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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. When giving massages, my husband & I get hand cramps too. It's fairly normal. I spend a lot of time on the computer (duh), and sometimes my hands ache. But so far, not badly. If you notice when a massage therapist gives a massage, they are actually working their whole body while doing a massage. Pushing with their legs, upper torso, and arms. The fingers knead, poke, and wiggle, but the pressure comes from elsewhere. One of the key elements is that they are STANDING. Hence why they can go over an hour for massaging someone, and then after about a 10 min. break, take another client. Which is probably why you're kind of worried that you can't massage very long. You know that there are people out there that do this for a living, right? Now, they go to school to learn proper techniques. But I would suggest, that if you want to do a nice massage for your wife, do it while standing up, use your legs, abs, shoulders, and arms to push and apply pressure, as I mentioned before. It may not be as "romantic" as laying beside her, but there are other ways to make it sexy and sweet as well. Calming music, candles/incense, using lotion specially designed for massages with a light scent....so on. I hope that helps.
  2. Not having a penis, I can't fully grasp this concept. But, having a vagina, and having sexual experience with a variety of male issues, it sounds, to me, like you may be overthinking sex while having penis/vaginal sex. Have you EVER been able to climax with regular sex at all? Like women, a man needs to be "in the moment", usually, to be able to cum. Fears, doubts, planning ahead to the day to come, all can be overly distracting. Also, the fear of getting a woman pregnant when you know you don't want kids at the current time, can cause a man to have difficulty ejaculating. You are most comfortable with your hand making you ejaculate. Or any hand, for that matter. You know what to expect, and how it feels. Does it turn you on actually SEEING yourself cum? Do you live for the moment of SEEING it? It may be a fetish you have. Which probably has a name too. Also, how you were raised may have something to do with it. Many people are brought up that sex is a bad thing, or only something married couples should participate in. Some people believe, as long as they don't cum, they're not really having sex. As long as bodily fluids aren't swapped, then they're "safe" so to speak. Since you ARE able to ejaculate with the use of a hand, I'm doubting that there's anything physically wrong with you. Without more info it's really hard to guess what's causing this issue. Other than that, I bow to the rest of the posters & their wisdom...
  3. My husband use to be a truck driver, and Komana, they CAN see in vehicles, rather well in fact!! And they see that all the time!
  4. Q: What do you call a hyperactive Irishman who keeps bouncing off of walls. A: Rick O'Shea.
  5. Maybe it's the coming Spring, but my hubby has also been a bit more open to new ideas too!! YAY for you!!! I am sooooooooooooooooooo happy for you!! Maybe he can get on here too, and learn stuff!! Congrats and have fun!!
  6. I'm such a toy lover!! LOL I will go to an adult toy store with whomever wants to go with me! Take me to one of those, or a book store, and I am completely happy! I also steer people to TooTimid ALL the time! I belong to a Mommy board, which, we have a Confessions forum, and I am now the resident toy expert I guess. I get some ideas for new posts over there from here often! I try to get the ladies to come over here, but I'm not sure how many have actually perused the site. I've shown some of my friends some of my toys, and they even ask me what toy I would recommend. I should put a sign out on the front of my house to give my elderly nosy neighbors a fright: Resident Perv...Got a Sex Question? C'mon in!!
  7. That's too bad that it wasn't enjoyable for you. Do you think that the balls themselves were just TOO big? I would assume that these balls are probably good for a bit more experienced toy users?
  8. Personally, I haven't. But I've had a couple of friends that have been on it, and they both regret it, unfortunately. They gained weight with it (excessive amounts), that they have had a helluva time shedding. They loved the convenience of the shot, but not the side-effects.
  9. OMG!! The visual of the doll "jumping up" to meet you as you entered her just made me LOL!!! And the look of permanent surprise.....too funny. The companies that make these outta try making the mouth a bit more closed, but soft enough to be able to enter her, IMO. I hope Mikayla didn't feel "left out" in any way. Great review!!
