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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. JUST a friend, not lover.....As a gift? I have, and they LOVED it. Of course, it was a female friend of mine, who, after a bit of shy discussion, had admitted that her BF didn't stimulate her clit enough, and she wanted to make it a bit more fun.
  2. Holy Sh*t! That is one BIIIIIG dick!!! What is probably happening, is either that you're a bit dry near the end, so it's not sliding as easily, or you're over-thinking it, and tensing up a bit before KK is taken out. Well, all I can add, again, is that lube, and relaxation is key. And like Howard said, getting use to it is also important.
  3. I like it!! Very colorful, and seems to be even more user friendly!! Great job!!
  4. Again, my over-active imagination has made me at Howard's descriptions!! Of course, it's not funny at the time. My imagination sometimes gets me into trouble. And, I admit to having almost "broke" an ex of mine by doing the same hip thrust thing. He just held me down, and we made it a part of our "fun". As far as being too tight, I don't think I've ever heard of a man complaining about it. Doesn't sound like he really is either. He probably just isn't overly use to a woman that does this. Escpecially where, as you said, he's kind of on the "small" side. Be proud!! Have fun, and don't worry about it! It's a great thing to be able to do. Some women would kill to be able to do that for their guy!
  5. I'm not sure if I was misunderstood. Though, I will say that I didn't address the whole "why won't she do that with me" aspect of the poster's question. I was just covering a small bit, the "after-effect" of it all. Everyone has their own way of thinking though. I will, respectfully, try and cover a bit more than my original response. When I was cheated on, I sure as hell didn't want to hear the where's or how's of it all. I am waaaaaaay to visual to tolerate that kind of confession. Yes, they admitted it, only one I tried to work it out with, but that obviously failed. I do agree that a lasting relationship should always be progressing in an emotional and physical kinda way. Always willing to try new things, so long as they don't interfere with one's moral fiber. I will also agree with Mikayla that maybe the wife doesn't want to do the things that she so adamently refused to do with her hubby that she did with her lover, for fear that it may remind her of her lover, good or bad. And, the question should also be, can the husband do it, if she agreed, without thinking if he's doing it better than the lover did. Those kinds of questions, especially asked over and over, whether verbal or not, can ruin a relationship. The affair happened several years ago. I'm assuming that there is no more cause to be suspicious of her again? If not, then it's time to move on. Since this happened a while ago, I am again, assuming that she's regained quite a bit of trust. Part of that will have to be accepting that she just doesn't want to do those things, for whatever reason. If you choose to stay in a relationship that has had one person stray, then there are going to be some things that should be dealt with, and then moved on from. I'm hoping that when you ask her to do those things, and she says no, you don't throw the affair in her face, and what she did with her past lover. Because all that does is dredge up the past, where it should stay, in the past. Maybe the 2 of you should see a MARRIAGE counselor. That may be able to delve into issues in a professional way, that can be benificial to both of you, on how to handle all of this. That way, you can address each issue seperately, and work on them together, as a couple, with a nuetral party guiding you. Much luck to you in the future. I hope things go in a positive direction for you both.
  6. LOL That's kinda morbid. Howard can always make me smile though. Seriously, if your GF is the same age range as you are, well, you'd think she'd be a bit more open-minded. But depending on how she was raised, and if sex was even discussed in her household, she may just not feel comfortable with it. What needs to come across, in a non-confrontational way, is that toys are an ENHANCEMENT in the bedroom, not a REPLACEMENT. BIIIIIG difference. Since YOU'RE the one bringing up the desire for a toy for HER, maybe show her ones that are as non-phallic (don't look like a real penis) as possible. Like your standard vibrator, or even a bullet (bullets are GREAT first timer toys!!). Something that is as un-initimidating to use (aka don't need a degree in "Toy-ology to figure out). It also shows that you're into wanting to give her all kinds of pleasure, in different ways. That is awesome!! If I were you, I'd gently put it that way too. Show her that you're wanting to do this for her, and for you. But stress the HER part. If she doesn't feel comfortable going to a sex shop (which in itself, at least for me, can be a turn-on~depending on the one you go too), then cruise thru the site. Type in at the top Search Box, some keywords, like BULLET, VIBRATOR, or even some gels and creams. Some fun stuff. Or maybe start off real slow by getting a sex game for couples. Card game, dice, and even adult board games are available here and at other places (like Spencer's). That can be fun. Just you 2, the game, some candles, maybe some soft music. Not overly intimidating. Now, there ARE some people that just can't get past the stigma that only sluts, porn stars, and lonely housewives/divorcee's use toys. And, after several *gentle yet persistent* attempts. Let it go, for a while. Unless it really upsets her, then just drop it. In a relationship, respect is one of the key aspects of it. In every aspect OF the relationship. The way you ask is important. my hubby was old-fashioned in his thinking. If we had a great sex life, we wouldn't NEED toys. Well, nobody truly NEEDS toys (well, maybe Mikayla ) Just kidding there M, it's not a NEED like food, water, housing. But I got him thinking that it's an enhancement, and an aide. Especially if one of us either isn't there, or just is too tired or sick to do our "wedded duty". I've shown him that it can be lots of fun (lighting up vibrators helped that too). Having him use the toy on me, watching him be in control of it, well, it worked out for both of us!! I wish you much luck!! Keep us "Posted".
