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About ReeRee42

  • Birthday 12/16/1966

Member Info

  • Briefly Describe your last sexual encounter:
    My last sexual encounter was too long ago.....
  • My Favorite Toy
    They call him....Mr. Glass.......
  • Location
  • # of sex toys you own?
    9 or 10 ..... and counting.
  • Marital status
  • What is your age & gender?
    30 with 11 years experience

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  • Interests
    Reading (Stephen King RULZ), Horror Movies, Indy Films, Classic Rock, 80's Hair Bands, Metal, The Blues
  • Gender

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  1. First I have to tell ya'll that this has been a very entertaining thread so far....chuckle...snort..... Second, I have Crohn's Disease so I'm the last person to pass judgement on anybody's bowels, I completely understand it from both points of view. That being said..... .....No, not until after a shower and/or the "atmospheric conditions" have cleared up measurably (so that it's not lethal to canaries or inhabitable by humans). If my guy's belly feels that bad and he still wants sex, by all means he's getting some..lol.
  2. I didn't know anything about them either but I will listen to them. How cool!
  3. ReeRee42


    Me too. Most of the packages they come in are durable and perfect for storage. But when those packages get worn out, I will surely remember this handy hint...Thanks!
  4. I don't have a foot fetish at all beyond painting my toenails and keeping them soft and pretty. If my SO happens to dig on feet, then I'm more than happy to oblige because I get turned on by doing what turns my SO on at any given time. So if SO is getting off on my feet, then I'm getting off on SO lovin' it, it's a win/win situation..lol.
  5. Yep I'm from the great swamp state..lol. Texas you say, hmmmmmmm. We can put him on Tour! Get him a bom chicca wah wah bus and everything...lol. Since I'm closest to him, I get the first visit..hahah.
  6. Well, Man, if you come to the deep south, look me up..lol. We could be beneficial to each other I think. Surely it applies to women's sexual disfunction too, if not we can pretend....
  7. Ok I apologize to all the men that I told "it won't kill you to wait a week"....lol. Read this article I just found. Very interesting and worth the read. Sorry ladies, commence throwing those rotten tomatoes and eggs. ________________________________ More sex means less chance of ED for older men Mon Jul 7, 11:16 AM ET NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - There's new advice for older men who want to preserve their sexual function: have sex, and have it often, researchers say. In a study that followed nearly 1,000 older Finnish men for five years, researchers found that those who were regularly having sex at the start of the study were at lower risk of developing erectile dysfunction (ED) by the study's end. In fact, the more often the men had sex, the lower their ED risk. The implication, say the researchers, is that men should be encouraged to stay sexually active into their golden years. Dr. Juha Koskimaki and colleagues at the University of Tampere in Finland report the findings in the American Journal of Medicine. The study included 989 men who were between the ages of 55 and 75 at the outset. Overall, those who said they had sex less than once per week were twice as likely to develop ED over the next five years as men who had sex at least once a week. Furthermore, compared with men who had sex three or more times per week, their ED risk was increased nearly four-fold. A number of factors contribute to ED development, many of which could also affect a man's sexually activity -- such as age, diabetes and heart disease. However, after taking account of those factors, sexual activity itself remained linked to ED risk, Koskimaki's team found. It may be a matter of "use it or lose it," according to the researchers. Just as exercise boosts physical fitness, they note, regular sexual activity may help a man preserve his erectile function. ED occurs when there are problems with blood flow to the penis. Regular sexual activity, Koskimaki's team writes, may help maintain healthy blood vessel function in the erectile tissue. SOURCE: American Journal of Medicine, July 2008.
  8. Aaaah those wonderful, wonderful, fantastic rotating beads! I asked mine to marry me...LMAO.
  9. Hmmmmmmm, I kinda want to try this one, and I'm also a little scared of it..lol. Love the 2 conflicting reviews, they really show that each toy will have it's lovers and it's haters. I might just get brave enough to give it a try myself and see on which end of the spectrum I fall.
  10. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=5670 I was very excited to receive my Blue Swirl Glass Pleasure Wand in the mail. As always my products from Too Timid came in a "low-profile" box for optimum privacy. When I pulled the package out containing my Blue Swirl, I was very pleased with the packaging, which was tastefully and beautifully done. I've always heard about how great glass 'wands' are and I was anxious to give it a try. It's perfect for anyone with latex allergies, hypo-allergenic, and easy to wash and store, as well as being pretty to look at. Having a date that weekend, I went ahead and washed the Blue Swirl and put it into it's little hot pink, plush, cushioned velvet drawstring pouch that came with it (free!) for safe keeping, and packed it in my overnight bag that I would be taking with me. Finally the big night came and with great anticipation, I brought it out of it's pouch. First we tried it vaginally, with Too Timid Pleasure Gel. The smoothness of the glass and the general feel of this toy met every expectation I had about glass toys! The sensation is unlike any other. The