  10. It may be some of the things Mikayla suggested, or also, if it's close to your "time of the month", some people spot a bit right before, or even during ovulation for some reason. There's usually no explanation for the spotting, but it's not uncommon. There also could be a slight pc of your toy that may cut you without you knowing it. Do you feel for a cut afterwards? Is there any stinging? Check the toy to make sure there's nothing able to cut you. If it's a major concern, I would definitely see your OB/GYN and talk to her/him about it. Trust me, there's nothing that will shock them (usually). The use of sex toys won't be one of them.
  11. So, where was the most "Bad" place you ever had sex? For me, the most taboo place I've ever had sex, in all honesty, was in a Catholic Church basement, in one of the little rooms they have for private groups, counselling, and so on. And I didn't even "Hail Mary" when I left either!
  12. I've only allowed myself to be set up once on a blind date, by a client's friend. He had made me sound like some huge party girl, which at the time, I was freshly single and somewhat a partier, but a responsible one. This guy was Hispanic, which I don't care nationality, met me at the designated spot, I left my car there, and got in his, and we decided on dinner and going to shoot some pool. OK, great. He took me to this nice little seafood restaurant (since I can't eat spicy food), and we had fun. Then, on the way to the pool hall, he decides that he can hold my hand, OK, not bad. We get to the pool hall, and we can't shoot any pool cuz it was a Saturday night, and all the tables were full (go figure). So, we walk around, play some video games, which was fun, then he runs into a friend of his there (also Mexican). They decide they want to go back to his friend's house, and just hang out. OK, no problem. His friend's GF was waiting for him at home. On the LOOOOOOOOOONG way to this guy's house, my "date" decides that dinner and 3 video games gives him the right to a kiss. OK, well, what the hell, I thought he was nice, until he tried shoving his tongue down my throat! I back off a bit, and he tries sliding his hand up my leg onto my crotch. After the third time of me pushing his hand away, I finally told him very calmly "if you do that again I WILL remove your arm from its socket and beat you with it". He pulled back, laughing nervously. Intent on having fun anyway, we get to his friend's house. The GF didn't speak a word of English, and I knew just a few common Spanish words. Great. But she seemed very sweet, and both guys translated for us. After a bit of BS, we find out that me and his friend like to play chess, and we have 2 great competitive, intense games. One he won, barely, and one I won, barely. His GF takes a pic of the 3 of us. And hugs me a few times. I did know enough Spanish to hear him tell his friend that I had one helluva ass, and what he'd like to do with it. My date tried bringing me back to my car, which, since it was almost 3 a.m. had been towed. So, I had to let the jackass drive me to my house, to which I didn't want him knowing where I live. But I gave him some gas money for the inconvenience, and gave him a quick kiss for the effort too. I had to get up 4 hrs later, call my friend to drive me clear across Austin to pick up my f'n car. $200 later, I was able to go to work, dragging, but happy that there was no damage done to my car. The "date" called me up that day, asking if I had a good time. Other than trying to be Tubed by his tongue, I had had a good time. But I knew that if I went out with him again, he'd try something even more intense, and I didn't want to put myself in that sort of situation. He left it up to me to call him back, but I didn't.
  13. Welcome!! And we love new insight!!
  14. Welcome and I hope we can be helpful to you and your wife!
  15. So, reply to this post with a Blind Date experience. The good, the bad, or the ugly!
  16. Well, do ya? You can be sure I do with most of my friends!! I've even shown a few of mine to them too, always making sure they KNOW that my toys are always clean!
  17. I thought this was pretty interesting, as well as some of the other links too. Who's Cheating and Why
  18. Tyger


    Shammer, feel free to peruse the site, go to a specific forum, and ask ask ask away!! Enjoy! & Welcome!
  19. I reviewed that one, and I LOVE IT too!!
  20. What kind of scenes were there? 3-somes, girl on girl, man woman, oral, anal? Were the sex scenes shot close up and personal, or not that great? Did you really like the film, or not too well? Were there extras? Multiple angles? Just some things some of us like to know.
