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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. Welcome to the forums. Look around, learn new ideas and post as much as you want. Remember there is no stupid question here and we never judge others. There are some wondrful articles here to along with reviews of products, as I reviewer I can tell you that we all give or honest opinion. Have fun!!
  2. Very handsome you are, and very nice pic. What a tease to
  3. I think I need that. Great review Tyger sounds like it would send hrs of fun my way.
  4. :PWell I will admit I purchased the John Holmes which is about 3inches in girth and approx 12inches long. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=3129 I also wrote a review on it here is the link.
  5. Although I have not taken my toys on a cruise I have taken them on a plane etc. Just make sure the batteries are out of it and put it in your suitcase or like i did my carry-on bag. You should have no problems at all. I am sure someone here though has taken them on a cruise and in fact I think there was a post about this somewhere. Hope you have a wonderful trip.
  6. Well as most of you know...I would love to due my friend of 20yrs now, although he may be in prison he can sure get me going. One look at him and it makes me wet. I have been waiting 20yrs almost to due him. Don't get me wrong I love my husband but this man hot. Hell there as to be something I have been chasing him for a long time. He is not only extremely attrative but I know I can tell him anything and he would never judge me, in fact he knows things about me in my past my husband doesn't even know. So as strange as it may sound Aaron is the one I would love to bed.
  7. Nice review, I am a huge fam of bullets, the are easily hidden, and in fact my husband loves them as much as I do.
  8. LOL Tyger, I soo know the feeling, I have 2 cats, and a dog. My oldest cat has done exactly what your cat did on numerus occassions. I am with Meg on this one, first I search my room, no cats, lock the door and have my fun time. The door gets locked out to but actually she goes outside since she likes to howl outside my door. Little update to while I am here, for those of you that know what has been going on with me. Watch out tonight is the night, so this is your warning, "Please close all shutters and windows". turn TVs and radios up loudly to cover up the strange noise from the storm in Arizona. I believe it is time and with of course DR approval to finally have that long overdue O. Don't worry I will fill all you in once I recover froma night of long overdue sex.
  9. Tyger sometimes you jsut amaze me hun. Love it.
  10. I just wanted to say WELCOME to the FORUM!!! I agree highly with Tyger and Mikayla this is a wonderful place to learn and those videos I think will help alot. Also if you go threw the sex toy reviews I know myself and Mikayla and Tyger have given detailed discribtions on how we used them ect. It might help I know there are alot of others here that have also given detailed discribtions on how they used them and what their partner thought ect... Welcome again and I sure hope that you find that perfect toy that will do it for you. I have a couple cyberskin ones and I love them when I am alone and looking for the "real" feel I play with my cyberskin ones, heck with a little imagination or a good porn in I can reach that perfect O. Best wishes!!
  11. There could be numerous factors here. You didn't mention if there were children in the home. Everyday life stress alone can interfer with the adult playtime, and then when you had children to the mix of this it can interfer more. This is honestly not uncommon in a relationship. As a women I can tell ya that life itself can stress us out and we tend to forgot that sex isnt a chore or responsibility it is adult playtime. Just like kids have play time we need to have our playtime to. Not only to feel the love of our SO but it is also a great stress relieve. I came to this board because my husband was boring in bed. He wanted it the same way all the time etc... No foreplay straight to the spot etc..and lasted a whole 2 seconds that is what it felt like anyway. Let me tell you though our sex life is in overdrive and has been the best it ever has. We are on a little bit of a hold right now since I am still recovering from a major surgery.Well there are numerous things you can do to spice things up. Howard in fact made this suggestion to me when I first came to the board and it worked like a charm. My husband gets up extremely early for work, he works in the sun all day long. I know when he comes home he is exhausted, so I started meeting him in the shower before work. I have also sent him pics (of me of course) threw out the day to his cel phone. I have called him up on his break and teased him over the phone etc.. There are sooooo many options to help spice things up in a relationship, sex shouldnt be work, but alot of people tend to forgot that it is adult play time. There is also since you didn't mention so I will ask religion. Is there a religion believe that she has or maybe that she was raised with that she only does it one postion. There are some religions out there that say the missionary position is the only wat to have sex all other ways are a sin. Also there are some wonderful educational articles that Mikayla as written in the sex education section. Mix Matched Sex drives, 5 mistakes men make in bed along with 5 mistakes women make in bed. Reiginite your sex drive along with many other helpful and educational articles. Good Luck !!
  12. I was very lucky when I lost my virginity. My SO at the time listened very well to me, I also listened to him to. You are young so make sure this is the someone who want to lose your virginity to. Make it special, romatic night out then maybe a candle light room etc.....I do agree with the other posters here. LUBE is your best friend. Take it slow have lots of communication, make sure that you are already excited, not rush lots of foreplay. Make sure you talk to him and let him now that it hurts etc.. Although my first time never HURT, and my boyfriend was well endowed, I was relaxed and comfortable with him and we talked and giggled and it is one night still to this day I will never forget.
