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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. well Mikayla I have to say the flavor goes away within 2minutes and and it is barley strawberry to be honest I mean just a hint of it and after taste is not bad at all. I hear ya there LOL dont get me started I am a swallower and I have never found it to be bad.I have to say though alot of my friends say they dont like the taste of their mans penis nor the taste of their cum why I dont know Oh ya and the lastest from this friend is well I tried to give him a blowjob and some presemen came out omg.OOps I think I got my self started on that one Anyway the taste was bearly strawberry and didnt last long at all I have to say I wasnt to impressed and I am going to try another one for her. Thanks Mikayla
  2. Well Hrnychick, it was my X and know that I think about it in a more perspective way he was the best FUCK I have ever had for a few reason, bigger a little but that really has nothing to do with it I dont think, but he was extremely adventurous meaning he was dom(i guess is the word for it) tie me up and do things that I would never ever have thought of on my own and yes he is the one who turned me on to anal, while I was blindfold but talk threw it just fine, and OMG he could so eat pussy like OMG (not saying my husband cant and he is EXTREMELY good at) but my X OMFG, that and he could last for hours, I mean make me have more Os then I could count and would make me sooooooooooooooooooo exhausted I couldnt move, he was wild and love to try alot of new things I think also that he would try them in places that were public and we leave me sort to say with my mind wide open on what he was up to next. MY new SO hasnt taken over as the best Fuck why I am not really sure the love is there and I would never trade it for anything in the world and yes our sex life has had its up and downs but what marriage sex life hasnt. He just cant do things physically like my x could I guess. Sry hun love ya dearly but truth be told.
  3. Well Telecom69, our famlily went threw a similair thing. My sister was getting married and at the time my mother and father were divorced, my dad had be dating his new girlfriend for about 1.5yr. Well my mother and her have never met my sister said that she is not going to be aloud to come to the wedding. Since it was her wedding, and she wanted her mom and dad only, but here is the kicker,it was also not okay for the my mom to bring her new bf. Needless to say it HIGHLY upset my father and also my mother, I really didnt understand this at all and in fact 10yrs later I still dont understand it completely. Well wedding day came and my sister and dad and all talk all the way till that day, needless to say my sister wasnt changing her mind no matter what. Well my father didnt come and told my sister that if his new girlfriend couldnt come then he wasnt going to go,my mother said the same thing to her. Wedding day came and my sister had a back up(my uncle) to give her away just in case our father didnt show up, since his girlfriend wasnt aloud.Well neither my father nor my mother showed up since their new SO was not aloud to go. I understand my sister point of view a little bit, it was her first wedding and although our parents were no longer togeather she didnt want any problems, mind you even though they have never met nor saw each other ect...That doesnt mean that there wasnt the possiblity of a problem occuring although I wouldnt think there would have been. My sister paid a high price and it broke her heart to have neither at her wedding. I know that this situtation is different since I am assuming that your x doesnt have a new, Since she is trying to get you back. My sister regrets the decision she made, but when I asked her if she would change it she said no even though she regrets it. She has stated that the reason behind her decision was for a cople of reasons.One since the news havent ever met she didnt want her wedding to be the place in case there was problems, and second off(she said she was being selfish)that she only wanted her parents so when she had children she didnt have to explain who the others were exspecially if they werent togeather. Now I have 5 children and if this situation arised with them I would have to say I wouldnt take my new or anything else to there wedding exspecialy if my child said no. Would I still go to the wedding of course. Would I have my son or daughter explain to me in more detail why, if course. I think I would find out exsactly why he doesnt want her to go,and then the of course the ultimate decision is yours He of course may still although he is an adult may still be upset that his parents are no longer togeather. He may also be saying this so X isnt hurt by the new, myself being female and although it hasnt been that long that you two have went your seperate ways your x being that she is trying to get back with may be extremely jealous by her and son may know this without actually coming right out and saying it and doesnt want any discomfort on anyones part at his wedding. My opion on this issue is that if your son has stated that he doesnt want her there and he is persistant on it then I would NOT take her. Although it may not cause a fight it may cause discomfort to not only your X but others, I cant really say but I being that it is his wedding and his day per say I Think I would respect his wishes because if he says no still and you show up with her it not only is going to make him upset on a very important special day of his life but prolly others as well. Good luck and keep us posted on it
