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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. Matthew, woohoo you go. Sounds to me like a friend with benefits to. Next time heck next time is the time she is giving you a BJ. Sounds like you both have a great friendship with a little benefit to and great communication skills. Hopefully you both can continue to have these little pleasurable moments and learn from each on oral. You never know! keep us posted
  2. I have to agree with Tyger LOL I love color and I am glad to hear that the suction cup works on it since I have a few with the suction cup and I notice that if I am not careful that it doesnt stay in place on the tub very well and I myself like to get a little wild with my toys. Thanks for the review. Thinking of adding that one to my collection to.
  3. Chels.... I have to say you are well on your way. Like the other post keep playing, that area that makes you shake, kinda tense in the lower back, breath slowly like howard has said and keep playing in the area,,, a little faster,,,,if it isnt your clitorous if you are playing with a toy inside your vagina then I would HIGHLY suggest playing and rubbing your clitorous while you play vaginally as well and really get the blood flowing there. Woohoo you go Girl! You will love it and let us know when you do get your first O. I remember mine still to this day and now I am so happy that I can do it and relieve myself and the stress I feel in just a little adult fun. Keep Us posted!
  4. I am extremely comfortable with it and I love it and Love to watch my HB and he loves to watch me. In fact I remember an old sang "if you dont leave that alone you will go blind" well if that was the case I would have been blind LONG LONG ago. I have to say I am proud to masturbate and love doing it any chance I can get it is a wonderful stress relieve and watching my hubby it turns me on more and then of course I want to finish him off and sometimes he will let me and other times he will finish his self off and let me wake him back up and the real fun begins.
  5. I agree with Mikayla alot on this issue. I have had 5 children and I love anal sex. You should be totally healed I would take it slow and talk my man threw it becuase if it was from the eposiotomy then it will have to stretch back out a little. But then again I am not sure which you are talking. I have had anal sex after each one of my children when I was aloud to again and I have a strange scar form it to due to the one time I tore. I have never had any problems and if it is hemeroids then I would have to say I agree with Mikayla there to as long as they arent flared up you should be fine. As far as the skin he isnt gonna notice that one bit I have to say my man has never gotten his face that close. Also Welcome! Keeping us update
  6. I love it when my hubby tells me he is masturbating.Since he is a carpenter and does sometimes go out of town, when I call to see how he is he tells me he masturbated today thinking about me. That turns me on and I cant wait for him to get back. I do it all the time and tell my husband when I do but most of the time he will ask, or I will ask him sometimes nothing is said I think it is something that if ask of course an honest answer, I find it a turn on and I LOVE to watch him
  7. I have 5 children their ages are 17,16,15,9 and 3. I have to say I love my sex and and like Mikayla I can be a little loud. We have done it in the early morning hours before he goes to work and also we have even be able to watch a porn in the living room and the teens have played with the 3year old and the 9year old while we had our fun in the middle of the living room floor. Thank God for houses where the kids rooms are clear on the other side of the house and they were told that if it noone is bleeding or dying to not come out until called. Maybe I am lucky in a sense that my children are a little older and know that when mommy says daddy and I are taking over the living room for an hour go play they know that they better not come out. I have been walked in on before by my 3yr old and needless to say at the time I was well be a little to loud( I mean I tried to be quiet) but I woke him up and he entered our room and the only light was the candles as soon as he came in it was like the QUICKEST STOP and mood change ever just due to the pure fact of shock of seeing him, so I got up and threw my robe on and he said mommy hurt and I said no mommy okay daddy and mommy just playing and I took him and put him back to bed and said mommy will try to be quieter. Anyway we have had sex in our backyard since the closed house to us in an 1/2 acre away and we have brick wall up around or property, we have known to get hot and dirty in the yard I take a baby monitor out that I have had since my kids were babies and it lets me know what is going on in my house. Anyway this is just some things I have done. Mikayla is very correct though that when you have children things change and you find time when you are able to since children come first.
  8. WOW!!!! Great Job! Howard is very correct that was her cum, and I have to say just from a womens point of view that you did a wonderful job there. What a wonderful discribtion to. Howard gave you some wonderful ideas and stuff and pretty much took all the words right out of my mouth. Keep us posted but call her up and do it again great job.
  9. I have to agree with Mikayla what a good honest review. I know Mikayla said this but not every toy works for every person. I have to say though I tried Jessicas strobing probe and WOOHOO loved it and no bumps or anything although I tend to like them I know that I am planning on writing my opion on Jessicas strobing probe but I have been having just way to much fun with it to actually write a review, this is just a suggestions of a g-spot on to try.
