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Everything posted by chloegirl

  1. I think that old theory is way off. Being able to let go of an old, outdated look can be very liberating making you feel more playful and sexy. Let's face it.....after a certain age most women just look better and younger without long hair dragging her features down. Bottom line is though that you need to take the time to fix yourself up a little whether your hair is long or short....that effort makes you feel and look better and that affects the vibes you put out.
  2. Wow! Just helped my 20 year old daughter get ready for a formal...the dress is absolutely amazing on her! But the way she's wearing her hair and everything I swear it's like looking in a mirror 20+ years ago! "sigghh" I just hope so bad that they both have wonderful, fulfilling lives with NOTHING ever missing, and never lose themselves in the process!
  3. True - but I've got at least half a dozen waiting for the opportunity to be played out right now! TPBM still hasn't started decorating for Christmas
  4. Welcome aboard! Jump right in....the more people we hear from the better! There's quite a few of us here that have hit that mark lately and hearing everyone's ideas and experiences is a real eye opener.
  5. There's an X-Mart here that has a fairly good stock and if they don't have what you want they will try to order it, but honestly, other than my favorite Doc Johnson I got there, TT has the best quality products I've come across and they're fast getting them to you. First time I went in there I was kind of embarrassed, worried about what people who saw me in there would think, but now when I go in I don't have a problem asking about anything, talking to the sales guys, and taking my time looking. Was able to drag hubby in one time and offered him carte blanche but he was as nervous as a school girl and didn't even pick anything out! Why worry? We're adults and anyone in there is looking at the same stuff so how on earth can they judge you? I look forward to checking out some other places in neighboring cities....hey that might be a fun vacation theme....travel the states and visit all the adult stores!
  6. lol! For Sure!!! We all know a real man will win out over the plastic every time!
  7. This morning I kept hearing a loud purring, growling sound off and on coming from my closet. Thought the cat might have been locked in there somehow but no....I keep my "tool box" full of toys in there and somehow one of them decided to come awake on it's own. Guess it was it's way of letting me know to rotate it and give it it's turn! Note to self....take the batteries out between uses!
  8. Wow deja vu! This was exactly my life! And the way they look at it is that as long as they're home every night and working everyday that we don't have a reason to complain. The fact that they care more about what they want (drinking their beer, getting off when they want to....and very quick with no effort put in at that, then going to sleep) than care about your feelings or what you need and want just goes to show what selfish SOB's they really are. It usually takes something major to wake them up to where they are willing to change...all the "talking" in the world is not gonna do it! You're still young honey....don't let too much more time go by putting up with it, because it's just not worth it. All those years of drinking will eventually affect him physically and that on top of the other dysfunctions is just more "nada" for you! It took a near death health experience to finally change mine....he's really a very decent husband and father, but when I think of how many years I put up with that shit I still get mad at myself. If I had to do it over again I would have made an ultimatum early on and then gotten out if he didn't take it seriously because there were alot of good years wasted and no matter how much better things get it does change the nature of your feelings....kind of like "too little, too late". When it comes to lifelong relationships you've got to put yourself and your needs first and then work on compromises from there. Good luck!
  9. I'm right there with you on this one Vibe Killer. I have a WONDERFUL Doc Johnson rabbit type vibe that I got a little over a year ago....has all the moves, gyrations,functions, bendable shaft, and POWER that I want and need and after trying literally dozens of other vibes (some that cost WAY too much!) I have yet to find one that can compare. Sadly it's about to go belly up on me.....the shaft is starting to break away from the base. Oh well, what can you expect from the enthusiastic daily action this baby sees? The problem is it doesn't have a model name or number on it and I have not been able to find it on any web site, not even the manufacturers' or even the store that I bought it at. Looks like we are both looking for the same kind of thing....hard-core power!!! I'll continue my search and let you know if I find a really good one and you let me know what you find.
