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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. The best thing that the both of you can do is be honest with each other, and ignore the ignorant people. Easier said than done, I'm sure. Especially since I haven't truly experienced what you're going thru. Who cares if his best friend's fiance' is an idiot? Be proud of who you are. Your man isn't dating her, he is dating you. And if he allows his friends and their SO's to be rude to you, without standing up for you, then I would seriously question him as a man. So long as you're honest with yourself and your man, keep the lines of communication open, be willing to learn about each other, in and out of the bedroom, that's really all you can do. As for having men leave you for someone else....you may want to step back and try to take a look at the TYPE of man you go into relationships with, and see if there's a trend. Only YOU can change that. People will cheat if they want to do so. There is NOTHING you can do to ensure that they won't do so. Working on your self-esteem, self-worth, and overall emotional health will do wonders for you ANd your relationships. Most men prefer to have a very strong emotional woman. Self-doubt, jealousy, and constant worrying is a hard thing to deal with in relationships, day after day. Most people see it as a futile effort. Keeping up with such a person is emotionally and physically draining. My ex husband was always self-doubting, for no reason at all. I constantly assured him, complimented him, and encouraged him. He cheated on me to make himself feel better about himself. So, my efforts were all in vain.
  2. I would have to agree with Less*Than*. I love my bullets that I can plug into a controller. And, it seems that they are pretty universal. I have been able to plug in a couple of different toys to different controllers. Of course, some have more power than others, and, if you find the right combo~whoa momma!!!!! I would also recommend a bullet that you can plug and unplug from the controller. Just remember, not all "unplugables" will have the same size plugs, so some may not work with others.
  3. Where it is true that when you're in a long-term relationship, you tend to not want sex as often, that doesn't mean your sex life dies when you hit, say, 40-ish. Some women, when they reach menopause, tend to desire sex less, due to lack of estrogen. But that can be assisted by hormonal therapy regulated by your GYN. With men, their sex drives can be lowered by health issues (such as high blood pressure, ED-erectile dysfunction, stress), also treatable with your doctor's help. Usually, in most new relationships, there is a lot of sex. The newness and desire to please your SO is stronger. To keep your sex life alive and well takes some work, a willingness to listen, please, and try new things. Once you're in a long-term relationship, the almost-desperate feeling some people get when they're first with someone disappears, and a comfortable routine ensues in the relationship. This isn't a bad thing, it's just another stage in your relationship. And, you are right, gaining experience sexually is through quality, not quantity. It's sad that your coworker hasn't discovered that it takes TWO people in a relationship to keep things alive and exciting. Truly GREAT sex comes from a desire to please, listening, asking questions, and teaching with your SO.
  4. Living here in Texas, inter-racial relationships happens frequently. For them to be truly successful, the couple has to overcome cultural differences, as well as racial peer pressure. Personally, I have no issues with it. I am as white can be. My hubby, one of the "good ole boys" would/will freak out of our daughter happens to bring home someone of black or hispanic origin. Yet, he has dated a full-blooded Native American in his single days.... However, I DO have some friends of mixed race. A couple of them are Mexican girls (one is half Mexican and half black but looks Mexican). In each case, they've found that their black husband's friends of the female persuation, have an issue with a black man dating and/or marrying someone out of "their race". And they get really nasty about it, from what my friends have told me. I have gone out on a couple of dates with both a Mexican-American and a black guy from the Carribean. Both were very nice, but our personalities didn't mesh. I do remember when I was a kid, growing up in Maine, and my mother pointing out a little baby that was a mix. Her Momma was white and blonde, the father was black. She acted like it was such a terrible thing to do. Not mean, or insulting, she was actually saying that she felt bad for the child cuz other kids would probably pick on her. Well, maybe back in the late 70's & early 80's, that was done, I really don't know. But that experience stuck with me, but not in a bad way. I just remember thinking to my 8 yr old self "what's wrong with that?" And I hope to pass that along to my daughter as well.
