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Everything posted by ilovebabyjada

  1. omg.. i think everyone just needs to SHUT UP! about this... we have all agreed, it's healthy and natural, and sometimes baby's refuse the bottle, so what needs to be done, gets done!! I was on the other hand, my daughter refused my nipple! they even gave me plastic things to go over my nipple to try to help, and it wouldn't work. i tried to pump. i would pump all day long (literally) and get about an ounce... it hurt that i couldn't fulfill this need for my daughter! but seriously people STOP FIGHTING! WE ARE ADULTS!! I'M ONLY 20 & I CAN SEE THAT THIS IS WAY OUT OF HAND!! DROP IT!
  2. yes! jeeze.. i can't believe this got into such a heated discussion.. It's not that big of a deal to breastfeed in public, even before i had my daughter.. it's a natural thing. bathrooms are gross, why do it in there, they have benches in most malls, sit and feed, and when you're feeding, it's not like people can actually see the nipple, the baby has that. it's like wearing a low cut dress, until you are done & covered up again.. and cut the mom some slack, she just had a beautiful baby & is meeting its needs... if people have a problem, then don't look!!
  3. Oh hell yes!! harder!! would it make you hot if i asked you to nibble them?
  4. i NEVER said it was acceptable at mardi gras. i've never been there. and i don't understand the need to flash people... i also NEVER said it was indecent to breast feed in public, i'm saying that if you are going to breast feed, have your breast out ONLY for feeding.. no need to pull it out and leave it out for 15 extra minutes (before or after)
  5. exactly... don't have it exposed if it doesn't need to be exposed and the clothes/bra's that they make for breastfeeding help a lot with modesty.
  6. very good point! never thought of that. when i was breast feeding, well it didn't work.. to say the least my body didn't make enough milk for my daughter, not even close in the end i felt inadequate that i couldn't meet that need for her. and i agree with you in the earlier post.. people do need to grow up! Breasts are made for babies to get nourishment from. it's a part of life.
  7. i think that women should be modest about breast feeding, sure it's a natural thing, but still. when I was preggers with my first girl, one of my friends gave me a shawl that i could use as a "tent" when in public to breastfeed, no one would see, of course they'd know what i was doing, but i wasn't exposing myself...
  8. never ever wear undies to bed... go to bed in the nude... lol.. like i say, i only wear undies to work.. haha
  9. i don't wear underwear (why isn't there a "blush" emoticon??) and thanks for all the good advise. i'll try conditioner!!!
  10. i'm in fear of the same thing happening to my toys
  11. haha... a penis costume???? these "laws" are funny... idk if i've broken any yet...
  12. I know we have had this conversation before, but I do not recall the exact details I like to keep my Va-jay-jay nice a clean, but lately I've been getting some red bumps and they itch and it's not pleasent Is there something I can use to make it not be so bad?? please give me some tips and pointers... i'm sick of the itch and bumps.. thanks!!
  13. unless they had one too! boy would that be a conversation starter
  14. oooh.. this would be a reason for my hubby to join here! he could tell ya, we are 5 years different, and he is always telling me he can't keep up with me!
  15. ok. this may sound "not to special" but what my hubby and i REALLY need is this box. My daughter has gotten very very curious, and is starting to dig thru my room. I will never forget the day my mom found out I had a toy (that God she only saw one!) My daughter was in my room with me and my mom and i was picking out clothes for her to take with her to my mom's house for the weekend. the next thing i know my daughter is standing there, giggling saying "look at this grandma!" she hands my mom my vibrator & it's on! i grab it and throw it back in the drawer, while it was still on.. talk about embarrassing! it wouldn't be so bad, except I happen to be a pastor's daughter.. so this would be very nice and it would be easier to add to my collection without suspicion.
  16. both.. i like lots and lots and lots of vibrations.. my very first toy (that i bought here) was the vibe me and i pretty much killed that thing, now after getting a few more toys, i realized that the more vibrations the better. when me and my hubby are going at it i like to take a tiny, but pretty strong, bullet and put it right on my clit... i get off EVERYTIME! and for self play.. i never ever seem to get off.. i recently bought rabbit and have learned that i love it, except I can't get off same with the g-spot rose vibrator
  17. yeah.. he's weird.. LOL. but i do have to say, i love his balls i remember when we were dating... well we met at work, then he went back to college 3 hours away. so we did a lot of webcam and msn chats... and he had this REALLY big roommate.. and i was joking around and said "you show me your boobs, i'll show you mine"... well we did.. then me and my hubby started chatting and getting more sexual... and we teased eachother. the first time he flashed me all i could say is "YOU HAVE THE BIGGEST BALLS I'VE EVER SEEN!" lol....
  18. i know my husband makes faces.. it's so so funny!! it's like he's concentrating, cuz he'll stick his tongue out just a tiny bit. it's so so funny when he cums.. idk if i make faces or anything.. we just enjoy each other's 'company'
  19. i need some opinions.... i recently found out that i LOVE vibrations.. i told my hubby that i want something that is like a jackhammer *he laughed so hard* but what's your opinion, which toys have the strongest (and i mean STRONG) vibrations?
  20. man... too bad they didn't do it like that for my courses! LOL... sexy cpr!
  21. So my husband went into the dr's office for a follow up visit (about his feet) the nurse was talking to him before hand, (i wasn't there, i came a little later), well he sends me a text "i made the nurse blush." i was curious, texted back, asked him what he did, he said he'd tell me later... well, once i got to the dr's office i asked him. we were leaving the room when he saw the nurse. "that's the one that blushed" she wasn't very old, maybe 40's. so i asked him "what'd you do??" he said the nurse asked him if he does regular testicle exams... his reply no, my wife would rather do it herself. ugh men.. LOL.. but i guess she turned pretty bright red, i giggled... purrr. lol
  22. oh yes! would it make you hot if i pulled your hair?
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