  10. Welcome Hjb!! I owe a few sex toys and my husband loves to help use them on me and also to watch me use them on myself. Before getting one I would sit down and talk but it sounds like he wouldnt be intimidated by it, but of course I dont know but just from just your short post it didnt sound like he would be. Anyway talk to him and see how he feels about it, here is a discribtion of how my hubby and I use my sex toys. Usually he will begin to caress me ect and and kiss me and I will reach down for my toys and grab one of my favorties.I begin to let the vibrator help him on alot of the work. He will lick my clit while I lube it up ect... Then he will slowly insert it into me while he is eating me, this is just one of the basic ways the start shall I say. then as I begin to get wetter he will say to me hunny you want it in your ass, and of course me being a anal person and actually enjoy anal sex alot I say of course. He slides the vibrator in my ass and OMG not only is he enjoying seeing himself slide it in and out of my ass but I am loving it. Then of course I am into DP(double penetration) so I am all ready for him to insert his hard penis in me to. There are numerous ways, I do have to say though I have be caught which was not a bad thing playing with myself when he came home and he enjoyed watching and helping also. I hope this helps some but with a little imagination omg the things we can do in our playground with toys as they say are "just for women" my husband as enjoyed me taking my vibrator and holding it unders his balls and the skin rubbing it back and forth by his anus. I am sure there will be alot more post for you but I at least hope this one helps you some. Good Luck and keep us posted
  11. I have to say I agree with all the other post here. I was in a relationship similair to this years ago, but the table was turned.Hard to believe I am sure heck I think he had pms more then I did. All I was , was a doormat, booty call, ect. Let me tell you it doesnt change it can only get worse well at least mine did, if he wanted something like a blowjob or dinner ect I would get a call. I would say that try to talk to her and let her know what the problem is and how it is making you feel ect, but dont be to surprised if she trys to turn the table and make it all out to be your fault some how. The decision of course is yours but I have to tell you that in my case it only got worse and the times I saw him got bigger and bigger apart, unless of course it was when he wanted it.People dont deserve to be treated doormats ect. There are alot of women out there like this and from the sounds of it you would be better off without her. Good luck and keep us posted
  12. Mikayla, I have to say I have had that problem, but at the time my daughter was six. So what I did was I went to Walmart and believe it or not bought a plastice tub for mine. I have a walk in closet and so I put my toys into the tub and up into the walk in closet on the top shelve there. I myself have all cherry wood in my home and didnt want something that was not matching or shall I say goddie. Since I am as others will tell you a neat freak so they call me and everything has to be in its place. Here is another Idea, I also have a waterbed, cherry wood with doors underneath, I at times because once I am done playing with them do not feel like trying to put them back into the top shelf of the closet and I have been known to forget to put them back. There is a door that goes to the space under the water bed, so my husband went to Home Depot and bought a nice lock for the door, so when I am done playing with them ect, and I dont feel like putting them back into the closet I put them there. The lock is very small and he painted it so it is really hard to notice. I have to so I know how what that is like and the are so curious at that age. I think I told you that I have five kids and I have always had that fear until the day came that I caught my six year old daughter with one of my toys in her hand and ask what is this and why do you have it and what do you do with it and can i have one to play with. I have to say I did pretty much the same thing you did, I said to her it is just a toy and that right now she was a little to young for me to explain it all to her and that she is never aloud to come in my room without knocking on the wall on the way up the stairs... Well Mikayla I see alot of post on this subject but I know you have alot more then me but I hope that these two ideas help. Good luck and keep us posted
  13. Well the only thing that comes to mind at walmart is KY, but I do know that the lube on this site rocks I had to try it and it is save with jellies. Also I own one jelly vibrator and I noticed with it that if I stimulate myself first such as playing with my clitorus and get myself a little wet first I havent really had to use lube for mine but when I am done with it I was it in antibacterial soap and water. Hope this helps but I am sure others will be a more helpful but the only thing I can think of at walmart is KY.
  14. You all ROCK!!!! I tried all the tricks on my hubby and Howards nibble on him like I was eating corn on the cob and hummy once I got him in my mouth. OMG I couldnt finish anymore tricks he was cumming down my throat as soon as I started huming woohoo thanks to you all my sex life is so much more enjoying and the word boring out and the ADULT PLAYGROUND BACK IN. WOnderful post thank you
  15. Sthrnsxyldy, well I have a few things to add but not much since Mikayla and Hrnychick pretty much covered it. I do think it may be the meds on why he cant get off. I have a friend he is on the same medication so I talked to him and his wife to get the scoup on it. He said that he cant get off unless he doesnt take it the day before him and his wife are going to have sex. Of course though talk to the doctor first and make sure that is okay with the Doctor. My friend also stated that alot of the medications for that can also decrease a mans sex drive to alot, there are other ones out there but each one has the similiar type of effects. I think the best thing is to talk to the doctor about the medication and then go from there. Also I would sit down and gently bring the conversatin up about toys, it is true men at first arent that excited about them but once they know how much fun they are and how much fun it is to not only watch but get to play with you they soon relize that the toys are also their best friend to. Keep us posted!