  21. It sounds as if she was raised to believe only "sluts" enjoy sex. A lifetime of beliefs is hard to overcome. I would suggest that you try and steer her onto this site. Seeing that everyday, normal people enjoying sex and other things may be helpful. Also reading that she may be sharing in some concerns also may help. People like knowing that they may share similar issues. Makes them feel a bit better about themselves. Having her know that there are parents, professionals, men and women on here that just love to have and talk about sex in a mature, educational capacity may be very helpful to her.
  22. Sometimes it's scary to read how similar to Mikayla (and now Mtnwife too) I am!! I've been open with hubby, to a degree, as far as how wild I use to be. I say to a degree, cuz I don't want to go into gory detail exactly WHAT I did in the past, or with whom. But if he does ask, I will answer as honestly as I can. He knows I've tried anal, love wild sex, love porn, and have loved toys for a very long time. However, he was also from "Podunk City" and never really used toys, tried anal, or watch a lot of porn. His idea of wild sex, truly, was either doing it out in the Jeep (which WAS wild in a rain/wind storm!), or tying me up with his horse's halter. Fun, yes, but I was into a bit more than that. Not extreme, but, you have to learn to walk before you can run! Since becoming a Reviewer, it's actually opened my desire for a bit more wilder sex again, and his curiosity to be peaked again. He's actually wanted to try newer things, and is trying to be a bit more open minded. Which is WAY cool!! He even jokes about my "growing toy collection" to others (I am pretty open, and don't mind it around certain company), which is a HUGE accomplishment for him! I also love reading, learning, and sharing sex stories. Not in a pornographic capacity either. How do people learn? By sharing in one form or another! Suggestions, ideas, an openness to try new things, asking questions, and honesty are all paths to the road of discovery!! Maybe start off by asking him, away from the bedroom, what he'd like to do. Slowly bring him into whatever it is you'd like to do. Figure out a way to try and fulfill these fantasies. If, say, you want a little bondage to go on, get some handcuffs, and when he comes into the bedroom, have him find you handcuffed to the bed, naked, or in lingerie. I'm sure he'd get the hint! Buy a new toy that you want to try. Let him "catch" you with it, or give him a show! I would suggest that you stay away from any sort of online relationships. If you need a sexual connection, and are married to a person you love dearly, then you're first and only choice should be your partner! Now, if you both think it'd be fun to try a bit of couple cybering, hey, that can be fun. But finding a cyber buddy can sometimes be seen (especially by the partner being left out) as cheating. Let this also serve as a hint to those that are, or may be starting new relationships: never try and hide who you are, or what you like from your partner. If you trust them enough to become intimate with them, why not share the whole you with them too? Let them share that part of you too. Take it one step at a time, and be honest! I hope these are helpful. Good luck to you!
  23. A dentist noticed that his next patient, an elderly lady, was looking Very nervous so he decided to tell her a little joke as he put on his Latex gloves. "Do you know how they make these gloves?" he asked. "No, I don't" she replied " Well," he spoofed, "there's a building in China with a big tank of Latex and workers of all hand sizes walk up to the tank, dip in their Hands, let them dry, then peel off the gloves and throw them into Boxes of the right size." She didn't crack a smile. "Oh, well. I tried," he thought. But five minutes later, during a delicate portion of the dental Procedure, she burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" he asked. "I was just picturing how condoms are made!" she said.
  24. I will second the Hustler Rock It clit stimulator. I also have great luck with the Silicone Finger Dolphin, but that is a bit over your $20 limit ($24.95~but worth EVERY penny IMO!!). But, the BEST clit stimulator I have, honestly, is one that came in an entire KIT of stuff, called the Infinite Pleasures Kit for Men & Women ! You can barely see the clit sleeve that goes over the bullet/egg on the site's product pic, but, lemme tell ya, that tip really does it for me every damn time! We're talkin' toe curlin' fun!!! It's listed as $39.50, but that is one kit everyone should have, IMO. All 3 of these items have strong, intense vibes, very good, and work for me.
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