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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. If your woman had a bacterial infection, I hope that her doctor also gave you an Rx, or told you to go see your doctor, cuz bacterial infections can be passed back and forth, unwittingly, between partners, making them hard to get rid of. Where this relationship is young, and, even though to a 21 yr old, this may seem like a long time, it's really not. However, Howard, when things got tough, even in the beginnings of things, from what I've read, you didn't give up, if it's worth having/doing, you put forth an effort. But the effort has to be on both sides. I will agree that if she's not willing to try at all, then, well, there's really no point to continuing. I mean, you can't beat a dead horse and expect it to get up. Try not confuse newness and lust with Love. Love usually (but not always) takes a while to develop. In new relationships, things are fast and furious, almost desperate at times. After a while, things do cool down, but should NOT die off! Keeping things fresh and out in the open are very important, not only in new relationships, but those relationships that have been going on for a while. After I had our daughter, I had some sort of fancy named condition, that made one small patch inside my vagina EXTREMELY painful to have sex because it was soooo dry. I would be lubed, use lube, and still it hurt. My hubby knew that it wasn't HIM that I was fearful of, but that I knew that something was wrong, and I had to heal up, which, after having a c-section, waiting the 6 weeks, then having to wait another 6 weeks before we could have sex......well, a bit more difficult!! It took about 6 talks with my doctor, and a really good creme Rx to clear that up physically & mentally. I guess this means that you really need to stop and think about how much brushing off you're going to tolerate, and do you see that she is willing to work it out. And that she REALLY is trying.
  2. The bullet is a standard bullet: bullet, long-ish cord, then hand controller. The hand controller has the battery compartment.
  3. Welcome to the forum! First off, your relationship is still young, and as such, you're still learning about each other. Sometimes there ARE times that women just don't want to have sex, they need more to feel connected than a rompin'. To repeat what some other posters have said, there hasn't been a lot of "other relationship info". Her not wanting to have that discussion right then is a signal that something is wrong. She may not want or may not know how to address it with you. Waiting as long as you have, due to medical reasons is hard. How did you treat her while she was sick? Did you tease her, whine, and sulk about not having sex? Even unwittingly? Many men do this, and not even realize it until it's brought to their attention. Did you act as though you just couldn't wait til she was off her meds so you could have sex? Or did you spend that time either being distant, or just kinda hanging out? If you did any of these things, she may be rather pissed at you. If you treated her special, acted as though this wasn't a big deal, snuggled, talked, and tried connecting on a more emotional level, and that you wanted to just spend time with her, that is the best thing to do, and then there's not many reasons that, IMO, she should be upset. She also may not feel 100% better. Some women have more feminine issues than others. She may have gotten a bladder infection as well. Sometimes that happens when on some antibiotics for what she had. She may be frustrated at yet another setback. Ask her, in a concerned and caring way, if she's feeling better, or does she still feel sick. Showing that you care about HER, and not just her Va J.J. is really the key, especially in new relationships. As far as what you mentioned about her Va J.J. and how she orgasms, know that she is not alone. Chances are, it's not the rubbing of her labia (lips) that does it, but the rubbing of her clit that's getting her off. 85% of women NEED clit stimulation to get off. That's ONE thing that you should take to heart in porns! Notice that most adult stars rub their clits during some of the sex? That's why! Some women just need some soft rubs, others like a more aggressive touch on their clits. It's all personal preference. Best wishes.
  4. SOUTHERN GRANDMOTHER ON THE WITNESS STAND All Lawyers should never ask a Southern grandma a question if they aren't prepared for the answer. In a trial, a southern small-town prosecuting attorney called his first witness, a grandmotherly, elderly woman to the stand. He approached her and asked, "Mrs. Jones, do you know me?" She responded, "Why, yes, I know you, Mr. Williams. I've known you since you were a young boy, and frankly, you've been a big disappointment to me. You lie, you cheat on your wife, and you manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. You think you're a big shot when you don't have the brains to realize you never will amount to anything more than a two-bit paper pusher. Yes, I know you." The lawyer was stunned! Not knowing what else to do, he pointed across the room and asked, "Mrs. Jones, do you know the defense attorney?" She again replied, "Why, yes, I do. I've known Mr. Bradley since he was a youngster, too. He's lazy, bigoted, and he has a drinking problem. He can't build a normal relationship with anyone and his law practice is one of the worst in the entire state. Not to mention he cheated on his wife with three different women. One of them was your wife. Yes, I know him." The defense attorney almost died. The judge immediately told both counselors to approach the bench and, in a very quiet voice, said, "If either of you idiots asks her if she knows me, I'll send you to the electric chair."
