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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. Hello and Welcome to the Forum!
  2. Great way to put it Tyger I think you covered it all!!!
  3. Those are great!! Sure did put a smile on my face this morning.
  4. A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!! Nursing school is not easy, I know I worked as a Neonatal Icu nurse for many years until I was unable to anymore due to health issues. This is a HUGE deal and you have the right to brag and be extremely excited. I admire you for admitting your errors along the way but this is AWESOME, although I don't know you very well I want to send you a huge congratulations on your part. Whomever it was that told you to keep your excitement to a min. well I sure wouldnt hell, it isnt your fault that your sister isnt going to graduate for another year. ENJOY your HUGE ACHIEVEMENT, Celebrate and be proud of what you have accomplished. It is your day so make the best of it!!!!! Congratulations again!!!
  5. There are numerous articles and educational information here. On the top of the screen is the Sex Ed tap, browse and read away. Along with alot of information on the forum here to explore also. Also communication is a wonderful and powerful tool when it comes to sex.
  6. I think it is wonderful that he was open to at least trying it with you. Glad to know he enjoyed it as much as you. I hope you also have a "safe word" that you use in case things begin to get a little to intense. My husband loves to be in charge to, although sometimes I like it. My husband years ago said he would never want to be the submissive one but over the years that has changed. Although the sub is my favorite role. Great to hear, communication is a wonderful tool!
  7. My husband shaves his, and I prefer it shaved or at least nicely kept.
  8. Welcome to the Forum!!!
  9. Great Review!! This toy looks and sounds like it is right up my ally!!
  10. I keep my toys in our toy box and in the original packages, for the exception of the cyberskin those I keep in a plastic bag with some powder to keep them nice and soft and realistic feeling
  11. LOL Pappy!! But I like when the Tyger growls
  12. Gotta love teasing the Tyger!!
  13. awww Tootimid shopping withdrawls Froggie? sorry to hear and LMAO Tyger!!!
  14. If that is her on the front cover, she can come sizzle me! Nice review as always.
  15. You know this one is a little hard to answer since I have what I want. LOL My hubby is not only sensitive to all my needs, understanding, listens well, even with all the ups and downs in our marriage he is still the most loven supportive person I know. If I make a decision that he doesn't feel is right, we discuss it. Although I am a extremely stubborn women he doesn't tell me I can't etc he lets me learn from it instead. He is romantic and very open in all aspects.
  16. Hiya Welcome to the Forum!
  17. Very tasteful and extremely nice!! Thanks for the tease
  18. *Big Hugs* Life can do that to all of us. Venting is a good help to, try to find a little time to sit in that nice hot bath, and take a few deep breaths, play a little music and just try to think of nothing. I know far to well how stress can get you down and you feel like you are going to lose it. In fact I have. Vent, friends are great to help and of course you have us here. Take care and best wishes to you!!
  19. hehe, my hubby and I have played this before when I was blind folded. My hubby took out 10 of ours and let me tell you when it came to the bullets I failed, LOL except for the dual bullet and triple one. I think he cheated, bullets shouldn't count!!! LOL I mean seriously the sparkling egg bullet and my silver bullet how the heck could I tell the differance. When it came to the vibrators though there was no trickin me!!
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