  5. Tyger


    Welcome Less*!! I hope you check out the Masturbation forum, and the educational tabs too. Feel free to ask questions (the more specific, the better). Enjoy!
  6. What body type do you seem to be attracted to more? Yes, I know, personality is key, but, when you are first cruising the scene, and stop to look at someone, which body type do you seem to want to go up to more?? Be honest! I like a nice athletic looking body, but not overly buff, tight ass, broad shoulders, strong legs on a guy.
  7. I don't think I have ever heard of a man laughing at a woman giving a blow job because they looked silly, so don't worry. Most men would be happy having a woman have his penis in her mouth. You're probably feeling a bit on the self-conscious side, which is normal, since you haven't really had great oral experiences. Listen to your man's verbal sounds. He will let you know (usually) when he REALLY likes something you're doing. Or you could just ask him. That is sexy too. Just asking him in a low, sexy voice, "Do you like that baby?" Also gets a man hot. It shows that you're into what you're doing, and wanting to please him. Listening, learning, AND teaching someone how to please you, are all signs of a good lover. So, have fun, relax, and try not to worry about how you look when doing something.
  8. Mikayla has answered your question well, as always. I just wanted to add a few things to what was already said. I never really thought that I would like a dildo, personally. I like a strong vibe, and had never tried a dildo before, because, as stated, most of them don't vibrate. But, after trying a couple out, I have found that I sometimes prefer something realistic, and non-vibrating, especially with a combo of a clit stimulator and wanting to feel full when my hubby isn't around to help me out. It's all a matter of personal preference. There is no right or wrong answer. My best advice would be to try things out. If you don't try it, you never know if you (or she) will like it. Have fun and good luck!
  9. I know one police officer that would've probably said "Wow, well, you may go ma'am." And have a big cheezy grin on his face! That was cute.
  10. Dual Bullet Vibe Go high-tech with this bullet combo I have used and reviewed these 2 bullet combos, and would highly recommend these. I don't like recommending items that I haven't personally experienced yet. But these 2 items worked very well, easy to use and clean, and were fairly quiet. They have several settings, and, with more than one bullet, your possibilities are more open!
  11. One of the keys to great anal sex is lots and lots and lots of LUBE! Silicone lubes are really good for anal play. Just be careful, if you are using silicone toys, do not use silicone lube. Silicone lubes break down the silicone in toys for some reason. Not a good thing. If you're using your fingers....are your nails should be trimmed well, no jagged edges or long nails, cuz you could be cutting them. He needs to learn to relax. If he's not relaxing, when he tenses up (which is totally natural), it may cause discomfort. He also should have had a recent bowel movement, so that he's clean up there, and there's not a lot of pressure. I hope these tips help. For more helpful tips, go to the Sex Education Tab, and look up Anal Sex. There are some great tips there!
  12. Oh, and I wanted to add, that with the Pocket Rocket AND the Hustler Rock It, they each have 3 little nubbies for more intense pleasure. Where the Junior Pocket Rocket looks like it's just a rounded tip to it. And, if you get to reading the product reviews, you will find that most of us prefer nubbies!!
  13. Pocket Rocket page with review Pocket Rocket Jr-no reivew The Pocket Rocket is very similar to the Hustler Rock It. I've used the Hustler one, and I LOVE IT!!!! I haven't used the Jr model of this, but I would definitely recommend the Pocket Rocket or Hustler Rock It one. They're small, discreet, quiet, powerful, and they work!! Hope this helps. Hustler Rock It page
  14. Tyger

    Is It Ok?

    Well, assuming you're a female, I would suggest a bullet or clit stimulator. Those are non-penetrating, so no risk to the hymen is there. Plus, you can start learning how much pressure, what kind of stimulation you like, and so on. And, since they take smaller batteries (either AA or AAA), they're fairly quiet & discreet as well. Go to the top shopping box, and type in Clit Stimulator and/or bullets, and you will see an awesome selection of all of those. Plus, more & more of the products here are being reviewed, and you can read how an item worked for one or more people, how it was used, successes or even failures. I hope this helps.
