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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Sex Manual Tries To Jumpstart Marriages I saw this and thought it's a great idea for some people to get!!!
  2. I have to agree with my fellow posters. You are a female virgin, you only get one shot at a "First Time", and, if he knows you're a virgin, and wants you to just give it up, then not only is he selfish, but he doesn't sound like the kind of man that will care about making you at least comfortable. He may be in it, excuse the crudeness, just for the cherry claim. He is basically accusing you of being a cock tease. When you "flee", you are having doubts as to how it will be? Well, of course. Everyone goes thru that. Some more than others. I did. I figured out that I fled, or backed down from having sex for the first time, because I wasn't overly SURE that I wanted that man to deflower me. I wasn't ready. When I was ready, it happened when I wanted it too. It felt RIGHT, and I never regretted it once. You will always remember your first time/first lover. Lots of people loose their virginity every day. Some will regret their choice, some won't. Don't have cherry popped just to get it over and done with. Women have a VERY hard time keeping emotions away when it comes to sex. Whether you want to or not, it happens. You get attatched. There are very very few women that can keep it seperate. Trust me on this. If you are worried about whoever you decide to have sex with not feeling like you know it all, well, you're a virgin! As long as your honest about that, any sensible man will know that you are inexperienced. Please don't mistake inexperienced with "stupid", because it's totally different. You will find that just because a man has a dick, doesn't mean he knows HOW to USE it properly. Being a great lover takes time, practice, a willingness not only to learn, but to teach as well.
  3. You really need to stop!! Stop I say!!! LMAO!!!! B-dee b-dee That's all folks!!!!
  4. OMG!!! I laughed SO hard at the Foghorn Leghorn comment! I said I did laugh I say!!!
  5. Sex can be hilarious if you're thinking about it that way, yes. I've many a time laughed at the irony on how silly it can look, yet feel so damn good!! However, I don't even think like that while it's happening. There was one guy I briefly went with, and, it took every OUNCE of my willpower NOT to bust out laughing when he came. He sounded more feminine that I did for crying out loud!!!! I had to bite down on his shoulder to keep from laughing. I could NOT allow myself to be vocal, cuz I just KNEW I would end up LOLing when he came. NOT a good thing!! It's like saying a word over and over again. Choose any kind of word.....after a while it sounds kinda silly. Or a lot of other things that we do on a fairly regular basis, customs, traditions, sayings, if you really think about it over and over, it can seem rather silly. But nothing feels SO good as the end result of the Sexual Silly!
  6. Tyger

    A Funny

    OMG!!! Too funny!!!
  7. I don't think I've ever even seen a guy "double wrap" his dick with condoms. Guys usually joke about that "Oh, if I was with her, I'd definitely double-wrap my dick!!" kind of thing. If he felt the need to double wrap, then he should've re-thought the whole sleeping with that person thing out. I'm not saying he's lying, I would say that he's more likely to be exaggerating. I have herpes (genital), and I got it with the use of condoms. Herpes can also be transmitted even where there are no sores present, but active herpes cells around the genitals, which is what happened to me. There is NO cure for herpes. There are treatment plans available, but, you're stuck with it the rest of your life. You can get genital herpes in your mouth, which would cause you to have severe cold sores and lessions in and around your mouth. Herpes doesn't have a particular "Test" that can be done to find out if you have it, until the virus is active, and you've had your first outbreak, then a scraping (owie) of one of the sores is taken and tested, because somethings herpes is misdiagnoses as something else. They're working on it though. And, up to 62% of people that have herpes, don't even recognize their symptoms enough to recognize it!!! Many STDs, including Herpes, is harder for a female to detect once they have something, because their genitals are inside. Men's are right out there, and they can usually see what's going on better. Also, some STDs take some time to develop into something that you can actually see/smell/feel. I do know that herpes can lay dormant in your system (it settles in your spinal fluid) for up to 10 years before becoming active! Some people are even just carriers, and don't have any idea that they actually have it, but do shed the herpes cells, and infect others (it's called Shedding). *gotten from a website that I frequent* : Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1). Herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2). They can occur separately or can infect the same individual. Although the general rule has been to assume that HSV-1 infections occur in the oral cavity and are not sexually transmitted, while HSV-2 attacks the genital area and is sexually transmitted, it is now widely accepted that either type can be found in either area and at other sites. In fact, in new cases of genital herpes the number of HSV-1 cases now matches and even exceeds that of HSV-2. For purposes of this report, HSV-2 refers to genital herpes and HSV-1 to oral herpes, unless the distinctions are specifically discussed. I can give you the link in a PM if you want more info. There are also other STDs listed on that site. Scary, but better to know what's out there!
