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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. Thank you Pappy, I try when any of my children ever have a question even to this day honesty is the way to go! I got a call the other day from my oldest son's girlfriend, mind you I love her like mine own. I did find it a little hard to explain new tech. to her on giving a blowjob, but I did it. I didn't feeel embarassed just strange that she called me instead of her own mother etc.. I also directed her to this site since she is 21, and told her that there were lots of wonderful people here, and even if she never wanted to post that would be alright, but that she could find alot of helpful and educational information. Thank you!!
  2. Great Review!!! Sometimes little things can pack a great Orgasm!!! I love also the fact that it is waterproof!!
  3. OMG ROFL!!! Hey it happens to the best of us Tyger!! Great reviews!! I love blindfolds they are so much fun.
  4. Very cute!! Thanks for sharing with us.
  5. Iha LOL have I said I love your comments lately??
  6. Well I have average ones and I am perfectly content with them. IF this is something you want then go for it! I do know a friend who had breast implants, she has a slight scar in her armpit. I saw her right after the surgery, where they nice yes, does she regret having them done now, yes. In fact she is headed to have them basically taken out and go hopefully back to her normal size. She although thought she was having them done for her, so she thought but once she had gotten divorced she realized that she actually was doing it for him. I honestly dont think our opinion should matter, to each their own. If you want it done then which it sounds like you do for YOU, then do the research and find the best surgeon. Good Luck!!
  7. My house is a very open honest house when it comes to sex. I tell them the truth, mind you though my oldest is 19,18,17, the boys since their father was to shy to tell them or teach them it was me. MY daughter who is 11yrs old knows more about sex I think then most 18yr girls. I am very upfront and open and honest about it and always have been. My daughter though also started PMS at 8.5, which she was already prepared for. I have always believed that honest was the best thing when it came to my children. My daughter and I had the complete sex talk, she can tell you about every part of a man and women, details on how babies are made ect using the proper words. My parents however werent like that really but I also believe that times have changed alot. Hell I know that you sure didn't hear to many 9yr olds getting pregnant when I was younger. Although I wasn't raised in a house so open as mine is, I decided that there is nothing to be embarassed about when talking with your children, it is a natural enjoyable adult time. We have discussed alot of things in this house. Although at what age you talk to your children depends on the maturity level of them. My daughter is 11 but has been going on 30 I swear since she was 8.5yrs old. LOL I am also a firm believer that is the parents responsibility to talk with their children. Hell last year my daughter got a letter from the nurse to bring to me saying that they were showing a film about the Anatomy of a women and what causes their menstrual cycle ect.. My daughter said, and I quote "I could prolly teach that mom." I laughed a little and then she asked do I really have to sit threw it. I said, " no" and that I would call the nurse in the morning. The nurse said, " not a problem" as long as she could take the short quiz on it. MY daughter walked in that morning to school took the short quiz and passed with flying colors then got to come home for about another hour or so.
  8. I am going to say it was your cervix, it can be painful if it is hard thursting going on.
  9. I know I have done a review on a double dong. It may be under Kathy in Mesa though. I will take a check threw my toy box and find out which one it was, and let you know.
  10. I was wondering about the types of ?s. Great Poll can't wait to see the end results.
  11. I love the idea of that one. Although I would end up having to hide it since I like to pillow fight and kido likes to steal my pillows and things.
  12. Great reviews!!! Sorry that it left a nasty taste, glad I am not much of a chocolate fan.
  13. Sorry this one doesn't have a suction cup base.
  14. Also, when you are done playing with your "College Stud" make sure you let him dry out for a good 24hrs that is what I do with most of my toys. Not sure if I added that our not. LOL
  15. I own a few cyberskin toys. Yes the rule is not to use Silicone lube with Cyberskin products or Silicone products since it will destroy your product. Alot of the times the toys do not say what they are made with, but after owning a few you will get to know what they are made of. Most of the products here have reviews, and I know that most of us that are reviewers list what type of lube is good with this product, what lube not to use, and also try to say what the product is made of. Also with Cyberskin products, once they are washed with a little antibacterial soap and water, dust it with some talic powder, it will help it keep its "Real " type feel. I store all my cyberskin toys in a plastic zip lock bag, with powder in it. Also I use the TT lube here on the site with mine since it is water-based and a little really does go along way. I hope you enjoy your "College Stud"" Best of luck!!
  16. Welcome to Too Timid!! You have very beautiful eyes. Also I wish you the best in nursing school, it is a long hard road but very worth it in the end. I was an RN for along time tell my health got the best of me. Keep your chin up it is a very stressful but very rewarding road!!
  17. I can't agree more with what Tyger has said. Froggy sometimes you just got to quit being nice. I mean hell you tried to be neighborly and all. HUGS honey!!!
  18. Since this vaccination came out, I have refused to allow my daughter to get it. Although cervical cancer does run in my family pretty high along with many other types of cancer. In my opinion this vac. is still experimental. There have been numerous issues and report, documented side effects of this vac. since it was first administrated. Just wanted to let you all know also that if this does become a manatory vac. for all girls, there is a form that called the exeption form that once is becomes mandatory you can fill this out and your daughter will not be forced to get this vac. I myself who have worked in the health care profession, RN to be more accurate, refuse to have my daughter vaccinated with this. There are many things that can be done if she develops cervical cancer. I had cervical cancer many years ago, after the birth of my son. My pap came back with adnormal cells, the did a biospy, and I went in for laser surgery on that area. Although it wasn't very pain full really at all no worse then mild labor pains. In my opion until this vac is studied further my daughter will not be recieving it, I think that the side effects of this is worse, then the side effects of the treatment of cancer at this point. Just my opinion!
  19. Thanks for sharing but I am still not believing you are 58.
  20. Great reviews!! Gotta love bullets!!
  21. Omg Omg I soooo need this one, I dont think I want it as much as I need it. LOL Whoo hoo click click click. Great review Tyger.
  22. Make sure you feel us all in on the details!! Have a great time. LOL Pappy
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