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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. That sounds REALLY fun! I would love to do that with a friend.
  2. Tyger

    Cyber Sex

    I have to agree with the whole "Daddy Brain" thing. If your baby sleeps for a couple hours, at least, every night, then, let that time be adult playtime. Granted, sleep may be more on the priority levels, but, you both need to understand that having a baby, while it DOES change the nature of the relationship, should NOT kill the sex. Easier said than done, I know. And, allowing the baby to "cry-it-out" every so often, so long as you KNOW what cry means what, maybe have a monitor, or even a survelance tv in the baby's room (if the baby isn't in your room), then letting the baby cry for a few minutes won't be harmful to her. Letting her cry a bit is good. She will learn to self-sooth, and self-entertain. If you are at home, with the baby, then your SO should most definitely leave the cell phone with YOU! He has a phone at work! What if there's an emergency with the baby? What if he needs to pick something up on the way home from work, so you or the baby won't be out of something? That is, IMO, selfish of him to do. I know, men love gadgets, but he needs to think of you and the baby's safety, ahead of his desire to look modern!!!
  3. Howard, I don't think he meant it as a bad thing. I personally thing you read a bit too much into it. Lighten up! LOL It's like asking if you think blondes are hotter, or tall women/men, and so on. I do love Spanish (not Mexican, but Spanish) men that can speak English ( I love how their accent glides over the English language), like Antonio Banderas (hubba hubba). I love a sexy man with a Scottish accent. Italians are cute, and, even some African men are sexy as hell. Some Indian men are hot too. Though, I gotta say, that I just LOVE the American men the best!
  4. You have a great point, but I don't think that was the meaning of his post. He's probably aware that she masturbates. But, like many men, he is thinking that the toys are a replacement, instead of an enhancement. I believe that insecurity in their own techniques in the bedroom have a lot to do with this. Since many toys are more realistic looking, men do get quite intimidated by a simple piece of rubber/jelly/cyberskin. The more realistic, the worse it is. Especially if the phallic item is LARGER than they are! My hubby prefers that I use less realistic toys, and he KNOWS what I have in my toy box! My hubby was the same way. He thought of them as a replacement, up until rather recently. When I joined TooTimid, I was posting here and there, reading a lot. Then, I got onto the Review Team. I had told him that I wanted to do this. Helping people with their sex lives, and also our own, which was suffering. He's gotten more and more into it now. More so, in fact, than I could've ever dreamed him to do!! I've always complimented him on his style and technique. He rocks my world, and knows it. But, he's of an "old school" way of thinking. And even directly said that "if our sex life is so good, then you shouldn't NEED toys." That's when I sat him down and explained to him, that even in the beginning of our relationship, I told him that I loved ADDING toys into the bedroom. Never have I used toys to REPLACE a lover. Of course I would always pick one-on-one sex with him over a toy. But, having more options and fun in the bedroom adds to the pleasure for BOTH people. That's really what adult toys are all about!!
  5. I have to agree. Where fantasising about someone else is normal, the depth of your desire is a bit much for just a normal fantasy for this guy. Especially where you have admitted to willing to cheat. Why do that? Why put you and your fiance' thru that. Your lack of desire for your fiance' has dwindled considerably. Granted, in a long-term relationship, things are bound to cool off a bit, have ups and downs. However, you are seriously considering cheating. There's nothing wrong with breaking up with someone because you don't love them. It's actually more admirable than to say that you don't love them, and break up with them. Why hold each other back? It's not fair to either of you to stay in a dead relationship. I got married to my first husband because I "had made a promise to him", and I always keep my promises, even though I just KNEW deep down that it was bound to failure. Why get married, when, you obviously aren't ready. Guilt can be a costly thing, especially in Divorce Court. As far as the internet porn. If he's more interested in that, than you, when you're there, then he definitely has a problem. I don't mind porn (obviously). It's a fantasy world, not something that's real. Sex isn't really like that in those. It's meant to be a bit more emphasized for the sake of the production. Few porns are actually more "true to life". It's unfortunate that your fiance' is a lousy lover. I'm not talking about what he does in the bedroom as far as his cock and tongue go. I'm talking about the comment that you made, that sent alarm bells off in my head. That he's so critical of you in the bedroom, that even if something drastic happened to you, that he wouldn't believe it. Who the hell wants to basically hear that you're a lousy lover, and there's no hope for you?? Nobody!! A great lover doesn't come from just by owning genitalia. It comes from a willingness to teach and be taught how to please/be pleased. He sounds like he's not only selfish, but too immature to even THINK of getting married. Dump him, and find someone that really rocks your world, not only in the bedroom, but your self-esteem too!
  6. I concur, you should really consult your doctor, who will probably either prescribe something like Viagra, or have you see a urologist. Some will even prescribe a penis pump to you for such issues. Good luck in your search.
