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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. Well I am also going to be a little of the Devils Advocate here. Just a few questions for you to, being a women I can tell you that some women not all it really depends on the person, tend to ball up feelings and hold on to things in the past that have caused them hurt, something their SO did etc.. Instead of talking about it they hang on to it, or they talk about it and never really let go of it and move forward with their SO. So here are my questions for you? We all know that marriages have their ups and downs have you done something recently or in the past that she might be hanging on to?? Flirted with someone else? or anything that could have caused her to feel rejected in anyway? If so maybe you may want to ask her if she is hanging on to instead of letting go of something in the past that has hurt her. Just a little start anyway, if there is something there, I am not saying that there is just a thought I had. As we all know communication is the key to keeping your marriage alive, along with the sexual aspect of it to. Also are you both comfortable about talking about sex outside the bedroom? I know you mentioned that your communication is getting better. As far as having someone else to talk to is great, but remember you are still married. Also there is a term "emotional cheating". Are you by chance, since it is easier to talk to this other women, and as you said, you are happy and feel good when you are talking with her, that you may be having a little more then friendship feelings for her which is causing you to have more questions about your marriage? Just a few questions. Keep us updated. Best wishes to you.
  2. Sun_Flower yes I just found this out a few days ago, I am okay and doing well. Thank you for your concearns. I am not angry anymore no sense in it to be honest. Being angry just waste alot of energy. I am not going to allow this to get me down.
  3. I would suggest that if this is a continual problem, every time you have sex, that she see her DR and discuss it with him/her. Since of course we are not Drs here. If this has always been an on going problem after sex. I have heard of some women that get a mild burning after sex once their man has come in them, their vaginal walls were just extra sensitive to their mans come. My best advice is to make an appt at her OB/GYN and discuss this issue with the DR. Take Care and Best Wishes.
  4. Good Review!! I love the look of this toy, and the shape and texture looks like and sounds like lots of fun.
  5. In my past when I was young this has been done. If you and your So are thinking about doing this I suggest that you read the article on threesomes and that you both agree. Although a threesome seems to be a huge fantasy for most, it can also be very trying on a relationship.
  6. Welcome to the Forum!!!!
  7. I think there is a TTBAO(Too Timid Battery Abuse Officer)here to with a TTYP(Too Timid Toy Police) so whoever left the batteries in there make sure you report them to TT. LMAO
  8. Well I have to give my 2cents worth to. I agree with some part of the article but not alot. Since I just recently found out my husband has been having am affair for over a year, yes here I thought our marriage was great and fine. We have lots of communication, great sex, open about everything so I thought. Where he had the engery I dont know. Most of you know that we have been threw some difficult times with my health and things, but he always stood by me and help and was understanding. I honestly can say that I know I didnt cause him to since he was sexually taken care of all the time. I also understand that with alot of things that have gone on that there was prolly something more he needed when I was having my medical issues etc.. I do believe that most men dont find it normal to masturbate, although mine loved it we use to have masterbation nights. Those were fun, to watch each other. This article just ugggs me in alot of ways, I am glad it is in Penthouse and not in the local paper.
  9. Great looking couple. Thank you for sharing!!
  10. Good review!! This sounds like it could be lots of fun, and great for couples who get stuck in the same old bump and grind mode. Heck I would spread them all over the bed and choose a different card for each night. Sounds like fun to me!!
  11. I hate when that happens. LMAO Val!!
  12. My hubby and I arent into condoms really but we have tried a few. I love the ribbed ones! My husband though has never really enjoyed a condom.
  13. Great Review. Glad to hear that this one worked so well.
  14. Cute Review! Although I have thought about getting my nipples pierced I have never done it. I do have other piercings, I am glad to know that his stay on. I need to get a pair of these. Thanks for the cute review.
  15. Great Review!! I love the way the attachments look, the nubbie one looks like loads of fun.
  16. Welcome to the board. Like my fellow posters have already stated the Sex Educaton button on top is great. There are many different articles there that are not only very well written but also very informative. Please keep us posted we love to hear updates.
  17. Congrats!! That is awesome!! I wish I had that many toys to play with. LOL
  18. I couldnt agree more with my fellow posters. Please let us know how it works out with further play, Val is right we dont hear enough from men and their toys. Good luck!! Please keep us updated.
  19. I have had threesomes back in the day. Although I will say I have never had them with anyone related. I have had 2men but I honestly preferred the one with me and another women and my x
  20. I have never gotten any popups here. Actually I never get popups even when surfing the web. You may want to check your settings and things.
  21. *Laugh* Poor Aiden. Sorry to hear, I will admit I have done that one before. It is just a lessoned learned is all, I hate when that happens though, but at least it didn't die while being used and you were almost ready to hit the O.
  22. Kat is what I have been called for years short for Kathy. The prr is when I am happy people tell me I purrr, when not so happy lol out come the claws. So Katprr fit.
  23. Very nice, you are very talented!!
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