  4. True The person below me likes anal sex.
  5. Okay, I am not really into flavoring at all but I firgue what the heck, might as well try it since most women dont like the taste of cum or their mans most personal part. So I ordered it since my girfriend hates to give head and I myself have never tried flavoring and she wanted my opion on the stuff. The flavoring that I recieved was strawberry, small bottle and is easily hideable if that is a problem. The gel is a little thick. I first put a little on my finger and tasted it, it had SLIGHT hint of strawberry, but not sticky at all. So I tell hubby hey I want to try something he is game so I squeeze out about a quarter size and rub it on his hard penis. You need to rub it in a little since I learned the hard way I didnt rub it in well and when I wrapped sucked him into mouth The gel was in chunks and it wasnt so pleasant.After I learned that lesson I then rubbed it in and I say I used about a quarter size about and rubbed it in well, while i was sucking on his balls. Once rubbed in, i began licking on him and sucking on him, the flavor seemed to go away pretty fast exspecially once I deep Throated him and brought him back up.So I reapplied it and started over a few sucks up and down and the flavor was gone again. So this flavoring doesnt last long and needs to be reapplied numerous times. I decided to try something else this time and once the flavoring wore off this time I just left it off tell he told me he was gonna cum so I stopped and reapplied it, then sucked him hard and deep. I love when my hubbby comes in my mouth! As far as covering the taste of cum, it gave it a strawberry taste.I myself am into more the natural taste so I wasnt found of it at all and to have to reapply it to keep the taste while giving your man a blowjob makes it a little rough. I love giving head and this flavoring didnt last well and needed to be reapplied numerous times to keep the taste threwout. IF you just need a good gel to mask the taste of Cum then this would be great but if your one of those who would like the flavoring threw out the whole blowjob then you will need to keep reapply this one.
  6. No to be honest the only place I have shopped online is here for toys. Their prices were very good and the shipping was great, they have cyberskin toys here have you check the prices? Sorry I cant help you there but I have well grown to love this place and have had alot of help.
  7. WOW. I might have to try this!So when it is removed it holds the shape and what about storing it for futute use, how to store it ?
  8. Rosy, If you sort of lick around the head of his penis and also take on your tongue while you are deep throating and make like a firgue 8 he will love. there is a topic on this already post also with great advice and tips. How to give the ultimate blowjob is a great conversation about different stuff it is wonderful
  9. Glad to hear that the pain is gone and everything is well. If it is long times between seeing him the other post are right on in saying that the vaginal muscle will retract back so a dildo is good but make sure you use a good lube. Also If it comes back to hurting and being painful then I think I would still see a doctor anyway heck once a year check-ups arent that bad and your health is very important. Good luck and I am glad to hear it is going much better
  10. WOW I love erotica and Anne Rice rules when it comes to that! I spend many nights reading late hours and I have to admit that sometimes I catch myself playing while I am reading because the blood rushes down there and next thing I know I am fingering my clitoral region. but yes I have read her books and a few others and woohoo they are grrrrrreat! You know good thought you all who told QG who could go on vacation LOL. I also read the letters and the hot stories in playboy and in hustler. There arent so many in playboy anymore but hustler as a few awesome ones.
  11. Mikayla, I have to say my man goes nuts when I do the deep Throat and hummy! Talk about a wild night in the bedroom After I finish him off, I work him back up so then when can have a little more fun and then it is mine turn.
