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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I've never tried the flavored Astroglide, but Astroglide happens to be one of my fav lubes. Long lasting and usually water-based (so safe for all toys). I think that if a lube is flavored it's gotta be water-based. Check the packaging to be sure.
  2. Where it IS true, that you can feel a difference in sex toy material, your wife may need to expand her sextoy horizons, and get something like a dual action, as mentioned before, the cyberskin toy that you said you ordered, or, use a clit stimulator on her, while using a dildo/dong/vibrator inside her. I LOVE feeling full, and I LOVE strong vibes on my clit when using a clit stimulator. The combination drives me off the...um....bed.....
  3. I would recommend starting off small, like a small anal toy, something that is either very short, or has a lot of bend to it. And LOTSA lube!! You can never have enough lube!! Astroglide makes a great anal lube, but it's silicone based, so do not use it with silicone toys. It's called Anal-ese. Very slick, and lasts!! Though, I do recommend that you have a towel on hand to wipe your hands off after applying, cuz you may just slide right off where you're trying to touch!! Slow, small, and steady. Take your time. Who says that the toy has to go all the way up in 10 seconds flat? Take as long as you like. Breathe deeply, cleansing, slow breaths. Getting your body use to something going *up there* first, before you try something as large and wide as a penis, is my best advise to give.
  4. If I HAD to choose, I would want a FFM threesome. With active participation on all parties.
  5. I just LOOOOOVE glass toys!! Glad this one was a winner for ya!!
  6. Well, I've been quiet, waiting to see what others pass along, especially since I know you..... As for the high sex drive, yes, you're young. At 24 I was a racing hormone too. I had a BF at home with me almost all of the time, so I didn't have to worry about not getting any. However, if there were times that he was gone for work, or on a vacation with the boys, and I had to go without, I did so. Granted, it wasn't very long, but, if I got the urge, I used toys, or my fingers. And, for the record, most of my friends were guys at that point in time too. There were a couple that would've loved to have sex with me, and they had made it well known. It was an ego boost for sure. But, I wanted to be loyal and true to him, my BF. We were, after all, in a committed relationship. I had good friends to go out and do things with, if I had to keep my mind occupied. Now, knowing a bit more of your story than you're letting on, I won't delve too deeply. What you make known here, is your business. I will say this though, having male friends that you KNOW will sleep with you doesn't mean you have to do so for them to still like you. If they don't like you when you tell them NO, then they're not your friends, they're just guys looking for an easy fuck. I don't know your most of your guy friends, but, I do know that a lot of guys come across as being sweet and nice, just so they can get in your pants. Is there a history of that? You may need to re-evaluate the kind of people you choose to let into your life. Some people are better at it than others, this isn't a bad thing, or makes you a "stupid person", so don't think that at all. People tend to go for the same type of people, unwittingly. A major effort has to be consciously made before these things will change. There's nothing wrong with having a high sex drive. It's how you choose to let it loose, so to speak. Using toys, and your hands for a physical release are great ways for that. But, I know you're home alone a lot, and no real way of getting around, so you may be a bit bored. Finding something to keep the mind occupied is also a great way not only to keep your mind off of sex, but to better yourself and your surroundings. Sometimes, when I get bored, frustrated, or just plain geeked, and I don't wanna be at the computer (yes, those times really DO happen), I call a friend, clean the house, exercise, find a project to do, read, write letters (I know you write poetry!), go for a walk, take pictures, do yard work, or just take a nap! Keeping your mind occupied is key. You also need to really take a deeper look into your relationship with your CL husband. Do you love him, or stay with him out of habit? Until you figure that out, sleeping with others isn't going to help you figure any of that out, it'll just confuse you even more. You can always call me or IM me too (as always). Best wishes and *hugs*
