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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Well, I've never really been shy.....sexually at least..... But, a few things that have helped me not be shy are: I have a pretty good sexual self-esteem. I love reading about sex, and trying new things. I love sharing pleasure with my hubby. He's opening up more and more, to help make me feel happier with our sex-life. Even if I may not know exactly how to do something, "winging it" may help. Hey, how does one learn, but by trial and error! I also love to laugh, relax and have fun with it. If we find something that either of us doesn't like, we accept it, and move on to another thing to try. I hope these help a bit.
  2. From a woman's POV: Howard is right, there is no set "time" for a BJ. Not all, or even most BJ's need to finish off by the man cumming, though I'm sure that they really like that. But, a BJ can be a great foreplay activity. If you do choose to allow your man to cum in your mouth, tell him so, either before, or during the BJ. And it can be sexy. "Oh baby, I want to suck you dry/until you cum". If not, you can give him oral luvin' til you want to stop, and move onto other areas of sexual play. Men usually give either a direct verbal cue that they're about to cum, usually to give you warning, or just cuz it's what they do before they do so. If you're ready for it, you should be able to handle the flow of cum. There really isn't that much ejaculated, and if you're ready, it really isn't that bad, IMO. I believe, it's about a tablespoon, give or take a bit. But, like with anything going down your throat, if it's unexpected, it can make you gag. The best thing I can tell you about swallowing for the first time: be ready, swallow fast, and don't overthink it, just do it. I have not found that a man's cum tastes the same as say, the skin on his arm, or his sweat. Cum has it's own taste, and it's different for every man. Diet DOES have a lot to do with it though. It's not a favorite thing of MINE to do, but that's me. I have done it. Enjoyed it when I did. But, I don't care for the taste that much. I usually have a soda handy before, so afterwards, I can replenish my fluids, and also rinse out the taste in my mouth, without appearing rude. If you try it, then you can say whether or not you like it. If you don't like it, hey, there's nothing wrong with that. And, you're not a failure as a woman because of it.
  3. Oooooooooo, I also like Fergie, Hugh Laurie (love that attitude too), and Kate Beckinsdale. I also thought of a couple others to add, like Hugh Jackman, and George Clooney.
  4. Since you said that you have a good relationship with your parents, I am assuming, that if they hear the shower going and know you're in there, they won't disturb you while you're in there. If they never have, then, try to keep that in mind. They respect your privacy, and, unless you're in serious danger, like the house is burning down, they won't disturb you in the tub/shower. I have a good relationship with my mother, and have always known that she wouldn't walk in on me at anytime. IF she did need to use the bathroom, she would knock first. I never got to have any "playtime" in the shower/tub, cuz she has a very weak bladder, always has, so I knew that the bathroom wasn't the place for me to do that, my bedroom was. Good luck!
  5. Well, guess I'll go first, though thinking of 5 was a bit hard, but I got some now. 1. David Caruso 2. Darren Hayes (lead singer of Savage Garden) 3. Jenna Jameson (adult film star) 4. Antonio Banderas 5. Batista (from WWE) And, if there had to be a 6th, since I've been thinking about this all night.....Angelina Jolie. Terribly unoriginal for the last one, I know.
  6. OMG!! The visuals I got with this review have made me LOL sooooooooooooooo much!! Thanks for the humorous and honest review!!!
  7. So, which 5 stars/singers would you love to go to bed with???
  8. Luisa, thank you for your updated answers. I will say, from experience, and not trying to sound racist or anything, but a lot of Mexican men have a somewhat sexist belief going on in their heads. The woman, in their eyes, is there to please THEM. To take care of the house, and in some cases, to be dominated & controlled. They have no idea that there is any other way that their women should be treated. It is upbringing, and instilled in an early age. Now, I'm not saying ALL Mexican men are like this. I've also seen very sensual, loving, caring Mexican men who worship their woman. But some of their women have admited to me that it took them a loooong time to get them to realize how they wanted to be treated. The ones raised by women only, or have a great relationship with both parents, especially their mother, have a tendancy (like most men of any race, background, and lifestyle) to be a bit more sensitive. There also has to be upfront, non-critical conversations. For instance, instead of saying "You need to treat me like this..." maybe use the wording "I really want to be treated like...." More "I" statements, than "you" make someone feel less attacked. Your husband has to WANT to change. Some men, set in their ways, will not even fathom the fact that they've been doing something wrong, neglecting something, or not even have a clue what they're doing or saying. It happens, not only with men, but women as well. A lifetime of what he thinks is acceptable is going to be hard to change in his mind. It will take love, patience, and courage to get him to change. If it's not working with your hints, directness, even bluntness at times, then definitely see a professional. He may not want to go, but if he loves you and wants to change, BOTH of you should go and see where the marriage's strenghts and weaknesses are. Good luck to you!
  9. Wouldn't that be that their house will be buzz.............buzz.............buzzing!!!?
  10. How many things have you truly noticed? No cheating, checking, or looking, just go with your gut. I got 17 out of 25 right.