  7. Farmer John was in the fertilized egg business. He had several hundred young layer hens (called pullets) and eight or ten roosters, whose job was to fertilize the eggs. John kept records and any rooster that didn't perform went into the soup pot and was replaced. That took an awful lot of his time so he bought a set of tiny bells and attached them to his roosters. Each bell had a different tone so John could tell at a distance, which rooster was performing. Now he could sit on his porch and fill out efficiency reports by just listening to the bells. The farmer's favorite rooster was old Butch, and a very fine specimen he was. But one particular morning he noticed old Butch's bell hadn't rung at all! John went to investigate. The other roosters were chasing pullets, bells-a-ringing. The pullets, hearing the roosters coming, ran for cover. To Farmer John's amazement, he saw Butch hold his bell in his beak, so it wouldn't ring. He'd sneak up on a pullet, do his job and walk on to the next one. John was so proud of Butch, he entered him in the county fair and Butch became an overnight sensation among the judges. The result? The judges not only gave Butch the 'No Bell Piece Prize,' they also awarded him the 'Pullet Surprise' as well. Clearly Butch was a politician in the making. Who else but a politician could figure out how to win two of the most highly coveted awards on our planet by being best at sneaking up on the populace and screwing them when they weren't paying attention!!
  8. Glad to see you made it in!
  9. I agree with Thurasis here. The thought of another man pleasing your wife, and seeing your wife getting off is a common fantasy. However, it really does take a really really really solid marriage to withstand something like this. It's very similar to a threesome, even if you don't join in, since there are, technically, three people involved there. Read the threesome sections, and see how some have reacted to being in threesomes. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Again, I am one that promotes people being daring, and doing new things in the bedroom, so long as BOTH partners are willing to do so. But, if someone says NO, then that must be respected too. Especially in this case. It's not like she's saying no to giving you a BJ. You are essentially, asking her to betray her marriage vows to you, even if you're the one that's ok with it. If your wife is definitely NOT willing to do this, which is her every right, then, I would suggest that you drop it with her, and move on to another fantasy that can be realistically fullfilled.
  10. Well, this isn’t MY first bullet, but I certainly recommend it for any level of toy user! Sleek, black, and very powerful, this cute and simple bullet has 3 settings: off, high and REALLY high! The controller has the switch up at the narrower part, and the switch just slides up to either setting. It takes 2 AA batteries, which aren’t included, and I was impressed by the power this simple-looking shiny bullet. The bullet is a bit on the loud side, and I joked with hubby, while he was using it on me, that it sounded a lot like an engraving tool, but not to get any ideas! I’m not sure if it’s waterproof, since the simple clear zippy bag it came in only said “Loves”, which I am assuming that’s the company that makes it. But it does have a clear rubber “gasket” type thing that is where the cord comes out of the bullet, so, I would hazard a guess that the bullet itself is waterproof. Especially since makers know that bullets are usually inserted at one time or another. But I don’t want to say for sure one way or the other. The bullet also has a slightly noticeable seam in the middle of it. As with any bullet, using all around my nipples, clit, and vaginal lips were wonderfully stimulating. And this one doesn’t disappoint with the strong vibes to the clit, just how I like ‘em. Plus, I had fun running it up and down my hubby’s shaft and balls. It slid over his skin easily, without any lube, since the plastic is so slick. The seam wasn’t uncomfortable or painful, but it was noticeable on sensitive areas. This bullet is great because of its simplicity, ease of use, and of how inexpensive it is. A great addition to your toy box, or a great beginner’s toy for those who wanted to try one, but don’t want to spend a lot of money. Plus, I think every woman’s “Toy Box” should contain at least one bullet! Gotta Have My First Bullet
  11. Very good first try and honest. Honesty is the way to go!! I hope the next toy works out better for you! *hugs*
  12. CL, long-time-no-see!! I hope things calm down for you, and that you and your doctor can come up with a treatment plan for ya!! Post when you're able!!
  13. How awesome!!! I'd call you and sing like Marilyn Monroe, but, I wouldn't want to scare you or get hung up on!!! LMAO Anyway, happy birthday to TooTimid!
