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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. Good Review! Question for ya, are the vibrations just the steady vibration or does it have a pulsating one also?
  2. Lube it up Cherry!! When I received my latest box, I was excited to see that the Doc Johnson Cherry scented lube was in it. I have wanted to try this product for a while since I read the first reviews on it. I am a huge fan of lubes, they sure do make playtime a lot more fun. The bottle that this lube comes in is like the old fashion medicine bottles. Very Cute!!! Once I opened this I noticed that it did have a nice cherry scent to it. There is a little plastic insert in the top, so you just have to give it a slight squeeze, be careful a little goes along way with this one. This lube is silicone based, and therefore should not be used with Cyber skin or silicone toys. I was curious to find out how well this lube held up for anal play. I applied a generous amount to my hubby, the cherry scent was not overwhelming at all, in fact smelled really well even my hubby admitted that is was a really nice, not overwhelming and an extremely enticing smell. After a little foreplay, off to the anal play we went. This lube not only added a cherry scent to our playtime, but is also very slick, long lasting, and non-staining. I think this is now one of my new favorite lubes. So why not “Cherry it up”? http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=5418
  3. My clit loves the Vibes, I also enjoy dildos with no vibe. So I guess I would have to say Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz me up!!
  4. The Cream is great. Just a little advice to, lay in a hot tub for a little while first to help soften the hair up. Make sure it is neatly trimmed to before you start, so that way you are only going over that area once. A new blade everytime is a must. I shave everyday when I take a shower although I honestly don't need to I just do it to keep up, and it is habit. Hope this helps some. Best wishes!!
  5. Looking forward to it. Also hey Rob I think we all need some chips, Long Island Ice Teas and we should be good to go with some basic rules of course.
  6. I honestly believe that if he is drunk, it is not "moral" to introduce anything new to the bedroom. First off, introducing toys to your playtime is something that should be discussed in detail and work out between the both of you. Taking advantge of his drunkenness to see if he would enjoy a toy is in my opinion why out of line. I am not trying to sound harsh or crude, this of course is just my opinion. Now as you stated when he comes home drunk he is all horny and you all have has sex when he is like, that is another issue all by itself, and has you stated he was fine with the morning after. To introduce something new, a toy, and when he is sober he wont touch your toy box, "the morning after" may be a problem. Good luck just my 2cents worth
  7. We have that and in fact it is one of our favorites!!!! Good Review!!
  8. I love that bear set!!I want one ! Haha on the other pic.
  9. Wow, I tried it and man is the sound of this one soooo annoying. I learned something new today, Thanks Sailor girl!
  10. I suck I got 9 out of 20, but my hubby says I do suck well!!! That pervert!!!
  11. LMAO Meg!! I have used lube for lots of things besides sex, my son had a toy train and the wheels would make this horrible noise, so out came some of our astroglide. I have even used it on my car door jam. Gotta love the lube. We also of course use it for sex.
  12. My X use to love to use objects around the house. The bigger the better. Lets see besides the usual, a coke bottle, beer bottle, even a chair leg that broke off one of our chairs.
  13. Well I firgued some of you would prolly get a good laugh at this although it was nasty. I went to take a bath and I hear my dog barking, so I call her and here she comes running and jumps straight into my tub. Well then went my nice relaxing bath. Sometimes I tell ya I wonder why I own a dog. LOL Just thought I would share and for all of you who have dogs, WARNING: If your in the tub, dont call them. LOL you never know what they might do.
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