  8. *leia, if you're asked what class you're taking, tell them sex ed!!!
  9. Howard's right. The G-Spot is, generally (meaing it can vary slightly per woman) is about 3" inside the vagina. Toy makers add the extra length, I'm assuming, for more of a "handle" for the toy. This way, you can concentrate on getting it in the right spot, and not worry about loosing your grip. Plus, it give it another function of also being a vaginal vibrator, if that's what you're looking for at the moment.
  10. The girl on the cover looks kinda like Britney Spears to me. Maybe it's the eyes.....
  11. A wealthy old lady decides to go on a photo safari in Africa , taking her faithful aged poodle named Cuddles, along for the company. One day the poodle starts chasing butterflies and before long, Cuddles discovers that he's lost.. Wandering about, he notices a leopard heading rapidly in his direction with the intention of having lunch. The old poodle thinks, "Oh, oh! I'm in deep doo-doo now!" Noticing some bones on the ground close by, he immediately settles down to chew on the bones with his back to the approaching cat. Just as the leopard is about to leap the ol d poodle exclaims loudly, "Boy, that was one delicious leopard! I wonder if there are any more around here?" Hearing this, the young leopard halts his attack in mid-strike, a look of terror comes over him and he slinks away into the trees. "Whew!", says the leopard, "That was close! That old poodle nearly had me!" Meanwhile, a monkey who had been watching the whole scene from a nearby tree, figures he can put this knowledge to good use and trade it for protection from the leopard. So off he goes, but the old poodle sees him heading after the leopard with great speed, and figures that something must be up. The monkey soon catches up with the leopard, spills the beans and strikes a deal for himself with the leopard. The young leopard is furious at being made a fool of and says, "Here, monkey, hop on my back and see what's going to happen to that conniving canine! Now, the old poodle sees the leopard coming with the monkey on his back and thinks, "What am I going to do now?", but instead of running, the dog sits down with his back to his attackers, pretending he hasn't seen them yet, and just when they get close enough to hear, the old poodle says. "Where's that damn monkey? I sent him off an hour ago to bring me another leopard! Moral of this story.... Don't mess with old farts...age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill! Bullshit and brilliance only come with age and experience.
  12. I don't really have any pics either, but I would say, as a woman, that, instead of white walls (which can be too bright in the daytime) darker colors for the walls. Darker colors are more sexy usually. Adding some bright lamps, lightly colored candles, and pictures can help lighten up the room. A brick red, with white or cream trim, or a dark navy blue, white trim, with some plain curtains/drapes on the windows. A sexy bedroom really depends on what you like. I like tigers (duh), and my hubby likes John Wayne (ew). So, for us, it's kinda hard to make it "sexy" for the both of us. Muted lighting (maybe either touch lamps, or lamps with the bulbs that have the dimmer, dim, and bright settings on them), candles, maybe some wall sconces, safely mounted. I also think canopy beds are extremely sexy. Dark bedding, and a couple of stratigically placed mirrors (like on your vanity or bureau). Simplicity can be added too, without distracting. For instance, if you want to add a nice touch, such as some scarves on the lights, that can be thrown on there, and removed without detracting or being overly distracting.
  13. Wow!! I need a fan on me!! LOL OK, well, I'm more of a verbal kinda gal. Talking dirty, and telling him what I want him to do, or what I am gonna do to him. Orally, I like to tease his head a bit, by concentrating on it, then popping off it. All while tickling and massaging his balls. Gently nibbling is nice too. As far as teasing with my body, making him lay still, slowly going up and down, and just teasing him with slow, exquisit torture.