  12. WOW Lost, you must be a nice guy I know I hae made other post regarding this issue, but I have to say I am in shock. I hope everything works out for the best for you both. There is one thing I will never understand maybe that is another differance between a man and a women although maybe not since I just thought about it and I know women who have been treated horribly and used and they never left tell the lost their minds. One thing I will never understand though is why people who are used or treated unfairly or have a one sided relationship per say, always seem to go back to it once they leave it. I am not saying that people cant change and that though dont, but sounds like you have been threw alot in this relatioship I hope all does go well and things change and hopefully you both will find happiness and pleasure in your lifes.After reading all the post the question is still there. Love is blind! Can love really be so blind for people to think it is okay to be inconsiderate and not care in a sense about what the other feels or what they are causing the other to feel like? Okay I am done babbling good luck lost and I wish you the best please keep us posted this is a wonderful place to vent, ask questions and get many different opions of the situtation which I find extremely helpful. Good Luck to you and keep your chin up.
  13. Well Hrnychick, I have to say I am guilty I have met someone online twice in fact and the second one I married and have been with for 8yrs. I was talking in a chat room and this guy and I hit it off to say the least we chatted on yahoo for a long time about 6months everyday,I sent him my pic and he sent me his, then as we all know came phone number exchange he lived in San Diego, Ca and I lived in Arizona. After numerous phone conversations I agreed to go to CA. He bought the ticket and I went alone, a very dangerous thing to do , but I felt save and to say the least i flew into LA X so I knew it would be full of people, heck and if all else failed I would just get on the next plane headed home. He met me as I was unboarding the flight I spotted him instantly and he spotted me, since we were both a little nerves we decided to grab a drink at the airport bar and talk and get comfortable with one another before I got into the car with him alone in a state that is huge. Well after about an hour of chit chat we decided to go eat dinner and talk about where I wanted to stay since we had a big day planned for tomorrow. He said there is a hotel just down the road from my house or you can stay with me it doesnt matter either way he said. If you would like to stay at the house, I have a spare room and the door locks and I will not bug you at all. After dinner I was feeling very comfortable with him and save, so I decided I would stay at his house. Showed me the spare room and off to sleep I was. The next morning he knocked on the door to wake me and of course I forgot to lock it but I said yes and he asked if he could come in, sure i said i am dressed and ask how long before I was ready. Well to make a long story short we had a wonderful next day zoo, sea world etc.. I stayed another night at his,everything was fine.The next day was my return flight and he took me to the airport and to this day we are still great friends, something could have happened so easy sexually but we had a understanding before I went to visit him. A couple years after that I was online again in a chat room. Was instant messaged and we talk online for awhile and he lived in the same state has me and about 65miles away.I was really worried in alot of ways because I had my daughter and she was only about 2months so now I have her to think about to my other children at the time were staying with their dad for the month.Well we chatted then came the phone calls. Then one day I finally gave in and called my dad to come and watch the little one and told him where I was going and about what time I should be home.We talked on the phone for a good 9months. I met him although I have never seen him or a pic but he had seen a pic of me he walked up to me and said are you Kathy I said yes and off to eat and of course I had to have a few drinks,to relax my nerves and calm myself down he was hot hot hot! Well after dinner we said goodnight and the next morning he called to see how everything went and was wondering if he was ever going to know where i lived. After about 1yr of talking and meeting and dating I finally let him come to the house and meet my daughter, he moved in 3months later and I married him 2months later and have been married to him ever since. I think I just got really lucky and didnt meet some physco out there.I have to say I was very careful well as careful as you can be with internet I guess. But I think it is possible, I spent a few years alone and finally decided that the men I was meeting out and about were only after sex and I was looking for someone for keeps not just a one night stand and I made that very clear! My husband and i didnt have any sexual action tell he moved in, go firgue,a nd let me tell you I was wishing we did the first night I met him but I had to think of my daughter and what I really wanted in a man.