  7. I agree with my counter-posters too. However, let me add that this is a GREAT example of WHY a relationship that has suffered a person straying, that the gory details NOT be divulged. If you're feeling guilty, or get caught, ok, well, fess up, but not fully. Especially if you're trying to save the relationship. The injured party of it will only replay what they were told, again and again in their minds, and start feeling a bit neglected and resentful for how (and what) was done. That is hard, if not impossible to get over. The cheater may feel better for confessing, but in the long run, it just hurts their SO even more. If you want to confess, tell a close friend, or a counselor. This is only my opinion, and what I've seen.
  8. (OK, for somereason, I am not getting any of the options of smilies, font, color or size on my responses today. Hopefully I will be purple-y tomorrow!!) OK, that was a little better for info, Thanks! Well, there could be several factors to having a harder time having your orgasms. Age, stress, hormonal changes such as the Change, or being pregnant/just gave birth)m medications, change in feelings, sometimes even diet can all have adverse affects on your sex drive. The toy that was the closest to bringing you your orgasm may need another shot at it. Maybe the timing was off. Now, if one makes you feel good one way, and another does it for you another, there are no rules saying you are only limited to using just ONE toy! Not sure if you were also stimulating your vagina either. Some women get off by that "full feeling" of having a penis (or vibrator/dildo) inside of them. I hope this helps!
  9. OK, well I found this very funny. The irony of the whole joke is very funny. And I like the fact that the guy learned a valuable lesson. His wife does a lot, and thus, will probably appreciate it more. It can be looked at as a good, lesson joke too.
  10. I have noticed that in each state, beer's alcohol content varies, but not by much. But you get the idea of how much alcohol is in what. But Telecom is talking in general I think. Basically, you answered your own question. Most men do have difficulty after too many drinks (not all though). Think about it. Reaction times are slower, decision making slower. So your body is going to be slow to respond to anything. I've found that on heavy -drinking nights, any partner I was with, had better be caught with his pants down (literally) early on, or, better yet, BEFORE the drinking ensues. That way, everyone gets what they want.
  11. There are a lot of good ones out there. Check out the Product Review forum on this board. You will be able to read a review on each listed title that our Review Team has personally viewed. There is almost always a link to the DVD as well, so if there's no description of what it's about, you can view that.
  12. That IS a great article!! Reading and doing are harder to do though. Hopefully, it will be a great aide to of our members that really need the help and suggestions given!
