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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. We normally stay locked togeather, or I lay on his side with my head on his chest, kissing him gently, and my leg draped over him. He carass my back, and gently kisses me back. Most of the time it would lead to another round of play.
  2. This of course is just my opinion. I believe that siblings are off limits, I have always lived that way, just like, for esample you are dating one gentleman, you break up, his best friend then ask you out. I would so no since I dont believe in sleeping with a X's friend. Even though I have never attempted not saying that some of my X's brothers arent hottties, I just know or believe that it could cause serious issues among them. Even if they agreed I still couldnt do it. As you know this decision is yours and yours alone, make sure though that you talk with your So about it, and keep in mind although if he says he doesn't have a problem with it men do talk and there could be repercussion from it. Wish you the best!! Take care!!
  3. I completely agree with you there Chloegirl, it makes it a whole lot more fun when you have someone to help you!!!
  4. Although I can't honestly say I know any that are straight with this fantasy. Now myself being a bi-sexual women, I have no right to judge nor discount anyone I was with who had this fantasy. Although them acting on it I honestly don't think I could handle. That is just me though and my opinion. I do have alot of male friends that are gay, and I love them just the same as I do all my friends. I am extremely curious to find out how many men actually do have this fantasy here. Take Care and Best Wishes!!
  5. Guess I need to goto Walmart!!LMAO!!! Hell they can have the $2.99 empty wallet as long as they crawl all over me!!
  6. Welcome to TT!! Glad to have you aboard!!!
  7. Okay so sometimes I am way to caring. There is a small tree in one of my gardens. I was going to cut it down, but then realized there was a momma bird, with her nest in it so I decided to wait. Anyway the other night we had what the call a microstorm come threw no warning nothing. It just showed up, winds were 60mph, and it was raining like hell. I was concerned about the baby birds and since that tree is small and the branches arent so sturdy, I got even more worried. My x was here at the time visiting and I asked him to help me, but he said, " they will be fine, nature is nature." Well not in my book. So I took my brace off and went outside in the wind from hell and pouring rain. When I went out momma bird got knocked out of her nest, she was trying to stay on the branch but it didnt work and she flew to the next door neighbors tree. So I hobbled out there and held the branch that the nest was on so the little ones wouldnt get blown into the neighbors pool or their nest destroyed. They whole thing lasted about a half hr. My daughter finally came out with an umbrella once I was soaked with an umbrella.LOL It is the thought that counts I said it is okay honey I am already soaked so she stood out there with me for a little while. Bless her little heart. LOL Well needless to say I didnt know that my X was taking pictures of me out there in the pouring rain holding a branch to save these little birds. Here are the pictures. Oh and well I spoke to Tyger on the phone, she asked,"well why didn't you just go buy them a bird house?" Well hmmmm, Okay so I admit sometimes I am such a blonde it is almost scarey. I said, " hmm Oh yeah huh!" ROFL Thanks Tyger!!! You know I love ya!! Enjoy!! I was a good girl though I saved them and I kept my right knee straight!
  8. Did someone say WATERPROOF!!! Awesome reviews, click click goes my mouse!
  9. I have used these before gotta love the Target. They are awesome. I am sure glad to know you found many uses for it too. I got one when I was prego so I had something to lay my belly on when doing doggie, but you just gave me some other great ideas. Hmm maybe time to buy another one.THank you!!
  10. I am with ya there Sun, I am a huge sucker for accents.
  11. Hey Glen, well I love anal beads. I use a silcone lube on my beads and to be completely honest with you so that you dont get alot of lube on your hands, depending on the type of lube you use, is going to really determine how much you use. I must say I love the Gun Oil lube, I bought it just to try it, and a little bit goes a very long way. I put a drop on my anus, or my partner does for me. Then I put some on the first bead and kinda let it run down the beads then insert. Hey Chloegirl, I hope you have as much fun with anal beads as I do. Also nice shopping you did. I love love love my thigh highs.
  12. My responses wouldnt have changed LOL Guess I am just an innocent one. I sure do hope more people take this poll.
  13. Awesome Pic!! You can share some of that hair with me! Since my is blonde and very fine. What a wonderful smile to!!!
  14. WOW!! My deepest condolences!!! I am very sorry for loss, please feel free to vent here anytime you like. I think we have vented here at one time or another. I will keep you in my thoughts and prays. Best wishes!
  15. I can't agree more with my fellow posters. Anxiety can hit at any time and moment. Along with life stressers. Sounds to me like your also afraid to let go and feel pleasure. Just a question for ya, I know years ago that there were things in my past that would float up and stop me from orgasm. I think a little soul searching to would help, see if you can possibley think of anything that would stop you from completely lettting go. Also seems like you may be trying to hard and then getting frustrated. I dont blame ya I would get that way to. Nothing is wrong with you at all hon. Explore your body more, spend time with you and learning to relax and completely enjoy what is going on without anything else getting in the way. Best wishes!!!
  16. I am sure the sex is hot when they come home. Although I am unable to give first hand experiance, I can say that when my (X husband) was gone to work for about 6months out of state when he came home our bedroom rocked like crazy. I am sure after a long deployment that it would be amazing also.
  17. That one is very cute and very girly!!! Here goes the click to the wish list! Thanks Mikayla
  18. Whoo hoo I got to see Tyger's Boobs!!!! Well I would post mine but there isnt much there to see. Hmm I will think about it. Nice boobies!!!
  19. Damn Pappy I was hoping it was you!! ugg so disappointed!!! Now off to find Tygers Boobs!!
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