  14. Welcome Needslotsofhelp! Well let me start by saying I use to be the same way and at times I still am!When my Hb goes down on me it does get to intense and I as he says(climb the walls) and he having to hold me me still or I will get away. IT feels great so it isnt that it hurts or anything, but what I have learned from my own experiance since I still at times runaway because the feeling is so INTENSE I will ask him to slow down and gently lick ect tell I calm down a little, I have also learned to try to control myself with Howards great advice and Mikaylas deep breaths, when it becomes so intense for her tell her to take deep breaths and you slow down a little to. That urge to pull away or that intense feeling exspecially in the clitoral area is for me that point when I am about to have a O it becomes so INTENSE and blood rushes there and makes it OMG WONDERFUL, although I am guilty at pulling away or making him stop or putting my hand in the way. Communication is the best thing, now instead of me pulling away I will say a little slower let me get control of me, and so he slows down and I regain my self control. I love it and I have to admit that when you are about to have a O for clitoral stimulation it is hightly intense! Keep posting and let us know
  15. Well the one have that is closest to realalitstic is the Futurotic Ez bend stud 7 1/2" long the veins on it are awesome and the vibration is out of this world. IT is not very quiet though, in case you have little ones. My husband loved it to, he could feel the vibration on him since I am into DP and he was anal and I had this toy vaginally. IT was great and the veins add a extra plus.
  16. Want2know, Mikayla hit it right on! I can tell you that there has been times that I dont cum but it feels like I have but nothing. Stress and thinking and worrind about things can play a HUGE role in it. As far as a vibrator with Clitoral stimulation they are great and help alot, I can have multi O with them but once again if I am not relaxed and there is somthing on my mind bugging me I just cant. Relax it is normal if there is extra stress in your life that this will happen. Try clearing your mind and not worry about it and it should come. Keep up posted
  17. Just a little update!Mikayla your article helped alot and OH MY GOD this time when we tried it WOOOHOO he was actually into it and it was great nothing like a little tie up on me and tease me and please me I love being Sub. Thanks all and I will keep you posted off to try more things IT is amazing since the first time I tried it with him, it was horrible but this time he was more game and did really well. Communication is a serious must and comfort level to me I am highly comfortable with just about anything it took a little help on my part but I think he likes being Dom was he got into it and of course I had to miss behave just to see what he would do
  18. WOW I came in on this conversation a little late! I have to agree with everyone and their comments. Lost, I have to say that if this is the same girl,then a HUGE talk needs to be put in place. What girls do in the bathroom before sex, well I can tell you first off I try to pee, clean up after a hard day and she also could be inserting some type of birthcontrol. I dont do that since I dont have to worry about it anymore. IF this is the same inconsiderate girl, that you have talked about before, then I have to say ask her and you will prolly get the response of NOTHING!! Hey Lost I dont want to sound like a prude or anything, but I fully agree with the other post here and we dont know you only what you type on the forum here and we have to go off what is written and make the best opions we can, about the situtation I can tell you that everyone here is very helpful and has wonderful advice , but we all can only be as helpful and give the advice as we see it and off the information posted. Okay I am done but hey if your wondering what she does ask, but I think everyone is right on when it comes to this. Take care
  19. Jaylo, I believe a talk is in order on this sitution but I do think that there may be a underlining issue somewhere, I know a friend of mine once said that she thought it was degrading and the more we talk we found out that she just didnt like the taste of cum. That was easily fix able since their are alot of flavorings out there and also a change in diet changes the way cum taste. Maybe there is something in her past, something she was told? I have to say though when she does give you a blowjob let her know how well she is doing and how much it turns you on. Also how sexy she is and make her feel great about herself and what she is doing to you. It could also be a self esteem issue I dont want to say that though not knowing the whole situtation but I have to say for exsample a good friend of mine was in a terrible relationship for a period of time before she got out, the man she was with was always degrading her and she could never do anything right. Not saying that this issue may occur with her but heck maybe somewhere someone has made her loose her selfesteem. These were just a few thoughts I had about it. I think a good talk with her and a gentle one on this issue is a must but please keep us posted and let us know how it goes
  20. sorry to hear! Well I hope you are getting another and I am waiting to know what the out come of this event will be! I am sure you will enjoy it and I have noticed with a few of my toys that the batteries believe it or not can be tricky. It sounds like the were touching to close for them to get hot. I know in another toy I have that I thought it was broken when I got it but come to find out it was me I put the batteries in and nothing happened then hubby did it nothing, then the batteries were like fire to touch. So I got a little fustrated and decided to put it up and wait well later on that day I decided to try again this time I made sure that I look to make sure that if it said positive down it was down ect....I did notice though that the little plastic that hold the batteries from touching each other or moving off the connection was really small well me not willing to give up hope LOL careful placed them and screwed the top on tight and for I am not sure what maybe a miracle it worked and the batteries didnt feel like fire when I was done it was just really touchy. Please keep us posted and the best of luck to you.
