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Everything posted by chloegirl

  1. Did you ever order you suction cup cyberskin? One of my favorites....Lots of interesting game options with those!
  2. Continuous groomer. I shave everywhere every day. Stay moisturized, toes polished, teeth constantly brushed, smell GOOD, hair washed and done....the whole 9 yards....no matter what.
  3. I do this with hubby frequently and believe me, there's never a time he won't welcome it regardless of the time or how deep he is sleeping! Never been woken up that way myself tho.
  4. The cyber skin is great but you have to be careful about how firm or floppy they are as each model is different although they may look the same. (Personally I like them more on the firm side!). And the suction cup is the only way to go....you may not use it every time but I can guarantee you'll enjoy riding that thing whether it's stuck to a chair, a wall, or.....well you get the idea! bon appetit!
  5. I think you just answered your own question....so much of it is directly related to how turned on you are by the act of sucking him! If he really inspires you, the give and take of it is so erotically charged that there is no way you can be bothered by his cum! I think it depends on just how into it you both get...a dead lay with no positive or mutual feedback is a buzzkill that will have you focusing on the negative and wanting it to just end quickly, whereas someone who really responds gets you hotter too and the game is ON!
  6. Yep, looks like he's workin' just fine!
  7. Not with my old man! That only happens with self-serve.
  8. Now this one is on my waiting to do SOON list! A direct hit like that can produce an almost instant "reaction"!
  9. Yes, the whole situation is sickening and alot of times it's these kind of scumbags who just keep cranking them out. I think it's about at the point where they should find a way to temporarily sterilize every girl who reaches puberty and you should NOT be able to reproduce if you can't pass psychological testing and be able to show that you can financially support them as well! Extreme I know (yes I know it's not feasible and just because they might pass the test at one stage of their life doesn't mean that they wouldn't lose it and sink down into the dregs later), but when you see and hear enough of these kinds of stories, as well as the whole "welfare" tangent it just leaves you cold! Thank goodness there are people like you AK who are there to give and help!
  10. Why on earth would you want to rush it like that? It's the build up of erotic sensuality, both mental and physical that makes that ultimate release so good....the higher you ratchet it up the greater the pleasure!
  11. Really bad timing!....you're fixing to find out! Living with a houseful of people/kids can sometimes present a challenge.
  12. ggggrrrr! Don't you hate having playtime interrupted?
  13. I found this site from an advertisement link on a magazine forum back in 2007. I had been making a conscious effort to make some major changes in my life and outlook following a long dry spell due to a severe health crisis of my husbands as well as some other ongoing issues. Had broken the taboo and purchased my first 2 toys and was just reading, experimenting, and researching everything and anything when I found TT. Lurked for awhile before posting a comment/question and by then I already felt like I knew everyone just from reading their posts everyday. The Proverbial Floodgates of Perpetual Horniness had been opened and it was a blast to be able to talk about it all and hear everyone else's thoughts on the subject and remain anonymous. At this point my toy collection and sensual horizons have reached almost epic proportions and I pretty much live by the principal of "at least one "O" a day, one way or another! This is truly the fountain of youth people! This place gets addictive fast and I have come light years from where I was when I first stumbled across it. Even when the boards get slow there is always something new or different that will come up to get you thinking!
  14. Having been married and having children together there will always be a connection between you two. Do you still love him? Enough to want to spend your life with him? I know it's never black and white. Just make sure that you go with what makes you happy!
  15. Can't think of anything I enjoy more that! Squeezing out those Kegels gets to be a really good habit.....I find myself doing them constantly, everywhere!
  16. Woot! High 5 Tyger! Don't you love when that happens?! You're still young hon, just wait another 10 years....it'll really make your day!
  17. Do NOT let that woman make you second guess what you have come to know is right for you. If it was just about the boobs it would have never gotten as far as a divorce. You've told us how cold hearted and shallow your ex was to you....Any man who would throw you away because you didn't have the "porn star" bod his pathetic little ego thinks he deserves is basically a weasly piece of shit who will never be happy or satisfied with anyone because the problem resides in HIM not in his partner! You deserve better than that and don't you forget it! If she's such an expert on reading relationship vibes why does she have an EX? Don't let anyone confuse you and cause you any grief. Be happy!
  18. That can work both ways.....that's the attitude we ALL want to receive.....but a "I want mine and I guess I'll just HAVE to put forth a little for you too every once in awhile" attitude is a real buzz killer. Of course the more you talk, laugh, and share together the feelings of intimacy grow, but it also depends on what and how you are talking.....A few minutes of "tell me about your day" is fine, but we really don't want to hear EVERY single detail of what you did on the job. Heck, most of us have jobs too and when we're home we'd just as soon not think about it. What we would rather hear is what you're thinking and feeling. If you're worried or bothered by something at work, ok...lets talk about that....it's the emotions, whether it's good, bad, humorous, dirty, or whatever that sparks the connection. Also, I don't know if this would apply to someone who has been abused in any way, but while the "nice and understanding" guy persona is generally a good thing, I think most women would really respond to an occasional animalistic, agressive, "I HAVE TO HAVE YOU NOW IN A DOZEN DIFFERENT WAYS!!" stance. Let her know it's not just the sex you are wanting but that it is HER that you want with an uncontrollable passion. Unless she has killed the sexual side of herself off completely there's no way she can refuse an offer like that!
  19. OMG that was hilarious....I laughed so hard I had tears.....hubby even got a chuckle out of that one....thanks SS!
  20. I am so up with the group theme too! Something just very hot about the thought of all that non-stop heat and variety, watching, being watched, over-whelming stimulation, and too many "O's" to count! Let's get this party started in here!
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