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Everything posted by Valntyn

  1. I’ve always loved bears - and now they love me, in the form of the waterproof Bears of Passion dual-action vibrator! I’d heard all-too-often that dual-actions were vibes every woman should include in her toy box, but I’d never tried one until now. I see what I’d been missing! Having gone to bed early the night before and pleasuring my husband before we drifted off to sleep, we woke early and decided it was my turn. That included HIM getting out of our warm bed to wash the toy and insert the 2 AA batteries (not included)! There was no new-toy smell, which was great, but toys should always be washed with antibacterial soap or wipes, even brand new out of the box. There are two bullets in this toy: one in the shaft and one in the bears, each with the strong vibrations I love. It’s not a quiet toy, but neither was I once my husband lubed me up with TooTimid’s Pleasure Gel (our favorite lube) and cranked the vibes up high! Made with a smooth as silk pearl shine, the 4.5” shaft is nicely ribbed to increase stimulation. At 1.5” thickness, it gave me that yummy full feeling. Two bears stand at the base of the shaft, waiting to tickle your fancy while their vibrations tickle your clit. About 15 seconds after my husband slid this into my vagina and the bears were against my clit, I gasped for him to hold still and had two orgasms right then and there. I was frozen in ecstasy! After a few more orgasms, he let me rest and told me he came just watching! We looked the toy over while resting and wondered if the dual-purpose could be used in other positions - thus started Round 2! It can be held in the “traditional” sense: inserted into the vagina with the bears at the clit; OR it can be held backwards: inserted into the vagina with the bears tickling the anus; OR it can be used with the bears flat against the vagina with the head of the shaft against the anus! (Remember: it’s fine to go from vagina to anus, but never from anus to vagina!) Have you found your passion?
  2. Apropos of nothing, I just had to sing and shout -- I just saw there's a new glass dildo out!! Weeeee!!! It's called "The Red Flame" and it's sooo purdy. Life is good.
  3. Never be embarrassed to ask questions! How will you learn if you don't ask? If you check out the cockrings section of the shopping guide, you'll see a variety of choices from TooTimid. Unfortunately, I think they're all run by watch batteries. Hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong. There is another section under Massagers & Vibrators called Clit Stimulators that has even more choices. The batteries in these last quite a while and they're sooooo nice. My husband and I have the Heart-On Wireless Lovemaker and we LOVE it. The bullet can be removed to be used separately all over the body as well as be part of the ring to press against your clit. Many of them come with their own batteries and they're basic, widely found batteries that you can pick up at your local drug store. As far as how long to keep them on -- I'd have to say it depends on what type of cock ring you get. If you get the kind like above, it's made of a stretchy material that doesn't cut off the penis' circulation. If you get a kind that goes around the balls as well, I think the answer is 20-30 minutes . Give 'em a try! Oh, and because we're nosey (just kidding, we just like to know how others are doing!) -- let us know how things go!
  4. Sounds like you two had a great time. Could we get a link for it so we can learn a little more about it? My husband loves light-up toys and I love strong vibrations, so it sounds like a fun addition. Thanks!
  5. Adam & Eve productions brings “eight of the hottest scenes of all time” to DVD in The Ultimate Erotic Fantasy! With eight different flicks of pleasure to choose from, some award winners, you can’t go wrong! * An all-female threesome in Erotic Visions has a dom female directing two others. Don’t be turned off by the outfits; they don’t stay on long! * Three pairs of partners quickly dive into dessert in The Dinner Party. I’ve never been to a dinner that ended this way! The women look more bored than excited, but that doesn’t stop the men from pounding away! * A patient gets a thorough exam from her doctor and nurse. The table gets turned (and shared) when the doctor and nurse get their own exams! Double dongs, pearl necklaces and lots of oil make this all-female doctor’s visit FUN! * The Palace gives new meaning to “doing the books” when a male/female couple “reap their rewards” on the accountant’s desk. * Fantasy Chamber was my & my husband’s favorite. Three women pleasure each other with anal plugs, strap-ons, vibrators and dongs. The outfits are sexy and the object of worship is a giant penis: what every girl needs on her sexual altar! * Although the next flick starts with cheesy lines, the male/female pair make up for it with some great stairway balancing acts! Going up, anyone? *In Elements of Desire, two females (one a young Jenna Jameson) share the love in what I can only describe as bridal. The setting is white wind-blown material; outfits are lacy white with pearls; touches are tender. A must see for Jenna fans. * Lastly, dream of getting slathered with suntan oil and having sex outside as this male/female couple does. Who doesn’t love the cabana boy? There is some cheesy music and a few lame lines, but it’s mostly low-key and not overly obtrusive. Being fairly new to adult movies, I say this is an excellent one for beginners. I recommend it as a start to any video collection! All in all, a good way to spend 110 minutes and a couple batteries in my favorite bullet!
