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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. As far as proven facts on how to conceive a specific sex, there are none. It's a matter of genetics, and the gender is decided by the male donor (father). There are several wive's tales on how to conceive a boy or girl, mostly for the women to do (standing on your head while making love, drinking some awful concoction, ect.), but again, the determining factor of what gender a baby will be is the father's. Some people believe that the males may produce more Y chromosome than the X chromosome (I believe X is for girls, Y is for boys, but I could be mixing them up), so a male produce more male babies than females, but I don't think that's been scientifically proven either. Good luck with your conception plans, and I wish for you a happy & healthy baby!
  2. Yes, antibacterial soap (just the liquid, not the kind that may have some extra "scrubbing beads" or anything in them) are ideal for toy cleaning. Some people put their toys in the dishwasher, which, after working for a large retail chain that happens to sell home appliances, I don't recommend for most toys, just cuz of the materials that they're made of. The heat and pressure of the water will take off any possible paint, or finish, over time, off most anything. Glass toys are the safest in the dishwasher. But also, remember, hand washing with warm water is best, especially for those BOB's (battery operated boyfriends), since you can pretty much control how little water can get into parts. Rinsing is important. Remember, a little soap goes a long way too. I have a large hand pump in the bathroom, that I get those large refill bottles, and just refill as needed. I use the soap not only for our hands, and face, but also for my toys as well.
  3. Anita Rinaldi & Vivid Entertainment bring you an adult DVD that has Leather & Vinyl, and other things that will make you smile called The Fetish Underground. See how many choices Savanna has to make: Do you want to get the scoop? Do whips and leather excite you? Come explore your most naught and secret desires. Discover how you like it. Do you want to play pony, get dominated, or dominate? How about trying your hand, or should I say mouth, at some oral fixations. How about bondage? Or maybe you just wanna watch? Anyway you like it, this underground club is where it’s at, and she wants in, and will do anything to get there. Girl-on-girl~to which there were several AWESOME scenes, masturbation, man with girl, a decent plot, teasers, sexy costumes and props, and finding out that payback doesn’t always have to be such a bad thing, (which was a GREAT scene, IMO) are all in this DVD. As well as plenty of extras, a wonderful variety of angles that Vivid Entertainment is famous for, photo galleries and more will keep you (and me) cuming back to this DVD over and over. Wanna go Underground?
  4. Tyger


    Nibbling is always an option too!
  5. I usually remember things that I say during sex. Most of the time. I love talking dirty, and hearing dirty talk too. However, I too, have scratched and bit and hickied my hubby without remembering fully that I had. That just shows that you really get into the moment!! At least, that's how I see it.
  6. Welcome!! I'm glad that you found the site, and are having fun with it. I hope to see more posts from you soon!
  7. Glad to see that you're getting a lot out of the site, and just trying to break out of your rut! So many marriages fall into that rut, so you're not alone, for sure! I feel for you with the moving, and the kids, pets, and 2 adults in an RV. But, if you are able to so something like that at least once in your life, go for it! Have a little fun. It will definitely be an adventure! Good luck, have fun, welcome, and I look forward to reading from you again!!
  8. Being a visual person myself, I too, sometimes get aroused, even being a woman, at the thought of my man with another woman. Does that mean that I want him to go out and sleep with someone else? Hell no! But, it is a nice little fantasy, in my head, at least. So, it is probably normal for you to be turned on at the thought. However, as Mikayla said, that doesn't mean that you actually WANT her to go out and sleep with other men. Especially in a marriage. Unless you go into a Swinger's lifestyle, or something similar, which many marriages do not survive, BTW, then fidelity is not only important, but a matter of trust. If there's no trust in your relationship, then, sadly, there really is no foundation holding that relationship up. You're madly in love with your wife. Great! You want to fix it. Great! She says she regrets it. OK, well, great, if she truly means it. Having one affair, is sometimes forgivable. Two seperate ones is harder to forgive, since it's all a matter of trust. Counselling will bring out WHY she felt the need to have an affair. I don't want to sound mean here, and I hope you don't take it as such. Women, generally, don't have sex with other people lightly. Women, usually, are a bit more involved emotionally, when it comes to sex. Call it genetics, how we evolved, whatever. The other thing you will need to think about, and it's something only YOU can honestly answer, will you ever be able to trust her again? If the answer is no, then, sadly, there won't be any saving this marriage. Again, couselling should help you come to your answer honestly, and fairly. You've been with her a long time. People grow in different ways, and sometimes that includes growing apart from one another. Especially those that have been together since the teen years. Let's face it, I know I sure aren't the same as I was in high school (thankfully!). Let ME pose a question to you: Do you love your wife as the person she WAS, or do you love your wife as she is NOW, as a person? Don't be hasty to answer. Decide how you truly feel. Look back at how she was then, and how she's like now. Nobody is perfect in a marriage. Everyone is human. But there are lines that just shouldn't be crossed. Without some sort of help, and her knowing that this will not be tolerated, she very well may do it again. Best wishes to you.