  13. Well, you're post left a lot out, so frankly, it's really hard to tell. I'm not trying to sound like I'm talking down to you, so please don't take it as such, k? Um, do you have orgasms while having sex and/or masturbating? Do you know HOW to pleasure YOURSELF? Have you ever had an orgasm? Be honest. Lots of people think that if they buy a toy, that they are guaranteed an orgasm, cuz that's what the box says. Well, unless you know where to put it, how to use it, and what sets you off, then they're just a buzzin' lil buddy that's suckin' up your batteries. Example: I got one clit stimulator a while back, that was ok, got me off alright, but wasn't overly-spectacular for ME. But others RAVED about it. (Before I was on the Review Team.) I need a really strong clit stimulation to get off, especially with a toy. Then, I got one in a kit a couple mos. ago, and OMG!! Everytime I use it, I go off. It's one of my best friends! Tried and true! My point here is that each person is different, and so are bodies. Some people are extremely lucky, and can go off almost on que. Other people, such as myself, need a bit more stimulation before I go on the OMG Express. A few keys for basic toy use: relax!! That's the most important. Don't worry about bills, do you have everything ready for the morning, how long is this taking, do I look funny? None of it. It's all about self-exploration and sensations. Also, be comfortable. Pretty self-explanatory there. Also, try your toys when you're turned on. Just turning the knob, sticking it in/on to see if it works won't do it. Just like with sex-sex, ya gotta be in the mood for it. It's not a chore. If there is a question as to how to use a specific toy, one of us has probably used it, and maybe even reviewed it. If not, well, we love love love to do some (OK, a lot) research! Sex toys are like a kid's toy, in a way: you need to be creative, imaginative, and open to whatever the toy does best. Some are more complex than others. But most of them don't come with instructions. Being you're just starting out, give the toys a chance. Keep practicing. Practice makes perfect! You may find, after you're able to see what "does it" for you, that the first toys were just being used wrong FOR YOU. I hope this helps any. And, again, it's meant in the nicest way possible.
  14. OK, people!! I know that there are some brave ones out there!!! Share!!! I can add another one~ 2 words: Mardi Gras!!
  15. Is there one thing that a person can wear that just gets you totally hot? For me, which shocked me, since I was raised up north, was how hot I found Cowboys! I'm not talking the faky ones, but the real, Wrangler wearing, hat tipping, full of manners cowboy. A well-dressed cowboy will always make me turn my head! Nothing beats a great pair of tight jeans! And my hubby is a cowboy, and has a GREAT ass!!!!
  16. Well, since I just got it a week or so ago, I can't honestly tell you if it sucks batteries down fast. I would think it probably does, since it's 2 vibes, and they light up. But, again, I am not sure. What's great about this too, is she can insert one inside her, and place the other one on her clit, put some panties on to hold them in place, and walk around, adding to the excitement. The controller can go in sweatpants pockets, robes, or be held. If she is not overly excited before hand, then I would definitely recommend lubing up. Especially the bigger one. It is a harder plastic, no softy there, so it may be a bit uncomfortable to insert right off. I used lube first, since I wanted to walk around with it, exciting myself by walking and vibing. I hope y'all like it!
  17. First, Welcome to the TooTimid forum. OK, well, I'll go out of your list's order here, but here goes anyway. First, most women need to have clitorial stimulation before they can have their orgasm. It's just one of those things. I get off really fast with my vibrators on my clit. An orgasm is something you need to train your body to enjoy. Howard has posted a few good ones about how a woman can relax (very insightful, esp. since he's a guy), breathe, and go with the flow. For me, I need to have direct clit stimulation (most of the time), need to be relaxed, and just go with the feelings. I've noticed that I tend to "go off" when I am exhaling. Then BANG! I get really tingly all over, sometimes almost feeling like I will black out, my vagina twitches uncontrolably, and my lower muscles sometimes twitch, you know, like when your eye sometimes twitches, but in a good way! I guess that's the majority of it. A man won't be able to get you off until you are able to get yourself ready and trained enough to relax and enjoy the feelings. Besides, you know your body best. Teaching a man to please you is a fun experience! Women can ejaculate, and it can be seen. But women, like men, have a different amount of fluid that comes out. Some women are known as "Squirters" and actually squirt liquid out! You can Google that and actually see some pics of women squirting. As far as your "numbers" go, aka how many lovers you've had. IMO, yes, that is a lot for someone so young. But that's just me. I've known people with a lot more lovers by the time they were 19 than that. I don't judge them, or you either. What you do with your body is your choice. Hopefully you're playing it safe and using condoms all the time. The question you should ask yourself is why do you think you've had so many? If you're not comfortable with the number, well, the past is the past, and, of course, there's nothing you can do to decrease the number. But you can choose to be a bit more selective when choosing a lover. I think, that you should take some time to figure out your own body, mind, likes, dislikes, and what you want in life. This is being said in a nice way, non-judgmental, and hopefully taken as a positive. I don't know you, or your lifestyle, so this is what I am thinking. Life is a continuous learning journey. Sex is one of those things that you will also be learning new things. I don't think anyone knows everything there is to know about sex. Especially since everyone is different, has different likes and dislikes. Best wishes and stay safe!
