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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Well, I don't have an open marriage, but one of my really good friends does. Her and her hubby years and years ago, decided that this would be acceptable for both of them. They've been married something like 12 yrs, and have had open marriage for almost that long. They are honest with each other when they're interested in someone else, letting the other person read e-mails, or hear phone conversations, sometimes even meeting the other possible lover. If one doesn't like the potential lover, they tell the spouse, and it doesn't happen. The wife (my friend) is bisexual, and has had both men and women lovers over the course of her marriage. They are swingers too. This works for them. She is honest in saying that she would not feel comfortable doing this with most of her past relationships. That what her and her husband have is rare, and that they trust each other, their love, and devotion enough to do this sort of thing. It's a rare case, at least in my circle, but they're out there. I would honestly recommend, as Howard did in your other post, to talk to your counsellor FIRST. An open marriage takes a very STRONG relationship to withstand. And, from your post, it doesn't seem like you're even sure if you want to stay with your husband right now. You have to be TOTALLY honest with, not just your husband, but yourself as well. And your counselor will probably tell you that. You have to truly know how you feel about you, your husband, and your marriage, before you make any decisions on whether or not bringing other people into your marriage will be good for you or not. I wish you the best!
  2. Let me also add that, if you are really bothered by the taste, as well as Howard's suggestions on diet, maybe keep a glass of soda handy by wherever you choose to give him a BJ. After swallowing, until you get more use to the taste, take a couple of sips of soda. I've found soda to really get rid of almost every taste left over in the mouth (except mouth wash).
  3. OK, well, since I'm not an anal afficinado, I will just add that, knowing several anal lovers (including some gay men too), the anal cavity has a lot of stretch to it, so don't worry, ok? As far as the coming on the face, and how your BF feels about it, I think that it's kinda sweet how your BF feels. Here he is, he wants to get down and dirty with you, yet, to me, it's not a question of maturity, but probably respect for you as his GF of long-standing. Let's face it, men usually love to watch porn, but do they really RESPECT the female porn stars? Probably not. They think of them as sex objects, nothing more. Your BF sees you more as a sexual object, but someone that he loves, and he thinks of you higher than that. Hence why he is probably a bit confused "yes I like it, but no I don't" kinda reaction. However, every once in a while, feeling like a sex object with someone you love can be very sexy and fun too. You say you want to make sex more interesting! Great!!! Lingerie, costumes, role playing, surprises (like having him walk in to a nice dinner, and all you have on is high heels, sitting at the table, feet propped up comes to mind.....), and, of course, adult sex toys! All can be wonderful and exciting additions to the bedroom. The search for sex toys and lingerie can be just as exciting as the actual usage of them!! I've even gotten my hubby so excited in a sex shop, that while trying on their lingerie, we had a quickie in the changing room!! Rekindling spontaniety too, is another way to make your sex life re-sizzle again. Good luck, and let us know how things work out.
  4. I totally agree. I don't usually care for the cum shots that have the guy shooting his spunk all over the girl's tummy, breasts, or face. If *I* am to be cummed on, I like it on my breasts, but that's when WE are having sex. With porn, it's catering to men, for the most part. Men are visual creatures by nature. They get turned on by what they SEE. So, for a man, SEEING a full sexual experience is a major turn on for them. And, let's face it. Porn sells. The directors of the adult film industry won't change what works, unless they find that other ways are successful and money makers. I read a statistic the other night that said that 80% of people that admitted to downloading porn were men. 50% of those were married!! Just something to think about. Now, there are adult films out there that are directed by women (like Joone, and companies like Digital Playground)and catered FOR a woman's taste. I would suggest something like that for all the women out there that like to watch porn, but want something a little different. I reviewed one, called Island Fantasy 4, which was directed BY a woman, and I truly found it to be one of the best I've seen so far!
  5. Most men have this fantasy one time or another. It's perfectly normal at any age really. There are actually a lot of posts about 3-somes, so you aren't alone. It takes an extremely strong relationship, and extremely confident people to withstand the aftermath of a 3-some. Most of the time, the little nagging inner voice that asks the pesky quesions "Is my partner thinking of him/her? Was (s)he better than I am in bed?" and so on get to be too much. It doesn't sound like you're willing to have a 3-some. There's nothing wrong with that. Exploration is one thing, and we encourage that here. But everyone has to be willing and able to handle it. We want people to be adventurous love making, not things that would harm a relationship. Let's face it, relationships have a hard enough time surviving on their own, without bringing someone else into it. I would suggest some other ways of being adventurous, like the use of sex toys. Maybe get him something like a pocket pussy, and roleplay that THAT is another woman. And/or a dildo/vibrator as another man. Using lingerie and costumes to roleplay as different people can be very exciting too. Good luck to you.