  5. Are you bored with the same ole type of porn: just plain fucking, no plot, or just clips? Well, have I found the DVD for you! My Living Doll has definitely brought a smile to my face! Poor Eric! He finds a wonderfully buxom blonde to screw, and her name is Gretchin. But what happens, well, Gretchin is his best friend, Jack’s, woman, plus Jack’s his boss. And, one day, oops! Gretchin dumps him and lets him know in her ditzy way that they can’t see each other, oh, and he lost his friend and his job too. Thank you, and buh-bye! What is Eric to do? Well, he goes to see Dr. Analman, of course, which is his shrink (what else COULD he be?), and the doc really knows how to help! He tells Eric that if it were him, he’d kill himself with all the bad luck Eric’s has had lately. Eric tries, but slitting the wrists? Hell no, that hurt, and rat poison is just awful tasting, so he decides to seclude himself and masturbate to his favorite porn star, Cindy Crawford’s pics and movies. Then he sees an ad for a lifelike doll of Cindy Crawford, which, of course, he HAS to order! This doll goes everywhere with him, dinner, walks, drives, even to a swinger’s party. Remember the movie waaaay back in the 80’s, Mannequin? Well, this movie has a similar plot. Great scenes, lots of oral fun, toys, pool, beautiful & mostly natural bodies, and, oh, let’s not forget the best part: HUMOR!!! OMG This movie had tons of humor. Not only with facial expressions, but porn clichés, and little sarcastic tidbits here and there. This has got to be one of the funniest adult films I have seen in a very long time! Will Eric find ever-lasting love & companionship with Cindy? Get it and see! Wanna Laugh & Play?
  6. Are you bored with the same ole type of porn: just plain fucking, no plot, or just clips? Well, have I found the DVD for you! My Living Doll has definitely brought a smile to my face! Poor Eric! He finds a wonderfully buxom blonde to screw, and her name is Gretchin. But what happens, well, Gretchin is his best friend, Jack’s, woman, plus Jack’s his boss. And, one day, oops! Gretchin dumps him and lets him know in her ditzy way that they can’t see each other, oh, and he lost his friend and his job too. Thank you, and buh-bye! What is Eric to do? Well, he goes to see Dr. Analman, of course, which is his shrink (what else COULD he be?), and the doc really knows how to help! He tells Eric that if it were him, he’d kill himself with all the bad luck Eric’s has had lately. Eric tries, but slitting the wrists? Hell no, that hurt, and rat poison is just awful tasting, so he decides to seclude himself and masturbate to his favorite porn star, Cindy Crawford’s pics and movies. Then he sees an ad for a lifelike doll of Cindy Crawford, which, of course, he HAS to order! This doll goes everywhere with him, dinner, walks, drives, even to a swinger’s party. Remember the movie waaaay back in the 80’s, Mannequin? Well, this movie has a similar plot. Great scenes, lots of oral fun, toys, pool, beautiful & mostly natural bodies, and, oh, let’s not forget the best part: HUMOR!!! OMG This movie had tons of humor. Not only with facial expressions, but porn clichés, and little sarcastic tidbits here and there. This has got to be one of the funniest adult films I have seen in a very long time! Will Eric find ever-lasting love & companionship with Cindy? Get it and see! Wanna Laugh & Play?
  7. *sung in a sexy Marilyn Monroe voic* Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Happy birth-day Ginger Jaaaaaaaaay...........happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
  8. Taking initiative in your own health is very important. Granted, the doctors and pharmacists go to school to learn their trades. However, YOU know how things effect YOU, and, communication between doctors, patients, pharmacists, all for the benifit of the patient is extremely important~great point Thurisas!! Also remember, those of you that are thinking of going on some sort of birth control, that everyone's effected my medicines differently. What one person has for a side effect, another may not even show. That's why they always say "possible side effects".
  9. DH said that it was a kinda wierd feeling, since the molding material's water has to only be 75 degrees, which is kinda chilly, especially in stuff that feels like mud. But, thankfully, it hardened (the molding material LOL) rather quickly. It was a bit uncomfortable getting the vacuumed sealed mold off, but not painful. We were able to "get it on" afterwards, so he wasn't incapacitated or anything.
  10. Tyger