  18. First off, don't feel stupid. I noticed that you only have 1 sex toy. So you're probably not familiar with how they usually work. Generally, where the knob is for vibe control, is where you unscrew it and put in the batteries. There are, of course, some exceptions to that, but that's the "norm" anyway. Most toys don't come with directions, and there have been several times I've verbally said WTF as to how batteries go in, why something isn't working, so on. I love the toys that do come with directions, and some even come with instructions on usage! Which shocks me every time I get one that does. Plus, if you don't ask questions, how will you learn? I hope you got your Clitterific going, and had a clitterific time!! Let us know how you liked it!! I don't have one, but it definitely looks interesting, IMO.
  19. I missed this topic when it first came about, and have read many of the responses. I won't delve into the reasons why your personal life has some problems, since that wasn't the question. But I do think that the question itself is a good one. Women, generally, have been conditioned to think that a man is up for sex all of the time. That that's what they think about the most, and they think with their dicks. And, the only reasons for the little soldier not wanting to stand to attention is either he is getting older, or, most commonly, he's seeing action somewhere else. Kinda like men are taught that a "real man doesn't cry"and women are PMSing when they are being bitchy type of BS. When you're a couple starting out, the "sexual schedule" as Val so creatively put it, is usually on ON all of the time. Tapering off slowly. It's normal for people to fall out of the schedule. You can try to "pencil it in" to their schedules though. If not, then the fact that someone, male or female, may be feeling tired, sick, or just worn out should be respected and understood, and hopefully not taken personally. And nobody should have a tantrum or pout cuz of it either, IMO. Hopefully, future generations can set this urban myth straight as well. Also, calmly telling your SO that you're human, get tired, and not in the mood is perfectly normal. Do it away from the bedroom, and in a lighter tone, not a pissed off one. Great topic, and some great responses!
  20. That's an interesting fantasy. Thanks for sharing.
  21. Glad you got the color you wanted!! Happy buzzing! LOL
  22. There also could be some other things wrong with her. She may be going thru The Change, if she is around your age, it's possible. Some women loose their sex drive due to the hormonal fluxes and drops. She may want to see her GYN about this. Just like with men and their need for Viagra, there is a similar thing for women too. As far as them telling you to tone it down a bit, well, that can be understandable that they are having difficulties taking it all in. You know like when you get dehydrated, and get to water, how you want to drink every last drop? But know you shouldn't cuz it will make you sick? Same with food. Could be the same thing. Plus, both ladies are use to a certain behavior from you, and you're throwing off their "groove". By no means am I saying it's a bad thing. But if you appear/act too clingy and/or desperate for their love and affection, then it could backfire. I would take serious consideration into Howard's suggestion of a PROFESSIONAL Marriage Counselor. They trained in all of this, and should be able to offer nuetral suggestions on how to fix things. But it won't be an easy or fast fix. My personal advise would be slow down, give it lots of time, patience and consistency. That way they don't feel pressured or worried that this behavior will disappear, and thing go back to how they were.
  23. I also did a product review, thru my hubby, as much as I could get out of him at least on a toy just for him. Hope it's helpful.... http://forums.tootimid.com/index.php?showtopic=1962
  24. I would say, also, that you're both experiencing your dryness. Yes, you start out wet, but your natural juices do dry up. Friction does that. I would recommend using Astroglide or even KY for your situation. TooTimid also has a great lube too. Some people, especially younger ones, I have found, think that using lube is a sign that something is wrong with them or the sex. Not true!! It gives added lubricant to the areas needed so sex can be pleasureable, and not painful. It can also help extend how long sex can go on, since there is no pain. Now, I have also found, that saliva is a great lube, to a point. But, saliva also tends to dry things out (ever suck on your hair as a kid? When it dried, your hair was stiff?) after a while too. So, it's completely natural to experience, and we all tend to agree that this is probably what you're experiencing. If you try lube (don't be shy, use plenty) and you still get those sore spots, go see your doctor/GYN. There is a condition that some women get (I had it after I had my daughter), where there is a dry "spot" inside, and medication is needed to heal it. I can't remember what it's called though, for the life of me....... But since you're pregnant, this may be it too. I believe I had the condition I mentioned while pregnant too. I could even feel the spot that was dry while we were trying to have sex. Your body is going thru lots of changes, so it may be just that too. Good luck and try the lubing!
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