  6. *laughlaughlaughlaughlaughlaugh*
  7. Thanks for the nice words, Howard. Unfortunately, I probably can’t pinpoint the exact reason for the “fizzle.” If I’m going to be honest with myself, I think I probably went through a bout of depression. For what reason, I’m not sure; I just know I wasn’t happy with much and because I wasn’t happy, I was finding MANY things about my husband that I wasn’t happy with - probably because he was the main/major person I saw day-to-day, there wasn't actually anything wrong with him. This was really odd to me, because he and I are best friends and had been close friends since we met in high school in 1989-90! Anyway... we’d go six months or more without sex. I just didn’t want it. It caused a riff -- what husband wants to hear, “No,” over and over and over because his wife doesn’t want him touching her, especially when before, we'd been having sex multiple times a day? We got in some fights, talked once or twice about giving up... but neither one of us really wanted to lose the other. One day it finally clicks. “Girl, you better turn your ass around or you’re going to lose the best thing you’ve ever had happen in your life.” It was a struggle -- literally a struggle -- but I worked “one day at a time” (to borrow a popular phrase) to dig myself out of the pit and like my husband again. Sounds horrible, doesn’t it? I KNEW I liked him, even though I didn’t feel like I did. And I KNEW I loved him, even though I didn’t feel like I did. And I KNEW I was going to lose him if I didn’t work at fixing things. So I did. I worked hard to thank him for taking out the trash instead of berating him for forgetting to empty the little trash can in the bathroom. I worked hard to rekindle the physical relationship (and hey, what do you know, it felt GOOD when I let him touch me! *chuckle*). And I worked hard at sitting still and talking to him about things instead of going into another room to do something else. Eventually it wasn’t work. Eventually we made love more often. Eventually we laughed a lot together. Eventually we talked and held hands and enjoyed being in each others company like we had before. Eventually we fell in love again. When I first came to TooTimid, I found it odd that so many people wrote that sometimes you have to WORK at LOVE. Love is love, you shouldn’t have to WORK to find it. ... But yah, sometimes you do. I get that now. And it’s so worth it. And once you realize that, it isn’t WORK anymore. It’s total pleasure. I think this is the first time I’ve actually written all this out. I don’t think I ever even wrote about this in my journal back then. And now I’m actually crying. *chuckle* I’m very thankful for the second chance I got with my husband. I think I’ll go surprise-call him at work just to tell him so. Sorry I rambled. *laugh* I hope I gave what you were looking for, though. (EDIT: Right as I was about to post this and call my husband, he walked through the door -- home from work more than four hours early and with flowers for me!! TELL me I'm not a lucky girl. )
  8. It's lots of little things here that add up... We flirt and play all day long, both physically and over the phone. He calls me several times a day; he has an hour drive each way to/from work and he calls before he leaves work or to tell me he got there safe. He also calls during lunch and oftentimes I get surprise "Hello, I love you" calls. I get up early with him in the mornings to spend that few minutes with him before he heads off to work and pack his lunch for him; sometimes slipping in a note for him to find later in the day. He never leaves the house for work without kisses and hugs (and laughter when I keep pulling him back for more or when I flash him through the window) and he gets greeted every night, no matter how late, with kisses and hugs (and laughter when I keep pulling him back for more or strip him of his work clothes, hehe). I love to grab his tush and he gets the biggest kick out of it when I do it in public. We always reach for each other's hand to hold when we're walking. We talk about everything and anything. I'm always telling him how proud of him I am and we both often tell each other how lucky we are to have the other's love. And when I started coming here to TooTimid, we found even more to talk about! We now talk about sex more than we ever did -- we even (after 13 years of being together) had a conversation the other day after a shared shower about how to improve my hold during handjobs! *chuckle* I said, "Teach me?" and he did! Our sex life started out red hot, but fizzled for a few years due to issues with me. It's gotten back up there, and every little thing we do to tell the other we love each other only improves it. We shower together -- sometimes having sex, sometimes just massaging and relaxing with each other. We thank each other the next day for the delicious sex we had the night before. We teasingly remind each other of something funny that might have happened (either during sex or no) long, long ago. We try new things and new places. And we just have fun. Being close, open and having fun with each other are our keys. Might not sound like a lot to some, but when my legs are numb and don't work and my throat is raw from yelling during multiple orgasms, I'd say it works for us.
  9. Awesome! Hope she has a fun birthday get-a-way! Yay you for doing this!
  10. Not quite the same situation, but sorta, from here. My husband will end up with welts from my nails and bruises from my teeth and I won't fully remember digging or biting him. This morning was actually a reversed scenerio -- I was picking on him for a lovely purple bruise that decorated the left side of his chest. He absently said he must've hit something at work recently and I started laughing -- he didn't remember my biting/sucking him there last night! Usually what he teases me about the most is how loud I yell during sex and I have no clue except for the horrific soar throat I have for about a day. ...Like now.
  11. A quick note of thanks, Howard -- I've got May 8 marked on the calendar! *laugh* It's kinda hard to picture outdoor naked fun, with the new foot of snow and the sleet that's falling down right now, but it'll be a fun surprise in two months to see that written on the calendar!
