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complete abandon

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Everything posted by complete abandon

  1. Continuous groomer here too...my current SO is more sporadic and I have to say that fuzzy mess in between times is not as enjoyable during oral
  2. Wow....ya think this kind of stuff might be the reason so many of the regulars quit posting? (where did they all go?) I miss the old days when people actually talked about sex and relationships on here.
  3. Ok good to hear you reaffirming what I've always heard. A friend and I were discussing this and it led to the topic of possibly being stretched out over time due to lots of toy play - using very large, multiple, or toy plus large man instument at the same time. No need to worry or stop the fun then! Good! Kegels are a girl's best friend!
  4. Yes, Yes, and Yes! It's totally hot and erotic. Phone sex is a little more awkward. Seeing and typing the words just helps ramp up the sexiness although when you get to a certain point you kind of lose your typing ability.
  5. Maybe too self-conscious to let yourself relax and just enjoy the sensation? Dialogue in your head the whole time worrying about if he is really grossed out while down there? You have to let go of everything. Just as you enjoy giving it, you have to allow that he really enjoys giving to you, and give yourself permission to relax and enjoy it.
  6. I know that supposedly it is very elastic but can you tell me for sure that having lots of penetration (almost daily) by a very large (girthwise) cock/toy will stretch you out or not? What are the true medical facts on this?
  7. I saw an article in one of the current weekly women's magazines talking about this. If it's true it sounds really good. What do you think? pk24 is the first and only clinically tested, vaginal rejuvenation cream. The cream is formulated from a proprietary blend of plant extracts designed to hydrate the interior vaginal walls and create a tightening effect lasting up to 24 hours. The tightening effect allows for greater friction, and in turn enhances sensation and sexual pleasure for both a woman and her partner. pk24 founder Terralynn Hoy answers your questions Q:How does pk24 work? A:pk24 is formulated to hydrate the interior walls of the vagina, creating a tightening effect, which allows for greater friction, and in turn enhances sensation and sexual pleasure for both a woman and her partner. Q:Can I use it every day? A:Yes. The maximum application is twice within a 24 hour period. Once you have used pk24 a few times you will quickly learn how many times a week you will want to use it. I use it 2 to 3 times per week. Q:How do I know it’s safe? A:pk24 is manufactured in the U.S with FDA-approved ingredients, and has completed clinical trials for safety. Q:Does this really work? A:During clinical trials 89% of subjects report increased level of sexual arousal during sexual activity or intercourse. Q:I do Kegels every day. Will I notice any difference with pk24? A:Many users have mentioned to me that even though they do Kegel exercises, they still experienced a renewed sexual gratification with pk24. Q:When is the best time to apply the cream? A:I find it starts working after about 10 minutes, and lasts for up to 24 hours. I like to apply it twice early in the day, around 11:00am and re-apply around 1:00pm—then forget about it. My experience is the longer you wait the more dramatic the results. Q:Can I use pk24 with a lubricant? A:Yes. Using a lubricant will not affect the efficacy of pk24. Q:How do I use it? A:Pk24 comes in a pump dispenser. Just apply a dime-sized amount to the tip of your middle finger. Insert and massage thoroughly to vaginal walls. Q:Can I feel pk24 once it’s applied? A:Once pk24 has been applied, you will not be aware of it. Q:How many applications are in the bottle? If I used it daily, would it last a week, a month, several months? A:1 bottle of pk24 should last anywhere from 30 to 60 days. Q:How much do you use for a single application? A:A dime-sized amount will last 24 to 36 hours. Q:Is there a scent or taste? I'd like to use this without the knowledge of my boyfriend. A:pk24 has a very slight cherry scent & flavoring when first applied. After a few hours of application there is no scent or flavor at all. Q:I’ve tried another cream that I bought online. It sometimes left a grainy feeling behind, at times resembling a very mild yeast infection which is unappealing. Does pk24 do anything like this??? A:No, I have not had any comments from user with those concerns. Q:Can I take a bath in the evening if I’ve already used pk24? A:Bathing, exercise and other routine activity will not affect results. Q:Does more frequent use produce better results? A:Try two applications over the course of a day can produce a tighter effect. Q:Will pk24 stain clothing or linens? A:No. Q:Will pk24 work during my menstrual period? A:Yes. > ask a question PURCHASE FAQ YOUR QUESTIONS TESTIMONIALS ABOUT pk24 CLINICAL TRIALS CONTACT US DR. AMERSI
  8. I would really like to hear all the MEN give their thoughts on this because I think men look at it diffently than us women do. So men, we're asking you: before you were in a commited relationship - is it easy and natural for you to have more than one "thing" going even if there is an intensely hot sexual connection going with the first one? And if so does this mean that you really have no feelings for these women besides the sexual/flirtation excitement of the hook ups? Explain the way men think about this issue please!!!!