  6. Corn on the Cob method, is basically when a woman GENTLY nibbles the man's shaft, up and down, teasingly, like eating a corn on the cob, but not taking chunks out.
  7. Those gals are very puuuuuuuuuuuurdy too!!! I would definitely enjoy seeing them on the screen, or even in my room!!
  8. That's too bad that it didn't work. But, I guess this is all trial and error type "work" too. It's awesome how there are posts to show that not all toys work as well as one may think. I'm glad your hubby was able to get something out of it though. Maybe the next one......
  9. I totally understand this problem. I have a small mouth (physically), though, those who know me IRL, don't think so! Seriously, I too have a small mouth, and am unable to deepthroat without some tooth touching, just due to the physical shape and size of my mouth. And, FYI, more than just my inscisors touch my hubby. I have a narrow face, and a narrow, small mouth. But I can give one helluva BJ!! The best thing I can tell you is to try and relax, stretch your jaw muscles a bit before giving a BJ. You can stretch your jaw muscles a bit, so you can open up just a bit more. It helps me. But there won't be too much you can do if your mouth is small. Especially if your man is on the well-endowed width side. It's not a bad thing, it's how you're made, and I never ever thing that how a person is made is a "bad thing". And, like Howard said, there are other things that can be done, like the Corn On The Cob method, which I have tried with great success. Also learning more tongue action, as well as using your teeth *gently*, can be oh, so exciting!!
  10. Long ago, in a galaxy far far away.....called Singledom, I did participate in some cybersex. In private chats & in chat rooms, mostly role playing ones. Cybersex offers people a chance to "try" new things online, anonymously that they would probably never try otherwise. While in a relationship, unless it's with your SO, I don't recommend it. In some states, participating in cybersex, while married, can also be considered cheating. And if you need to get online to get off, while in a relationship, well, let's just say, I think it's a bad idea. But if you're single, lonely, and wanna use it for some fun, so long as everyone is of legal age, I see nothing wrong with it.
  11. Well, I have been lucky as an adult, with the many Valentine's Days I've been thru.......ok, maybe not many!!! However, when I was in second grade, this boy that apparently thought of me as his GF, thought I needed a gift for Valentine's Day. So, he stole his father's 1/4 used bottle of cologne and gave it to me, with a flower, and a homemade card. I brought it home, and my father used the cologne!! When I look back on it, it's a rather sweet gesture at least. I'm curious to see what oddities some of you may have gotten on the "Most Romantic Day of the Year". Please share.
  12. I hope everyone has a great, romantic, loving Valentine's Day!!
  13. Well, for me, there is no "perfect mate", since nobody is perfect. Sorry to sound a bit too anal, but that's me. My husband is great. I love him, but he's FAR from perfect!! Then again, so am I!! When I was single, and looking for a guy, I looked for a sense of humor, willingness to try something I like, but he may not have done. Caring, willing to put me first, but still maintaining his relationships with friends and family. Listening to my wants and desires in and out of bed. Adventurous. Tolerance of my quirks, friends, and pets. Allowing me to have ME time too. A great ass and nice eyes didn't hurt either.
  14. I will admit that Jenna Jameson is one of my favorites. I think because I'd seen an E! Hollywood Story done on her, so she was made more "real" to me. I like her work, but I also like the fact, that after that story, I came to respect her as a professional, which is something you normally wouldn't think of a porn star as, IMO.
  15. Actually, you should NOT use silicone lubes with silicone toys. The lube breaks the toy down more for some reason. Water based lube only with silicone toys!! As for the cleaning of toys, unless the toy says how to clean it specifically, antibacterial soap (without any of the exfoliating/scrubby beads in it) is a great choice to clean your toy with. Most toys can be washed with that. The one you have can be washed with the antibacterial soap. With any toy, be sure to see if it is waterproof if it has batteries. If it doesn't say if it's waterproof, and has batteries, then remove batteries from the toy, clean it, trying not to get water in or on the electronics, and let it dry COMPLETELY before use. This has always worked for me.