  13. Hello, well because I have alot of toys, although not nearly enough . I have lock boxes that my husband has made. They are wouldnt and lock well. My favorite toys are by my bed in the lock box which is actually very nice it is rosewood and looks like it could be night stand etc.. I have a couple of them, some in the walk-in -closet also. I have had my toys discovered in fact I know here on the forum there is a huge decussion on this, how to store your toys, have your toys ever been discovered ? http://forums.tootimid.com/index.php?showtopic=3171 http://forums.tootimid.com/index.php?showtopic=2959
  14. Sorry this product didn't work for ya!!! Wish it would have sucked in a good way. Great review though!! Guess this is not on my list for my hubby.
  15. Just wanted to say WELCOME to the forum!!!
  16. To be honest I haven't had this problem. I am going to agree though with Tyger on this issue also you need to train your mouth and the muscles to open just a bit more. This will prolly sound a little weird though but maybe pratice on a cucumber and some of the other choice veggies, start of slow and work your way up. Also don't get discouraged. I am sure someone else here has had this problem. Too Timid also sells http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=3102 although I have never tried them I can't honestly tell you to much about them. Good luck!!!
  17. Thank you Mikayla for posting a review on this product I had so many questions regarding this product once I read the original review. Thank you they are all answered now. ElleElle I am sorry to hear that you had no luck at all with it.
  18. I am mixed on this subject. As most ppl that know me on this board, I have a very "OPEN DOOR" Policy in my house. We talk about sex, in fact my teenager has Playboy mags that I have bought the subdcribtion to. My daughter is going to be 11yrs old in August and yes we have had the sex talk. No just the basic "sex talk" but a full blown one. One thing that I think alot of ppl need to reliaze is that kids are having sex younger and younger it seems like every year. I mean I know it was just on the news here again about a 9yr old being pregnant. I think to myself WOW 9, did the parents not teach her anything??? As far as toys are concearned though I honestly believe that it all depends one on the situtation or circumstances on why she wants the vibrator. Second off it also depends on the type of talks she has had with her parents regarding sex. If she is still a vigin then in my eyes I honestly don't think that a toy that penatrates would be good for her at all. I guess as a parent myself if my daughter came to me at that age and asked for a vibe. I would sit her down and we would have a good heart to heart. I would also know though if she was a virgin or not at that point. Like I said, I have an open door policy in my house. All of my children are aware of it and are not shy to express their opinions or feelings on sex. For exsample my teen came to me a couple yrs ago and said he was going to have sex with his girlfriend. Well we talked and of course as a parent I knew that if this is something he was going to do he would do it with or without my permission. So after our long heart to heart I went to the store and we bought condoms for him. I can't with this topic agree or disagree with it! Since I don't know the background and the relationship she has with her parents and how much they have honestly talked about sex. Whether she is a virgin or not etc... I don't believe that if she truely is a virgin that a vib is okay for her., maybe a bullet instead. I have mixed feelings on this issue, I would need to know alot more information to honestly form an opion. Now to be perfectly honest if my daughter came to me one day and said,"Mom I am interested in a toy." we would have a long heart to heart there wouldn't be to many questions since I have the faith and trust in my children to come to me, there would be a few and we would discuss them. I also know alot about my daughter and her life. I know that she will come to me and tell me when she feels like having sex etc....Would I buy my daughter a vibrator I honestly can't answer that question it would all depend on the circumstances and our talk that we would have.
  19. LMAO!!! I just found this these are great!!! I love the Bj one and the Teenager I swear LOL that is so true. They are all great though!!!
  20. Well to be honest when I was younger and before I was married of course. I have been with 2 guys at the same time, I did have a wonderful time and since I have always loved the DP this was great!! I will admit though I would rather have the 2 women although I HIGHLY enjoyed that 2 man thing I had ALOT more fun with myself and another women and a man. Just my opinion of course.
  21. I enjoy it sometimes, my husband likes to do it to kinda tease me!!! I like the control I can have though on how tight I get to squeeze his shaft with them. I agree Tyger a little lick on the tip sure does make it more fun. My hubby will talk while he does it and ask me would you like me to put this somewhere etc....
  22. Thanks for the review Mikayla. I have looked at these a few times and thought hmm I wonder if it really would do the trick! Thank you!!!
  23. Annie, I bought that same one a while back and in fact wrote a review on it. I must say it was lots of fun, at first I wasn't so sure about it but curiosity was driving me nuts. I am a small girl and was thinking WOW how am I gonna do this? Well with my husband help we had a wonderful time. Lots of lube was the trick with that one. I am glad to hear you enjoyed it. Here is my review on it. I love John and my husband knows I do to but he is okay with that he enjoyed the show!!!!!! http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=3129
  24. Welcome I am glad to hear that you finding this site to be helpful along with educational. I do agree with Tyger and Howard we do use filthy words!!!! Welcome again!!!
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