  9. Tyger


    Some of the stats were just kinda scary. It's hard to believe, that even in this day in age that some of the "Old School" ways of thinking still apply! Seems to me that they need to not only teach things like what you've posted, but more acceptance as well.
  10. Toocan, if your partner says that you're the only one, go with it. Not many women KNOW that they CAN ejaculate, and even then, then they may not be sure that's what they did! I can only "Squirt" while using a fav. G-spot toy (my glass g-spot dildo). But, practice makes perfect....so on and on I try!
  11. Tyger


    Wow!! Lots of info there! Thanks for sharing!
  12. I too, use this, and LOOOOOOVE it!!!
  13. OMG If you ARE really 19 (which you have to be at least 18 to post on this site), and you really DIDN'T know how women can become pregnant, I think that not only is that sad, but a sad state of how young people sometimes enjoy ignorance. BTW, just for your info, it only takes ONE time to become pregnant, and no, sexual penetration doesn't HAVE to happen (the penis leaks seminal fluid, which can run down things, and if it drips, and runs into you, there is a chance, however slight, that pregnancy can occur). The only way getting drunk can make you pregnant is if you totally loose any inhibitions and then your pants. Or the drinks are drugged, which happens frequently. Pregnancy cannot happen thru swallowing, and NO, it's NOT practicing safe sex either. Most STDs need a warm, moist environment to live, and other than the genitals, what better place than the mouth and throat? Some STDs are treatable as well as curable, some just treatable. Others, are fatal. Some will make you sterile. ALL of these things: causes of pregnancy, the STDs out there, and the basic knowledge of HOW they are passed and how to PROTECT yourself SHOULD BE KNOWN BEFORE engaging in any sort of sexual activity.
  14. Welcome to the forum, and what a GREAT introduction!! I'm sure it's hard enough to admit, let alone write down all of your sexual issues, especially in all at once!! I hope you come back again and again posting updates and successes, as well as unfortunate set-backs!!
  15. AW!! Y'all are so sweet! Keep these compliments up, and my swelled head won't fit thru the door!! Stay At Home Mom SAHM, but I like y'all's definitions better!!
  16. Well, Mikayla and Katt have said pretty much everything I was going too, probably more elequently as well!! So long as the children are well provided for, and you can care for them, there should be no reason for not having joint custody. IMO, yes, you would be cheating on your husband if you engage in any sexual activity before getting even a legal seperation. Most courts would see it that way as well. Some states don't even DO/RECOGNIZE legal seperations, so it's best to check in your state. Here in Texas, there no longer is such a thing as legal seperations. You're either married, or you're not. You're probably feeling starved for an emotional and physical connection, if things are as empty as they sound by your post. However, you will feel that much more stronger if you wait until you're either seperated or divorced, before engaging in any sort of sexual activity involving another person. Plus, it sets a good example to your kids, and to the soon-to-be ex, that you at least will honor the vows you made, until they're dissolved, legally. And, IF the divorce turns nasty, which, a lot do, when involving kids and bruised egos, you want to put forth the best possible face you can. Showing and proving that you are responsible, no matter how bad things seem. Things that CAN be proven can impact a case a great deal. In my divorce from my first husband, I could've easily had had sex with a couple of different men, and nobody would be the wiser to it. Except myself. I chose to abstain until I had a legal seperation in place, just for my own moral comfort level. The only thing I will say in Toocan's defense, though I don't like it, is that, he is right, that in some parts of the country (I happen to live in part of one), they are still very close minded about homosexuality. Good ole boys and gals are what you're suppose to be. Lots of judges still think this way as well. Constitutional or not. It's a sad fact of life. This can be a good reason to wait until the divorce is finalized, and custody is set, before engaging in anything. If you live in a small town, you know people talk. And word of mouth can be very harmful in a bitter divorce. I hate saying that, since I believe, personally, that everyone has a right to be happy, no matter what their sexual orientation. Everyone has a right to their opinions, and, unfortunately, some people have more power with their opinions than others. I hope you much happiness and peace.