  7. WADR, again, agreeing with Mikayla, you're both young, and he's probably a mix of inexperience, as well as egotistical. Some younger women do the injustice of lying to their lovers, saying how GOOD/AWESOME/FULLFILLING they are sexually, when, in fact, they're not. Yes, there is a high percentage of women (me being amoungst them) that NEED clitoral stimulation to get off. Does that mean I don't get off each and every time without it? No, there are a few times that just having my hubby inside me does it. But, I'm a hard woman to please, don'tcha know! Seriously, you've explained yourself to him, and now, you can tell him, that since you are so new to sex, it's going to take you a while to really KNOW what is going to do it for you, and what you may need help with, as well as what doesn't work at all. Just because he has a dick, doesn't mean it's the instant magic orgasm wand for every girl out there. It takes time and practice to get to know your CURRENT lover's wants and desires. What gets them off, so to speak. For example, I was with this one guy that LOVED to have me bite him, and I mean HARD enough to leave teeth marks. Got him every time. The first time I bit my hubby (when we were dating) too hard, he yelped and jumped back like I was rabid or something! It's personal preferences. So, while you both need to relax, and take time to have fun with each other, he needs to stop stressing so much, and you don't need to stress on reassuring him so much. You'll get there. And, so what if you need a little clitty rubbin'? If you can have a real orgasm so early into the game, that's a GREAT beginning!! I mean, some women take YEARS to learn how to achieve the BIG O
  8. Mikayla pretty much covered it all, but I wanted to emphasise a few things. Such as, why are you with this guy? He's talking to other women in a sexual capacity, and comparing sex lives WITH his EXES TO his EXES. Making you not only seem dull, but allowing other women to feel as though he's interested in hooking back up with THEM. And you're allowing this to happen? I say "allowing" cuz you never said whether or not you've confronted him. How is this such a great relationship? Honestly. I mean, he'd rather look at porn than have sex with you. He's not willing to please YOU, and blames YOU for his issues. He's flirting and carrying on with other women online like he's single. How do you think he loves you if he is disrepecting you in such ways? I mean, even a true friend wouldn't say nasty things about you behind your back. It's not your fault if he can't keep an erection, or goes soft. It sounds like you're doing everything but sell your soul to please him. Being a good lover is not only about a willingness to please, but a willingness to teach your lover how to please YOU. So far, it sounds too one-sided and selfish on his part. It makes him feel better about himself to blame you. That's not fair. And, if he sounds as unwilling as I think he is, to even discuss the possibility that he needs some help, you can't move on with him. He has to be willing to admit the issues and try to fix it. Again, I would seriously rethink this relationship. Yes, it hurts to move on, but, usually, it's to bigger & better things. Best Wishes!
  9. Welcome! I'm sorry about your husband's passing. And, I'm glad you have found someone you want to share your life with, at least sexually. As far as massage oils, be sure to read packaging. there are several out there that are flavored. Those are usually made to be ingested. Scented ones, however, may not be. And, the packaging should say whether or not it's safe to ingest. Though, remember, obviously, they're not made to be drank! LOL
  10. Asia Cararra, as Lori, & Steven St. Croix, as Jack, are joined by a few others in Dark Influences. The director, Bud Lee stops and makes you think: Do houses attract spirits? Do the dead still fuck? Or, is the action that goes on in this house just in your mind? Is there such a thing as curses? Do the dead want revenge? Jack gets a promotion, and gives his woman a beautiful necklace to make up for some of the neglect she’d been suffering since he’s been away more and more. The night she gets the necklace, they make love. Afterwards, she gets up and finds 2 girls and a guy on her couch, going at it with gusto! Intrigued and excited, she watches the 3-some go on. But then, you’re left to question what happened, and why she didn’t say something or join in? The home’s pool is a particular point of interest. Lori hears laughter several times, and always goes out to the pool to see where the laughter is coming from, never finding anyone. But, one time she goes out, she sees her necklace in the water. How did it get there? She just was wearing it. Hmm…stripping down, she retrieves it, using a net, and all of a sudden she feels like she’s being choked, and later has marks on her neck to prove it. Several possible theories come about as to who or why the house is haunted, but, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out after a bit. Anyway, the plot thickens, which I won’t give away. But, I will say that there is a bit more action to be had, and the necklace has a lot to do with it. Mostly natural, yet clean and well shaven bodies treat your eye. Not overly made up, and mostly everyday clothes and makeup, for that more story-telling porn lover. I love most supernatural themed films, and was excited to watch this particular one. However, my excitement got dampened, and not in a good way, by the quality of the sound in this film. It fluxuated back and forth, but ultimately, I had to have my new TV on some of it’s highest levels to even hear basic conversation. The sex scenes were few, maybe 6 in all, and not done overly well. Nor were they complete. The oral scenes were good, and there were several orgasms that were very real. The acting was poor, even if the plot had some potential. The director did make a go of making a porn movie with a theme, but, he tried a little too hard, and the movie lost it for me because of it. Get under Dark Influences