  16. We get a lot of questions about 3-somes. It takes a strong relationship to survive one. If you've been reading over the site, I'm sure you've seen most of us recommend NOT to have a 3-some in a marriage. You're not married, I know, but, from my experience, even a strong BF/GF relationship doesn't usually withstand the aftermath of a 3-some. The questions and nagging innervoice usually is the culprit. So is the 3rd party being approached by one of the "couple" to have some one-on-one action. Most guys (and gals for that matter) fantasize about 3-somes. Your guy is probably no different. Guys are usually up for bringing in another girl for a 3-some. Could you handle it? As far as finding someone. There are a lot of diseases out there that can be passed on, even with the use of condoms. If you're going to do a 3-some, be safe about it. I'd try and find someone that you know, rather than go to where swingers meet.
  17. And remember, fruit is good for you!!!
  18. Submissives do whatever the Dominant one tells them to do, willingly. Some Doms & subs like to play rough, some don't. In all the cases there is a SAFE WORD. A word that is so totally out of place when having sex, like "Lampost, Curtain, Clue", that when said, whatever is being done is stopped AS SOON AS THAT WORD IS SPOKEN. To be fully comfortable being a Sub, this word must be known and understood. Trust is the key to being good Subs & Doms, IMO. Without trust, the experience will be lacking. Being blindfolded, tied up, or even made to sit on your knees on the floor, all can be very fun. Most people prefer one role or the other. I, shockingly, prefer Sub. I say shockingly, cuz anyone that knows me, knows how independant and stubborn I can be. But I like it. So, most people can pull off one or the other, no matter what their personality is. The first couple of times may feel a bit on the wierd side. Mental prep is good. Thinking "I want to please him" "I will do as he says" is a couple of things I would say to myself, and even aloud, before I know when Sub is what I need to be that night. The level of what's going to happen depends on the Dom & Sub. If it's a kind of relationship deal, then boundries must be understood. On both sides. He should know how far you are willing to go, what you like, and what you are willing to try. Good luck to you, and have fun!!!
  19. I have these dice, pretty sure that they're basically the same, but not from here. One has: Lips "?" Nipples Boobs Toes Body The other one has Kiss "?" Massage Touch Tease Blow I call them my Naughty/Nice dice. They're lots of fun.
  20. I totally agree with Howard. If she wanted to truly make a decision, she would have. I was in a similar situation years ago, but with a BF of mine. He was dating 2 girls, one, of course, was me. He said he couldn't choose between the 2 of us. He had been dating her for over a year, and we had just reconnected for the summer. So, I gave him a time frame. Being young, and fairly care-free, I didn't care that I was The Other Woman, at the time. Then came the deadline, and he, again, claimed that he loved both of us. I made the choice for him and said, "OK, well here's your choice then. By not making a choice, you have made a choice-see ya later." It will be hard for you since the both of you work at the same place. But, in all fairness for the both of you, the relationship should end, IMO. Dreaming is good, wanting a future is good. But how good is dreaming and planning, if nobody is willing to put forth the energy and effort to actually DO something to make those things happen?
  21. I've had lovers try different things, from those "all natural ingredient male enhancers" that didn't work, to a penis pump, which did work, but only temporarily, to creams, which basically numb the nerves of the penis to a degree so the man won't cum as fast. The ways of those companies getting around possible lawsuits for fraudulant advertising, is that the disclaimers they put on the product, or the ever-so-famous "sold as novelty only" that may also be present on the packaging.
  22. IF I am understanding it correctly, I am thinking that this item may be of interest for you and your lover: http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=5131 I hope this helps?
  23. I have a *slight* case of OCD, and I don't think my sex drive is higher than a normal person's. But, that's just me.
  24. Poontang, of course, you are always welcome to input your opinions. When you start reading more and more posts, you will see that, speaking for myself only, that I always encourage trying new things, and if they don't like it, or have some moral reasonings as to why they won't/don't want to try a new thing sexually, then of course, they should steer clear. And, in all actuality, most of the posters here do that as well. What we really want to get out there is that you don't know what you like or may not like, until you experience it. This post was from a woman, that, gathering from the post, just has a desire to try to give some attention to her man's anal region, and he flat out refuses. MY post's tone was that of total understanding. But, it's great to get a man's POV on this as well. Maybe that's exactly how her man is feeling.
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