    IM-Instant Message
  11. I would say probably not. The rubber dildo dries pretty firmly, so there's not a lot a give or flexibility to it.
  12. I disagree, you don't need to be offended by your man's behavior, especially if your man has always been like this, which is what it sounds like, then you can't expect him to POOF, change just because you want him to do so. And, I don't think he's treating you like you're unclean. I'm not sure how old he is, or how he was raised, but that also may have something to do with it. Don't ring the doomsday bell yet! There is hope! The first step is telling him what you want. Tell him you want a bit more snuggling time, holding hands, even if it's just sitting on the couch and leaning into each other. Men can't read minds, and many of them just don't pay attention to HINTING. Most will tell/ask you to just cut to the chase and say what's on your mind, not beat around the bush. A lot of men (my hubby included) think that just being in the same room is the same as spending time together. Maybe that's how he grew up. There's a big difference between spending time together by occupying the same space, and spending QUALITY time together, bonding. When talking to him, don't play the Blame Game. Don't make him feel "wrong" for something he probably has no clue that he's doing and it's bothering you. Plus, when you get blamed for something you're not aware of, what do you do? It usually puts people in defense mode, and communication goes down. Something like "I've noticed that we don't snuggle after sex, and I really love to do that. After the great orgasms you give me, I just want to remain close to you a bit longer." You can grab a book/magazine to read, or your laptop, and entertain yourself while you just sit beside him when he's watching tv, even if it's something you don't like to watch, and lean on him, or lay in his lap, and enjoy the closeness. Most men will automatically put their arm around you at the very least. Let him know what you want and how you feel. You'll feel better that you did! Best wishes!
  13. Do I detect a hint of minty freshness?
  14. Tyger


    Welcome to the board, and thanks for joining The Cause!!
  15. Either past, or present, are you usually the more aggressive one when it comes to sex, or are you more of the easy going one? I guess it would depend on my mood, but usually, I'm the more aggressive one. Go figure.
  16. It's too bad this cute thing didn't work for you. I'm curious, do you think that the attatchments can be used on regular bullets? Would they slide on, or are they too small?
  17. Welcome Mahu Mike! I hope you enjoy the site. As far as the term "faggot", several "flamers" that I have known do feel comfortable with calling themselves that. So, to each their own. I think it's similar to black people calling themselves the "N" word (which I hate). It's ok for themselves to do it, but not others-it'd be considered offensive. But, to each their own, and I hope you enjoy the reading and the info here.
  18. Tyger


    OK, this has been an ongoing issue since I've had IMers, so I should be use to this. But, I find it highly irritating, if, even in all of your profiles, you put that you're MARRIED AND NOT LOOKING TO CYBER, you get people IMing you and asking A/S/L? My profile has most of that. And, if you can't tell I'm a girl from either my pics, or even my SN (how many men have Tyger in their SNs, like most of mine do?), then you don't even need to bother. I mean really! Even way before I joined this site (which I have a link to this on a couple of profiles), I've always gotten IMs of a variety of sexual overtones. All I ask, is that, if you're going to IM someone, even after reading their profile, if it specifically states that they're married, not looking to cyber, and that they're just looking for friends, don't bother trying to hook up, ok? Anyone else have this issue? Sorry, just had to blurt that out.
  19. Mikayla, read his blog, if you haven't already done so, and it will fill you in.
  20. OK, I just read the blog. there has been a seriously crossed line here. Especially with the "requirements" that the husband set forth, such as his brother HAS to cum inside the wife, no pulling out, even though the husband is NOT allowed to do so after the birth of their child a few yrs ago. She's on BC, but still! How foolish is it to not even WANT your wife to practice safe sex, even if you're ok with the swapping? The swapping, apparently, is eminant. Oral has already happened. IMO, this is NOT a healthy thing. But, I guess to each his own. If the marriage can survive it, kuddos to them!
  21. A very loud, unattractive, mean-acting woman walked into Wal-Mart with her two kids, yelling obscenities at them all the way through the entrance. The Wal-Mart Greeter said pleasantly, "Good morning, and welcome to Wal-Mart. Nice children you have there. Are they twins?" The ugly woman stopped yelling long enough to say, "Hell no they ain't!" The older one's 9 and the other one's 7. Why the hell would you think they're twins? Are you blind, or just stupid?" I'm neither blind nor stupid, Ma'am,' replied the greeter. 'I just couldn't believe you got laid twice. Have a good day and thank you for shopping at Wal-Mart."
  22. Do you like Porn-with-a-plot, hardcore straight fucking, clips of different films in a collection, amatuer, cartoon, or softcore (no genitals actually showing)? My favorite that I've found, so far, is more along the lines of lesbain, directed by women. Those are usually my tastes. Although, I do have some favorites with male directors too.
  23. Clit stimulators and bullets are sooooo the way to go, IMO. For extra fun, double bullets offer pleasure for BOTH partners.Some bullts glow, light up, have several vibe strengths, colors, materials.....endless possibilities. Usually, if the item does come with directions, which is becomming a bit more common, it's really only giving instructions on battery insertion. Basically, a bullet goes wherever it feels good! The clit, labia, balls, anal surface, and if you're really feeling randy, vaginally too! Many hours of fun and O's!
  24. Thank you darlin'! You can imagine how seemingly impossible it was to cut that one down for the site's review!!
  25. Well, Emily, get the kit, and give it to the both of you as a "couple's Christmas gift"!! It's the gift that keeps on giving.....or would that be pleasing......
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