  12. Not having ever used oil to slick myself up, I don't have an answer for you as to what would work best. My reply about your comparing the look of the oil in reality to the look of oils in pornos though, would be this: remember that movie sets have professional lighting and the lights are set-up specifically to enhance whatever aspect of the picture the director wants. In other words: they work the lighting to make the girls look shinier. I'm sure some of the oils the people wear also have "glittery" stuff added to them to also help enhance the effect. Have a fun trip to Atlantic City!
  13. Hi VG! I am extremely ticklish, too! Not too often does it happen during sex, but when it does -- it actually makes it MORE pleasurable!! :) My nipples are more sensitive; they'll turn hard as rocks and I'll be squirming all away from my husband's touch - which makes the "game" more fun for him. And sometimes it'll take a few tries for my husband to be able to enter me, because his penis will tickle the HECK out of my pussy and I'll just be laughing my butt off, which makes HIM laugh, which makes.... you get the picture. Still laughing, we "push through" the moment and the sex is fantastic... even though I'm laughing through most of it. *giggle* I find my orgasms are even stronger during these sessions, not only because I'm more sensitive down there, but because of the fun I've had with my husband. Sex is about having fun with your partner and laughing is definitely fun! Hopefully your partner will understand and not cock an eyebrow at you, wondering if you're laughing AT him. *snicker* Just explain that you're wicked ticklish, grab him to you, and have fun!
  14. I'd keep my fingers crossed, too, but they're too frozen and blue from the hours of shovelling all the many, many feet of snow we got! Hehe! Sending out thoughts, also, that everyone's safe and sound.
  15. I'm pretty speechless on this one... oh my gawd, what nerve. All I can say is ditto to all the above. The one thought that kept running through my mind is that if she were a man, I bet your husband would have given her a good ass kicking.
  16. I might rock the boat a little on this one, but please remember these are MY feelings. I'm not writing this to point fingers or slam anyone! While I agree with Howard that it is YOUR business whether you tell someone you're a virgin or not, I have to say I'm caught up on the fact that you lied to your new partner. Personally, I don't see that as a good beginning to a relationship, starting it with lies. If this is someone with whom you don't see a future / it was a one time thing, I guess it isn't THAT big a deal, but if it's someone with whom you end up being with for a while, I hope the truth eventually comes out. I guess I say this because, first off, I hate liars. If I found out my partner had done that to me, it wouldn't be the fact that they were a virgin that would bother me (I couldn't care less); it would be the fact that they'd lied to me. Also, I'm a person who likes to really know a person and their sexual history before I have sex with someone, for safety reasons, if nothing else. Assumptions can be made when you think the other person has experience and that can lead to trouble. I'm glad you said you used protection and that everything went well. Also, it seems to me that if you're questioning the fact that you're not sure if lying to him was a good idea, you might not be comfortable with the fact that you did lie. (Forgive me if I'm wrong -- it's hard to tell from a few words, you know? ) It might be a good idea to 'fess up now and get it off your chest. More than likely he'll understand you said what you said just cuz you were nervous about how he'd react. Again, if you're comfortable with how you handled things, then keep it that way and enjoy! Like I said, I personally have a hard time with lies/liars, and that's where I'm hung-up on your situation. If it doesn't bother you, ignore me. Hehe. I agree with Howard about reading the suggested articles! Get those juices flowing. Learn how to pleasure yourself. Then teach him how to pleasure you and learn from him what feels good so you can pleasure him. If this is an ongoing relationship, this will be a great one, learning together.
  17. First off, no, I never have used toys with anyone other than my husband. One big reason could be because our toys have 'only' been bought during the last year and we've been together for 13 years. Cleanliness is a concern no matter if the toy is used on just me, both of us, or just him. If it's not clean, it shouldn't be used. We wash them when we first open them; we wash them when we're going to use them (especially if they've been unused for a while); and we wash them after they've been used. That being said, I personally don't have any psychological reasons why I wouldn't use one of our toys with another -- either a third party (were there one) or a future mate (which of course, I hope not to have cuz I'm kinda fond of my husband ). You use your personal body parts with PartnerA. If for whatever reason you were going to have a different partner after that (the next night, the next month, ten years down the road...), would you not use your penis/vagina with PartnerB because you'd used it with PartnerA previously? Hopefully you're showered and clean, especially in the areas you're "sharing the wealth" with. Seems the same to me... Anyway, hopefully the words put through the thoughts in my head. I'm too tired from shovelling snow to really be quite sure. *chuckle* Everyone has their own feelings to this, and I don't think anyone can be right or wrong on it. My only hope is that people remember: Be clean and have fun.
  18. I'll just stick with "lots" as my answer.
  19. Actually, I meant to post on this the other day and I totally forgot! (Sorry!) I noticed that there were lots of little changes here and there throughout the Shopping and the Forum sections and I wanted to give a two thumbs up! Very nice.
  20. Valntyn


    Even the THOUGHT of an accent drives me wild.
  21. My answer's going to be along the same lines as Mikayla's... My husband and I have a connection that I've never had with anyone else... we're close lovers AND we're close friends. He's not the "best I've ever had," but he makes me feel better than anyone's ever made me feel -- that's gotta count for something, hehe -- not to mention the fact that he lives to make me multi-orgasmic! *laugh*
  22. Happy belated February 24, Howard.
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