  11. Thank you all so much for the well-wishes! My hubby was away at work this week, so it was a bit lonely, and your Happy Birthdays really helped make me feel really good! *HUGS* I've kept busy, gardening, yard clean up, doing a yard sale this weekend, and the everyday stuff. Trying to spend a couple hours outside everyday to help boost my mood. I have SAD (seasonal affected disorder), which means, the lack of UV rays/vitamin D makes me a bit depressed). Working outside helps me not snack, stick to my diet, get some projects done and the yard looking good, and burn some calories. My arms are getting a bit tanned too. So it's good all around! Today, I was invited over to a mutual friend's house, for a combo birthday bash. There are 3 of us, in this "circle of friends" that have b-days this month, so, last year, as well as this, I was invited over for a BBQ, swimming, and great conversations! It was so nice to sit, and relax, and not worry about much at all. My daughter had plenty of flat, safe yard to play in. I went swimming with her and another little one, who is 5 yrs old. We had a blast in the salt water pool. Then, dinner, of keilbasa, brisket, chicken with pineapples, baked beans, potatoe salad, bread, and then, of course, we had cake for dessert!! I had given each of the ladies also celebrating their b-days this month a small stepping stone for the gardens, and I got 3 plants to add to my ever-growing plants for my gardening pleasure! So, even though hubby wasn't here, it was still a pretty good week. He did send a pic via cell phone, of the b-day present he got for me though. A gorgeous gold dragonfly pendant, that I've been oggling for a while now! *woot!* So, again, thank you so much for the kind words and wishes, they really meant a lot!
  12. What you experienced, is called a "queef". Sounds kinda funny, and I'm sure there's a medical term for it, which I don't know, but that's what it's called. And, it's perfectly natural. Some positions can create the air to go up inside the vagina, and when you shift, thhhhhhhhhhhhhht, out it comes. Again, normal. If you learn which positions that make you do this noise, you can always try tightening your muscles when you shift positions. Almost like you're closing it shut. The air will still need to come out, but you may be able to feel it, and like breaking wind, be able to control the flow a bit more. If he does say anything, just tell him what it was, and go on with your fun. Just laugh it off, have fun, and know that it's normal.
  13. OK, I've seen this topic up for a while now, and thought I would weigh in on the subject too. Now, in NO way am I knocking other people's fetishes....but..........NO THANK YOU! I too, have held my lover's penis while he peed before. Just out of curiousity, like Howard's ex did. But in no way did it turn me on sexually. I think opposite sexes have a natural curiosity about the other gender's plumbing, and how it may feel.
  14. Tyger

    Meat Vs. Jelly

    That particular item gives new meaning to "play with my ding-a-ling"................. Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
  15. *playfully nudges Howard* Thank you?
  16. Admit it, you know ME!!! Unless you don't wanna admit it!! Anyway, I'm glad you got on here!! I hope you have fun with it!
  17. Howard is also right. There MAY be underlying issues. However, the best way to discover WHY she feels/thinks the way she does, is, in a non-confrontational way, ask her her views on sex. What she thinks about it. How she thinks it's going to be. What her fears and desires are. All this should be d one before the wedding, and as kindly as possible. THEN, you can delve deeper. Just try not to over-react if you don't know some of the answers to those questions. And, if she answers "I don't know", read her tone. Some people say that to get out of answering truthfully. Some people use that phrase because they honestly don't know. I would suggest asking her to rephrase the "I don't know" response if she truly doesn't know, and also offer to rephrase the questions she is unsure about, or even explaining what might happen in different scenarios, just to get ground covered. Good luck, and let us know how it's going.
  18. All of Mikayla's points are great ones. But, the simplest reason has been overlooked. Maybe your GF is just afraid of the unknown. She may not really know what to expect when it comes to letting you touch her clit. Sometimes, when a woman becomes excited, the direct stimulation on the clit itself, can cause you to feel like you have to pee, in a way. It's hard to explain, but that's the simplest way to do so. Some women can't have DIRECT pressure on the clit if they're over-excited. How's that for an oximoron? Some women get TOO sensitive, and just need stimulation around the clit to get off. Either way, it's clit stimulation. Also, dry humping can be exciting. And if she is having a real orgasm, then it's due to clitoral stimulation (cloth rubbing against her clit and lips). There's a barrier-because of the material, it's safe, cuz she doesn't have to worry about you trying to ease your way inside her/her weakening and letting you do so. That may allow her to let herself go a bit more. On the flip-side, I say IF she is getting off with dry humping, not to say that your GF is a liar, but from personal experience. Yes, there have been occasions, though not many, where dry humping was awesome, and I got off to it. But not every time. And I was experienced in sex and cumming. Women are natural born pleasers, and want to make everyone happy, and I'm sure you thinking that she's getting off every time with dry humping makes you feel good. And, if it's happening, then it should. Maybe I'm just overly skeptical.