  17. I would take her word for it, that her fantasy lover may not have a face. It may be "safer" for her to imagine herself with a stranger, letting all inhibitions go. Also, in dreams, you can be carefree, not worrying about anyone else's thoughts, fears, or even desires. Just yourself. A time to be totally selfish with your thoughts and desires! In dreams, you can be whoever and whatever you want to be. That's harder for some people to let out when they're awake. Many women think that it's just not OK to let your lover know what you want. And if you do, you're either WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY too experienced, and may chase them away. As ridiculous as it may SOUND, what one has grown up believing, or just your way of thinking, it's hard to change. It takes a lot for some women, who have always thought that their man's pleasure comes before their own, to change their way of thinking. Most women aren't taught to be physically selfish. Everyone needs to know that obtaining & giving pleasure with a willing partner, is a great thing! Not only are you sharing your body, but it can feel GREAT too!! For shy women (and men too), talking away from the bedroom may be a great start. Just a romantic night, cuddling, no pressures, and questions being asked on both sides. Use sweet, yet direct words. Some women shy away from slang, thinking that it's rude. Like using the word BREAST instead of tits, BUTTON instead of clit (even though clit is part of the technical word, maybe even try CLITORUS). It may take her a while to even say or explain her likes and dislikes using the "nice" terminology. It takes time, and patience, both of which you seem to want to put forth the effort with! Explaining to someone, sincerely, that giving them pleasure, and KNOWING you're pleasuring them, is a great turn-on for you, well, that's a great thing to share with your special someone. Again, it has to be sincere. People can usually hear insincerity. You're right. Communication in a relationship is very important. In every aspect, not just a sexual one. And, you're always learning new things about your SO, so, just try your hardest to explain yourself, feelings, POVs, likes, dislikes, and opinions, as best you can. Keep trying.
  18. So, has anyone tried Speed Dating? If so, how'd it go? Would you or have you done it again?
  19. So, what WAS the most shocking or blunt way someone got your attention to tell you they liked/wanted you? I think one of the most brazen thing anyone ever did to let me know that I was on their "Wish List" was, one night, a guy I had been flirting with a lot at the local skating rink, (this was just 6 yrs ago or so), was to flirt with me most of the night, then, he came up and bit my ass!!!! We had LOTSA FUN that night too!!!
  20. OK, I editted this, cuz after I read it, I'm sure everyone's been rejected as far as having someone say they were too tired here and there, so!!! What is the worst way you have been rejected? How do/did you handle it? I've been rejected once by a guy that I had just started sleeping with. It kinda stung, especially so early into the relationship, but he was nice about it, so I didn't let it really bother me. Then, one other time, my now hubby (we were engaged) and I were moving, driving all the way back up to Maine, from TX, and he was driving, and the second day into it, when we stopped, I wanted to get freaky, but he said that he was just too tired. It bugged me a bit, but I understood especially since he did all of the driving and heavy lifting moving the stuff into the truck. So I guess mine were pretty minor!
  21. Tyger


    If she's around your age, or whatever her age actually, I would highly suggest that she go see an OB/GYN ASAP. Sex should never hurt. And healthy people should be able to have sex and enjoy it. There could be something simple wrong, or there could be something seriously wrong with her. Whether it be a physcial or bacterial problem. That would be the first step. I don't dare speculate on that. And, she needs to be completely UPFRONT AND HONEST with that doctor. A General Practioner (like your regular family doctor) is good, but for specifically feminine issues *down there* I would want to go to someone that specializes in things like that a bit more. Best wishes, and good luck!!
  22. So, are you looking for a sex toy for a man, whether it be for yourself, or for the special man in your life? If the answer is yes, what do you think you/he would like? What would you like to see in a sex toy for a man?
  23. First, welcome to the forum!! It's great to see men in here, especially those who are actually interested in pleasuring their partner!! Well, you said that "immediately after"? Why not give her a few minutes for her clt to "calm down"? You can do this, and still keep her in the mood, with some kissing, breast play, or letting her pleasure you. A nice massage, talking dirty, or even go into the shower to clean up a bit, taking her with you, so you can slowly wash each other off, are all great ways to make sure that she stays in the mood, but not applying any touching to her clit. I'm sure there will be other great ideas, so again, welcome to the forum!
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