  21. Well Kungfugirl let me be the first to WELCOME YOU TO TOOTIMID!!! My hubby has a stash of those to, at first i didnt know about them tell one day I was putting away laundry and one of his dresser drawers was so full I couldnt firgue out why. Well it wasnt because he had alot of clothes in them. I think he had a whole 2 t-shirts and a pair of shorts LOL. Well I was okay with it, but wasnt okay with him hiding them from me or not telling me. So what I did was to bring up the subject I went to the store and bought the new one the had out and left it placed(just so he could find it and not the children)I never said a word about it, then when I went up to our room since he seem to have been up there along time, my I looked and it was gone. I said to him did you see the gift I bought I thought you might like? He immediatley said thank you and that started up the whole conversation at this point in time though we had only been married about 6months and we had a long talk about them and he explained why he was hiding them and why he thought that I wasnt going to be okay with it. We have been married now for 8years, that is what I tried, you can try buying one and just leave it in a place that only he would find. Then when you notice it moved or gone or read. Ask him if he found the gift you bought for him, or hey maybe he might just bring up the book he found himself. A conversation is needed and I hope this helps some as to how to bring up the issue ect. I have to say that I have renewed his subscribtion numerous times and in fact found a new one and ordered it for him, we have sat down and looked at them togeather and heck found some really interesting things to. Let me know if this helps! Welcome again!
  22. Well I had to ask this question since we are thinking about getting into the BDSM thing. I tried it once with my husband and it didnt go that great, But me I think I would like to be submissive, to begin with and see how I like it and then maybe turn into the Dom. Please let me know which you like and why. I have read the article by Mikayla on this issue so I have the starting point of it. Just curious as to how many women or men prefer which side and why?
  23. Kinky Kitty, just a quick questions since I read that you were having a problem deep throating just wondering if you got the hang of it or need advice on how to, or what. Just a little follow up to see how it is going and to see if we can be of further help since I saw it mentioned and no problems really listed. Let us know since we are all here to help
  24. Spit or Swallow Well heck I also swallow I think that it should always be a ladys choice but sorry I think spitting just seems grouse to me and then what would you do with it. I never thought the taste was bad unless of course they drink alot of coffee, eat alot of salty foods, garlic ewwww then I am sure but I have to say that whatever a man eats does effect how he taste. Although myself I have never tried any of the flavors I quess I am just a natural tasting person and if it ever taste bad then I will have to send him to the kitchen and make him eat sugar No I just tell him to add alittle more sweet to his diet or fruit but pineapple is a great way to make a wonderful flavor. Sorry if I offend anyone by saying that spitting just isnt the thing for me but my question is if you dont swallow then what do you do with it, wipe it off?Rub it in? Just a ? I guess and yes to each their own and I believe that it should always be a ladys choice but if some people think it taste bad dont totally say you wont do it again due to one bad experiance tell him change his diet a little or even some tasting lubes or something. Okay I am done rabbling on
  25. Mikayla is right on with the batteries for the Glittering Rotating G when I got mine I swore it was defective and that my night of a good time was over. The batteries have to be just just right and play with the buttons alot I almost sent mine back and then the day I was going to I decided hmmm let me try this again. So i took it out of packaging again and was very careful on the batterie placement then hit a few buttons an OH MY !!!!! woohoo in heaven I was, at the time my hb was heading up the stairs to our room and was wondering what all the noise was about and he was do excited for me that I got it to work . I have taken out sense then and sometimes I think it is broke but because it has been in my toy box, and I forgot to take the batteries out the got a little jared around so I take them out and let them sit a min and load and behold it works again. I just wanted to comment on that since I had the similiar problem at first.
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