  19. In answer to your question, talk it over with him. If he gives an unsure response, like he doesn't really "KNOW" about having a toy in the bedroom, have him "catch" you masturbating with the toy, or, one night simply hand it to him and tell him to get creative with it. Only you are going to know how he will react, and which way will be best. I've always been up front and honest with any of my lovers concerning sex toys. I told them I use them, and if they want to join in, fine, if not, I'm still using them. Letting him know that your orgasms may be more intense with the use of a vibrator (don't say "help" cuz that may make him feel inadequate), should make him more accepting. Also, 80-85% of women NEED clitoral stimulation to orgasm, so, he should know that this is perfectly normal, and not his lack of trying. Good luck!!
  20. I got the same info when i Googled too. So, there are some questions you should be asking yourself, as well as discussing with your doctor. First, are you taking any antibiotics for any other type of health issue? A lot of antibiotics have warnings that they could cause yeast infections. How are you dressing? Even while treating a yeast infection, you should be wearing loose fitting clothes, and whenever possible, cotton panties. I'm not saying that once in a while, a satiny sexy pair will hurt, but the satiny panties really don't allow your netherlands to breathe much. Are you treating the yeast infections yourself? I would suggest that if you had one on top of another, you would go to your doctor and get something a bit stronger than the Monistat or other OTC treatments. Some yeast infections may seem like they're going away, but don't fully. Never skip doses (if you're using the multi-dose treatments) just because you think you're getting better. Are you cleaning up after sex/masturbating? Even though Astroglide is water-base, you should always clean up afterwards. It's a lube, obviously it moisturizes your vaginal area for easy insertion. Who knows what other bacteria may be getting up there? Your body chemistry may be one that clashes with this particular lube (if you just started using this, and the yeast infections have started about the same time), and promotes yeast infections with this lube's usage. Are the toys you are using (or man you're having sex with) go into you clean? Does he wash after sex, and you wash your toys after, with antibacterial soap? If you don't wash them/him, and still have some of the yeast infection, it can come back full force. Have you changed brands of pad or tampons? I got a bad yeast infection just by changing a brand one month to save some $$. Something in the other brand I must've been allergic to. Are you using condoms? Have you switched brands of those? Just a little note: just because you may never have been allergic to something before, doesn't mean that you can't develop an allergy to certain things later on. I would go to your doctor, get a strong treatment. Stop using Astroglide, and try a different lube. Good luck, and keep us updated.
  21. That is awesome that you were able to overcome your fears like that!! This is a great example of learnng to trust your SO, and easing your way into trying something new!! Awesome!!
  22. My Search Results for a Dual Action Vibe
  23. Let me start off by saying that you should never feel stupid when asking a question. That's a big way how you learn new things. Second, your boyfriend may not even KNOW that that's what you want him to do! If you're moaning and letting him know that you like his attention on your clit, which most women do, then he may not think he should move from that spot. Slightly push his head down, or sexily tell him to lick your lips. Some men need direct directions, no beating around the bush (no pun intended). As far as the toys go, Thurasis is right. Experimenting with the different positions and areas that your bullet goes is key to learning where it gives you the most pleasure. For men, it's usually on the balls, under the balls, between the balls and anus, and sometimes, gently, on the shaft of the penis. Women tend to like the direct stimulation of it on the clit, around the clit, on the labia, and even teasing the nipples. The intensity of the vibes is a personal preference. I, for instance, love love love strong vibes. The stronger, the better. Cockrings can be tricky. Some work, some don't. If he doesn't like the one you chose, have him go with you either to an adult store, or online, to pick one out himself. Same with bullets. Some work better than others. Just because you may not have found the toy you bought works, doesn't mean something else wouldn't. Using a sex toy once or twice doesn't guarantee an orgasm. Trial and error, finding out what you like and what gets you off is important when choosing a new sex toy. If you haven't orgasmed, or know what does it for you, you will have a hard time finding something that will help. I would suggest you look at the Sex Toy Reviews and see what our reviewers have said about toys. Some reviews are on the items shopping page too. So, you can see what/how/why a toy worked for someone, or not.
  24. Well, first, get your head out of the "It's ok for a man to do it, but not a woman" way of thinking. We are human. There are going to be people that we are attracted to in one way or another, sometimes inexplicably so, but, yes, men AND women go thru that. I have, and I love my hubby. But, I am alive, have a pulse, and have eyes. I look. I know my husband looks too. Do I act on them? No. Yes, it's flattering when a man looks at me, and gives me an appreciative smile, glance, or wink. Who doesn't like to feel attractive to a different person? I may get flamed for this, but I have my fire gear on, and an extinguisher handy, so I am ready! Running for cover may encourage that man to try and make more of an effort, or he may get the hint. He probably likes seeing your reaction to him. An ego boost for the both of you. If it were me, I would just smile non-chalantly when you see that man, nod, and go on your way. You've stated that you have no intention of going any further with him than just a smile now and again. Go with it, have fun, go home, and have your way with your hubby with your self-esteem boost. Your hubby can benifit from this too. And, yes, people fantasize about other people while making love and masturbating. That's also natural. Having fantasies is also natural. Choosing to act upon them is YOUR choice. I would not tell your hubby that you're thinking of someone else when this happens. You can try to make that stranger's face turn into your hubby's in your fantasies. Or share a fantasy with him, and ask him to help you carry it out.
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