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Everything posted by TonboMidori

  1. Don't worry hon, focus on your family. We'll still be here when you get back Hope everything goes ok!
  2. Sneaky Silk Pie - Looks like a regular chocolate silk pie, except it also contains a bit of cinnamon and chili oil. Sweet and spicy
  3. Everything's over in the new place now, yaaay! My roomie didn't help or say word f*ckin' one the whole damn time. Don't think she'll stay on the friends list. She disappeared about 1/3 of the way through. La nina loves the fact she has her own room now. She keeps rearranging all her toys in there. We went out and bought some little decorations and things (her choice) so it's definitely hers. Though we did have a big argument in the middle of a store, and she decided she hated me for 5 whole minutes. She got over it. I think I'm getting better at this... This place has the same floor plan as the old one, so it hasn't been too hard to figure out where things can fit. Thank God! I think that's made it easier to unpack On a side note, I have a 'birthday card' la nina made me last night (it's really just a piece of paper with some scribbles on it. it's cute ) that she swears says 'I love you' on it. It made me feel all fuzzy...
  4. You know, I have to thank you. These posts of yours usually make me laugh and brighten up my days a bit Though, I wonder where you find these things. Is there a central site, or do you just surf?
  5. Funny, teachers are held to 'higher standards' and get paid crap. One has a nude pic and gets crucified. Actors/Athletes act like creeps and cretins and get paid assloads. One of them has a nude pic and gets front page news. Ugh. Anyone else see something wrong here?
  6. What did you do, interview all my relatives? If most Southerners nowadays are transplanted Northerners, then where did all the real Southerners go?
  7. Well, we are moving our stuff into our new place today. It's a total mess in here, I HATE it! SO's sis is watching la nina today, so she's taken care of. She's so excited about having her own room We're not going far, but it still sucks. Oh well, time to unplug this puppy and get going! See you all later!
  8. Hi cutie! You're soo much braver than I am. I hate even having my pic taken...
  9. There is a song by Peaches called "Slippery Dick" that goes down a list of nicknames for sex organs/acts. It's pretty damn funny, when you think about it. Slippery Dick Lyrics
  10. Elderly? Where? All I see is a hot chick... <scratches head>
  11. Preach on, sister!! Though seriously, these types feul the daytime talk shows and keep lots of people employed. We should thanks them for keeping some jobs in the country.
  12. My .02: Vagina: A True Underdog Story (Dodgeball) The Vagina of Illusions (Lord) Finding Vagina (Nemo) Sleeping with the Vagina (Enemy) Vaginas of Fury (Balls) Vagina Road (Arlington) Vagina Booth (Phone) The Big Vagina (Lebowski) The Royal Vaginas (Tenenbaums) Great Vaginas (Expectations) Sliding Vaginas (Doors) That was fun. Thanks fro the laugh!
  13. I never used to think about having kids. It's not that I didn't want them eventually, it just wasn't on the forefront of my mind. All I really thought about was school, work, rent, relationships, things like that. I was certain of almost everything I did. Since la nina entered the picture, I have been certain of almost nothing. Should I do this or that? Should I feed her that? Should I let her do this? Should I do that? I hate to admit I have called my mama with questions more in the last couple of months than, well, ever. Is this normal, is that age-appropriate(our new question), what happens if she does this? Mama keeps telling me there are few easy answers when it comes to kids, but how can I make sure I don't screw things up? She says to just do my best, that's what others do. La nina asked yesterday if she would have to go back to her mother's house soon. We told her that she got to stay with us for now. She seemed satisfied with that, then she looked right at me and asked, "If I don't go back to my old mommy's, are you gonna be my new mommy?" Then, "Do I have to call you mommy?" We told her that her mommy would always be her mommy, and she didn't have to call me anything she didn't want to. She could pick(within reason) what she wanted to call me, and she didn't have to answer right away. I tried to be calm on the outside, but inside I was terrified. Mommy? I wasn't expecting to hear that for a good while. I guess it hit me then. I'd been going along day to day, not really looking at the long run. If my SO gets full custody, la nina is with us for life(i know how that sounds, but can't think of another way to say it. sorry). We will guide her through first day of school, homework, lost teeth, sleepovers, peer pressure, growth spurts, bullies... Maybe it scares me because it's still a relatively new concept for me. I don't doubt I will adjust(eventually), but for right now it feels like I was standing on this nice rug and Fate just walked up and said, "Hey, is this your life? Are these really your plans? Okay!" *YANK* So here I am flat on my ass going, "What the hell just happened?!" I think I'm just babbling at this point. Not that I wasn't babbling before. It's early, I'm tired(in more ways than one). I'm just glad I could vent a little, I guess.
  14. I got the DVDs off Netflix awhile back and enjoyed every sexy, inaccurate minute! I'm usually such a stickler for accuracy in historical shows, but this show made me not care... SO HOT! I do have to wonder how many wives(and/or mistresses) they will chronicle, though. His relationship with Katherine Howard was supposed to be deeply passionate as well...
  15. You're mean! <crosses legs>
  16. Honey, I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but he did assault you. You said in your original post that you said 'no' multiple times. He should have respected that. Also, you keep saying that you didn't have to use your martial arts training to defend yourself, so you didn't have to report it. What about the next girl he tries to 'turn into a ball of hormones'? She may not have training to fall back on. All she has is the word 'no' and since he doesn't seem to comprehend that word... well, fill in the blank. To be perfectly honest, what he did may legally constitute rape. Where I live, that fact that he put his finger inside you against your will is enough. I'm not trying to jump you about this, believe me. Hey, if you're able to just shake it off, that's your thing. I don't think that's the case, though. You said you initially felt scared and violated. I sounds like you didn't try to downplay it until it became obvious that some people told you not to be a 'drama queen' and started treating you badly. Maybe you could try to use an on-campus counselor. They're meant to be a neutral, safe outlet. Maybe that person can help you out with whatever you decide to do. Take care of yourself
  17. Nope, no problems here either. There's little that's more erotic than sharing each other completely, at least to me.
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