  10. Don't know how to tactfully ask, but I'm going to assume that you are still very young. If so you will get over this as you gain more experience and confidence in yourself as you get older. My first major relationship was with a guy who had his dorm walls literally plastered with those huge, fake, globe titted, beer models. He never once said anything derogatory or compared my small boobs to those but it still made me feel insecure....like I didn't measure up and he didn't really want me, and that insecurity affected the way that I let myself respond, which was a really stupid mistake! He didn't have a problem with my breasts, but in my head I projected my own stupid insecurities into this huge non-existant issue with him....I couldn't believe or accept that he really cared about me because I didn't look like the pics on his walls so I eventually walked away, gave up a chance for a really great and hot relationship because I couldn't let go of an image problem that was all in my own head. Learn this lesson now and learn it fast....you don't have to look like the pictures or actresses that they look at for fantasy and entertainment! You're fine the way the you are! Make yourself see that you ARE desireable the way you are, act on it and he will see you that way too! He chose you to be with...don't let your insecurity beat you out of enjoying your relationships to the fullest. When you look at actors or male models, or even just imagine a character when you're reading a book you can admire that person, but it doesn't mean you want to dump your partner for that image. Don't read any more into their looking at porn or pics than what it is (unless they are looking at it constantly, can't respond to you anymore, or are actively comparing or insulting you)....they're just looking and yes maybe fantasizing but it doesn't really take anything away from you unless you let it. Jealousy and poor self-image will kill a relationship if you let it fester like that.
  11. Here's another take on it.....Just because he's slept with hookers and strippers doesn't mean he WAS a wild man.....it's entirely possible that he just plain sucks in bed no matter who or how many he's been with! His history might look on the outside like he was the ultimate playboy, but I wonder what the hookers and strippers he's supposedly had have to say about his skills. There are guys (and women too I'm sure) who just never get past the stage of getting off as quick and easy as possible and they assume if they got off the other person is too....they never catch on to the concept of the more each gives, shares, and explores the better it gets for you both and it could be so much more gratifying. She needs to confront him about this for sure now before any more time goes by and see how he truly feels about the situation. If he thinks everything is fine the way it is and he won't even talk about his fantasies (that line about not having any is bull!) and he isn't willing to work on it she needs to hit the road a'running because I don't care how great he is in every other aspect of their life (unless maybe he's rich as Croesus!), she is NOT going to be happy as the years go by.
  12. Well of course there has to be some physical attraction when people first hook up, but I think that once a relationship builds you don't judge each other against those unrealistic standards and most people are in tune enough to know that your average person does not look like a porn star (and really, if you know you don't measure up then how on earth could you expect to get a partner who does?). I know and have heard first hand that how you look or how much you weigh doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the quality of your sex life. But I will admit when I watch a movie or even just an amature porn clip I do not want to look at ugly people. When I look at that stuff it's for entertainment or to get aroused and sorry....for that I want it to look hot!
  13. Not there yet but I'm definitely interested in the answers you get. Let's hear from you women with experience!
  14. commit a crime, hurt another person, allow myself to be used or debased by someone who has no feelings for me.....
  15. Agree with you 100%! Just a one time lark under ideal, drama-free conditions with a gorgeous specimen you would never see again would be a hot memory you could use for years to cum!
  16. Oh yeah! It's that "sex is a sin" mentality that really messes up alot of people!
  17. - Being accomodating and giving is fine as long as you make sure you get what you want too. If you don't demand what you want and deserve you'll probably never get it and lookout for the backlash that will inevitably follow once the resentment builds on that! - Always be yourself. Don't hold back and be shy or try to conform to what you think others want you to be. - Don't judge yourself so harshly. You don't have to be physically perfect....you are fine the way you are and if anyone doesn't like it they can hit the road....you're not missing anything! - Sex IS important!
  18. [quote name='sun_flower969' date='Nov 4 2008, 03:39 PM' post='82392'] I <3 this... I kept trying to scroll down to see your shoes though! LOL See how I am!!! I think it's an illness! LOL haha! Did the same thing....tried to scroll down to the shoes....Must be some female related disease! Great pic Shoop! Love the pose and b/w! You look amazing!
  19. OMG they're playing that annoying Overstock.com commercial again where they "yodel" that irritating country song that gets on my nerves so bad I want to throw something at the tv! I dread going to the store this time of year.....Constant Christmas music is bad enough but when they play it "country" style I can't get out of there fast enough!
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