  16. Thank you very much Mikayla I jsut ordered MR. Blue Two day arrival woohoo me I be back in anal fun land in no time Cause I am gonna have to try this one in the tub cause I read your review on it and I am so excited. Lets all hope I dont blow the motor out of this one Thank you very much I will let you know.
  17. Madison I just wanted to say Welcome!
  18. LOL Makayla yes I get it. I dont want a regular toy since I have so many of them as it is. I want a toy specificially for ANAL use only. Must be powerful, ribbed , studded and ribbled is all okay with me. Thank you I knew eventually you would see this and be able to help me. Sweet James thank you to.
  19. Well Tyger.......I dont think any jealous is good and any aspect whether a little or a lot. I was in a relationship once and the guy I was with was not overly jealous at all, just slightly jealous,but over the time we spent togeather I noticed it was getting worse, more comments made ect. and then got violent which of course took a few years. I believe that a little bit of jealous can over time become more and more. Jealous is something I have never understond, why if you are with that person and they know it so why get jealous unless of course there as been a lie or something to break that trust in the relationship.Not saying that all jealous is due to that I just have never understond it. I am also sure that there are people who are always a little jealous and will always be jealous of something and it may never turn into a violent or stalking type. I dont know if this answers anything but myself I have never understond it and I belive life is to short for jealous and a few other things to. I think that there should never be a reason to be jealous of someone else we are all equal in a sense and should all be happy in one way or another.
  20. Yes I believe bigger women can be sexy. It is all attitude I think alot of it, the way you carry yourself, howyou dress ect. I have a good friend who is a little heaver then me I wouldnt call me a barbie though I am 5'4" and 120lns and my girlfriend is about my height and 185 and let me tell you she has some clothes that she can put on and she is extremely sexy. She has a beautiful personality and they way she carries herself and the clothes she wears is just awesome at times. I believe that any women can be sexy and also I know that others have posted alot on this subject and pretty much everything as been touched on.I just wanted to give my point of view all though it matches so many others
  21. Parpar, I have to say I am guilty of this with no manual stimulation at all. I can be thinking about or even reading about it or writing about it and I have gotten off and I have never touched myself. Maybe I am just a horney women all the time who knows I am sure though there are other women this happens to.
  22. My hb one night told me to get nasty with him and I noticed while he was eating me that he lube his anus. Needless to say I felt a little weird and alot nervous wasnt sure what that was about well he reached down and got out one of my toys,put a condom over it and said hun would you try something with me. I was in total shock but me I am game to try anything...So he instructed me what to do, I have rubbed my vibrator around his penis and the skin between his balls and anus before and I was fine well after I did that he told me lower, I was still alittle confused and not so sure so we talked and he said just be easy. So I lube the condum a little more and EXTREMELY SLOWLY, started to insert the tip of it a little and come back out. Once he said a little more I did so.. OMW he was so hard and hot I thought he was going to cum right then and there...He would tell me a little more and slowly or that is far enough ect....He got so hot that he told me stop and let me tell you FLIPPED me over quicker then i could take breath and put me on my knees and banged the hell out of me. To this day it is only a once in awhile thing although in the middle of the night or early morning I can pretty much get away with just about anything. My Hb is FAR from gay and this is a very personal story I think if he knew I told this story over the internet we would be in for a long talk ...I have to say though it got me hotter just watching him and listening to him and knowing how hot he was getting....... Howard is right though condums make it easy clean up and I still wash my toys even though it had a codum on it I am just a over clean person.....It takes alot of communication and alot of patients.My hb still enjoys it when he is in the mood for it.
  23. Okay now dont laugh, I finally blew the motor out of my one of my toys It is okay you can laugh because it is kinda funny I had a feeling the motor was going out since it was making a noise I never heard and then DAM out it went so I thought at first maybe the batteries NOPE no dice there wishful thinking I guess. I still have a few but they can never replace the one I had and I have read the reviews on the ones here and the reviews are great but still cant find the one I had. So here is what I am looking for and since I know you all have written reviews maybe you can tell me the best one. Has to have POWER,noise is not a issue since when I play the little one is napping or I am in the shower with the radio on HIGH.Must have lots of POWER since I love some serious vibration, and nothing short nothing under 6. OH yes and something that I wont break the motor on by having to much fun and has to be waterproof to an extend. Thank you! Since I have been unable to find something similiar to my old toy.
  24. Dam I missed it all since I didnt find this site tell June 1st and at the time I needed help since my sex life was boring but now that it is on track I think I am going to just have to make a date for me and my hubby although I missed it in May cant I make a date this month and call it MAY 8.... That way I dont miss all the fun that I missed Great stories wish I would have found you all alot sooner
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