  14. I love trying new cockrings out with hubby, and was happy to see another one to try out. Coming in a box, that has a picture drawn on the back, showing you how this toy goes around the man’s shaft AND balls. It’s always nice to have either a picture or instructions for any sort of sex toy, especially for those that may be purchasing one for the first time. It also came wrapped and sealed in a small, clear plastic bag. I liked that too. Made by Doc Johnson, this pink jelly cockring looks kind of like a cartoon donkey’s head, minus the long ears. My hubby prefers toys that aren’t pink, but, we had the lights low, so it wasn’t a biggie. Waterproof & made with UR3 (which is the Ultra Realistic 3.0 jelly) it’s soft, realistic, and satiny feeling, it’s also extremely stretchy. The bullet that comes with it is a bit long & heavy for the toy though. It kept drooping down from the weight of the bullet. But, the easy to turn dial gives a variety of ever-stronger vibes, which are perfect for me. It also comes with batteries for the vibe, and a spare one too, which is even better. Hubby placed the cockring around his shaft and balls, and it was fairly comfortable. He turned up the vibes, and liked those too. He’s more into a medium feeling vibe, but knows I love the stronger ones, so he cranked it up for me. As he thrust into me, the head of the cockring softly bounced on my clit, and it was pretty nice. Even though I like a more steady stimulation, this was pleasant. And it was really nice when he stayed all the way inside me. The vibes on the rounded “nose” were pretty strong. Because the jelly material was so stretchy, it didn’t constrict the bloodflow much, allowing for a delay in ejaculation, and helping make his cock harder than normal. So, it was a bit too stretchy for that purpose. But it was fun to try and use. Another thing that I always love about cockrings, is that you can use them with condoms as well. They slide right over a condom easily. So, even having safe sex can have some variances as well. This one was nice, but didn't rock our worlds much. Hubby said that he thought that it made him a bit harder than normal, but he wasn't overly sure. So, as far as success goes, we're both in agreeement with a simple "Eh" to describe HOW WELL it worked for us. This one would be a good ring for a beginner, or intermediate toy user. Easy to use, cute, and, even though it says “Single Play”, it can be washed off and reused if you want. Single Play Vibrating Cockring
  15. Joe wanted to buy a motorbike. He doesn't have much luck until, one day, he comes across a Harley with a 'for sale' sign on it. The bike seems even better than a new one, although it is 10 years old. It is shiny and in absolute mint condition. He immediately buys it, and asks the seller how he kept it in such great condition for 10 years. "Well, it's quite simple, really," says the seller, "whenever the bike is outside and it's going to rain, rub Vaseline on the chrome. It protects it from the rain." And he hands Joe a jar of Vaseline. That night, his girlfriend, Sandra, invites him over to meet her parents. Naturally, they take the bike there. But just before they enter the house, Sandra stops him and says, "I have to tell you something about my family before we go in." "When we eat dinner, we don't talk. In fact, the first person who says anything during dinner has to do the dishes." "No problem," he says. And in they go. Joe is shocked. Right smack in the middle of the living room is a huge stack of dirty dishes. In the kitchen is another huge stack of dishes. Piled up on the stairs, in the corridor, everywhere he looks, dirty dishes. They sit down to dinner and, sure enough, no one says a word. As dinner progresses, Joe decides to take advantage of the situation. So he leans over and kisses Sandra. No one says a word. So he reaches over and fondles her breasts. Still, nobody says a word. So he stands up, grabs her, rips her clothes off, throws her on the table, and has his way with her right there, in front of her parents. His girlfriend is a little flustered, her dad is obviously livid, and her mom horrified when he sits back down, but no one says a word. He looks at her mom. "She's got a great body," he thinks. So he grabs the mom, bends her over the dinner table, and has his way with her every which way right there on the dinner table. Now his girlfriend is furious and her dad is boiling, but still, total silence. All of a sudden there is a loud clap of thunder, and it starts to rain. Joe remembers his bike, so he pulls the jar of Vaseline from his pocket. Suddenly the father backs away from the table and shouts, "All right, that’s enough, I'll do the f$#@$ g dishes!"
  16. HEY 12GAUGE!! Long time-no see!! Welcome back! My hubby loves anal sex orgasms. I've massaged his prosrate gland, and when he cums, he doesn't "squirt" as far, but it's more intense. He can barely move, and his cum feels more thicker, though this may be because he doesn't shoot it out far. As with a woman's g-spot, it may indeed feel like he has to go to the bathroom, since he's not use to the feeling. Sometimes women may feel similar to having to pee when their g-spot is stimulated, due to the positioning.
  17. I've spoken to people that have had their breasts enlarged, and I guess it depends on the surgeon, jow big the implants are, and where they cut to put the implants in. One girl had the same response as Mikayla's friend. Another said that she lost all sensitivity to her nipples. She had the surgery where they cut the aereola to put the implant in. Now, her implants were rather large, so that also may have something to do with it too. If your'e serious in this, then, go ask a couple (not just one) surgeons how the proceedure is done, and what the risks are. That's my best advise.
  18. What a great idea Not2Shy!! It really takes a strong marriage to survive something like this, especially where it's not overly "voluntary", like being in the military, if you KWIM. Again, I must give you military people AND their SO's a great big THANK YOU for doing what you do for this country, whether it's going off overseas~wherever the government chooses to deploy you, or staying at home, and being a reservist. Thank you so much!