  14. I wouldn't mind either way. Sometimes DH looks at a girl, since he is a boob man, I understand. Some of the comments he makes are what bugs me. There's a tasteful way of making a comment, then there is the piggish way of doing so. Men are gonna look. And, so are women. He tries to act all offended if I notices a guy, but I always try to compliment him at the same time. As far as the male strip clubs, it really depends on the club. Some clubs actually DON'T allow the guys in with the women, for fear of fighting/problems. Men get more physical when it comes to jealousy, and they just try to avoid that. This is actually a great topic to revisit!!
  15. You're welcome. I wanted to add that all after I had really thought out what I wanted to say, constructively. Since I lived there, and understand how a lot of "Mainers" think. I get a kick out of friends of mine that go visit up north. They come back and tell me that I am somewhat of a rarity as a "Yankee", I guess. This is a heated topic, and was bound to bring out some heated debates. I know that social status may have different takes on how things are, and there is a difference between the social "classes" on how things are in their circles. I grew up relatively poor, and lived a bit higher once graduating HS. I've had ups and downs, living paycheck to paycheck. Bill collector's calling. I'm sure most of us here have at one point or another. However, let's not ever forget that you never know someone's background, life-experiences, education, or morals, just by what their lifestyles are NOW. All I ask, and I'm sure the rest of the Admins will agree, is for respect all around. It has to start somewhere, right? *hugs & kisses*
  16. Looking forward to your posts!! Welcome!
  17. I was born and raised in Maine. Back then (70's & 80's) the population up there is predominantly white. Still is, for the most part. Therefore, a lot of the "stay within your own race" up there still applies, mostly. The population up there is mostly French-Canadians. Does that mean that mixed race relationships don't happen up north? Of course not. But, it's not "normal" either. In my experience, some degrees/understanding/levels of racism varies from state to state. I grew up semi-poor. We had our own house, and my parents got along for my sake, so I never went without. I did not get the name brand everything, but I had good clothes, went to school, and got a lot of what I wanted if we could afford it. Maine is a very hard state to get ahead in. I understand that. I've lived it. Just one more reason as to why I moved. Never once was there a black or bi-racial child in my school when I went there, until I went to high school. I had a black man I worked with, that said that most of his friends and family that are black, don't like it up there cuz it's "too damn cold and wet for our liking". He has a son by a white woman, but looks black. And, they both try and show him how it is to be both, to the best of their abilities. He had no "blacks to hang out with". And his son piped up, and said "You can hang out with me Daddy". How cute is that!? My mother had the same views about how the children suffer, get teased and what-not, being bi-racial. She was a teacher, and probably got to see it more regularly. Does it happen everywhere? Yes, of course it does. It's, unfortunately, human nature. Thankfully, thru me knowing a different array of people, rich, poor, from all different walks of life, I learned to see past color. In fact, those of my "non-white" friends and I have several debates, conversations, and informational conversations as far as race, prejudism, and how all of us are treated. My family may have been shocked had I gone out steadily with a black man, not because he would be black, but cuz it's just not the norm from where I am from. I live in Texas now. Talk about a whole new world & a total reversal from where I grew up!! Where I am married to a "Good Ole Boy", who is admittedly semi-prejudice due to what he's been thru in his life. While I was single in Texas, I went out with a black man (from the Carribbean) who felt like he didn't fit in with the "blacks", cuz of where's he's from. He wasn't considered a "brotha", and he didn't fit in with the "whites" cuz of how he looked. I went out on one date with a Mexican man as well. I didn't care their race or skin color. They were nice, cute, had great jobs, and thought I was worthy of dating. THAT'S what I want to teach our daughter. That, so long as a person is nice, sweet, and she feels as though they are worthy enough of her time, then look past the color of their skin. Yes, their culture is important to "non-whites", but it's their actions, how they treat her, and attitudes that are the most important. I wrote all this to say that I can see both sides of this coin. Everyone has made some great points. Where I may not agree with some of them, everyone has a right to their opinions such as they are. As far as the whole Mikayla attacking, back and forth. Please stop. Being insulting to any member, new, or "a big dog" isn't constructive or appreciated. EVERYone has a right to their opinions and are entitled to them. Whether we agree or not, let's please try to be respectful. Agree to disagree and drop it.