gentle blue swirls around the wand are slightly raised for added stimulation. Next we applied Pink Silicone Lube and tried it anally and I have to say this is the best toy so far for anal play! The glass is smooth so there's no friction or resistance, which keeps me from trying some toys anally. The swirls were orgasmic! It can be chilled in the fridge or heated in warm water, which makes it more like 3 toys in one. The glass is tempered Pyrex-type glass and it's durable in spite of being made of glass (I admit I was a little nervous about putting glass in such delicate areas), won't scratch easily, and will never become "gummy" or sticky like some toys. Maintenance is so simple, no need for any special care. I would recommend the Blue Swirl to anyone trying anal play for the first time, or the 100th time. It is quite possibly the perfect toy for everybody, it's definitely my favorite now. I can't wait to start a whole collection of glass!
  11. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=6045 There are so many positive things to say about Pink Silicone Lubricant, I don't know where to begin. Most importantly is that it is completely condom-safe and compatible with all types of condoms and hypo-allergenic! It contains both Vitamin E and Aloe Vera and is very moisturizing. In fact, it's so moisturizing that I applied it to my cuticles and it works better than cuticle cream! Anyway, back to the original purpose of this wonderful lube. Over the years, I've used every type of lubricant out there, or so I thought until I received Pink Silicone Lube in the mail. It's so smooth and slick and clean and has such a unique feel that other lubes just don't compare. In my opinion, it's the PERFECT lube for anal play. It brings the smooth slipperiness of glass to toys made of other materials, and it makes glass feel almost fluid. This lube doesn't stain clothing or bed linens either. I accidentally got some on my silk nightie and it washed out easily. It's perfume-free and not sticky or greasy at all. It is easy to clean up and washes off skin easily with mild soap and water, and doesn't leave you feeling like you need an immediate bath like some other popular lubes. While it is great for all types of sexual pleasure and play, I'm reserving it for anal play only as it is the best I've ever tried. It comes in 2 sizes, 1.7 OR 3.3 oz pump bottle. The pump bottle makes it convenient and easy to use and the bottle is attractive and doesn't stand out on your nightstand or in your medicine cabinet.
  12. Wow, I want it now..lol. Great job! What a cool little toy!
  13. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=5162 Booty Bumpers Dildo & Plug Kit Excite your most desired needs with this unique kit! This Kit is perfect for anybody. Newbies will love the variety of sizes as well as the versatility of the 3 different sizes. They come in an easy to open package that is also useful for storage. They are made of SensiFirm material and they're soft but amazingly firm, and very smooth and easy to insert with or without lube. Altho I would recommend lube and lots of it, but that's just me. There are so many different ways to use these you'll never get bored with them. They also have suction cups that hold firm to any smooth surface, like shower walls, bathtub bottoms, car hoods.....the sky is the limit! The 3 different lengths work great for either vaginal or anal play or both at the same time for those who like double-penetration. This set is also great for those who want to experiment but are intimidated by other anal toys. They are very non-intimidating and once again, the 3 different sizes allow you to move at your own pace. Maintenance and clean up are so easy it's almost rediculous. Since they're completely waterproof, all you need to do is give them a good wash with mild soap and water and allow to dry. Dusting them with Talcum power or cornstarch after they are completely dry will keep them from becoming sticky and/or crack and keeps them new for a long time.
  14. The Pocket Rabbit http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=5421 I've always wanted to try a rabbit, but never got around to getting one, so when I got this one, I was excited to try it. The packaging was easy to open and will work great for storing the Rabbit between uses. I was also impressed that, not only did it come with cell batteries, it came with an extra set! Bonus!! At first I was doubtful about how powerful it would be since it's so small and cute, but I was pleasantly surprised at the power this little jewel has. I admit I had a problem getting the batteries in. I have arthritis and the battery compartment was hard for me to open, but after a few minutes I was able to get the batteries loaded and it was ready for action. There is a small plastic insert in the battery compartment that shows the correct way to put the batteries in, but you have to leave it in so that it works properly. The Pocket Rabbit is made of soft gel that feels great no matter where you decide to use it. It has variable speed control for maximum pleasure. The best thing about it is that it has a handy & durable retrievable cord which is great because the little fella can get mighty slippery. I just looped the cord around one finger and we were off to the races. The cord is very strong and won't break no matter how 'vigorous' you play with it. This little toy is so small you can take it anywhere. Clean up is easy, and I recommend after cleaning, to dust it with talcum powder or cornstarch to keep it from cracking or becoming sticky after time, and also storing it in the package it came in. I recommend The Pocket Rabbit to anyone with a sense of adventure. It's a fun little toy to have. 2 thumbs way up for this one too!
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