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Everything posted by JnWputer

  1. Restart ......Would it make you hot if I flashed you?
  2. J is for Jousting .......touche
  3. Remember to take a time out for you, even for the day. When you feel good, it shows everyone else they can do it.
  4. smooshing going bowling Lets get it on Rolling in the hay Making magic Scoring getting laid let's do it like they do it on the discovery channel drilling
  5. A man who wants to take me away to a tropical Island so I can have frozen drinks on the beach, who will give me a massage and tell me how beautiful I am and that I don't need to work ever again...... oh wait it was supposed to be one word.....Wanted
  6. my knees are bad and I can't do the stairs after I workout, because it hurts really bad to step down.....if that helps answer your question.
  7. Know you deserve much better. We so often settle when we ourselves can have so much better. I need you to build yourself up. If you hold your head up high no one can pull it down except you. We are all beautiful in different ways as I know you are amazingly awesome. I am over weight but I exercise every day and I like the me I am. I have my moments when I let people get to me, when that happens I do something for myself. Even if I can't afford it. Go to a salon and go treat yourself to a hair cut, or manicure, or massage. Go shopping and buy yourself something different, put on a pair of heals, get your best dress on and work it. Remember that feeling and try for that feeling everyday. My motto is I may be fat but they are stupid and you can't fix stupid.
  8. M is for Microphone......yeah I want to hear it
  9. Probably she was from a broken home. When you have a lack of a male figure you tend to want a man that does not want you normally. So one that ignores you, hits you or can be verbally abusive things that you were used to as a sign of love as you were growing up. Is it correct no, but it is what you know and are used to. I used to spend hours waiting for a married man, waiting for his call, waiting for him to show up, and in the end all I had was a lot of hurt......reflecting back I would says I was fighting for a love I would never have (a past forgotten but followed). I could very easily say it was because of my up bringing......but a lot of it was on me as well. It was this endless search for a man to love to replace the man who did not love me. hope that helps you understand a little better.
  10. yes and would it make you hot if I invited you to taste them yourself?
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