  18. I'm sure her doctor has covered most of the basics, like weight, self-esteem, thyroid, and possible mental issues. Is your wife going thru menopause? That may be the culprit too. As far as the libido increasers you can find, I have yet to find something that is reputable outside the doctor's office. Testosterone in high doses, as you and your wife found out, is an "unnatural" thing for the female body to reproduce in high doses, hence why she went all "Cybil" on you. Flirt with your wife, compliment her, help around the house, help make her feel sexy no matter what. That may help.
  19. People need to realize, that when internet dating, that if they meet their chat partners online, that, eventually, the real them will be found out. Maybe they will be liked, maybe not. Honesty is the best policy. Do I mean that you need to give your life story all at once? No, but beinghonest When even face-to-face dating, some quirks, habits, and behaviors are hidden or disguised upon the first meetings. Same with internet dating, it's just easier to hide. I think that the internet has opened up a lot of people's lives. Some people that may not have had the will, or means to get themself out there and/or being able to meet people from different regions, states, and even countries! I have several friends who met their SO's online, one of which is even married to her internet find, and has been for 7 yrs! She is bipolar, and at times, doesn't even want to leave the house. So, the internet was a great way for her to "put herself out there". Then she met her now husband via the internet. Lucky for them, they were in the same state, and only 2 hours away from each other. The slowly got to know each other over the interent, then exchanged phone calls, then met face to face. She admits, that, when first seeing him, he wasn't physically her type that she would normally go for, but, since they had talked and all, they got to know each other, and about a year later, they married! Neither one of them is the type to blow things out of proportion, lie, decieve, or want for drama. So, being completly open about who they are, and honest about what types of people they are, really benifitted both of them So, where I have never participated in online dating, I'm not against it. I'm one of those people that like to see to believe. And that goes for meeting and learning who people REALLY are, if I want them to be an important part of my life.
  20. Howard is correct. There is no such thing as vaginal muscles being too strong. It's not like you can have Arnold Swarnzpussy down there and get too buff. Not only will you be able to have great orgasms, but, if you ever decide to have children, your bladder functions should be less affected by childbirth, and, you will have an easier time with contractions and pushing. How is this a bad thing, odd, or strange? It's not. From a woman's standpoint (who also does her Kegels), your boyfriend may not have been with any other girls that could do that, but that doesn't make you weird or odd. It makes either the women he's been with not doing their Kegels, or him being inexperienced (maybe both). I'm not saying that is a bad thing. Many women, especially young ones, don't even know that they can do that! I too can push and pull my hubby's cock out of me, and can clench down making it impossible for him to get out of me. Plus, tat's what the muscles down there are designed to do. Clench and push.
  21. Welcome Bettie!!! I couldn't agree with you more!!!
  22. I would say "NO" to the armpit as pubic hair question. It's like the hair on the legs, it grows in and gets darker as we get in our teens (usually).
  23. You can find some really good picture printers out there. The better the quality, the more pricey the cost. But you can do almost everything a photo center can do with one. Plus ink is outrageous for some printers (Lexmark is a lot higher ink-cost wise than a lot of them out there I've found). It may be a wise idea to get one if you're thinking about doing this every now and again.
  24. Unfortunately for you, the gang-bang themed porn is pretty common, making it hard to find, unless someone else has seen it. Do you remember what production company made it, like Adam & Eve? That may help narrow the search. Do you remember what the cover looks like? Maybe you could visit the adult film production's sies to see if you recognized it. Good luck!
  25. I'm glad y'all are still hot for each other even after 13 years, which, nowadays, is a long time to be married! Awesome!! Anyway, I hope you like the forum, and find it educational, fun, and stimulating! Welcome!
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