  9. I've found this a little confusing myself. Logically I can handle the idea of a guy seeing other people if we're not in a specified mutual relationship, but emotionally I'm finding it hard to not feel a little hurt and rejected by it. I mean you can say "I'm just having a good time" all you want but I don't think I'm the only woman who tends to get a little emotionally attached if you see or talk to or go out with the same person quite often, whether you want to admit it or not you (or at least I do) tend to get that "he's mine" mentality going. When you know he's seeing or talking to another woman you can't help but feel a little kicked in the gut like you're just not enough, even though I don't think it's that, I think it's just the guy's inability to commit and his addiction to always looking for some new toy.
  10. This is getting easier to do. I was starting to let myself really fall for this guy and look at this and allow myself to feel like it was a relationship - It's not!!! At least not to him or any of these other guys that want to play games over the net. It's just a bit of different excitement and we are nothing more than masturbatory aides who really mean no more to them than the vids they might watch on youporn. That's not necessarily a bad thing if you (meaning me) can keep it in perspective like that. I'm getting better about it - just using it the same way - and the obsessive need for that constant fix of him is not consuming me 24/7 anymore. I refuse to ever let myself suffer that one sided un-requited love that eats you up like I did when I was younger. I'm thru with letting myself be hurt over someone that doesn't give a shit about me. Following everyone's advice - when it's not good, fun, and pleasurable anymore I'm cutting my losses and moving on. Thanks to everyone. You have no idea how much it helps to have those pep talks and support.
  11. I'm as hopeless as Charlie Brown. How many times will I happily believe that this time fate is finally going to smile on me only to have it turn out to be only illusion....like Lucy pulling that damn football away time after time. When will I learn?
  12. You're right....see how I keep going back and forth? Have to keep things in perspective, learn, have fun, and move on! I'll get it together one way or another!
  13. I'm finding it harder to keep up the enthusiasm knowing that he's not putting as much into it as he was because he's spreading himself thin with someone else. What a shame, I thought I would get to experience all these amazing things for the first time but seems it's all just illusion and I know from experience that meeting someone you can click with like that on that level is not likely to happen often. What a dumbass! He'll never find anyone that could be as hot with him as me! And yeah, I still get mad when I think how stupid I was to stay with a frigid man all that time. How pathetic does that make me that I took it. But he wasn't a bad guy other than that so I let the time go by. I hate to think it's too late and that this is all there is for me but I'm not gonna settle. If I'm not attracted to them or feel that chemistry I'm not even going to try because I'm afraid I would end up settling again.
  14. I know I'm making a problem here where one shouldn't exist. I guess it just goes back to the feeling rejected thing. A little over a year ago I got out of the only real relationship I ever had with a man who was a good guy, but never ever showed any passion for me. In 14 years I never once had an orgasm with him. Never faked one and he never cared or asked and I did everything to try to fix things and talked till we coudn't take it anymore but he just wasn't a sexual man. I mean the man would wipe his hands off if he accidently touched me and I was wet, and the few times I could get him to go down on me you should have seen the look of torture on his face, it was like a raw piece of meat kind of going there, he couldn't even begin to do it right because he didn't enjoy it at all and you can imagine how that made me feel. Even though I know he cared about me I couldn't see spending the rest of my life like that so I left and I don't regret it. I haven't dated much since and this new relationship and everything I've read here has opened up my world. I know I will never settle for less than hot passion again and there is still so much to explore and right now this is the one that I feel like I can go there and explore every aspect of this with. I know I shouldn't feel territorial and just play it the way it was set up, so why do I let my feelings get hurt over it? Can a guy like you, feel passion and desire for you and still want to play or talk with other women? does that take away from the good times that we haave together? I don't want it to end, but I don't want to be a fool.
  15. I met a man on-line and we hit it off immediately. The openess, passion, erotism and chemistry is stronger than anything I've ever experienced with anyone in my life. We've met but basically just carry on our "relationship" on-line with talk of hooking up whenever he comes back to this part of the country. There's no question about this leading to any full time real-life relationship, just a temporary casual affair thats all about passion and exploration. He's the only one Im interested in and am loyal to and he tells me I'm the only one too. Then I found out in a round about way that he is probably playing with others too in the same way. This shouldn't surprise me given the situation, but it still smarts. It's kind of like being rejected...like I'm not enough or something, even though he still comes around everyday and acts just as attentive as ever. There are no rules set here. Don't expect this to lead to a life-long future together, but I can't help it. I am hurt that I know for a fact that he is "looking" or "talking" to other women, even though he tells me he's not and he does make contact with me every day. The logical part of me tells me to blow him off completely, but another part of me still wants him and I tell myself just go along with this as long as I feel the inclination and just not let myself get too emotionally involved. It's nothing but temporary game anyway and I knew it going in. The man is apparently a chronic lier and player, but he is so hot and smooth and I'm learning a great deal about myself through our play. Do you think it's ok to keep on playing for awhile knowing all this and just using him for the excitement and physical relief as he is using me (and god knows who else!) or does this make me a pathetic loser? Should I just walk away completely? What should I do?
  16. Hello! I was introduced to this site by a friend over a year ago and have been lurking, learning, and enjoying ever since but thought I would finally introduce myself. I really enjoy all your posts and information and I have some questions that I'm hoping you can give me some perspective on. I'll try to find the right category to ask them in. Looking forward to getting your input to maybe help settle my mind.
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