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:unsure: I am so misinformed in sex that there are times I hurt my man or do something that he doesn't like and I don't know about the rest of the wemon out there but for me I get really intimidadted and I'll never want to do what ever it was we were doing. Example If I where giving head and I used my teeth and It hurt him or he asked me to stop, I wouldn't want to give him head any more.

Do experianced guys like it when they have a girl who is a lot less experianced to get there experiance threw them (threw trial and error). Because I think I back off to far. But I want some opinions.

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Oh Lenora, I don't know any woman who hasn't inadvertently given their man a bit too much teeth during a blowjob! Don't let your mishaps keep you from having sex! Things happen - and we all have to be able to laugh at them and at ourselves. Like everything in life, you will never get "better" at sex unless you have sex! I think most men are happy when they find someone they are compatible with. I am not so sure the experience level matters, but you never know. I think confidence is key in sex, men seem to like a woman with confidence. So, don't get discouraged girl! Go back into the bedroom with a can do attitude and a willingness to please and be pleased and you will do GREAT!!!

Good LUck!


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Yes, we all make mistakes!

While I was in college, I worked as a security officer.

Part of the training was in use of pepper spray. :o

I had the training, it sucked... I had bloodshot eyes and a red face for quite awhile!

Anyway, that night, my wife initiated some "hot" sex. (Pardon the pun, as you will see)...

When I had gotten sprayed (a requirement of the training), I put my hands up, to rub my face and eyes...

Not a good idea, made it worse!

Uh hmmm......

Anyway, I didn't wash them well enough... I thought that the sting was over... I didn't feel anything....

Until that is... I started giving her a "hand job".... Her "juices" reactivated the pepper!!!!!!!!!!! :huh:

that is when the sex got REALLY hot..... :blink:


We can laugh about it today, but back then.... wow.... it was NOT funny!

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:) Yes we all make mistakes, we are only human. I agree though you have to get back on the horse and try again, self confidance and attitude. Sex is another learning experiance in life. We all love and want it, but we learn threw pratice and trial an error. Communication with your partner is a great way to know what feels good, without communication in the bedroom how are you going to know what hurts him and what doesn't.

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Oh, hon!!

Mistakes happen in every aspect of life, including sex!! Like Mikaylal said, every woman I know of has given a bit too much of the teeth during a BJ. Some men like a little *light* scraping of the teeth on their organ, but the key is knowing how hard they like that. So, like everything, doing new things with your man, is a learning experience!!

Try not to inhibit yourself due to an honest mistake. If your man is a good lover, he will be willing to teach you how to please him, what he likes, and doesn't like. And you should do the same. Don't fake it!! If he does something that you DO NOT like, tell him, make sure he gets it. Same with if he does something that YOU REALLY REALLY LIKE. Tell him, and make sure he gets it. There are "sexy" ways of doing this as well, without sounding like your chemistry professor!! :lol:

Remember, as all of us say: Sex is suppose to be fun for BOTH parties!!

You're only limitation is your imagination!!!

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Shoo, don't worry about mistakes. I once got my fiancee so bad with my teeth that I made him bleed. That was when I was first learning. I felt really bad about it. But he just explained to me ways to do it without getting him with my teeth. And still sometimes I'll get him when we're really getting into it and moving really fast. Mistakes are part of learning. Don't worry about it. There is no one perfect way to do it. There is no right or wrong, just practice. :) That's how I look at it. As long as your having fun and enjoying each other, then you're doing it right. :)

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you all make it sound so easy. I never used to be the type of person to give up, then I started getting serious with BF/the father of my child. When I make a mistake or do something he dislikes in or out of the bed he gets really upset he talks to me like I should have known better (like a child), I should have known that was going to hurt him, I should have known he wouldn't like it. He has said to me more then once "What were you thinking" in a very angry voice. Most all of the time he apologizes but when someone makes me feel like shit because of an accident it's very hard for me to want to continue pleasing that person. I thank you all for all of your comments you guys are awesome.

Howard in regards to your questions: "I think you have to learn to take yourself less seriously, and learn to laugh at yourself. When is the last time you told a story at your own expense, or told a joke where you were the butt of the joke? Never? You have something to work on."

I grew up learning from my dad not to take life so seriously. I take things seriously when I need to. I am blond and I used to tell the best blond jokes. I still tell jokes but I'm sure I'm not the best anymore. I learned stuff like that thrown at me usually ment the person is trying to get a rise out of me, hurt me or make me mad and if I were to show them I can make fun of myself too and that I am still smart and don't care how there trying to hurt me then there going to walk away frustrated they couldn't hurt me, make me mad or get a rise out of me. The only problem to that is it's hard to aply that to the bedroom being on a personal level with someone. Since being with my BF I haven't been able to take it very well being the butt of the joke around him but when he isn't around I'm fine. He has always been really good at treating me like I am stupied and I think a lot of that has to do with him having a lot more experiance in a lot of things then me. He thinks he knows all so when I have a differance of opinion he acts like I am arguing with him.

On a brighter note he says that he doesn't want to loose me that I am the best thing that has ever happened to him. So he said that he will do anything to not loose me. So we had a major talk and he has gotten a lot better at how he treats me. Anyway thank you Howard like always you know what to say.

Thank you all.

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That's really sad that he makes you feel like less of a person. You shouldn't put up with that. You should tell him that you're learning, and you're going to mess up, but that more than anything you want to please him, and the thought that he's going to scold you for making a mistake doesn't make you want to try. It makes you afraid to try. If you tell him something like that, or if that's what you told him, and he still treats you like that, then I'd say get rid of him. No one should be made to feel like a child. If you still want it to work, then ask him to guide you and tell you exactly how to do it, and tell you right away when you're hurting him or something. But to do it calmly, not bite your head off. :) Tell him if he isn't willing to find the patience to help you learn to please him, then he needs to go find himself a prostitute that knows exactly what to do. :) Then go find yourself a man that will be kind and patient, and show you how to please him in a calm setting, not where you're afraid he's going to snap at you any second. How is anyone supposed to perform under such stress? I couldn't.

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ok, I have to put in my 2 pennies worth in here.

First of all, any man who belittles, berates, or makes you feel like less than a human being, isn't all that much better himself.

Personally, i wouldn't give someone like that the time of day, and I don't care if he IS the father of your child,

You don't have to put up with him talking to you like that.

Me? I would tell him straight up, "Look, I am only human, and bound to make mistakes,

Perhaps you would like to give the rest of us mortals lessons on how to be as perfect as you."

But, then again that is just me, I have a tendancy to be rather brutal and blunt.

If this man is talking to you like this around your child, he is teaching that child that this is how women in general are to be treated and that this kind of behavior is acceptable.

Is this the lesson you want your son/daughter to learn?

Is this the way you want your child to grow up? disrepecting others and therself?

You deserve better, all women do.

Next time he makes a mistake, belittle and berate him, see how he likes it.

No, don't, that will just reinforce what your child has been exposed to, 2 wrongs do not make a right.

Just tell him, that belittling you and berating you is hurting your sex life, and explain to him HOW he does these things.

Also explain to him that acting like this is setting a bad example for your child.

remember the old saying? Monkey see, monkey do.......

*gets off soapbox*

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