis, this could be a problem! LMAO), and is a bit smaller than he is, size wise. There are vibes here that do that, as well as bullets too. Have fun looking!
  10. This could go in Politics, or here, but I chose here cuz, well, I am irritated. LOL So, my hubby has this friend, who has gotten pulled over for no vehicle registration, no insurance, and not inspected. Plus his out of state driver's license expired. He bought this truck about 6 mos ago. Here in TX, if you buy a vehicle from a dealer, you don't have to register it, the dealership transfers the registration for you (unless you want vanity plates). But, if you buy it from a private citizen, you must register it yourself, ASAP. Plus, as with most states (probably all), you have to show proof of insurance. To get the vehicle inspected, the registration must be current. OK, with that out of the way, his friend got pulled over a few times, with varying degrees of violations. Never paid the tickets, and acrued, with court costs/warrant, over $2000 of fines, fees, and whatever else. Gets arrested, his GF is in the truck with him (the unregistered, uninspected, uninsured truck). He goes to jail, the officer allows her to drive this truck home, with their almost 2 yr old son in it. That's what pisses me off. Had that been me, or anyone else, the vehicle would've been impounded! WTF???? They have fewer bills than we do, both of them work, bringing in the same with the combined income, as my husband does. And my hubby and I have 2 vehicles that are only 4 yrs old (paid for). We spend money on making sure that our vehicles are legal & safe. Their truck is like a 1992, runs like crap, and they put their son in it, and haul horses with it. And they're still driving it around, illegally. THIS is why insurance rates are so high. Eventually, the truck will either cause an accident due to it falling apart, or they'll hit someone (neither can drive well at all) or something, and the victim will be the one that has to pay out the waazoo cuz they're too lazy and cheap to be street legal. They don't own anything, so suing them wouldn't accomplish much, and they'll just buy another truck to neglect. Sorry, irresponsibility irks me....
  11. There are some great responses here. Again, I will point out that you're from a different country, and, from my extremely limited knowledge of Honk Kong, I believe that men there expect a woman to please THEM, and that's all they're really worried about, and are very selfish in some ways, as custom dictates. Please correct me if I am wrong. I'm sure that there are acceptions to this rule however, and that there are men out there that really want to please their woman. In answer to your question, it really depends on the PERSON whether or not sex is an extremely important aspect of a relationship. And, again, each person has a different opinion as to what makes a good lover. Some people believe that a man that has a 7"+ erection is extremely important to have a good sex life. Or that a woman with big breasts make better lovers. It's really all about skill, practice, and a willingness to please, and teach their lover HOW to please them too. Please and be pleased. In my opinion, sex is an important part of a relationship, but it shouldn't make or break a relationship. Important, but not the MOST important part. There are happy, loving couples that, for some reason (like in the instance that one person may be paralyzed from the waist down), that can't have sex, and they love each other unconditionally. Sex IS adult playtime. You will hear that a lot here. And it's true. It's a great way to connect with your lover, as well as a physical release. No matter where in the world you live, finding a good lover with substance, that you really want and do connect with, takes time, patience, and usually a lot of searching. There are many frogs to kiss, before you can find your Prince. The good thing about the search, is that you learn what you like, don't like, will tolerate, and what you just won't put up with. Happy searching!
  12. OMG!!! It looks like one of those seeing-eye dog harnesses.....all you need now is a little sign on it that says "Pet Me, I'm working"!! LMAO Cute and informative review!!!
  13. Tyger

    It's Fall!

    Yep, he got right back up there on the horse. He use to rodeo years ago, bronc, and bullriding. Plus team roping, so he knows his way around horses. And, yes, Froggy, I have given serious thought into blowing that up. He doesn't think I will.......
  14. My hubby and I were in the shower one night, and I was washing him all over, and he me. Well, we were both a bit on the preoccupied side, and soap got just inside his hardening penis. I've never seen him to a jig like that before......and NOT in a good way. I would definitely stick with using lubes specifically designed for sexual activity.
  15. LOL, no, I haven't heard that yet.....but ya never know what my hubby may spout off! LMAO
  16. I had to laugh at the "mailbox on steriods". Many people down here have to do that as well, since many stupid kids do the mailbox baseball game here too. You see a lot of encased mailboxes in stone too. If kids are stupid enough to try and smash mailboxes, then, IMHO, they deserve to have their arms shattered. LOL
  17. I knew I liked you Whiskey! You're an animal lover!! I am sooo sorry that someone was that cruel to your rooster. Even though people don't think of chickens as "pets" or real animals (just egg-givers, and BBQ fixin's), but any sort of animal that belongs to someone is usually something that is loved in one form of another, and nobody has the right to maim, injure, or kill an animal intentionally just for the sake of being cruel. I am very sorry, and I hope you can find the missing one and it's ok.
  18. Thanks for sharing that Pappy. I had a couple of relatives affected my Alziehmer's (SP!! LOL), and it's very sad for the people around them to deal with. I got teary reading this, yet remembering the good times I had with those relatives, thanks for that.
  19. OMG!! The "contortion show" discription was too funny!! Thanks for the laugh!
  20. Tyger

    Peep Show

    I too got this in an e-mail, which I found extremely funny!! I had a joke going with an old student of mine for a long time, and this just brought it all back!! LMAO
  21. If I didn't know better, I'd swear my husband wrote these.....LOL Hence why I thought they were hillarious!!!
  22. Most women find it very difficult to seperate sex and love. It's the way we're wired. It is possible, but you have to really be prepared to stay uninvolved. You fight against the very nature of being a woman when this is done. Some women just can't do it. Liberated or not, sex is different for many people. I've had 2 FWB's (friends with benefits). One was a friend I've known since I was about 14, so I knew him, loved him as a friend, and was very comfy with him. That lasted about 6 months, which, IMO, was too long to keep engaging in loveless sex. The other was a month long "booty call". I stopped both when I knew that I was getting close to allowing myself to open up enough to get hurt. I'm happy where I am now, and wouldn't change it, but, every so often, I regret not telling those 2 how I was starting to feel. It was very hard afterwards. Was it fun? Yes. Was it satisfying? In a way, yes, and in a way, no, not at all. I got my physical needs met, but, at the end of the night, I slept alone, and I was craving a more emotional connection, though I realized that I was too freshly divorced to be ready for a commitment. I didn't sleep with others during this time, but, I did flirt, have fun, and dated, but I never slept with more than one guy at a time either. Let me echo what was already said: if you're going to engage in ANY sexual activity, whether it be a one-nighter, or a relationship, BE SAFE about it!! Use condoms at all times!!! Best wishes.
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