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Everything posted by me4now

  1. Thank you sdo much Happy Mother's Day too you all as well enjoy yourselves try to relax love you all want2know
  2. Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congra's to you i so excited for tootimid this is the beginning of more to come
  3. oh i have one CUCUMBERS
  4. hey hey hey i am so excited for you i have register for class also i start this month so way to go keep up the good work you deserve it stay in touch
  5. oh wow it would be his chest and for hime it would be my legs
  6. i agree with the ladies i never had experience any man having xex with my breast until i was married and i didnt get it either but the thought of him wanting to do it amazed the hell out of me i was happy for him but it didnt get me turn on just as Mikayle said i was just excited for him so experiernce is good i have gotten use to it and it does help when its that time of the month
  7. OK HERE WE GO meet the vaginas saving private vagina a rage in vaginas living with vaginas all my vaginas dawn of the vaginas love and vaginas the greatest american vaginas wow i can go on and on
  8. GREETINGS to you i hope you have lots of fun here at Tootimid keep checking in and posting
  9. Now thats some good news to celebrate and share thanks it can only get better from here on
  10. WITHOUT A DOUBT YES TO BOTH THANKS i told my friends the same thing and they all agree yes is the answer for them also
  11. thanks so much Howard for the encouraging words and you are so right i really love showing that i love my husband and he does the same for me and thats one of the reason i join tootimd to continue show love so again thank you and to every one else
  12. in my best friend hair salon we was suppose to close up for her because her husband car stop on him and she had to go pick him up so as i was cleaning the floor and putting away the irons my husband decided to have some fun with me turn everything off the blinds were wide open once we finish we saw this home less man standing with this look
  13. Wonderful to hear Mikayla & Howard and thank you for responding i explain the same idea to some friends at dinner yesterday and it amazed me on how some couples go the whole day with out and i love you or phone call so i introduce this idea to them and you all would not believe how emotional it had gotten for everyone. i got so many thank you's for bringing this up and so many i am going to do better i would not be surprise if a couple of babies surface in the up coming months. come on tootimid family lets hear from some other people
  14. i do to the ones that dont turn their noses up and are willing to try new things i am pretty open and i explain that i am in the learning process also and my husband loves it. so a lot of them have question and some even call me a sex freak! BUT hey my HUSBAND loves this side of me and so do I
  15. WOW Howard made some good points I look at a lot of my friends and they turn their noses up to conversation about sex and trying new things to enhance their sex lives and when they feel that things are going sour then its not their fault its there spouses . I have 2 very good friends one he doesnt open up to his wife and she wants to try different things in their marriage but he says he's old fashion and she gets bored doing the same position same routine and he tells he she read to many books and watch too much tv, etc. and then their is my other freind who dsoesnt take the time to get to know herself intimatley and blames her husband for not fullfilling her desires but she doesnt even know what her desires are so she complains about how their sex life sucks and he doesnt turn her on. Both friends have cheated on their spouses and still not satified with themselves so howard i will agree with you on the part of not asking the right question
  16. Hi I am not sure if this has been posted i have look around to see but didnt find so i thought i would give it a try we know that we love our spouses and they love us but what are some of the simple things we do that really flutters their hearts and make them realizes how blessed ,lucky fortunate they are to married to us or even things that they do that make us feel that way or even our children. The reason i ask is because i was sitting in my kitchen looking out the patio doors and a red bird flew by i was so surprise i got up to look outside for it and there was a yellow and blue bird i have never seen all three together and i remember how when i was in my late teens and twenties i would daydream about being in the park with my boyfriend or husband having a picnic talking about nature and reading to each other & really enjoying each other company sharing our dreams and what we wanted to accomplish in life and then i walk back inside to hear about the shooting in Virginia it made get to thinking about some things and when Howard posted the question "flirting with your spouse" it made me think about the little things like a simple smile across the room to each other, helping clean the kitchen once dinner is over walking in front of my husband and he say things like; "DAM SHE SO FINE OR SHE SO BEAUTIFUL" or even me watching him shave or wash the truck doing the yard just little things caressing his face while hes sleeping you know. So i ask of all you to share some things also thank you! and keep all the families in your prayers well maybe the topic should have been THE SIMPLE THINGS
  17. hello i am glad you have join tootimid you will have lots of fun with us so again welcome
  18. ok i think a good song would be WILD THANG or PRINCE song CREAM or even NANA by CHICO DEBARGE and Monifa wow lets keep this going you guys
  19. my prayers are with you and your wife and baby just as everyone has said it can be very scary when concerns of this nature comes up,BUT stay strong and uplifted and try to not to worry keep us posted on everything you have a great support team here
  20. oh i am so happy for you and your husband CONGRADULATION its funny i didnt know i was pregnant with neither one of my children until i was 14 weeks with daughter and 12 weeks with son and i had no signs or sickness great news sorry for not replying sooner then now i have been MIA also. i truly pray that you have excellent pregnancy all 9mos with no complication please keep us potsed
  21. i had 2 c-section my children are 2 & 4 my doc said no penatration no stimualtion my second c-section was a little harder on me because i had a lot of scare tissue so i had to extra careful i didnt mind neither did my husband
  22. ok i have great motivation now i have been eyeing this particular toy but was debating yes and no so now the answer is YES way to go Tyger really great review thank you so much
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