  19. For some people, it's really hard to really understand the difference of being openly honest about sex, and being "crude" about it. Sometimes saying making love just doesn't cut it. We also love to joke about it. Cuz, really, if you don't laugh about it, and have fun with sex, what's the point (except for just reproducing)? Sex should be adult play, not a chore, or something to just do because it's your "maritial duty". Where's the fun? Where's the laughter? I hope your wife comes to the site more often, and sees that we're not "a bunch of perverts talking about our sex lives", as one poster put it. We are normal, everyday people, with bills, jobs, kids, and a life. We're not freaks that stand in the shadows in trenchcoats saying, "Pssst! Wanna see something?" *FLASH* I'm glad that you found us, and are trying hard to think of different things for your wife. She is very lucky to have such a caring man in her life.
  20. Was it a loud toy? It really DOES look kinda like one of those automatic toothbrushes!! LOL The attatchments snapped on and came off easily? Were they easy to clean? Did you get the pleasure of using it on you too?
  21. 85% of women need clit stimulation to "get off", so I would also like to recommend bullets. As well as the freebie that they're giving away, the Pocket Rocket. Some of these can be loud, but, they're powerful, and easy to use (aka not too many settings to worry about). Or even some glass dildos. No batteries required, very pretty, and some aren't overly "realistic" in shape (like a penis). I LOVE my glass toys! I find it great that you're so willing to help your wife out, since you are unable to perform sexually. Some men would feel bad about their wives "getting off" without them. I'm hoping that you at least try to stimulate her orally & with fingers as well. I am very please to see that you're comfortable enough to know that she needs the release too, and you're giving enough & secure enough to be willing to do this for her. Have you thought of possibly buying a strap on toy, one that you can put on yourself, and still make love to her? Those aren't for just lesbains you know. Anyway, just a thought.
  22. A 5th grader asked her mother the age-old question, "How did I get here?" Her mother told her, "God sent you." "Did God send you, too?" asked the child. "Yes, Dear," the mother replied. "What about Grandma and Grandpa?" the child persisted. "He sent them also," the mother said. "Did he send their parents, too?" asked the child "Yes, Dear, He did," said the mother patiently. "So you're telling me that there has been NO sex in this family for 200 years? No wonder everyone's so damn grouchy around here."
  23. As far as I know, and read on the bottle, Astroglide doesn't have any similar component. It's water-based. Now, it may be the silicone version that may bother you too. BUT I'm not in the medical field, so I am not fully sure. Again, I encourage you to ask your doctor. Trust me, they've heard it all, and know that lubes are used, so don't be shy. Doctors are there for your medical care, and they can't fully treat you if you're not completely honest with them, no matter how embarrassed you may get. Best wishes!!
  24. You sound like you're like me. I am "anal" when it comes to spelling, especially on products being sold, even on sex toys! And, I'm also with you. I'm married to a cowboy, and darlin' 8 seconds isn't a ride for me either (8 seconds is the rodeo rule for staying on a bucking bull), so 7 would DEFINITELY irritate me too.
  25. I just LOVE mint!! I was so excited to get these Trojan Mint Tingle latex condoms to try out. When hubby took one out of the package of 3, we both noticed that the condom itself was a minty green color. What fun! It kind of reminded me of “alien green”, but in a cute way, though I didn’t say “cute” out loud. I don’t think that would’ve helped. I could also smell the mint from it. Not being able to resist, I said, “Do I detect a hint of minty freshness?” Yeah, I know, cheesy movie line, but it was SO fitting! I got an eyeroll for my effort on that one. I don’t like giving oral with condoms (since this is with my husband, I don’t find this necessary. But I do promote condoms with oral sex with untested partners). However, I put my finger on the condom, then tasted it, and, yes, indeed, there is a STRONG minty flavor. YUM! Bonus! Hubby didn’t care for how the condom felt in his hands though. It was almost as though it was covered with a slight minty lotion. He said it was kind of slimy feeling. Since he wasn’t use to it, he really didn’t care for that much. He is, um, of generous size, so the condom was a bit snug. No worries about it sliding off though. Any man that is longer than 7”, or of wider girth, may find these condoms a bit too snug. But, for the good of my reviews, he tolerated the slight discomfort. Whatta man! The tightness acted similar to a cock ring though. I was plenty lubed up, having had lots of foreplay with fingers and toys, so even with the very slick lubricant on the condom, he was able to enter me with ease. The box says that it’s “Mint-Tingle”, but for me it was more like “Mint-Warm”. No tingling, just a warm feeling, kind of similar when you put a menthol based lotion on an aching muscle-warm, in a good way. So, the feeling was pleasant enough. I promote the use of condoms, so, these “Mint-Tingle” condoms will add a bit of flavorful & inexpensive fun to your safe sex practices.
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