  15. Glad that you found the site, and that you have found us helpful. Have fun learning & posting!! And, WELCOME!!
  16. Would/do you go out without your SO? As in, to a bar, or to a restaurant with a bar, with friends? I have 2 friends that have started dating each other, and I am truly happy for them. But the woman has totally engrossed herself into the relationship so much that she is refusing to go out anywhere without him, and honestly gets a bit pissy if it's mentioned that he should go out with my hubby and have a Guy's Night Out. Now, I understand that she's had BF troubles before. They've either left her, or things just haven't worked out. But, I am beginning to see why they may not work out. I mean, it's great to find a special someone, but, for me, I have always needed Friend Time, and even Just Me time. Maybe that's me? I have gone out to bars and clubs without my husband. Even gotten drunk. Never crossed the line. And, for the record, I don't care if HE goes out to a bar, gets drunk, or whatever. I trust him, he's never given me a reason not to do so. We even dance with other people when we're not together, and we tell each other about it when we get home (or the day after, when everyone's awake! ). I guess we just have a level of trust that new relationships don't have yet? Which, I guess would be normal, after almost 5 yrs of marriage. Some people look at me like I've lost my mind, when I tell them that we both go out without each other at times. Not saying we don't go out alone, but there are times that we just can't. Someone needs to babysit! And, the irony is, is that we've both been cheated on, so you would almost think that we would have an insecurity level right up there! But we don't. Am I the only one that thinks this way? Inquiring minds wanna know....
  17. I would also second the suggestion (or would that be third or fourth?) a bullet and/or the Hustler Rock It for your orgasm needs. Anything insertable will run you the risk of breaking your hymen (if it's not already naturally broken).
  18. Welcome to the forums! I'm glad you found us. It is kinda shocking for some people to come on here, and actually post. But it's also a great start for some to get their sex drives going again, as well as delving into some issues fairly anonymously, so you can be more open about some things. I hope you're able to get a lot of helpful info & advise, and look forward to seeing some posts!
  19. I got another part-time job, working with a friend at her work, as an Administrative Assistant, 2 days a week, 6 hrs each day. Plus, I also work at a little store at the entrance to the subdivision I live in 2 days a week, 4 hrs each day. Busy busy busy!! So I am not online as much as I usually am, but still trying to keep up on here.
  20. I would check out the many clit stimulators, as well as some basic vibes, to make sure you get your bang for the buck, and if you're looking an inexpensive route. The newest vibe, that a lot of us reviewed, called the Wild Thing, is VERY cool!! If you're looking for a bit more stimulation, check out a dual action vibe. Those are soooooo worth the money as well! Read our reviews on the products that have been reviewed. Hopefully, those will help you pick out something that you know will help you out as well.
  21. Well, they're a great idea....but I am thinking (and knowing how anal she is about cleanliness) that they may not be enough for some of us OCD sufferers!! Anyway, how do these differ from, say, like just regular antibacterial wet wipes like you get at the store/baby aisle?
  22. And, we know by the squirting, that she is truly enjoying herself!! Awesome review!!
  23. I have had this happen to myself, as well as pretty much all of my lovers, including my husband. Sensitivity overload. Too much physical reactions all at once. It happens. I remember reading one time, that the nerves are so sensitized after an orgasm, that being touched can sometimes be too much for someone. Personally, I don't believe that it's a mental thing, or a panic attack (I've HAD a panic attack, and it feels nothing like sensory overload!) just something that happens (kinda like ice-cream brain-freeze-just happens). It's nothing to worry about, really.
  24. Happy birthday to one of my awesome cyber-friends, reviewer, and Sex Educator!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!!! *hugs*
  25. Welcome, love your name, very creative!! Anyway, have fun posting and learning!
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