  11. I got a lot more from this last post that the first one, which is helpful. The first post didn't give anything except that he was tired all the time, and you were horny and dissatisfied. This one told that he also slacks off as far as basic attentnion to you and the family by watching TV or playing computer games. I can also tell you are very frustrated. With good reason. Yes, Howard made some good points about maybe he's stressed about adding anymore to the family count. What is being done about that? Yes, he's probably stressed about money as well. In no way am I downing you having a large family, or blaming you for it either, so please don't take it as such. Many men have a certain amount of ADD when it comes to what their spouses want to do, if they get distracted with something that interests them. My husband has been known to play Playstation 2 games for hours on end. At first, it use to bother me. Now, we make it a family affair. I watch him, give him points, and he even has me go online for some help codes. Even our daughter gets into it too. We've made it a bonding experience, and our stress levels have gone down. This may not work for everyone, but, just a hint anyway. Men seem to unwind that way a lot. So, you're not the only "X-Box/Playstation Widow" out there. As far as your hormones.....you have a baby. Maybe your normal level of hormones have finally come back to what they use to be? Sometimes it can take up to a whole year for your body to readjust to everything after having a baby. I certainly don't recommend you going off and finding satisfaction in the arms of another man, or woman for that matter. You're in a committed relationship. To which, if you're not happy, you NEED to voice that unhappiness to your husband. If not, divorce will come in to play. If you truly love your husband, you owe it to him to be honest, yet non-threatening. What I mean by that, is, even if you get severely pissed off, don't yell something that you'll regret like "I may as well find someone else who can please me". Things spoken in anger can and usually do bite you in the ass later on. Once something is said, it's said, and you can't take it back. I would suggest really taking the time to think about how & what you want to say, and how you may be able to explain yourself, when questions arise. Don't let your frustration get the best of you. Be willing to compromise for both your needs. Good luck!
  12. *CLICK* Added to my wish list!!!
  13. *reading posts....squeeze, squeeze squeeze* I have "generous" hips, and I don't have an issue with them falling out. As I suggested, inserting them while you lay down, enables you to get them up in there, past the outter lips. When I tried to put them in standing up, the DID feel like they were coming out, laying down, I was able to get them in at a better angle. They are actually very comfortable.
  14. So, what are some of the best sexual aide books you have ever read? Please list them here:
  15. Good advise! Thanks for letting us know!! Hope you had fun with it!
  16. Welcome welcome! I'm glad you both have been able to get something from the site. And, yes, we do use dirty words: mud, dust, dirt, filth (sorry Mikayla!)!! Feel free to express yourself, and, most importantly HAVE FUN!!!
  17. Great review!! I gotta get me one of those!! Howard made a great comment on how this toy may get women over the inhibitions of having an orgasm, however, I do agree with Ginger though. This may be a bit more than a "newbie" could really take in. When lots of new toy users get a toy, the simplest approach is the best. Too much too fast could frustrate new toy users. Toy usage should be fun. But it does take time to get use to the idea of a toy aiding in pleasure. And the less tecnical/loud it is, the better. This could be a step up for some moderat-intermediate toy users. I'm glad you're having fun, and again, great review!!
  18. Everyone has a different way of cumming. The type of fluid on average, is basically the same, but there are little differences, and sometimes not so little differences. It also depends on the type of orgasm she has. G-spot orgasms produce a liquid that is kinda runny, and can actually squirt out of the woman, sometimes making her feel like she's peed. I saw an commercial on TV the other night, adversising a new over the counter test that a woman can take, to tell if she has a yeast infection, is normal, or may need to go to the doctor due to a bacterial infection. So, if you ARE concerned, then here's the link to that product for you to check out: Vaginsil Screening Kit Also, though I am not a medical professional, I always recommend that young people either curious or starting to engage in sex, go to their local Family Planning office, find out about STDs, get tested, and get on birth control. There is never anything wrong with getting educated and practicing as safe sex as you can.
