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Everything posted by littlemissnonamegirl

  1. Welcome everyone! Tootimid is an excellent forum and you will definitely learn a lot from reading and from others. Plus, we get to share our experiences. :]
  2. I loved the garter tease, you have a gorgeous face and figure! Very pretty, and I like the nipple rings!
  3. Sorry to hear about your breakup, but I'm glad you're okay and feeling alright about the outcome. It's good to just take some time for you to go out and yes make out with guys =] yay! but i mean, you'll find someone with the same intentions you have and you seem like a great person! so it's his loss. anyway, i hope everything continues to be good.
  4. Wow, I have no idea how I missed this post. Two pages in, whoa baby. Lol Even though english is my first language, being fluent in french I must say a french accent can do it for me. so hot, speak to me in french, and it's on lol.
  5. BINGO. hit it right on the head pappy.
  6. Thanks for sharing! I'm glad to know size doesn't matter and yes attitude is everything right?
  7. Looks like batman and superman "supermanned" spidey's back. hahah... (hence the crank that song reference.) Oh, my....what cakes have come to.
  8. ahahahhah I have two dogs, it'd either be... Brownie Central Ave or Missy Central Ave lol! Not exactly the porn names I'd use, but nice innuendos could come in handy I like everyone else's names better!
  9. Hm, this is definitely something interesting I too would like to try someday. And I too have a C cup, does it really matter with size? or not really?
  10. Always good to remind each other just so we can keep this forum focused on helping and lending advice without any judging or misconstruing. Definitely understand what you mean Mikayla, and we have to remember to do those things.
  11. I'm a rail, and damnn would I kill to have beautiful curves like that Nice picture!
  12. Whoa, awesome pictures! Garters are definitely sexy, and this girl rocks them well. Nice work!
  13. Wow, so artsy! And you definitely have a talent with photography. I like how the colors work, the black and white with the flower pop of color.
  14. Oh my goodness! Wow what a brilliant idea. and yes, you rock the deep bridge well. I loveee the colors on the tat, ouchies, but it looks amazing. It definitely is coming along!
  15. Welcome to the forum and yay for joining! I, too, explored and then joined. Can't wait to read and reply to your posts/comments/questions. Nice to meet you
  16. Sometimes it feels really good to just get all this stuff of your chest. Sounds like a real character (this lady.) Rant away girl, you have every right to.
  17. Not a problem Howard, no need to apologize, you're always on top of these things so really if anything thank you for taking the time to extend your kindness and encouraging words of wisdom. I'm putting all my positivity in my grandfather. I went to the service and funeral today...and it was so hard, just all of it. I, as well, was fortunate to have not really had too many encounters with death, and I did get to see my great grandma until 18, and she was 97. that's pretty spectacular. So I guess, just move forward and keep positive and focus on the good times in her life and have faith in these doctors. Thank you very much to you Howard, and EVERYONE else who has left me such a kind response. My grandmother is in a better place now. Amelia
  18. Howard, my grandmother died, and my grandfather is sick. my father is fine. But nevertheless, thank you for your optimism. it helps keep me thinking positive
  19. No, no it's okay. Howard, you are absolutely correct. I KNOW that this is becoming treatable, but it's not curable what he has. I'm dealing with it way better than probably most people would deal with. Plus, my grandmother just died. I understand the tough mentality persay, it's fine. But you're right, the treatment is getting better and thank heavens for that. My gramps and I are gonna talk tomorrow and I'm excited to just tell him.
  20. Thanks Poon, I'm definitely taking a lot of what you've said and pappy and a few other friends, and just trying to use it. I feel like hey, it takes time to get over this...but focus on the positives and now. And my grandfather I just found out is going into surgery this wednesday, so I'm going to go over prior to this and sit him down and just tell him everything. and how much he means to me and that I love him a lot. My grandpa isn't always the lovey dubby type, but deep down I know it'd mean a lot for him to hear that. He doesn't smile much, more stern guy. But I know that'll definitely earn a smirk or hopefully a lip smile. Thanks once again to you and everyone else for your encouraging and sweet replies. It definitely is helping ease the pain, and not be so depressed. --Amelia
  21. Good to know, I guess it's just me making sure I'm not because some people (not here) but in general everyday do bitch a lot about things so I just don't ever want to come off that way.
  22. Thank you, Pappy, that really does mean a lot. and I understand what you're saying...I'm just trying to keep the good moments of her and the things that were so wonderful about her in my head. And my grandpa, I'm trying to stay strong and stay positive because that's what he needs right now. No negativity or depression around him. I appreciate your comment. Thank you.
  23. Okay, so it's not at all a rant/rave out of anger? More sorrow. So this has been a real eventful few weeks, I just found out my mom's dad, my grandpa J, was diagnosed with lung cancer. And what upsets me the most is that he is SO healthy, eats right, keeps active, doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, he's an all around guy. and he has this. I mean I am convinced then that it must be when he was younger working in the mines or other jobs where he was exposed to asbestos, which of course does cause trouble in the lungs. The toughest part about this is also he's a young guy. he's like mid 60's, which for a grandparent is young! I am just bummed because my grandma (his wife) is a diabetic and doesn't even take care of herself. She eats everything she's not supposed to, she's overweight (diabetes...hence.) she's a hypochondriac, and just everything she does, is ze opposite of my gramps (cept she doesn't drink/smoke either which is good.) Iguess I'm just bummed because I don't want him to die or be sick because he doesn't deserve it. not that anyone does. NO one does. I mean he's at brigham's and if anyone is familiar with boston...it's the TOP place to be taken care of in terms of his condition. (boston has sooo many good medical centers) Anyway, I mean I hope they can remove parts of the lung if eligible for the surgery safely, so he won't have to do chemo treatments and whatnot. I just want to see him live as long as he can, staying as healthy as can be. He inspires me to want to do this too. So I'm just praying he's gonna be good, he's going to pull through and be ok. I just don't wanna see him in that hospital bed again. If that wasn't bad enough, my great grandmother just died. 97, bless her soul. Another real healthy lady, etc. I guess being 18, and young...and NEVER having experienced a death in the family or any encounter with it, it hit me really hard. I am a mess right now, it just happened a day ago and I just can't seem to put things into perspective yet. I know 97 alone, is a high number and shit, it's great to say you had a great grandma I knew through most of my youth who lived to practically 100! I guess I just cannot believe she is gone now. Strange to just have her in your life one minute, and she's gone the next. Dimentia does do that...and her skin was peeling and bleeding. She lived a nice life, and now she can be with my grandpa. I guess I just can't get over what happened, or face it. The funeral's this weekend and I'm not sure I'm ready to. Sorry for whining and bitching about this, I just needed to get it off my chest. It's a lot in my life right now and I guess it's just hard having it all thrown at me at once. =[
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