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What Movie Start Do You Think Has The Most Kissable Lips?


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I think for the men, it's Val Kilmer. That little sexy natural pout just does me in!

For women, I think Halle Barry has GREAT lips!!

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If we are talking lips it HAS to be Angelina Jolie - her lips are LUSCIOUS baby!

For men, I agree with Val Kilmer, but it HAS to be Val in "The Saint" he is soooo sexy in that movie!

Mikayla ;)

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Definately Angelina Jolie. My wife got a little worked up watching Val as Jim Morrison.

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oh wow

for the ladies: Angelina Jolie with out a doubt ,Charlize Theron and Anne Hathaway

for the men Matt Damon, Omar Epps and Vil Kilmer

a little hard to choose can we add more? :huh:

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