  19. I'm also glad that you have a wonderful husband, that has the drive and eagerness to support you and your family. I also agree with everything Mikayla said. But I want to add that even though he should be helping to please you, you may need to cut the guy a break. Yes, sex is important to a marriage. But having a willing and awake partner is also important. Let him rest as well. He may not be ABLE to go as long as he use to because he's working 2 jobs, and is tired. I can't say I blame him. I don't think that being left hot and bothered is a good thing, but there will be times where you may have to either help yourself while making love (nothing wrong with playing with your own clit ), or masturbate while he sleeps. He simply may not have the energy. On a night where you are both just relaxing and cuddling, maybe address your desire for him to be a bit more agressive. Try to put it in a positive, guilt-free way. If he starts feeling guilty, there will be added stress to perform, and no man needs that. How about a compromise or 2? Depending on his schedule, you could have one night where he could just go to sleep, and sleep a long time, and then there can be a night where he has to stay up a bit later to make love to you. And another night where YOU are the one that gets to go to sleep early. He can spend time with the kids, read them a story, put them to bed. Also, if he's not taking vitamins, I would suggest he start. A lot of young men think that they don't need them, that they're young, and therefore, fine, but, if you really pay attention to what they eat, they SOOOO need vitamins!! These may make him a bit less tired. Eating more fruits and veggies not is only good for you, keeps you "regular", but also makes you feel better and you have more energy during the day! Trust me, I know your frustration! My husband is away for a week at a time with work, then, on some weeks he's here, and coming off the night shift, for 2-3 days of his week off, he's trying to readjust his sleep schedule, and is a bear to live with! I often feel like I do everything alone, including pleasuring myself. But, I also try and understand that he is tired and worn out. He works on an oil rig, and it's physically demanding. It's been great getting him back in shape though!! But, I know it's hard. I talk with my hubby everyday, and try not to get too frustrated. Him working the way he does, allows me to stay home, and persue some of my own interests, and, of course, take care of our 4 yr old daughter. So, if you ever feel like chatting with a housewife who can sympathize, feel free to PM me. LOL Best wishes! And, enjoy your new toys when they come in. Love to hear what you got and how they worked out for you!
  20. Yesterday I went to the doctor for my yearly physical. My blood pressure was high, my cholesterol was high, I'd gained some weight, and I didn't feel so hot. My doctor said eating right doesn't have to be complicated and it would solve my physical problems. He said just think in colors; Fill your plate with bright colors; greens, yellows, reds, etc. I went right home and ate an entire bowl of M&M's and sure enough, I felt better immediately. I never knew eating right could be so easy!
  21. Tyger


    Welcome to the forum, y'all!! Have fun with us!!
  22. Pleasure Balls? What exactly ARE pleasure balls? Well, they’re similar to Ben-Wa balls, but these are actually an attached, weighted set, instead of 2 separate balls. This set is made of soft, pliable, waterproof, orange silicone (so remember, use water based lubes when using these). And, yes, you can feel the weights inside “gong” when you shake them. A handy elastic loop is at one end, for easier retrieval. My first attempt with a smaller set of Ben Wa balls wasn’t very successful, so I’d wanted to try something a bit larger, so I was THRILLED when Royal Balls appeared in my delivery! These balls were actually on the TV show “Talk Sex With Sue Johanson”, which also tests sex toys out. The other night, I knew I had some housework to putter around doing, so, after everything got settled a bit, pets taken care of, and child in bed asleep, I put in my Royal Balls, using my water-based TooTimid Pleasure Lube. I suggest lying down when inserting any type of pleasure balls. If you’re standing, up, they don’t seem to stay in as well, and slowly drop down a bit, which is uncomfortable. Lying down on the bed, I was able to slowly & easily insert the balls, and made sure that they were going to stay. The elastic loop was on the outside, and, since the loop isn’t long, it didn’t tickle or irritate. I did my household puttering, squeezing my vaginal muscles around the ribbed balls. And, yes, you CAN feel the weights every so often, when you move. That took a little getting use too, but it was enjoyable. I felt full, sexy, and just the idea of having them inside of me was well worth it. I was able to have one orgasm walking across the living room floor. It wasn’t intense, but I did have to stop walking and grip the chair. After that, I had to give my clit some attention for added release. And, with my muscles clenching the balls, I had a great time! Anyone wanting to tone up your vaginal muscles, have a little fun, and maybe even some surprising orgasms, these balls will help you get into shape! Get some balls
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